One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#101 2018-08-21 06:37:53

Registered: 2018-05-30
Posts: 61

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

If it takes you a long time to get the message across, find new ways to communicate that are faster. Don't just give up on communication. A lot of your troubles are caused by lack of communication, simply by seeing you describe the situations and how you reacted to them.

Sometimes we think we're thinking things through, when we're actually just being emotional. If you were to calm yourself down, your thought process would change to a more thoughtful one, rather than an emotionally charged one. I say this because I do not see your reasoning as justifiable enough to kill others. That may be something we have to agree to disagree with for now.

I've seen big towns with murderers. They often don't really care about the game, and just want to kill people for the sake of killing people. I've ran into a mother that raised her children, and later asked if they wanted to murder people with her. If you said no, she'd kill you. That town turned into a ghost-town. Larger population hubs means more likely to run into people like this.

I personally learn by observing the city and picking up on people's strengths and weaknesses as contributors. This is why I play with their babies, and toss items around, to let them know they can focus on what others' needs are. They see that if we're able to play, we can focus on technology, instead of just tools and farms (I don't mess around if things are just starting out). It usually works, until I run into someone who kills me because they don't think I'm doing anything. I'm actually observing you as teammates and as a family, to see what you're interested in doing. Other than gauging other people, I observe and help with what needs to be helped. Sometimes, all you need is a small push in a society for things to move along:

Help relocate a bakery so it's not close to the smith. Suddenly there is more food around.

Set up a farm for stew, milkweed, wheat in a specific pattern. Suddenly people are using this pattern rather than planting random things.

Always make more milkweed (in developed cities). Usually 90% of the players are new and don't know how to make carts, and the other 10% simply just need more milkweed.

Make carts and give them to everyone. Tell them to use them, even for small things. Suddenly the town is more efficient as a whole (instead of empty carts lying all around).

Get soil from soil pits even though you have compost. People notice there is too much soil and instead potentially make more crucially needed baskets.

There are small things you can do wherever, to help the village as a whole. This is my learning style. I usually avoid people who want to do very specific things because usually they don't see that it wouldn't help the village as a whole. I can see what the village needs. I'm just learning what I can do about it. Are people going to work with me? Not if I don't communicate. That's why I'm on the forums telling people not to kill me when it looks like I'm doing nothing; I'm actually learning how to help you!

Edit: Just as a side note, if I didn't run into someone who kills me when trying to get everyone to focus 1/6 of the time, I would be playing this game far more than I do now. This used to be tied with Overwatch (Overwatch is so hard to play as it is, as the community is 20x worse than any other gaming community), but now OHOL is off to the way-side unless there's an update.

Last edited by hihibanana (2018-08-21 07:28:11)


#102 2018-08-21 09:57:44

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

hihibanana wrote:

Pein, just because people cannot keep up with you, doesn't mean they're griefing. Everyone learns in their own way and requires different ways of adjustment. For example, the person you killed was trying to hone their rabbit hunting skill. So instead of letting them hone it, you would rather have them help what you're doing, instead of letting them learn, and come back to help you when they're done. You killed a little child, and it seems you did so without much thought. They could have very well helped you in the future.

Many times, I've taken the job of village organizer. People listen if you explain that we need x, for y reason. Don't just tell people what to do. That's equally cocky and rude. Let people know why they need to do things.

"We're going into a famine soon, so feel free to run South
to get berries, as we won't be able to support
our big population booms"

"We need to get more water
because our mothers are
giving birth to too many
children, so we can
work on getting farms
expanded and watered.
We already have soil"

"We are focusing too
much on farms and
need to focus on tech.
Does anyone know
how to farm milkweed?"

Something as simple as this goes a long way. People really do listen if you explain yourself. You can also easily spot the new players, because they ask things like, "how do I farm?" so you don't just think they're a griefer. Don't say, "fill these bowls up." Like, what do you think that will accomplish in the long-run? Individuality is important in any society, virtual or not.

Everyone wants to support you and your vision, especially if you're good at the game and know what you're doing. But you need to work on your communication skills so people know why they need to help you. This game is anonymous. You don't have "Pein" written above you, telling use you're a long-time veteran and good city planner. For all we know, you have no idea what you're doing, and are just a crazy lady, commanding us because you have nothing better to do.

no she wasnt, she had the chance to tell me, i brought back the snares and the closer savannah was empty, we already had hunters
anyway he told that as an example, not like that it was actually what he wanted to do, he wanted to do nothing just eating, and refused 2 things just for the sake of it
i drop a pie, snare, needle in basket and i go snaring if i feel like, i always start working as a kid, especially if they ask me something, cause i owe them for raising me, if what they ask makes sense, i wont do a job for a whole life, im over that, and i see if they evaluated the situation correctly
but i always do a simple task if asked, or go back to my mom/nurse with a self made omlette and say hi

i spent the whole time explaining and showing things, guess it didnt even payed attention
its not a child its a child size player who overvalues  herself

if you know how to compost then do it, and you are a gen 3 in a decayed town, there is not much freedom what jobs needed
as he stated its not fully new, the way it acted might as well become a griefer
you dont have much time to act before becomes a problem

call it paranoia, call it caution
weeding out the selfish lazy asses in time saves a lot of headache
at first things like keeping distance from armed person is kinda hard, now is like a reflex
same goes for griefers, you warn them then you terminate them
the crazy lady with the best gear in town andworking in crazy tempo generally can tell you where things are

Last edited by pein (2018-08-21 20:45:03) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#103 2018-08-21 12:56:00

Registered: 2018-05-30
Posts: 61

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

People aren't truly responsible for communication. It's just good and welcome to have that available and executed. You could have told her that you had enough hunters. You don't know if someone wanted to do this or that. It's best to take their word for it, otherwise you're reaching for a conspiracy. Honestly, as a mom in this game, they owe you for raising them. Perhaps they actually were paying attention, and were applying your instruction in a way you didn't expect. She probably assumed you were composting. And probably isn't seasoned enough to know what a town needs at a certain point in time.

The problem with saving you effort, is you're giving the other person a headache. Enough to complain on the forums. It also ruins their gameplay experience, which directly impacts their wellbeing. If they come to this game to heal from their hard lives, you interrupt that process and further their problems. It's basic human decency not to screw up someone's experience. And it's better to assume they're not trying to ruin yours, or else, again, you're reaching for conspiracy. No one knows if you're doing good work just by your gear, and not many people just sit and watch individual players, especially if they're not just working at one job. You should focus on getting that across to players in other ways. If you're paranoid about someone, ask. And if they suck at communicating, don't act on your assumptions. Wait a bit longer.

Last edited by hihibanana (2018-08-21 12:57:13)


#104 2018-08-21 15:49:30

Registered: 2018-07-14
Posts: 71

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

I am Pharo wrote:

People sitting around doing nothing is NOT an excuse to kill someone. They are NOT griefing. You can yell at them, sure, but don't kill them. I swear, people are just coming up with excuses to kill eachother because they feel like killing someone.

Sitting around doing nothing, or spamming for "years",
is arguably sponging which is a form of griefing
If someone asks a player who isn't doing anything productive
(especially at times of famine or at the dawn of a new age when most focused labor is required to survive and/or grow)
multiple times with no impact to action, no change in duty,
especially when paired with disdain...
well, then that my friends,
that's a stabbin'.

Spamming objects instead of farming:
that's a stabbin'.

Stealing a mother's baby is kidnapping,
and that's a stabbin'.

I swear, people are just coming up with excuses to kill eachother because they feel like killing someone.

As OP can attest to, it seems like we are finding "people are just coming up with excuses" not to be productive for their society.

Do I want to kill villagers?
No, I really don't. 
It puts me in danger, from starvation and scared villagers. 
Executions frequently cause players to stop what they are doing,
start talking to understand the justification of said execution,
and more often than not,
rallying against the keepers of basic law and order,
like me. 
That is just the risk I bear being a keeper.
You're welcome.
I'd rather be black smithing , building, or tending sheep.

I DOwant villagers to help our society flourish,
but very often famines/food crises are caused
by people not doing direct harm,
but rather endlessly bullshitting.

I am not endorsing slaughtering people in their 50s,
who should be freely allowed say their goodbyes
and tie up loose ends
("Here is where i have a hidden bow and arrow, knives, etc... Rabbits are south west, Iron is..., etc...")
in the final moments of their life.

As a player, Jason asks us to figure out how we,
both as individuals and as a community,
are going to handle griefing. 

And as of right now, talking and curses aren't an effective deterrent,
and the game is only progressing, giving us weekly updates with more to do
and more and more to be responsible for.

So, I and other like minded individuals in the community (shout out to Mirelli)
have decided to
always stab and shoot griefers,
and people who's roleplaying includes being non-working tyrants,
or non-working *fill-in-the-blank*


As long as you apply this to rolepayers too, im fine, but if rolepleyers aren't applied, you are looking at this in the wrong way

I prefer kidnapping to giving birth.


#105 2018-08-21 19:36:48

I am Pharo
Registered: 2018-07-17
Posts: 108

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

Schlorghan wrote:

As long as you apply this to rolepayers too, im fine, but if rolepleyers aren't applied, you are looking at this in the wrong way

That depends.  For example, if I see two bakers, playing fine, decide to get married, or make a club or some-shit,
that's role playing that isn't likely going to hinder the village.
But if I am in a village, and someone says they are the "Sherrif" or the "King/Queen/Dictator",
and stays in town, accusing, and tormenting the towns folk...
I do everything I can to kill them, and free the people.

hihibanana ]:
(Today 00:19:01)
"Everyone wants to support you and your vision... But you need to work on your communication skills so people know why they need to help you. This game is anonymous... For all we know, you have no idea what you're doing, and are just a crazy lady, commanding us because you have nothing better to do."

(Today 02:28:11)
If it takes you a long time to get the message across, find new ways to communicate that are faster. Don't just give up on communication. A lot of your troubles are caused by lack of communication, simply by seeing you describe the situations and how you reacted to them.

hihibanana :
(Today 07:57:13)
...if they suck at communicating, don't act on your assumptions. Wait a bit longer.

Also hihibanana (Today 07:57:13): People aren't truly responsible for communication.


Which position are you taking,
we truly need to be responsible in our communications,
or we are truly not responsible for our communication?

Another thing:

What is this :

hihibana wrote:

Also, many things in this game do not follow a 1-year-1-minute scale... if a minute went by in a year, you definitely wouldn't be able to keep up with your daily hunger.

hihibanana wrote:

That being said, if you justify not communicating with need to eat, you cannot use the 1-year-1-minute scale argument to support that, seeing as hunger does not follow that scale.

1. who is trying or needs to justify not speaking because you need to eat. 
um, no one. 
All of us, at some time, had to leave in a converstation, hunt, etc...
with another player
because we were starving. 
This is very common in OHOL. 
So I doubt anyone is being executed solely for walking away to get food.

2. OHOL follows a 1 min : 1 year scale.
You are confusing the hunger mechanic (a life-bar) with real life hunger. 
These are two different things.  Let them be.

3. If it takes you five minutes to talk someone out of
standing around, suicide, or a rampaging,
then five good years of your life used up.

If it takes you five minutes to tell a child,
or an adult to eat more efficient food, and they ignore or troll you,
then take what's left of their 60, for your five. '

4.  For someone so obsessed with truth,
your information, and thus conclusions drawn,
tend to be false.

hihibana wrote:

It's best to take their word for it, otherwise you're reaching for a conspiracy.

You've been reaching for a point with your extreme black-and-white thinking which spin in endless circles.
It looks like your stance.... is all the stances?
You have no stance.

We have experience.  We know the signs.
We communicate.  We got this.
You can go back to quacking your goose.


#106 2018-08-21 19:41:09

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

Can somebody sum up this thread quickly ?

Are we choosing the reasons why we could stab people ? I like to stab people, but I wont stab people roleplaying, I will stab shady people.

Roleplaying is an important aspect that has to be preserved, it wouldn't mean anything to farm food just for farming food, unless you like doing that. Usually people who wear crown have to do administation and tell people what to do, it's a job and it doesn't mean doing nothing, it's even very hard to be a good king. People like myself wear the crown because I like to stab my oppenents, (I'm probably one of the best fighter ig)

Last edited by TrustyWay (2018-08-21 19:53:40)


#107 2018-08-21 20:06:00

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

TrustyWay wrote:

Can somebody sum up this thread quickly ?

Are we choosing the reasons why we could stab people ? I like to stab people, but I wont stab people roleplaying, I will stab shady people.

Roleplaying is an important aspect that has to be preserved, it wouldn't mean anything to farm food just for farming food, unless you like doing that. Usually people who wear crown have to do administation and tell people what to do, it's a job and it doesn't mean doing nothing, it's even very hard to be a good king. People like myself wear the crown because I like to stab my oppenents, (I'm probably one of the best fighter ig)

I don’t think there’s much that can be summed up. It’s mainly pages of argument after argument. Pretty much nothing is related to the original post at this point.


#108 2018-08-21 21:08:09

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

TrustyWay wrote:

Can somebody sum up this thread quickly ?

Are we choosing the reasons why we could stab people ? I like to stab people, but I wont stab people roleplaying, I will stab shady people.

Roleplaying is an important aspect that has to be preserved, it wouldn't mean anything to farm food just for farming food, unless you like doing that. Usually people who wear crown have to do administation and tell people what to do, it's a job and it doesn't mean doing nothing, it's even very hard to be a good king. People like myself wear the crown because I like to stab my oppenents, (I'm probably one of the best fighter ig)


you are a rude zombiesheep with mental illness, based on what hihibanana said, yes it applies to you as well
no time to explain, just accept it

and you are responsible for  communication or jason, or everybody, but not the noobs, or roleplayers who play the newbee card, or mini griefers
cause people are like 4 year old when they start playing and they grow up in front of the screen, they are babies and you are rude to them
how even dare you stabbing people when they do jack all? you got *random generic mental illness*

he tries to prove to players better, nicer, and faster than him that all kills are bad and you got some more *generic mental illness* for killing somebody

then few pages of love-hate relationship with pharo
and you gonna be banned or the topic will be closed if you call people *genereic mental illness* *adjective* adjective* *noun*, so you missed all the fun

im for one, im hoping that player skills go to a level where people can do pvp duels to settle issues
and after 2 mistakes and refusing communication i stab you even at age 6, cause chances are you gonna be a problem later on

you will never be as good as connection loss, kills 100% of people 25% of the time

Last edited by pein (2018-08-21 21:09:47) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#109 2018-08-21 22:14:56

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 341

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

Can we let it go already ? ^^

The one and only Eve Kelderman


#110 2018-08-21 23:01:23

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

if you will be generally nicer, i will generally stab less people

if you tell your forum name i try to keep track of
if i know who im playing with then its less drama

if you use anonimity to be an asshole, you got the right to do so

there will be always someone who will be bigger, stronger, luckier, at least be nice for 10 minutes, regardless of your past life, some  people value time more than others
you can goof around, at least tend to the berry bushes, its the general newbee areea, pick all berry off, soil it, water it, then do whatever you want

and dont gear babiez, gear working kids livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#111 2018-08-22 01:45:07

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

pein wrote:

if you will be generally nicer, i will generally stab less people

if you tell your forum name i try to keep track of
if i know who im playing with then its less drama

if you use anonimity to be an asshole, you got the right to do so

there will be always someone who will be bigger, stronger, luckier, at least be nice for 10 minutes, regardless of your past life, some  people value time more than others
you can goof around, at least tend to the berry bushes, its the general newbee areea, pick all berry off, soil it, water it, then do whatever you want

and dont gear babiez, gear working kids

Btw pein. If someone asks you. "Are you pein" It's probably me. You usually say nothing but I've been right alot of the time.


#112 2018-08-22 01:49:03

Registered: 2018-07-14
Posts: 71

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

I mean, as long as the unproductive role players are treated the same as the unproductive spammers, im fine.

I prefer kidnapping to giving birth.


#113 2018-08-22 02:06:22

Doctor Steve
Registered: 2018-07-18
Posts: 36

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

Hihibanna wrote:

Yes, but it is better to spend a few 10s of seconds organizing, than having everyone fight over which tools belong where, or which farm does what. Or even worse, having people killing eachother over a misunderstanding, like when you're moving the kiln (destroying it, making a new one), or you're trying to use a basket to get rid of bones that are crowding the forge (what are you doing with the soil basket! *kills you*). Even update changes, "the ponds refill! Why did you kill me! The ponds refill!!!" for just one example.

Not everyone knows what to do to help a civilization. That takes a lot of time and devotion to learn. That is why you always have people asking, "what do?" (which is a way of organizing btw, and only takes 2 seconds).

If you communicated to a lot of the people you're calling sponges, I bet you they're new players, trying to understand how to work the recipes, and don't know how. It is rare for someone to do nothing for the sake of doing nothing on purpose.

Edit: Also, many things in this game do not follow a 1-year-1-minute scale. For example, if a minute went by in a year, you definitely wouldn't be able to keep up with your daily hunger. That being said, if you justify not communicating with need to eat, you cannot use the 1-year-1-minute scale argument to support that, seeing as hunger does not follow that scale.

In fact, if most things that follow the one-year-one-minute scale correlate to positive/neutral progress than negative (ponds/wells, compost, bell towers, ancient walls, floors, non-decaying items (tools, food items, general items), tools without time-based decay vs. backpacks, clothes, cart decay; lifespan depends on the community and overall population), it is actually better to be patient, communicate, and take your time in this game.

Regarding communication-- I am sure MANY of us have stepped in and organized a few things in a village. Sometimes it is necessary to help some people out when they seem to be lost as to what to do by saying something like "we need compost supplies" or "berries need care" which are both less than 5 word sentences. I would argue that what works even better than a round table discussion is if someone just takes a look around to see WHAT needs to be done and then just does it (I Am Pharo said something similar to this earlier on in the thread). If you need help doing something, say "Can someone help me do ___" and generally someone will volunteer. I know these things because I have used these communication techniques in game before.

Contrary to your last statement I am a patient person and I do take my time in this game. I am only suggesting that a long explanation is unnecessary when you could easily use "less words" while in the game to say the same thing. I do not like it when someone drones on in game and tell me their life story---just get to the point.

The thing that REALLY crumbles my cookie is when I'm the smith and someone comes up to me and just says "Shovel." over and over again. One time I told a person to say please after or I wouldn't smith for them-- they just went and did it themselves. As my grandmother would say "what did your LAST slave die of?" Sheesh. If you want me to do something, at least ask nicely, amiright?


#114 2018-08-22 03:14:50

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

Neo wrote:
pein wrote:

if you will be generally nicer, i will generally stab less people

if you tell your forum name i try to keep track of
if i know who im playing with then its less drama

if you use anonimity to be an asshole, you got the right to do so

there will be always someone who will be bigger, stronger, luckier, at least be nice for 10 minutes, regardless of your past life, some  people value time more than others
you can goof around, at least tend to the berry bushes, its the general newbee areea, pick all berry off, soil it, water it, then do whatever you want

and dont gear babiez, gear working kids

Btw pein. If someone asks you. "Are you pein" It's probably me. You usually say nothing but I've been right alot of the time.

yeah i remember, but then a lot of times not, and even if it was me i tricked you, i got enough words in my dictionary to do so
its not nice if you dont tell so i wont tell
there are enough dumbfucks who hate me for no reason

btw 'can you please / fill this bowls' is nice enough
and you can answer no, and give a reason
but might as well just do one livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#115 2018-08-22 03:34:27

Doctor Steve
Registered: 2018-07-18
Posts: 36

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

pein wrote:
Neo wrote:
pein wrote:

if you will be generally nicer, i will generally stab less people

if you tell your forum name i try to keep track of
if i know who im playing with then its less drama

if you use anonimity to be an asshole, you got the right to do so

there will be always someone who will be bigger, stronger, luckier, at least be nice for 10 minutes, regardless of your past life, some  people value time more than others
you can goof around, at least tend to the berry bushes, its the general newbee areea, pick all berry off, soil it, water it, then do whatever you want

and dont gear babiez, gear working kids

Btw pein. If someone asks you. "Are you pein" It's probably me. You usually say nothing but I've been right alot of the time.

yeah i remember, but then a lot of times not, and even if it was me i tricked you, i got enough words in my dictionary to do so
its not nice if you dont tell so i wont tell
there are enough dumbfucks who hate me for no reason

btw 'can you please / fill this bowls' is nice enough
and you can answer no, and give a reason
but might as well just do one

Yes that is reasonable, I would have filled bowls for you. Like it's not unreasonable for someone to ask their kid to help do some work, I don't understand why people get so bent out of shape about it.


#116 2018-08-22 03:40:02

Registered: 2018-05-30
Posts: 61

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

Pein, you're having a mental breakdown right now. I know what I might have said is confusing, but you need to read inbetween the lines. It does not help anyone to insult them, and just fans flames of people who don't know any better, and will end up following you without realizing it. This is known as a bad apple effect.

I'll try to respond to each point, but there are no promises.

You don't have to communicate, but I highly recommend you do. People aren't responsible for their communication, but communication is one way you can do what you want to do with the least difficulty.

I don't know how I can further clarify that hunger doesn't work on the one-minute-one-hour scale, and thus shouldn't be considered when justifying the lack of communication.

I see in all shades of grey, and try to pick out the shade best for you. You're a very black-and-white-person, pein. I'm just trying to help you.

Killing is unnecessary, and there are easier ways that don't ruin people's days. Communication is one. Teaching is another. Helping people who are troubled is another. If you truly read my posts, you'd pick up on that.



I am the type of person to see what the village truly needs through thorough observation over time. Often, it isn't until I'm 30 that I know what needs to be done and able to do something about it. This is why I say long messages, because I know that's what that village prefers. I know it may seem farfetched, but this is what I pick up on.

I can use short messages, but often people are too busy to read it, assume I'm talking to someone else, and no one ends up reading it. Less-than-five-word messages are fine, but often people think I'm being a control freak. Like I said, it depends on the village, and who is there.

Most of the time, communication is unspoken. Light a long shaft, put it next to the forge, people will pick it up and start smithing. You'd be surprised. Put a full bucket next to berries, people will start watering it. Like I said in my other post, if you do small things like this, people will pick up on what needs to be done, and do it. No words necessary.

Last edited by hihibanana (2018-08-22 03:45:11)


#117 2018-08-22 05:10:15

Uncle Gus
Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 567

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

pein wrote:


you are a rude zombiesheep with mental illness, based on what hihibanana said

hihibanana wrote:

Pein, you're having a mental breakdown right now...

BINGO! What do I win?


#118 2018-08-22 06:48:04

Doctor Steve
Registered: 2018-07-18
Posts: 36

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

hihibanana wrote:

Pein, you're having a mental breakdown right now. I know what I might have said is confusing, but you need to read inbetween the lines. It does not help anyone to insult them, and just fans flames of people who don't know any better, and will end up following you without realizing it. This is known as a bad apple effect.

You. Are. Not. A. Psychologist.
Please please PLEASE in all seriousness STOP with the mental illness comments. It is offensive, it is inappropriate, and what you are saying is DANGEROUS. I don't know what's worse: if you realize exactly how harmful your comments can be to someone and don't care, or you are so misinformed that you actually think you are helping.


#119 2018-08-22 12:51:44

Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 47

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

Ah yes, the age old clash of ideals, people trying to convince the other party that their own play style is the just one. OHOL is a good platform to explore individual moral system and compare it to others. This topic was a great read and food-for-thought.


#120 2018-08-22 14:05:23

I am Pharo
Registered: 2018-07-17
Posts: 108

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

I am Pharo wrote:

[To hihibanana] You've been reaching for a point with your extreme black-and-white thinking which spin in endless circles.
It looks like your stance.... is all the stances?
You have no stance.

hihibanana wrote:

[to Pein] I see in all shades of grey, and try to pick out the shade best for you. You're a very black-and-white-person, pein. I'm just trying to help you.

Do you see in fifty shades of Pharo? 
Holy shit, get off my steeze, you bitch-made swagger jacker...
Learn to synthesize not plagiarize, my guy.

no one wants unwarranted advice
in their personal lives from some dotard
with delusions of grandeur and a certificate in meditation.

hihibana wrote:

I don't know how I can further clarify that hunger doesn't work on the one-minute-one-hour scale, and thus shouldn't be considered when justifying the lack of communication.

You have to use evidence to clarify a point...
What you do, is not that. 
Never that.

Bye, Felicia

x . o



#121 2018-08-22 18:04:34

Registered: 2018-08-21
Posts: 1

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

you're embarrassing yourselves


#122 2018-08-22 19:22:02

Registered: 2018-08-17
Posts: 207

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

Being a resourceful chap, I've found a use in game for people like Pharo!

Was just born in a murder city (surname Pharo) My mom takes me far down the road to the abandoned village where her mum was born - set a few screens off the road, tells me there are murderers in town who killed her mum. So I tidy up the village, and when the kids come, I show them what needs doing there then set them down at the highway to murder town. Spawned 10 healthy kids in peace, the helpful ones stayed and rebuilt, while all the jerks went to your murder town.

So, thanks Pharo, with your city acting as a giant shit magnet, I can go learn the early and mid game in peace outside your borders, with no murderers in my town! Just a safe, thriving place where you don't get killed for being new or making weapons.

I guess eventually my lineage will get a bad reputation on account of the healthy, armed arseholes it exports to the city.


#123 2018-08-22 19:50:04

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

Imagine trying to repeat this conversation in game, hahaha


#124 2018-08-22 20:51:04

I am Pharo
Registered: 2018-07-17
Posts: 108

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

boggers wrote:

Being a resourceful chap, I've found a use in game for people like Pharo!

Was just born in a murder city (surname Pharo) My mom takes me far down the road to the abandoned village where her mum was born - set a few screens off the road, tells me there are murderers in town who killed her mum. So I tidy up the village, and when the kids come, I show them what needs doing there then set them down at the highway to murder town. Spawned 10 healthy kids in peace, the helpful ones stayed and rebuilt, while all the jerks went to your murder town.

So, thanks Pharo, with your city acting as a giant shit magnet, I can go learn the early and mid game in peace outside your borders, with no murderers in my town! Just a safe, thriving place where you don't get killed for being new or making weapons.

I guess eventually my lineage will get a bad reputation on account of the healthy, armed arseholes it exports to the city.

My city acting like a shit magnet? Says the guy who literally said this:

boggers wrote:

I'm very new to the game, joined late, maybe 15 hours in. I do not know what the game was like before the curse system was in place, but reading these forums it sounds like griefers used to be a much bigger problem than they are now. For me it is people with the attitude supported by I am Pharo in this thread that ruin the game, I probably will not continue to play it.

It is because of people like I am [Pharo] that I will feed cursed kids if the town I'm in is even a little bit draconian.

2018-08-20 06:32:29

I think you meant to say "Thank you."

So you're welcome from Me, Mirelli, Ribbz, and Kailied, for reviving Ho village, opening and leading roads to the mines north,
and populating the abandoned village,
so trash talking nubs like you don't have to learn to eve. 

Idk how you blame me for griefers, when you said earlier that you would retaliate my tribes with grief
because you don't like the position many of the best players in our community agree constitutes griefing,
and our means of dealing with it.

Play the game for longer than a week, and tell me how you have figured out how to stop griefers.

You're welcome.

The name lives on, for now. … _id=925774 … &id=925774

Side note:  I was born to an outpost off the road as a kid during the griefing of Osiris II,
and as soon as I was old enough, I made my way to town to make sure the Pharo's did the right thing, and execute him... and they had already taken care of him.

The Pharo Tribe gets it.

So If you don't like being in my family,
take your own advice and simply "not continue to play it" as you previously declared you would.



#125 2018-08-22 21:30:51

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Having Fun and Messing Around is NOT Griefing

I am Pharo wrote:

populating the abandoned village,

Damn I was really hoping people wouldn't. I've been living on and off in that little outpost since very early in its lifespan. I specifically didn't do upgrades beyond the shell of an outpost in an attempt to deter people from moving in and messing up the place. I mean without people living in the outpost the place was constantly looted of things I had made. Hell I made nine buckets this morning and left them prepped in my cow pen for someone to milk it but on return most were missing AND my cow pen was destroyed.

It just feels bad each time I come back and find this little place more and more trashed as people move in and enslave themselves to the berry farm.

fug it’s Tarr.


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