One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-08-11 17:28:47

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Fuck you Ben Summer, You know who you are.

You might not think you did much but you've really pissed me off, Didn't help that I was having a bad time already.

I helped raise and you were cunt then, Telling me "Fu" for nothing. You did Fuck all but tell people to "eat ass". Why you gotta be such an in mature ass doing nothing while there's a bear and murderer running around.

Thx for moving the object i was standing on so I'd die and then saying  "not our fault". Well guess what buddy, IT WAS YOUR FUCKING FAULT. Then you talked shit saying "you'll die soon anyway". I just wanna know why you acted like such an ass for no reason.

Was it because I said you weren't funny and that there's too many stupid twelve year olds playing this. You thought you were hilarious telling babies to "eat my ass". Whatever, fuck you.

I was angry enough to curse you the next time I got an eve spawn.

I'll be over it pretty quickly, I just felt like bitching about it here. It's a good thing that everyone is anonymous in this game. I'm sure people would act differently if we could recognize each other in future lives.

I feel better already

Last edited by Neo (2018-08-11 17:43:11)


#2 2018-08-11 17:46:29

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: Fuck you Ben Summer, You know who you are.



#3 2018-08-11 20:25:09

Registered: 2018-07-28
Posts: 13

Re: Fuck you Ben Summer, You know who you are.

I’m about to have a heart attack from all this salt

"You'll be prying this hat off my cold dead head"
My last words
"I sure as hell will be" My sisters last words to me


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