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#1 2018-08-16 10:12:05

I am Pharo
Registered: 2018-07-17
Posts: 108

My life as a Revis -- Sam Revis II … &id=872486

TL;DR : 
Twins life was crazy: Thieves, Vigilantes, and Bears, Oh my! --- A cool story, bro.

Setting : Server one - The town with two horribly placed stone walls behind two of three town center forges
(I remember seeing the guy put them their while working as smith in past life)
Maybe you know the place?

Cast of Characters:

Your Protagonists and Anti-Heros --
The Shepherd Twins of Mother Hoang (no lastname)

Sam Revis II (Eve Pharo),
Nameer (twin brother Mikyuu),
--- … &id=872486

Our Surrogate Mother and Blacksmith, overall sane person in a town gone mad.
Lilly Revis II … _id=872486

Honorable Ally in Retribution
Levi Revis … _id=872362

-The Antagonists, Thieves, and Griefers.-

Luna Revis (Initial theif griefer),
Luan( seeking to avenge sisters death),
Skip (seeking to avenge sisters deaths, aides Barbara in twins), … &id=872355
Barbara (reactionary murderer of my twin) ,
Kenya (knife hiding griefer trying to keep peace),
Nour (Killed in action defending griefers). … _id=872486

Maxine the medic who keeps Griefer Skip alive) … &id=872521

I was born a twin in a well populated town 15+ with Mikyuu,

to a mother Hoang with no last name,

i plead for a surrogate mom with a last name to name us,

but only I get the name,

as it was really hard to communicate that between one and three years old.

Mother dies after naming twin Namebegger - Nameer- 

and Surrogate mother instruct us to work on sheep, is making a knife just for us.

Enter Luna:
Luna steals blank,
We all plead with her to return it,
but instead she
makes blade,
steals file,
makes Knife.

As there are multiple bows and arrows right near the forge,

Mikyuu, our surrogate mom Lily Revis II, hunt her down.

Mikyuu aka Nameer shoots Luna down

In her last words,
She claims she has done nothing wrong
willfully resisting the blacksmiths demands,
and bleeds out in front of a startled audience gathered in the town square...

we are fourteen and

lets go get back our stolen goods....
I recover backpack and file,
and the kniiiif--"


Kenya steals knife,
Frustrated AF, Lilly Revis II, Nameer, and I yell at her to give it back...

she vanishes into the north east with the knife in her pack.


Luna's sister, Luan, comes back with a bow trying to get revenge for killing her thieving sister...
But nope, not how this goes down.  Not today.

People are still reacting to the execution of the perpetrator,
grave still fresh, asking why they died, and start hiding bows.

Shortly after,
Kenya returns to town
with one less knife
in her backpack,
claiming to not have taken it....

Seeds of doubt are cast on the facts, my Mom and twin both saw Kenya take our family knife and run. 
Even my sister Kanna falls for the misinformation,
final words before starvation "She didn't have it"
yes, she did!
You should have minded your business and gotten food, sis. 
We've got this.

Kenya, tragically, was blinded by her ideals and not the situation at hand,
hoped to restore peace and stop the violence,
but did not realize by doing so,
she was obstructing  justice,
stealing and misplacing our stolen knife,
our tool,
to do
our only job...
chop sheep into mutton when we had too many sheep from feeding them.

Ain't nobody got time for that,
we've been negotiating for our own knife for fifteen years!!

To make up for lost time, I quickly pop her with the bow...
people gasp, the babies under five are confused by chaos. 
They don't know they are witnessing justice and retribution, not griefing.
Who can blame them, entering during such a chaotic era. 

They don't understand my mom, my brother and I need our stolen tool back.

Among all this... this paranoid chatter, 

want me and my twin brother


Misinformation is spreading again,
superficial reasoning explaining complicated periods of wild behavior.

These towns people who were not witness
to the crimes of Luna, and the resulting backlash against our anti-heros.
panic and take arms against the twins,

Our surrogate mom Lilly II is chasing these people around explaining to them that we are the righteous ones, but people keep taking bows and arrows, either hiding them or chasing us around town.

Skip and Nour join together to help Barbara murder my brother with a bow, we are 16...
but doesn't think to feed her, she starves out,
and my twin brother's flame burns out as does the town fire 

RIP Twin
i am avenging my Twin,
and Skip is that last
player to get checked off of on Pharo's naughty list.

Enter, my brother Lukas pleading with me to stop,
"the villagers are getting scared"
but I am getting justice for our brother,
my fallen twin,
and all of this village's time being wasted on playing keepaway with us shepards.

Fortunately I had an unknown ally, Levi Revis,
who unbeknowst to us, recovered the knife that Kenya stole off of Luna's corpse,
and passed it back.

From then on,
Levi helped me avenging my brother, and hunt down Skip,
and i knew she would have my back if he got me, or I got him and no one would feed me out of confusion.
(he wasn't getting me).

Alright, he missed his shots, knife in the gut...


its finally all over..

lets wrap this up and get to wor----


Maxine Revis a medic player who clearly had no idea how all this began,
enters from stage fucking left....

healed Skip over....

and over



our grief...

He proved not to be a worthy foe,
Levi and I would grab his missed arrows. 

Taunting him, we pursued him with bread in hand offering to feed him. 
He was a really bad shot, and i was really frustrated twenty minutes of dealing with this B.S.

He escapes us, bread in my hand as me and Levi are dying from laughter.

Our elation sinks to grave concern as we hear a distant murder...
who is murdering now?!
We move toward the scene..

That fool Skip shot an innocent baby boy,
that me the perfect opening to strike, and end this,
and seek redemption from the town...
I am probably twenty two by now...

not long after,
things began to settle down.
Exhausted from the frustration,
and unable to find my partner Levi,
whom I had correctly assumed died,
I hand my pack and knife to a girl that was the tending sheep,

Finally was able to return the file to the smith.

The sun peaked through the clouds of this dark period,
and so I began to make upon much more modest work,

like gathering fire wood, and helping the young find their way.


looks like someone brought a bear to town,
but this time something was different.
We were able to work together and find some of the equipment hidden during the skirmish,
and we put down swiftly.

things did get a whole lot better, and the family lived here for seven more generations to my knowledge.

I lived to 58, having felt that order was restored and the community began to flourish again.



#2 2018-08-16 10:52:44

From: Sweden
Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 183

Re: My life as a Revis -- Sam Revis II

Spawned into this town twice in a row, first time I was the daughter of Maxine Revis. I was one of the only white people in town so, naturally, my mom named me Snow. I witnessed you attempting to eliminate Skip only to have my mother heal him over and over again. I, however, had no idea he was the griefer so I stuck to it. Unfortunately, I died at an early age of starvation.

But just moments after, I spawned into the same village to Maxis Revis, the sister of Maxine, who named my Bobby (even though I was a girl?). With the knowledge of my previous life, I assumed you, Sam, as the bad guy but I never went after you since you didn't really seem like a griefer type. I went on with my life but I never really found out the full story of Sam Revis II. I had multiple kids which of only one survived, my son Lucas. He was so sweet working as the town smith. I always tried to help him as much as possible as I felt he deserved the best. After a while, more and more people started to come and try to smith and my son felt he had had enough. He walked away sadly to never be seen again.

Only after my death, I found out that he had been killed by a griefer, Avia Revis, whose mother I had saved when she was little but she still supported my mother in tormenting me for no reason. I had loosely taken on the role of the towns doctor and when I heard a death scream I quickly rushed to the scene. But in my rush to save the villager I put down my knife and before I knew it Avia, like the little bitch she is, took it from me. Both my son and I knew what she was gonna do with it so we screamed and begged for her to give it back but she refused. After many deaths caused by her (including my son) she was finally killed by her brave cousin Asia Revis who sadly starved in the prosses. Four people (I think) cursed her, including me, for her sins. I finally got my knife back but seeing as I was getting very old and I did not have any descendants left I passed my backpack and therefore my knife onto a young boy with the hope that he would protect the town.

And that's the story of Bobby Revis.

Noobs are fine, but noobs that don't listen and refuse to learn, get on my nerves. Your ignorance will lead you to Donkey Town one day.

"Hugs from grandma"
-Rose Winter


#3 2018-08-16 15:37:03

Registered: 2018-05-16
Posts: 126

Re: My life as a Revis -- Sam Revis II

Luna was actually trying to heal her sister Luan. She got shot by a bow.
Luna sterilised her knife (I saw her making the steel for it, then your mom made the blank) and desinfected the wound.
She then got the string, and rushed back only to see a guy with a pad not knowing what to do with it and then Luna got shot.

Oh and btw, Luna talked to an old Lady that was chasing her with a bow and they agreed that she keeps the knife and kills the sheeps.

Nameer, the kid who killed Luna (and Luan by killing Luna) got killed two years after this went down.

Mostly playing as Eve West - hope to meet you one day!
Longest lineages: … _id=113651 "Killed by Marked Grave with Chisel" … _id=849569


#4 2018-08-16 15:46:45

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: My life as a Revis -- Sam Revis II

At least this murder chain didn't kill your town.


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