One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-09-03 22:42:47

Registered: 2018-08-17
Posts: 5

Why do you kill twins?

Tell me. Twins plus more should be a good thing via friends playing together. Why kill just twins? I’m looking at you Tarr.


#2 2018-09-03 22:46:12

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 94

Re: Why do you kill twins?

twins have a reputation for griefing


#3 2018-09-03 22:55:28

Registered: 2018-07-31
Posts: 293

Re: Why do you kill twins?

Because fuck 'em.
Unless they are the only babygirls you'd be doing the town a favor.
Never played with twins that didn't suicide after the other one noobishly got himself killed (not counting infant deaths).
Saves the family a lot of precious food just to let the lose-two-for-one pair die at the cradle.
I'm never playing playing twin unless I find somebody who doesn't mind being ditched after I outlive them.

God I have really big aching grudges against twins.

Not a single time have I NOT regretted letting the little bastards live.



#4 2018-09-03 23:15:04

Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 216

Re: Why do you kill twins?

AFX wrote:

Tell me. Twins plus more should be a good thing via friends playing together. Why kill just twins? I’m looking at you Tarr.

Unfortunately, twins are known to grief.

Also, if one twin dies, the other usually suicides.

It makes the time and resources to keep them alive not worth it.


#5 2018-09-03 23:24:47

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Why do you kill twins?

Because twins are notorious for griefing. Generally speaking twins are much higher risk than they are reward in the long run. I'm not out there stabbing twin babies but I'm going to nope them 90% of the time just due to how many twin griefers I've ran into in game.

I understand wanting to play with friends but I don't like raising two threats at once.

fug it’s Tarr.


#6 2018-09-04 05:59:37

Registered: 2018-06-07
Posts: 66

Re: Why do you kill twins?

Had a couple run ins with twins each time griefers so yah


#7 2018-09-04 06:25:15

Registered: 2018-06-23
Posts: 76

Re: Why do you kill twins?

Also, depending on how well resourced the town is, it's VERY HARD to support twins while playing the game.  If you are Eve-ing, it's pretty much impossible. So much time and energy goes into raising two kids... you're liable to die while making sure they're fed.

Yum. Yum. Yum. Meh.


#8 2018-09-05 04:58:13

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Why do you kill twins?

i seen the other bad part of it:
i had triplet boys and just to rebalance the gender ratio kept them
all i seen they ran into forest, chuck down some markers then around 30 they starved, they didnt got us stuff or help in any way
this noob triplets also waste of time, they ate the whole biome and didnt contribute

just today: they started extending berry towards the kilns, you shouldnt ever put berries 3 tiles next to the kiln, its above it for a reason
at least i had to stab only one livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#9 2018-09-05 11:57:07

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: Why do you kill twins?

The triplets and twins end with all the food in an early camp and if one of the brothers dies, the rest commit suicide ... this is so in 80%, the other 20% are griefers that their goal is to kill in series with the company of his brother ... I can not say much more

almost all the experiences I've had with twins have been unpleasant (97% of the time)

If I see someone raising twins, I will try by all means to change their opinion, even if I can, I will try to get rid of them as soon as I can ...

Last edited by JonySky (2018-09-05 11:59:08)


#10 2018-09-05 12:25:49

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 256

Re: Why do you kill twins?

Never had a good result with them so let them starve now and if there's a chance someone else will feed them I'll try and make sure they die swiftly in other ways. The only time I found them not to be deliberate griefers or complete clueless noobs they were RP'ers who just ran around with crowns spouting BS and not contributing. Shame, but there you go. Kill 'em on sight


#11 2018-09-05 14:34:55

Registered: 2018-08-31
Posts: 117

Re: Why do you kill twins? … id=1014067

Actually I had a good experience with my first twin babies. They didn't talk much but they helped with compost and farming. Neither of them caused any problems and they both lived long lives.

I've seen a lot of twins left to starve and even murdered because they "could be griefers". So can single babies.

Last edited by SomeRandomPerson (2018-09-05 14:48:15)


#12 2018-09-06 06:02:45

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Why do you kill twins?

SomeRandomPerson wrote:

I've seen a lot of twins left to starve and even murdered because they "could be griefers". So can single babies.

Sure, but two griefers are worse than one. Having one griefer should be easy enough to kill but try going against two or more, odds are you end up dead, especially as twins usually coordinate by having a voice chat open between them.

I've yet to experience good twins/triplets/quadruplets. First experience was two chatty twins that didn't seem to contribute, just roleplayed (my daughter got fed up with them and murdered both twins, surprisingly enough).
Had to kill two girls who were originally triplets; they turned murderous when their triplet sister died to a bear (well they may have been trying to get a bear to attack the town), the two sisters who were left got knives and started to kill women and little girls. I did manage to stop them though. Then in the same life I killed quadruplets because one was cursed. No mercy.

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#13 2018-09-06 07:33:19

Registered: 2018-05-11
Posts: 212

Re: Why do you kill twins?

I keep seeing this attitude with multiples and I just don't get it. I have seen maaaaybe one or two instances of twins who didn't contribute. That is, if I chose to take care of them. The fact is, the biggest issue with twins/triplets/quads is that they will suicide if one dies. If you can keep them, and you are nice to them, I have seen very few instances of them being bad people.

When it comes to more than two babies, I find that they are usually far more grateful that you managed to raise them that they tend to try their best. The thing is, if you assume they are going to be bad kids, and you treat them like they are going to be bad kids, and they somehow manage to grow up for whatever reason... yeah. They're going to be bad kids. They hate you, and rightfully so.

If you have the means to raise the triplets/quads, and you can afford to have them all quit should one of them die, it tends to be worth it to take care of them. I feel like twins are more likely to be griefers, because it's easier to get one other person to go along with it than two or three. But even then, I haven't seen it nearly as much as people in the forums like to claim.

Yeah, Eves are going to struggle with multiples. If you can't support them, don't.


#14 2018-09-06 07:37:22

Registered: 2018-08-17
Posts: 207

Re: Why do you kill twins?

pein wrote:

... you shouldnt ever put berries 3 tiles next to the kiln, its above it for a reason
at least i had to stab only one

Or, you know, build forges south of ponds in the first place.


#15 2018-09-06 19:10:28

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Why do you kill twins?

WomanWizard wrote:

I keep seeing this attitude with multiples and I just don't get it.

I don't, either.  I've generally had good experiences with twins, when I've been able to raise them.  Had one set of twins who were probably among the most useful kids I ever had.  One of 'em stayed in town and fed both of their babies while the other one went off collecting iron and doing various other useful stuff.  And if you want to know what one of them is up to, you can just ask the other one, since they're in contact.  It's the closest thing the OHOL world has to a long-distance communication system!  Come to think of it, we should probably be exploiting that more, somehow.

Last edited by happynova (2018-09-06 22:22:47)


#16 2018-09-06 21:13:24

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 201

Re: Why do you kill twins?

I'm mixed with twins/triplet/quadruplets

In theory, a good set will be able to help the community immensely. I always raise them unless they give me reason not to. I just keep an eye on them after, to watch for griefing.

Like others mentioned, the problem I have is that I don't think I have ever had a group of twins+ live to adulthood. One always inevitably dies and then the rest suicide. It happened when we had a pair of twin last girls once. It can be really annoying.

It does make you question putting the effort into raising them in the first place. Especially because they cost so much time and resources to raise. I have had triplets/quadruplets born out of camp before. I usually try so hard to get them home alive and I somehow manage. And then one dies in camp and they all suicide. I mean, what was the point? I will try regardless, but still.


#17 2018-09-06 21:26:12

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 256

Re: Why do you kill twins?

Just been with twins now and they're working hard I'm astounded to say. They weren't mine mind you or they'd have starved hmm


#18 2018-09-07 11:15:14

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Why do you kill twins?

Heya, yesterday I birthed two sets of twins almost back to back and I can happily report my chain of bad experience with twins has been, for the first time, broken. Briefly, but still!

I was suspicious as Dane and Jane popped out, at least no cursed speech bubbles so I observed a bit. We were in a desert town so I was a bit concerned when the twins ran to poke clothes and backpacks as babies; people geared them up though as I stared with my newborn son. I said, "you will overheat like that" when Dane and Jane stood in the desert berry farm in full gear: hats, loincloths, shirts, shoes and backpacks. One of the twins even wanted the shoes off an old woman. They did contribute though and lived to old age (birthed only boys, server going down back then maybe?). Maybe they put their gear to good use, it was just odd to have as girls in a desert village fully clothed; hunter males I'd have understood as they'd be running in wilderness.
The twins I birthed soon after Dane and Jane ran off immediately so yeah, at least there was one good set for me to experience. tongue

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#19 2018-09-07 11:56:33

Registered: 2018-07-31
Posts: 293

Re: Why do you kill twins?

Did I mention that I hate them?



#20 2018-09-07 13:17:33

Registered: 2018-06-04
Posts: 202

Re: Why do you kill twins?

well it can't all be that bad, the past few weeks i've been twining, trippling and quadrupling regulary, and only have been killed once for being a twin.
any of those family line had any complains of us twining? … id=1028716 … id=1028591 … id=1028179 … id=1028109 … id=1028393

I will be eve tana. If not an eve, my kids will be called numerically : Primo, Duo, Tertio, Quattro, Quintus, Sextus, Septimus, Octavius etc... ending with an -a if you're a girl.


#21 2018-09-07 13:30:14

Registered: 2018-09-06
Posts: 26

Re: Why do you kill twins?

i was twin also to teach someone how to do stuff today. Our mother feed us kindly. We have help until our old age making pie and stuff.

Last edited by S0mbre (2018-09-07 13:30:34)


#22 2018-09-07 13:30:35

Registered: 2018-03-10
Posts: 24

Re: Why do you kill twins?

I play as twins with my partner a couple times a week and it's mostly been great. Last night we played and when we were born, everyone was like, "Wow! Twins!" And they all wanted to ask us questions. It was cute.

We lived until 60 each and my partner even killed a bear that someone brought to town while I cared for her son who was born in the midst of the chaos. Being born to a mom who is a twin can be a boon to that kid. You have two players who could potentially care for you!


#23 2018-09-07 14:02:50

Registered: 2018-08-31
Posts: 117

Re: Why do you kill twins?

thewhiterabbit21 wrote:

I play as twins with my partner a couple times a week and it's mostly been great. Last night we played and when we were born, everyone was like, "Wow! Twins!" And they all wanted to ask us questions. It was cute.

We lived until 60 each and my partner even killed a bear that someone brought to town while I cared for her son who was born in the midst of the chaos. Being born to a mom who is a twin can be a boon to that kid. You have two players who could potentially care for you!

You ever witness any discrimination against Twins. I feel like a lot of people are bitter towards twins they had bad experiences in the past.


#24 2018-09-07 14:11:07

Registered: 2018-09-06
Posts: 26

Re: Why do you kill twins?

Yeah, if you welcome a new baby as a griefer, he will not want to help you. And maybe became this griefer.

Give your own clothes to babies and they will love you.

Last edited by S0mbre (2018-09-07 14:12:35)


#25 2018-09-07 17:46:03

Registered: 2018-06-17
Posts: 59

Re: Why do you kill twins?

Snail and I were born as twins and we lived till 60 and 54 respectively. We made a few shallow wells out of the billions of ponds that were north of the town (and brought back many rocks to make more) so I would consider out twin run a success. … id=1026702 Me … id=1026702 Snail

Last edited by AnobeseWalrus (2018-09-07 17:46:50)


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