One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-09-04 19:38:43

Registered: 2018-08-10
Posts: 10

Is this rude?

Hello! I'm still learning how to play! I can do some basic things, like berry farming, carrots, making eggs, and catching rabbits. Whenever I see a need I can fill, I do it, and whenever people say that we need something and I don't know how, I ask them if they can teach me. But if neither of those things happen, and I'm born into a city that seems to have everything handled, is it okay to just walk up to someone and ask them to teach me how to do their job? I try to learn on my own but I'm a little slow, and learn faster when someone is showing me. Are there any jobs where that'd be more annoying to do than others? I don't see any reason why it would be rude, but I'm autistic, so these things are sometimes hard for me to judge, and I really don't want to bother anyone, so I thought I'd ask. Thanks!

Kind of dumb but trying my best!

If you're named after a Dragon Age character, I'm probably your mom. My sympathies.


#2 2018-09-04 19:43:41

Registered: 2018-07-31
Posts: 293

Re: Is this rude?

No it is good. Please keep at it.



#3 2018-09-04 19:49:43

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 341

Re: Is this rude?

Not at all !

You can go up to someone and ask him to teach you what they are doing and they will be happy to show you. Take a bowl of berries and have it always with you while they are teaching you so you'll not starve.

Don't be discourage when they don't want to teach you for the moment or when you are doing a mistake. Everyone did them when they started out and when people start to yell at you, ignore them, they are not worth your time and nerves.

Just find a friendly soul to teach you something new, grab a bowl of berries or stew and you'll be fine !

The one and only Eve Kelderman


#4 2018-09-04 19:53:39

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Is this rude?

smithing can be time sensitive, and some things like making the next mine or well
still you can ask, maybe they say no, dont get upset on that, once people fix the town, got some time to teach and roleplay livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2018-09-05 00:47:01

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 201

Re: Is this rude?

pein wrote:

smithing can be time sensitive

So, when I was learning to Smith I asked if I could watch the smith do her job (I didn't want to get in the way). I stood as far to the side as I could while still keeping the Smith in view. After I thought I understood well enough, I thanked the smith and then went to practice in the tutorial a few times. When learning how to do something that is time sensitive, this can be the best course of action.


#6 2018-09-05 09:52:48

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 256

Re: Is this rude?

Ask, ask, ask! I've rarely time to stop for attention seekers but someone who wants to learn anything gets my patience np!


#7 2018-09-05 15:15:34

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 117

Re: Is this rude?

Extended view mod helps watch people without getting in the way.


#8 2018-09-06 05:19:51

Registered: 2018-08-17
Posts: 207

Re: Is this rude?

Ask if you can help - even less rude.


#9 2018-09-06 07:53:37

Registered: 2018-05-11
Posts: 212

Re: Is this rude?

FloralAngel wrote:

Are there any jobs where that'd be more annoying to do than others?

People have mentioned it, but I'm going to go into a little more detail here. Smithing is a time sensitive job, so talking to the smith while they are busy can irritate them. As a general rule, if the forge is lit, they only have so much time to get things done, so stand clear and let them do their thing. Otherwise, ask them if you can observe, and maybe even ask them where the best place for you to stand is so that you are not in their way. Even then, I find smiths tend to be the most irritable and might ignore or grumble at you. At this point, just let them be and try not to take it too personally. If you followed these rules, you very likely didn't do anything rude and it's just them being them.

Most other jobs aren't so time sensitive, so ask away! If someone ignores you, they are most likely busy, starving, or just not in the mood to teach. But it's never rude to ask for help!


#10 2018-09-06 09:11:04

From: Denmark
Registered: 2018-06-21
Posts: 29

Re: Is this rude?

Not rude at all. I did that to learn how to make stew and pie. For me it looked like a horrible hard job to do - and then someone i asked showed me how to and it was super easy and now I make so much pie and stew big_smile

Smithing i learned by repeating the tutorial over and over till i got my self out of the area.

Last edited by Micca (2018-09-06 09:14:19)


#11 2018-09-06 10:25:53

Registered: 2018-08-17
Posts: 207

Re: Is this rude?

re smithing, two smiths or even three can get a lot more done if they can work together well.

When one player is firing unforged crucibles, another player taking the lids off the bowls (you have to wait for the bowl to cool first) then putting the steel back beside the forge can help a lot.

Or if one player is firing ore and putting hot blooms on flat rocks, another player hitting the blooms with a round stone or hammer, then they (or a third player) move the iron from rocks to bowls, which clears the flat rock for what is next and prepares the crucibles for next stage, so you can process a lot more iron and steel from the same charcoal burn.

Ideally you want to work it so the player with the tongs never has to put them down until the forge goes out, and ironically using the tongs is probably the simplest job when team smithing.


#12 2018-09-06 10:40:56

Registered: 2018-09-06
Posts: 26

Re: Is this rude?

Ask for help. There is always someone who want to teach in this game. Beginners are welcome if they want to learn something.

For the rest, there is this link who help for ressources making. The wiki is not complete : (Spoiler alert, if you don't want to be spoiled on how to do thing, don't click on it, because there is everything inside this link)
It help me a lot.

Last edited by S0mbre (2018-09-06 10:43:10)


#13 2018-09-06 12:16:00

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Is this rude?

I suggest you also read some guides and keep comunicating in the forums, you'll sure learn fast. There is this one profession where you can really help while getting work done and it's shepards. Talk to the shepard and ask for help, say you can help it clean the pen, dude'll love it.


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