One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-07-30 12:47:39

New User
Registered: 2018-07-30
Posts: 5

Mac Problems

So I have Downloaded the Link For one hour one life and now i have the OneLife_v58b in applications but whenever i click on the folder it sends me to more folders and thats where i get stuck.

So could someone please tell me where i have to go and what do i have to click to actually run the game because i have no idea what to do after downloading the link OneLife_58b in order to actually get the game started


#2 2018-07-30 13:02:14

Registered: 2018-07-13
Posts: 69

Re: Mac Problems
And OneLife_58b should be in your app folder, apparently.


#3 2018-07-30 13:11:40

New User
Registered: 2018-07-30
Posts: 5

Re: Mac Problems

I dont have the

Do you have to Download something Else or Is it supposed to come In or With the folder?

What Do I do now i only have the Onelife_v58b folder not the app folder

Last edited by carrot (2018-07-30 13:12:09)


#4 2018-07-30 13:39:32

Registered: 2018-07-13
Posts: 69

Re: Mac Problems

No b in
Everything you need is in what you downloaded. Get running, it will auto update to OneLife_v126 (probably).
It should be inside the Onelife_v58b folder, which you should place in your app(lications) folder. So the path to it should look like Macintosh HD/Applications/OneLife_v58b/

Edit : Tried to remove the auto-URL unsuccessfully.

Last edited by PunkyFickle (2018-07-30 13:43:35)


#5 2018-07-30 13:57:36

New User
Registered: 2018-07-30
Posts: 5

Re: Mac Problems

I only . Downloaded OneLife_v58b_IntelMacOSX.dmg which gave me the  OneLife_v58b folder which i moved to applications. When i go to access the folder and i click on it opens up into more folderS that display categories , ground, objects, music folders and few text scripts. I can not find the onelife_v126 folder in order to run the actual game.

Could you please tell me what im doing wrong? i do not have the onelife_v126 folder in the onelife_v58b main folder on my Macbook aplications? What do i have to do where do i have to go?


#6 2018-07-30 14:37:42

Registered: 2018-07-13
Posts: 69

Re: Mac Problems

Well I can't find any reason for it not to be there. Double check that you effectively have no .app file to run and if it is the case, try running the .dmg again or even downloading it again.

Iside a freshly downloaded DMG:
OSX dmg

The v126 app will appear after the auto-update :
OSX dmg

Last edited by PunkyFickle (2018-07-30 14:39:41)


#7 2018-07-30 14:55:43

Registered: 2018-07-13
Posts: 69

Re: Mac Problems

(But then if I was to give you an advice, I'd say play the game on Windows if you have the possibility, as you'd get the essential zoomed-out mod

Last edited by PunkyFickle (2018-07-30 14:56:02)


#8 2018-07-30 15:03:33

New User
Registered: 2018-07-30
Posts: 5

Re: Mac Problems

Omg thank you for your help and time i very much appreciate it and i Finally found it after messing up and now re-fixing everything. Thank you once again


#9 2018-07-30 15:07:05

New User
Registered: 2018-07-30
Posts: 5

Re: Mac Problems

I updated the game and it said to restart  so i clicked quit and now when i try to launch the game it tells me that onelife cant be opened


#10 2018-07-30 17:11:47

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Mac Problems

Yes, after that, you need to look for the NEW app in that folder.  OneLife_v126, I think it's called.

The old one won't work anymore.

Sorry that the Mac stuff is such a mess.  Apple sandboxing and other issues makes all of this very difficult.


#11 2018-08-02 05:50:46

Registered: 2018-07-10
Posts: 45

Re: Mac Problems

hehehe I had to figure this out one by myself. In a nutshell for people looking for this. Download the game find the last OneLife_vXXX run it. (It will download stuff if it's not up to date) then find the last OneLife_vXXX (where the number is bigger) and run that. Sadly you need to watch out for update everytime it's updated you need to use the last OneLife_vXXX.

PS: Jason I'm on mac and I'm a software dev... time is limited but if there is anything in particular you need help with getting the mac version I may help out.


#12 2018-08-02 11:15:58

Registered: 2018-07-13
Posts: 69

Re: Mac Problems

elpargo wrote:

Download the game find the last OneLife_vXXX run it. (It will download stuff if it's not up to date) then find the last OneLife_vXXX (where the number is bigger) and run that.

What you find in the dmg is OneLife . app, there's no version number in the file name at that point.

elpargo wrote:

PS: Jason I'm on mac and I'm a software dev... time is limited but if there is anything in particular you need help with getting the mac version I may help out.

Well, if you find the time to adapt the zoomed out mod, that would be awesome (I'd be happy not to have to run my windows partition just to play the game properly smile ). It seems well documented starting here and here and the tweaks are rather light. Joriom, who updates the windows executable is quite active on the discord and has his own.
Sadly, the regular autoupdates mean that any mod needs an update for every -weekly- update of the game...

Last edited by PunkyFickle (2018-08-02 11:21:11)


#13 2018-08-03 05:15:07

Registered: 2018-07-10
Posts: 45

Re: Mac Problems

I wonder if a build server is something that makes sense for this game wink


#14 2018-08-03 11:43:55

Uncle Gus
Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 567

Re: Mac Problems

Not really. The build process itself takes minutes at most, and having a dedicated server doing that for you doesn't solve the problems in the process itself.


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