One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-07-30 19:33:35

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Backup lag every day at 8:00 GMT, whoops!

With how big the database files have gotten, I started to wonder.... how quick is that nightly backup operation?

Checked the log for server1:

L4 | Mon Jul 30 08:00:00 2018 (15 ms) | general | Saving a backup of map.db, map
Time.db, and biome.db floor.db, floorTime.db, playerStats.db, and eve.db ...
L4 | Mon Jul 30 08:00:10 2018 (496 ms) | general | ...Done saving backups



That operation completely interrupts all other server operations.  This is necessary for the backup operation to be safe and get a snapshot of each file in a consistent state.

But that means that at 8:00 UTC, everyone bounces for 10 seconds!

Every day, for the entire time the game has been running.

Well, if the files are smaller, then it's not as bad.  It hasn't always been 10 seconds, but it was 10 seconds on server1 last night!

Given that these backups have never been needed in five months, and that they take up a lot of disk space, and that even if the server map was lost, it wouldn't be that catastrophic.... I think I'm just going to disable this backup operation for now.


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