One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#51 2018-09-07 00:32:40

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 614

Re: Would you suicide as the last girl?

MultiLife wrote:

So the thing that frustrates most about suiciding babies is that they doom a lineage, right?
Remember guys, all towns are doomed to die off anyways UNLESS!!! the Eve of the family tree died at 60 to Old Age. She can spawn back and revive the place if she died with her home marker set and at 60 years.

How about changing it so ANYONE who makes it to 60 with a home marker, spawns back at that home marker?


#52 2018-09-07 03:23:16

Registered: 2018-08-31
Posts: 117

Re: Would you suicide as the last girl?

Anshin wrote:
MultiLife wrote:

So the thing that frustrates most about suiciding babies is that they doom a lineage, right?
Remember guys, all towns are doomed to die off anyways UNLESS!!! the Eve of the family tree died at 60 to Old Age. She can spawn back and revive the place if she died with her home marker set and at 60 years.

How about changing it so ANYONE who makes it to 60 with a home marker, spawns back at that home marker?

Sounds a little overpowered, Could be immortal and live in the same town over and over.

Personally I don't think alot of people do it but the same few people do it repeatedly. I can tell because yesterday one guy died in the sheeppen every time. The penalty should just be a lineage ban to allow others to be born instead of them.

So then the penalty kind of helps them by ensuring they don't keep getting the same town again.

Anyways this threads gone off topic. I was asking people of they would suicide as a towns last hope not to have a debate.


#53 2018-09-07 03:53:25

Registered: 2018-08-17
Posts: 207

Re: Would you suicide as the last girl?

helloworld wrote:

Let me give u example of my perspective, please share ur example after so i can understand fully what ur trying to say.

Today for dinner you have three choice. You can eat mexican, asian, or European cuisine.
You want to eat asian cuisine, and u dont like the way mexican and european cuisine taste.

But there is a rule, you cant choose the cuisine, instead ur randomly assign one. However you can press a button to get randomly assign a new cuisine.

Do you eat food you dont like, or do you press the button to till you get the food you want to eat.

P.s. on a side note there is no cool down or limit on how many baby a girl can have. ( or not that i know of) so if someone suicide as baby. It doesnt really change anything, because that person wouldve never existed to begin with.

P.s.s. Im only against ur idea of adding penalty to suiciding as a baby. If you think of a solution that doesnt punish ppl like me for just trying to play my game. Then more power to u and jason. Peace

To carry your analogy:

I prefer asian food. You prefer mexican food.

I get mexican food, suicide. Mexican restaurant goes out of business.

You get asian food, suicide. Asian restaurant goes out of business.

Only European food for everyone now.


#54 2018-09-07 04:47:29

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 201

Re: Would you suicide as the last girl?

boggers wrote:
helloworld wrote:

Let me give u example of my perspective, please share ur example after so i can understand fully what ur trying to say.

Today for dinner you have three choice. You can eat mexican, asian, or European cuisine.
You want to eat asian cuisine, and u dont like the way mexican and european cuisine taste.

But there is a rule, you cant choose the cuisine, instead ur randomly assign one. However you can press a button to get randomly assign a new cuisine.

Do you eat food you dont like, or do you press the button to till you get the food you want to eat.

P.s. on a side note there is no cool down or limit on how many baby a girl can have. ( or not that i know of) so if someone suicide as baby. It doesnt really change anything, because that person wouldve never existed to begin with.

P.s.s. Im only against ur idea of adding penalty to suiciding as a baby. If you think of a solution that doesnt punish ppl like me for just trying to play my game. Then more power to u and jason. Peace

To carry your analogy:

I prefer asian food. You prefer mexican food.

I get mexican food, suicide. Mexican restaurant goes out of business.

You get asian food, suicide. Asian restaurant goes out of business.

Only European food for everyone now.

This is why I personally don't like that babies can suicide without consequence.

This issue isn't as simple as you wanting a different play-style. By choosing this, you are denying a group of others the opportunity to enjoy the game themselves. This means that you are putting your interests above those of the group. I am sorry to say, but that is the definition of selfishness.

Now, if there are a lot of girls around, then sure, go ahead and suicide. There aren't many consequences to that. But if a place is in a desperate need for females, then by choosing to suicide as a girl, you are denying many others in that camp the opportunity you want for yourself: enjoyment in their one hour of play.

Now, putting my personal opinions on baby suicide aside:

This is why I believe Jason will have to choose a route in the future, if he hasn't already (valuing personal play more, or community oriented play more). Simply put, the player base is currently too divided in this regard. This is bound to cause contention and lessen the enjoyment for all. By choosing one he will temporarily loose some players, but they will be replaced by more of those who prefer the selected path. In the long run, this will create a stronger, larger, and more loyal following for the game. As it is, I am a little unsure what this game is trying to be.

Last edited by VioletLily (2018-09-07 04:53:57)


#55 2018-09-07 04:54:24

Registered: 2018-07-26
Posts: 133

Re: Would you suicide as the last girl?

I remembered one more benefit to pregnancy mechanics. It would help with being born while the map is still loading. Even hearing the sounds while the screen is black would work with this mechanic.

Last edited by gabal (2018-09-07 06:46:44)


#56 2018-09-07 04:59:56

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Would you suicide as the last girl?

VioletLily wrote:

This issue isn't as simple as you wanting a different play-style. By choosing this, you are denying a group of others the opportunity to enjoy the game themselves. This means that you are putting your interests above those of the group. I am sorry to say, but that is the definition of selfishness.

Now, if there are a lot of girls around, then sure, go ahead and suicide. There aren't many consequences to that. But if a place is in a desperate need for females, then by choosing to suicide as a girl, you are denying many others in that camp the opportunity you want for yourself: enjoyment in their one hour of play.

That's why I mentioned that I am not relying on players for my enjoyment so I don't focus on lineages but rather on myself to have fun and do stuff that is not relying on other players and/or luck. An Eve run of 5 gens or 25 gens is all the same for me, I'll be spawning back anyways and reviving the place for others. But yes there are two views, personally I haven't adopted the other view because I know some are selfish and I have no need to "convert" them to behave differently, personally. tongue

VioletLily wrote:

Now, putting my personal opinions on baby suicide aside:

This is why I believe Jason will have to choose a route in the future (valuing personal play more, or community oriented play more). Simply put, the player base is currently too divided in this regard. This is bound to cause contention and lessen the enjoyment for all. By choosing one he will temporarily loose some players, but they will be replaced by more of those who prefer the selected path. In the long run, this will create a stronger, larger, and more loyal following for the game. As it is, I am a little unsure what this game is trying to be.

Yep, I do often wonder what is something Jason wants to have and what is not. We will see!

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#57 2018-09-07 11:46:51

Registered: 2018-07-31
Posts: 293

Re: Would you suicide as the last girl?

gabal wrote:

I remembered one more benefit to pregnancy mechanics. It would help with being born while the map is still loading. Even hearing the sounds while the screen is black would work with this mechanic.

I died today before the game had even loaded.



#58 2018-09-11 00:15:41

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 72

Re: Would you suicide as the last girl?

I think you guys who are pro "penalty for suicide" don't see the problem or solution.

long term solution to the suicide problem is more tech lvl. Right now you can reach max tech within 3 generation. thats a very short amount of time. I would say there is about three tier lvl.

tier 1: eve camp (berry bush, axe, forge)
tier 2: settlement (sheep, cart, carrot farm, pie, bakery, knife)
tier 3: village (most farm, horse-cart, road)

most things like wall, and bell tower not really higher tech lvl.

if you add higher tech (which Jason plans on) then i can play tier 3 village cause theres more to be done other then vanity.
but right now there is no point to me or any enjoyment in playing in tier 3. so I only play in tier 1 or 2 to have fun and progress the settlement.

the suicide baby mostly stems from lack of higher tech in my personal opinion.

another point is that tier 3 is way to easy to get to. is not a rare occurrence to see max tech village. I see 2/3 is mostly just village lvl.
it need to be more rare so I can strive for it heh ( where is the challenge).

In the end. I'm saying stop asking Jason to add penalty, instead make the game more fun for everyone. you are focus on the wrong idea, and going backwards. everyone benefits from Jason adding more stuff, then your flimsy feeling about baby-suicide.

p.s. Everyone is selfish, is just a perspective. You should read 'selfish gene theory'.

Last edited by helloworld (2018-09-11 00:17:12)


#59 2018-09-11 06:02:02

Registered: 2018-08-17
Posts: 207

Re: Would you suicide as the last girl?

I think the idea of a short pregnancy is great.

It does not need to be the full 45 seconds, pregnancies aren't visually obvious until they are several months along anyway. 15 seconds would be enough to both discourage baby suicide and give potential mothers some warning and an opportunity to change their odds of birthing  depending on whether they want a kid or not.

This could be done with no additional changes just by adjusting your temperature while pregnant, but perhaps certain types of food could raise or lower your viability as a spawn point as well, eg. stew for fertility vs. wild burdock to terminate.

I'd rather wait 15 seconds before being born every time if it meant being born less frequently into situations where kids were unwanted.

Also, with the temperature mechanic... if a mother is nursing, and in particular if others then pile more kids on her to look after, she is going to stay on or near a good temp tile, and since that's currently the only factor effecting births, this means the more kids a mother has, the more likely she is to spawn even more kids - which kinds sucks for everyone.


#60 2018-09-11 08:06:08

Registered: 2018-07-31
Posts: 293

Re: Would you suicide as the last girl?

helloworld wrote:

I think you guys who are pro "penalty for suicide" don't see the problem or solution.

long term solution to the suicide problem is more tech lvl. Right now you can reach max tech within 3 generation. thats a very short amount of time. I would say there is about three tier lvl.

tier 1: eve camp (berry bush, axe, forge)
tier 2: settlement (sheep, cart, carrot farm, pie, bakery, knife)
tier 3: village (most farm, horse-cart, road)

most things like wall, and bell tower not really higher tech lvl.

if you add higher tech (which Jason plans on) then i can play tier 3 village cause theres more to be done other then vanity.
but right now there is no point to me or any enjoyment in playing in tier 3. so I only play in tier 1 or 2 to have fun and progress the settlement.

the suicide baby mostly stems from lack of higher tech in my personal opinion.

another point is that tier 3 is way to easy to get to. is not a rare occurrence to see max tech village. I see 2/3 is mostly just village lvl.
it need to be more rare so I can strive for it heh ( where is the challenge).

In the end. I'm saying stop asking Jason to add penalty, instead make the game more fun for everyone. you are focus on the wrong idea, and going backwards. everyone benefits from Jason adding more stuff, then your flimsy feeling about baby-suicide.

p.s. Everyone is selfish, is just a perspective. You should read 'selfish gene theory'.

The adding of new gameplay is also a short time solution, just dealt up into several periodic, short-time solutions, which may or may not solve the suicide issue with each addition. Not all future tech upgrades are going to be engaging to the average player, and not all updates are going to be frequent. Thus baby-suicide will keep being a thing between the updates and also, sometimes, even during the release of an update.

I like the pregnancy suggestion brought up by Anshin. Especially if it's not visible on the mother for the first 10 seconds so that the mother player won't have to necessarily know that she has lost something if the baby aborts and the baby will feel less pressured to make a decision right off the bat.

Now Helloworld, I see here that your contribution to the suggestion-pool is to ignore the baby-suicide issue completely (along with our flimsy feelings) and keep adding new craftable items instead.

I'd say that would be a valid argument for a pure crafting game, but I distinctly remember reading this game's description as "a survival game of parenting and civilization building", thus, in addition to being about survival,  the parenting-aspects of this game should allow for "flimsy feelings" to be part of the core gameplay experience.

Although we humans posses an incredible ability to rationalize, most would agree that rational motives are hardly what we choose to act upon. This should be apparent to anybody who isn't living in a cave.

The selfish gene theory is also just a perspective. I suggest you read David Hume's treatise of human nature, Helloworld.



#61 2018-09-11 08:22:53

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Would you suicide as the last girl?

Overall I'd say, as this is a game and disconnection is a common way of refusing a life, we should really consider giving more chances for the mothers, and this is where the pregnancy could come in.

Now I can't remember if there is a "new mom cooldown" or not (for some reason I have 3min cooldown ingrained in my mind but I dunno if that's true at all) but if a baby is born to a mom, usually it takes some time to get a new one: if there is a "new mom cooldown", there shouldn't be if the pregnancy system was in, so players could keep getting abortions constantly and then know the baby who stays wants to stay. I'd much rather watch my character's belly size than babies insta-disconnecting into bones that clutter the place.

What I also agree with is that adding more waiting to baby stages is pretty bad. But the positives could outweigh the negatives in this case. The mom knows the baby wants to live with her and can get ready for the birth. Just 5 seconds (after loading in) of pregnancy would be enough for disconnecters to act.

I wish all players would happily take the lives they get but if someone is adamant to get to Eve or get to a city then let's not let their disconnections affect others; their constant suicides shouldn't take away from other players the way they do now; cluttering, possibly cooldowning the mother and cutting lineages short.

Maybe the belly would be a bit difficult due to clothes... if there are other ways to imply pregnancy those could be easier and faster to implement than a preggo tummy for all clothes. Maybe just a glimmer or some subtle highlight on your stomach? Then it goes out if the baby aborted.

Last edited by MultiLife (2018-09-11 08:23:53)

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


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