One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-08-18 08:33:41

Registered: 2018-06-09
Posts: 86

Annoyed players

Let's share annoyed people we met, and what 'revenge' they took on us.

Took a girls knife who was leaving it in open and stored it in a backpack. She went and made a whole new knife, stabbed me.

Another girl on same life, I grabbed the mashed berries n stuff to put on the wheat she was. She got annoyed and told the girl above that I was evil.

Glad my sister killed the stabbed girl wink.

Bob <3


#2 2018-08-18 09:25:03

From: Australia
Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 14

Re: Annoyed players

So glad you made this, been wanting to vent out my frustration lol

Back when I first started this game, I would watch how other players did things to learn (eg: I saw someone mash a rabbit and carrot for the pies). Seeing as this was an option on the wiki pages, I didn't think I was doing anything bad

So in my next life, I decided to stay in the pie area and make some pies, someone brought over a bunch of carrots, so I thought I might as well make the carrot and rabbit pies. Next thing I know, this women comes over and says 'STOP', 'YOU'RE WASTING THE CARROTS'. In response I said, 'oh sorry, I didn't know, I'm new.' She then proceeds to call me a 'F**ING I****' and that if I didn't know, I should ask. I responded by saying 'Why would I ask, if I didn't know I was doing anything wrong?'. She then proceeds with the name calling and curses me.

Having played a lot more, I now know what she was getting at, but to be so rude and curse me as a new player? Hmm.

Also annoying as someone next to me, was telling her to stop and to ignore her, but didn't curse her.

My BB names: Rosie, Becky, Kristy, Alex, Andy, Rocky, Robby


#3 2018-08-19 04:00:57

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Annoyed players

Had a similar experience to xochristinee when I first started.

Someone taught me how to make rabbit pies early on. How to put it in a bowl and mash it up, and how to make the pie crusts, and cook them. Ofc I started doing this frequently because I noticed they were much better food than the berries and other raw foods.

Did this for about a week, maybe two, with no issues. People even thanked me for making and handing out pies.

I go to do this on another life, and get instantly attacked by another pie maker, who screeches "STOP IMPEDING MY WORK" and "STOP WASTING WHEAT ON RABBIT PIES MUTTON ARE BETTER!" Let me note that he also insisted that it was "easier" to cook the pies if they were all cluttering the ground in single tiles rather than in baskets..

I didn't even know mutton pies existed. Not sure if it was a new update or I just hadn't learned about sheep yet. Regardless, I was a bit confused and naturally a bit defensive. The guy's hyperaggressive attitude didn't help.

Eventually someone cut in, proclaiming he was the head chef, and explained to me- in much calmer words- that I should be making mutton pies. If mutton wasn't available, then rabbit-carrot were also good. We didn't have many carrots, but he showed me where I could get mutton, so I went back to work, now making mutton instead of rabbit.

Fast-forward about 25 minutes, the screeching guy from earlier returns with a knife and stabs me through the gut. I didn't even recognize him until he started bitching about how I impeded his work and needed to pay for it.

-Has ascended to better games-


#4 2018-08-19 06:41:04

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Annoyed players

was in west town, and by that time i was last fertile woman

a guy was in apron and had knife, the other naked was his apprentice or something

told them that i take the crust and put the mutton on it, they insisted that i should bring the mutton meat there
i told them is much faster for us to take in baskets in cart, as it fits 3 more and we got a lot
i flashed a knife, and old guy came at me, i didnt stab or anything just flashed it as they kept picking off the baskets from my cart
was kinda stupid to make an oven so far the pen, i fixed that pen like 4 times and built a grave pen there, and nobody really cared to make a new oven, they even remade the griefed kilns to the same narrow tiles they were originally

anyway i stabbed the  attacker and the young guy picked up the knife, and in 3 minutes they were both dead, and i just dodged my sister who took one of my knifes i dropped

later she seen me raising a son so we talked out, she helped me take the cart while i carry the kid and we made the mutton pies much faster

seems some people dont really understand how things are more effective or you built the half city so you know where shit is, they just want to own everything they scavenge and boss around everyone, ive been even cursed on a duel i was disadvantaged and still won, kept the lineage running for 4-5 more gen

but generally im on the other side, explaining over and over and the pits are still getting filled the trees are still getting cut, and people wont do shit with their time and still think they are the good guys, so i start yelling, hoping no others fuck up the same thing livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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