One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 2018-08-18 08:03:58

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Any working railways yet?

Figured out tracks fairly easily, I think we should only be building railways if we got a huge iron surplus.

But anyway it's just a matter of having enough trees and iron, both finite resources....
I saw a few unfinished tracks and derailed carts, Anyone know how to rerail them?.

I'll keep trying to get a city with a functioning rail track.

Last edited by Neo (2018-08-18 08:07:06)


#2 2018-08-18 09:05:21

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 47

Re: Any working railways yet?

i know how to build them, made a small track and yes it derailed cause i had no second end,
but with a second end it would be a working track i think
there is just no use for the effort it needs to build that things

maybe for building, if they can carry big rocks
also tried to make corners, but failed

Last edited by thegolfpantsguy (2018-08-18 09:06:40)


#3 2018-08-18 09:30:15

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Any working railways yet?


derailing happens when its open and someone pushes it, destroys the spring , not sure, it was already there, maybe destroys a wheel too and gives back a broken tool? so half steel, maybe not, maybe people took it not sure

so a track is a left and right end, which you make with mallet, then any long in between

the spring needs a blade blank, then put in forge, put in empty bowl, put in forge, put in water bowl, put in hot oven like pies, and attach to a board with 4 wheels

if derailed needs a bow saw to cut it, but destroys the spring

its just so many problems
making blade blanks, its a way for murderers pick it up and make knifes out of it
high iron cost requires a vein and full set of tools
if you make the cart and the track is uncomplete, people grief it accidentally by pushing it
i seen they can overlap but not sure if  it stops on a splitter and you can turn it
and not sure what happens if there are two carts on same line, stops other, goes trough it or what

its the same as a normal cart but more expensive and limited in movement
i seen no special item go inside it or extra storage, 4 items, baskets with 3 items
very slow
tracks can be removed with shovel then just push off the cart so too easy to destoy it

should be faster, should hold more items, or hold full stones, babies
the only thing its kinda automatic, so you push it and stops on other side, but at this cost and speed, you can just make a cart and take it manually
i can see that you could send water in buckets, inside the cart to a desert where you are farming but kinda defeats the purpose thinking about farming near water is kinda same

if its something needed for a new update, like this tracks are required to go inside stone or coal mine, then its okay, but in current form is just roleplay/decor livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#4 2018-08-18 09:34:51

Registered: 2018-03-18
Posts: 393

Re: Any working railways yet?

You can put big stones in them



#5 2018-08-18 10:50:39

Registered: 2018-04-12
Posts: 26

Re: Any working railways yet?

Yes server 13 has a working rail system, as far as we can tell its a bit slow and can't turn, so far only 2 ideas have been made for it I approve of, rails to a rabbit biome, and rails to some sort of farming district.

Last edited by Telafiesta (2018-08-18 10:57:55)


#6 2018-08-18 11:17:59

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Any working railways yet?

I am quite concerned about adding railways before making iron and trees infinite. yikes

Will the shovel give back steel and planks when used on the rails?
I like that they can be used to move stones but they are really spread out so a track would need reconstructing all the time.

(Now that watering and farming was mentioned, watering systems could be amazing additions. Could help separating berry fields?)

Last edited by MultiLife (2018-08-18 11:18:19)

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#7 2018-08-18 11:25:46

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: Any working railways yet?

I found something better, Roads. Turns out you can now make roads by add flat rocks to floor stakes.

They are relatively cheap to make and give you a nice speed boost. It's even easier with carts as you can do four at once. Just make a path that goes around town and people can get around way faster.  Plus you only gotta click once and you automatically run to end of the road.

So no more wooden paths.

Last edited by Neo (2018-08-18 11:33:19)


#8 2018-08-18 11:52:25

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 341

Re: Any working railways yet?

This update is so neat !! I'm loving it so much <3 Can we put babies in there too ?

The one and only Eve Kelderman


#9 2018-08-18 14:53:23

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Any working railways yet?

Neo wrote:

I found something better, Roads. Turns out you can now make roads by add flat rocks to floor stakes.

They are relatively cheap to make and give you a nice speed boost. It's even easier with carts as you can do four at once. Just make a path that goes around town and people can get around way faster.  Plus you only gotta click once and you automatically run to end of the road.

So no more wooden paths.


Efficient rails seem pretty endgame now, but I think roads might be rather viable.

edit: woah indeed, you don't get a speed boost on the roads, you get automatically transported when you get in a road (but it's faster than walking yea).

Last edited by Booklat1 (2018-08-18 15:07:57)


#10 2018-08-18 15:07:00

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 47

Re: Any working railways yet?

once we have connected cities it would be nice to have notes...

so we can put a paper in the cart "need poop, please help us out"


#11 2018-08-18 15:52:29

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 341

Re: Any working railways yet?

thegolfpantsguy wrote:

once we have connected cities it would be nice to have notes...

so we can put a paper in the cart "need poop, please help us out"

that would be really nice ! Or like jobs : " farmers need help" "need a new shepherd" etc.

The one and only Eve Kelderman


#12 2018-08-18 23:04:39

Registered: 2018-04-12
Posts: 132

Re: Any working railways yet?

Now that we have roads, can we make linear berry farms please?

I love all of my children.  You are wanted and loved.


#13 2018-08-19 06:30:39

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Any working railways yet?


also made this yesterday
and accidentally seen the roads effect, situational, but can be very op, depends on map
badlands and deserts can be full of flat rocks, now is new and people doing it, even overdoing it

i like high tech and building, so this is welcome livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#14 2018-08-29 15:06:14

Registered: 2018-06-21
Posts: 52

Re: Any working railways yet?

Oh wow, amazing news about the roads!!! So much better than the ones with stones!

What's the most cruel sight you can see on OHOL? A bloody baby torn apart by a grizzly bear.

I'm Eve Planet, my children are usually called by planet names (Mars, Venus, Saturn etc), also Sun, Moon. Jedi, Joda and Skywalker are usually in the mix as well.


#15 2018-08-30 17:56:49

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Any working railways yet?

if you put two rails on each other gives back only one, so adding junctions or just miss-clicking is pretty bad livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#16 2018-08-30 19:25:48

Registered: 2018-06-03
Posts: 65

Re: Any working railways yet?

Neo wrote:

I found something better, Roads. Turns out you can now make roads by add flat rocks to floor stakes.

They are relatively cheap to make and give you a nice speed boost. It's even easier with carts as you can do four at once. Just make a path that goes around town and people can get around way faster.  Plus you only gotta click once and you automatically run to end of the road.

So no more wooden paths.

Honestly I'd like a wood outline around the farms and then the road beside that outline. The roads get aggravating when you are trying to collect berries for compost or sheep.


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