One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-08-06 22:24:17

Registered: 2018-06-22
Posts: 28

Tips and tricks for efficient use of resources

Just a few small tricks i wish i knew early on, I'm by no means a master at this game and im hoping to steal your tips by offering mine for free.

- You can carry 1 extra dirt in your backpack, you need to unequip it to load it with dirt so 2 dirt loads with a basket and 5 with a cart.
- Dirt piles can be revived with a shovel 1 time. Worms do nothing(yet) leave them in the dirt.
- Each load of dirt gives 3 piles. 2 piles tilled make one row. Using one dirt and hoe'ing twice is ok in some situations, but hoe'ing 3 dirt is never a good move.

Combined items:
- You can pickup items that would normally result in breaking the items apart by swapping items with them. If you have a bowl of 3 dried beans you can pick it up by dropping anything onto it and you will be holding the bowl with three beans in it.
- You can combine the tongues with an ore or uncooked bowl and then swap it with another item by the forge. You will then only need to pick up the tongues and it will already have the ore or bowl ready to go.

- When you are making coal you have to opportunity to make a few new bowls, plates or a clay nozzle.
- Same goes for making bowls or plates, pop some adobe on at the end and get a batch of coal at the same time (See pein's great tip about the firebrand as a timer).
- Pop in unforged sealed crucibles first, then do a few ore's then open your crucibles and pop in the Steel Ingot and get hammering.

ohol form:
- Super nice and friendly community despite the greefers online, dont be shy to post.

- Zoom level: this option should be used when forging, it allows you to get a little closer and have less chance of click dragging on the wrong section of the tile.

Most important nonrenewable resource in life? Your time.

Last edited by CynderR (2018-08-08 17:44:36)


#2 2018-08-07 00:55:59

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Tips and tricks for efficient use of resources

use firebrand as a timer: wait 3 seconds after lighting up firebrand
has the same timer as the forge, so you got 30 seconds after lightning it up
at 27 seconds the fire brand goes off signaling with sound, the same sound as forge goes off, you can make the last bowl, swap your tongs with item, by right  clicking adobe, and close down the forge
same goes when bellows is on it, just have a firebrand light up, and hold it for 3-4 seconds, then you know when you are on last few seconds to drop one more iron or crucible inside

use a sharp stone on the branches, curved shafts and short shafts(if you got more than ten straight branches in biome) make ideal kindling, and can be carried in basket and backpack, dont cut them off only when needed, some noobs make 50 fires from every kindling
14 should be enough to make hammer, axe, shovel, hoe and a few eggs cooked
getting kindling one by one its just a pain and you might get distracted, having everything to complete axe, helps a lot

when berry bushes go yellow, you can cut them with a shovel into kindling
the cost of this is one tilled soil and a berry and 32 minutes of waiting time
but if you got too many bushes, dont fix them just cut them
in decayed towns i found this to be much more effective than looking for branches or cutting up firewood

when forging, you need to put first the crucible, so you might be able to use it in 10 seconds
a good way to forge is to stash hammer or stone in backpack, take plate off the crucible and put on other cruscible with iron and coal in it, this saves plates and you dont have time or space to put down the plate
then you can take out ingot, right click bowl to swap it for a good position
if you dont have multiple flat rocks, you can swap tongs with hot steel with anything on ground, and then pick off the item from flat rock
sometimes people help but then they need to go, people cover you , use up the other flat rock to eggs, so you need to have empty tiles, and manage swapping items, as the timer is short, you essentially save a kindling when using 5-6 items on hot forge

after shovel you can dig tule stumps, making 2 new kilns, preferably with a lot of empty space and continue forging there
two kilns means you can make coal and tools same time

picking off wild berry into bowls and get into the city center is a good way to boost the food production, they regenerate 1 each 10 minutes, while domestic wont, so you gain 1 berry each 10 minutes, while not going out essentially losing 1 berry each ten minutes, while you still fixing the domestic ones. you should leave 1 on each if a famine still happens

take 2 empty bowls in a backpack, and take your baby out to the forest, give the kid one and tell them to fill it with berry and take back to camp
its a simple process but you get 2 berry bowls which is 60 calories, it should help the kid grow up not decreasing other peoples rations, also has a bit of test of foraging, helping others and an emergency plan while the famine happens livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#3 2018-08-08 08:48:56

Registered: 2018-07-13
Posts: 69

Re: Tips and tricks for efficient use of resources

CynderR wrote:

Worms do nothing(yet) leave them in the dirt.



#4 2018-08-08 09:43:36

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Tips and tricks for efficient use of resources

oh yeah, take out worms and start composting
you get shrooms livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2018-08-08 15:34:55

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: Tips and tricks for efficient use of resources

Shrooms actually contibute to yum bonus. They are very usefull

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


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