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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2018-09-11 22:44:06

New User
Registered: 2018-07-31
Posts: 7

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

It would be interesting if you implemented obesity. If you eat something that fills you up completely, you take the food squares you wasted and put them towards an obesity counter. This could be a tiered system. Your character would gain weight, be slower, and would need to stop and take a breather. This would allow people to catch you and kill you while you rested.

Something like this:

20 obesity points - You gain weight. (Just a visual effect because some people do like to roleplay)
30 obesity points - You gain more weight and are slower.
40 obesity points - You gain weight, are slow, and now have to rest after 40 tiles of movement for 6 seconds.
60 obesity points - You die from a heart attack.

Every minute you lose 2 points to your total.

Of course these numbers are just examples and would need some balancing to it.

Last edited by Zergarthca (2018-09-11 23:15:15)


#27 2018-09-11 22:44:31

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

Turnipseed wrote:

I think players should be sent to a bad sport lobby like on gta. The more you get cursed the longer you spend there with all the other asshats that got sent there.

I think this could work with a higher curse threshold. I just like the implications of a karmic hell server in ohol, although i doubt i'd ever get there

honestly, i can also see people trying to farm curses just to spawn there so maybe make it also open for anyone curious?


#28 2018-09-11 23:07:04

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

i never liked punishment system without a reward system
im first time cursed and had black speech, mother told me not to talk, even if i was a productive member, people tried to kill me and my baby, who was also cursed
ended up taking over the town, were we griefing? no, but they made us impossible to live together, so we had to act
we just killed everyone targeting us and everyone with weapons
then we tried to fix the village

how did i got cursed?
a lady told me to help cause a guy named Eli killed someone innocent, i missed the first stab so i had his attention
he had a twin, so i was targeted afterwards, the guy who made all the work vs the twins who killed people for their gear at 12
so succesfully dodging 2 people, later even 4, i stabbed them 5 times, they were saved 4 times and at 55 i gave up, there is no way back especially against twins, i couldnt stop to talk, i couldnt convince others, i got cursed and the twins who killed for their gear got saved

next life same town, i just stabbed people randomly and got the final curse tokens

how i see it i wasnt the main agressor, and i worked for my gear, helped out the city from a bad famine, managing carrot and compost, the fruit of my work in sheep pen was used to save killers who lied about me and even 2 v 1 they were coward and lost every time

i see it too often, in every dispute the winner is the coward who runs around and tells everybody that you are a griefer, and if you can convince 2 people to curse you in public, others will curse you just the sake of it, not knowing anything about the situation

'you should do that too'- you could all say
but im refusing to be a rat, if i got a problem with you, i settle it in a way or another
its just the lack of self respect to do such a thing
its so easy to manipulate the masses that someone is bad

i do agree it should be some measure against griefers, the ones who end lineages

but its a total different thing to kill griefers or useless members of society, you technically reward people for having bad pvp skills
as long as there is no way to force someone to duel with you, or cast out from the city perimeters, people who run away after offending others will always win

i dont really know how could we taunt griefers, should be a debuff, if you curse someone, should be immediate effect, something small but visible
i could imagine some log of curses and a reasoning

there could be a no weapon zone between some expensive totems, no one would be allowed to carry weapons there, this would at least allow talking without backstabbing
there could be a cast out, so the griefer once seen couldnt approach the city perimeter (check my city center idea)
there could be disarming and non lethal fight system
the opinion of the mass not always right
some game rules should prevent griefers
killings are fine , thats for anti griefing, the only thing which makes killing griefing is if you kill only fertile womans
you cant just say all kills are bad, a player who spawns multiple babies even if the city cannot afford it is indirectly griefing the whole city
the newbee who does things without asking is griefing, the player who picks up resources needed by higher technology and uses in an ineffective way is also griefing, and this people never really admit they are wrong
and if people lack the skill to deal with a killer even with allies, it means they dont deserve to win
the current curse system has so many flaws and random variables its just a joke
mods could do something about it reviewing lifes maybe, lets say you get 10 curses, some people rewatch that life and warn you or punish you with an actual debuff until you learn a lesson
if the overall attitude improves lot of people stop messing around livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#29 2018-09-11 23:13:58

Registered: 2018-07-31
Posts: 293

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

PeaGirl wrote:

Perhaps you should make babies grin like Jack the Killer, or give them devil horns to show who is cursed.

You mean this, right?


A creepy enough looking baby might dissuade even the most nurturing of mothers from keeping that particular baby.



#30 2018-09-11 23:22:35

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

Jason, in the absence of being willing to actually ban people (which I understand), I think your proposals are really good.

But -- and I know someone has already made this point in this thread, but I think it needs to be made more strongly -- if you're putting a visual mark on cursed people, it really, really needs to be something that's not cool-looking, not by anyone's standards, including (well, especially including) wanna-be edgelord 13-year-olds.  Devil horns, bloody birthmarks, anything red or black or interestingly evil-looking...  That's just gonna have people trying to get cursed, and motivate some subset of people to keep the cursed ones around.

They really need to look lame and embarrassing.  I'm not sure how.  But they do.


#31 2018-09-12 00:09:56

Registered: 2018-08-31
Posts: 117

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

Honestly I feel like we have it under control for the most part. For me the worst griefing is people killing all sheep or filling in trash pit pens so sheep escape.

I'm all for buffing the curse system, the vast majority of cursed players deserved their curse. A visual indication for cursed would be nice since alot of mums still allow them to live. One time a cursed baby born to me survived by running to the nursery fire and got fed no questions asked. Hid behind the other babies for almost the entire time and ran off with a basket of pies at age 3. Bit later he cameback as an adult and killed my daughter but ran away again. He repeated this a couple more times before getting killed eventually. Still, The town survived another 4 or so generations.

One thing I agree with in thag email is the ease of running away. This allows you to get away with any crime but murder. They steal tools like a hammer or firebow and then you have to spend 20 minutes chasing them until you finally get the drop on them.

Maybe cursed players should move a bit slower then normal players. So no more getting away at age 3 and being near impossible to kill unless your on murder slowdown. Makes griefing alot harder if every townie can run faster then you.

Last edited by SomeRandomPerson (2018-09-12 00:38:42)


#32 2018-09-12 04:56:57

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

I'm not going to implement specific solutions to specific forms of griefing (obesity or whatever), because there are an infinite number of different forms of griefing, and if I plug one rat hole, they'll just chew through and make another one.  If they can't eat all the food, they can always throw it all in the woods to hide it, right?  One cart can hold a lot of pies....

I'm looking for a general system that allows players to define their own rules and enforce them as they see fit.

As for the mark looking cool, I don't think that's a problem.  Yes, some people will strive for it, but who cares?  Some people strive to be bad even without a cool mark.  I'm not going to be able to stop people from wanting to be "bad," nor do I necessarily want to encourage certain behavior over others.

If you discover that cursing players really keeps them motivated to continue doing whatever you have decided is "bad," you'd probably want to stop cursing them, wouldn't you?

But if cursing works to help you identify the people you want to identify across lives, then you will use that information however you wish to use it.  If the information is there, the information that you yourself placed there on that person, I can't help you if you chose not to use it (by "you," I'm talking about the collective player population).

As for something that is legitimately uncool..... with the prevalent ironic sensibility, I simply cannot fathom it.  The most uncool thing in the world would become cool in this context.


#33 2018-09-12 05:00:28

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

Is it possible that we could kill with left click instead of right click because dropping the weapon ten times when your chasing a griefer that is running is annoying, i get it it's to avoid accidents but if you see someone with a knife in hands or a loaded bow you shouldnt stay too close to that person, also it could be maybe a double left click to kill.

This would make the killing of griefers running much easier.


#34 2018-09-12 05:09:33

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

Dodge wrote:

Is it possible that we could kill with left click instead of right click because dropping the weapon ten times when your chasing a griefer that is running is annoying, i get it it's to avoid accidents but if you see someone with a knife in hands or a loaded bow you shouldnt stay too close to that person, also it could be maybe a double left click to kill.

This would make the killing of griefers running much easier.

learn to fight and dont be a pussy
you already bitch about something that was nerfed twice
also there isnt only you in the world, imagine reverse situation
the griefer just kills you even easier if you cannot handle with the ultra nerf slowdown livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#35 2018-09-12 05:13:00

Registered: 2018-08-31
Posts: 117

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

jasonrohrer wrote:

I'm not going to implement specific solutions to specific forms of griefing (obesity or whatever), because there are an infinite number of different forms of griefing, and if I plug one rat hole, they'll just chew through and make another one.  If they can't eat all the food, they can always throw it all in the woods to hide it, right?  One cart can hold a lot of pies....

I'm looking for a general system that allows players to define their own rules and enforce them as they see fit.

As for the mark looking cool, I don't think that's a problem.  Yes, some people will strive for it, but who cares?  Some people strive to be bad even without a cool mark.  I'm not going to be able to stop people from wanting to be "bad," nor do I necessarily want to encourage certain behavior over others.

If you discover that cursing players really keeps them motivated to continue doing whatever you have decided is "bad," you'd probably want to stop cursing them, wouldn't you?

But if cursing works to help you identify the people you want to identify across lives, then you will use that information however you wish to use it.  If the information is there, the information that you yourself placed there on that person, I can't help you if you chose not to use it (by "you," I'm talking about the collective player population).

As for something that is legitimately uncool..... with the prevalent ironic sensibility, I simply cannot fathom it.  The most uncool thing in the world would become cool in this context.

Put sheep shits on there heads.


#36 2018-09-12 05:15:38

Registered: 2018-09-03
Posts: 8

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

pein wrote:

learn to fight and dont be a pussy
you already bitch about something that was nerfed twice
also there isnt only you in the world, imagine reverse situation
the griefer just kills you even easier if you cannot handle with the ultra nerf slowdown

Why the aggressive tone? And how exactly does murder slowdown help you deal with someone who's griefing by eating all the food or stealing important tools?


#37 2018-09-12 05:45:53

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

"As for the mark looking cool, I don't think that's a problem" devil horns smile

@pein It's not a matter of learning how to fight, you shouldn't drop your knife on the floor if it wasnt the intent to do so
, so tell me since your so "good" do you never drop your weapon when your chasing someone and try to kill him?

I dont care if the griefer gets an advantage too, it would be way less annoying to not drop your weapons on the floor when your trying to kill anyone that is lagging pretty badly


#38 2018-09-12 06:50:23

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

pein wrote:

This would make the killing of griefers running much easier.
learn to fight and dont be a pussy
you already bitch about something that was nerfed twice
also there isnt only you in the world, imagine reverse situation
the griefer just kills you even easier if you cannot handle with the ultra nerf slowdown

The thing is with marks having zero value as of current it doesn't matter if you kill a troll. Families have been so connected as of recent you can snub one troll and next you know they're back in your family lineage this time. At best you're fighting an uphill battle due to the griefer returning knowing exactly who you are and you have no indicator of whether or not this is the person you just killed.

If someone passes the speech check what do you do? Just drop teaching someone or stop feeding kids because there could potentially be a bad egg in the bunch? At the end of the day the point of the thread is that the curse system at the moment is too weak. Repeat offenders don't suffer, people with black text bubbles barely suffer, and the people who get punished are regular players just trying to play.

fug it’s Tarr.


#39 2018-09-12 08:02:29

New User
Registered: 2018-08-05
Posts: 9

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

Personally I think the curse system is too weak.  On your numbers that doesn't include the 20+ times I have tried to 'curse' someone and couldn't because I miss-spelt the name, ie Uahdaherdet or whatever it was, or I was a baby and didn't have enough letters (putting it on paper is no good as I have picked up a piece of paper and cursed someone I didn't even KNOW).  Or I haven't had a curse token available as in my evenings play I have had nothing but griefers etc and used my curse up in the first five mins of logging in.  I have seen multiple times where people have tried and failed to curse for those very reasons so I know I am not alone.  I would estimate you could quadruple the amount of curses and still be under the actual number of griefers who would of been cursed had game mechanics not thwarted them.

I think if you start a sentence with the letter 'c' it should let you keep going with a U then an R then an S and E and once spelt that out 'curse' then allow the rest of the name irrespective of if you are 'old' enough to talk. Even at 15 the letters are limited if the name is really long.  And while you can curse the person up to two hours later (I think) most time you forget to write it down or just log out and go do something else til you get in the mood to be griefed again.

A town I was in earlier today, a fair sized one, had been 'griefed' to the fact that some asshat had taken an ax and chopped down every single useful tree for miles.  I mean 30+ screens in any direction.  So when the fire went out, we couldn't find a leaf anywhere. To stop this you really need to make some trees 'protected' species.  So say one in 10 or so of any particular species can't be logged to stop this clear felling.  It was obviously a griefer as the only trees left standing were the ones that don't have any use.  White pines etc.  Either that or make it so that trees can drop seeds as other crops so that we can regrow species when needed.

Making it harder for people to murder is also needed.  Perhaps they need to stab you 5 times to actually kill you and after the first time they are slowed down, so need to work at it, and also to shoot you 3 times with an arrow again being slowed after the first one.   I accidentally stabbed someone a while back unintentionally and felt bad as it was a young town and we had no bandages etc I shouldn't be able to miss click and kill someone like that. If I want to murder someone then it has to be intentional in my view.  Not this one stab and your dead rubbish.  That is just too easy for griefers.

I am put off atm at the number of towns that barely make it past generation 8 or whatever as the kiddies get in before the towns are established with medics and bandages etc and one snot nosed kid can just run rampant with a knife and total the town by killing all the females.   I have played 4 hours today and every single town died due to no females.  Getting to where it is becoming seriously old and not much fun.


#40 2018-09-12 10:18:18

Registered: 2018-08-17
Posts: 207

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

jasonrohrer wrote:

As for something that is legitimately uncool..... with the prevalent ironic sensibility, I simply cannot fathom it.  The most uncool thing in the world would become cool in this context.



#41 2018-09-12 11:39:47

Registered: 2018-07-25
Posts: 212

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

Or maybe just to implement an idea from some discussion in this forum? The idea is that the slowed killer would lose protection. Then you can kill him with some tool (eg. an ax). It seems to me more logical than orange children. After all, the villagers, when they see the killer, will fight him with the tools they have at hand. This will make the griefers life more difficult. They will have to hunt their victims outside the village and they will become a threat at the level of rattlesnakes.
I do not know, of course, if it will be easy to introduce, but it would be nice not to watch the slaughter in this game.


#42 2018-09-12 11:51:54

From: Finland, Oulu
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 336

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

jasonrohrer wrote:

As for something that is legitimately uncool..... with the prevalent ironic sensibility, I simply cannot fathom it.  The most uncool thing in the world would become cool in this context.

That's what most open PvPs are. I think the OHOL was just little misleading for some, that it was family friendly, but they forgot that knife is sharp and bow and arrow is great hunting weapon.

If you ever enter Pea (Helkama turns into random name) family, you need the lottery ticket picked up. My baby names given can be absolutely random.
"Are you fueled with peasoup or why you keep running off from temperature tile?"


#43 2018-09-12 12:32:39

Registered: 2018-07-31
Posts: 293

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

So I doodled around in class a bit today thinking about how to discourage people from picking up the cursed ones... Problem is that they are just so damned cute.

Therefor I sought to remove the cuteness;

The prominent teeth make them look unnatural and off-putting as babies are not known for their big teeth.
Surely, even a griefer would feel a pang of gratitude, should some nooby mother decided to raise him/her despite his/hers menacing appearance.

The evil face should be frozen throughout all life stages, and only the crying infant face should variate from the main sprite. Also why not tweak the crying sound a bit too, just to make it land a little bit closer to the uncanny valley, while we're at it?



#44 2018-09-12 12:36:41

Registered: 2018-07-31
Posts: 293

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

Ok! I admit; some of these are actually so derpy-looking that it's actually kind of cute.
Please ignore the examples you'd find to be 'kind of cute'.



#45 2018-09-12 13:35:33

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

Ilka wrote:

Or maybe just to implement an idea from some discussion in this forum? The idea is that the slowed killer would lose protection. Then you can kill him with some tool (eg. an ax). It seems to me more logical than orange children. After all, the villagers, when they see the killer, will fight him with the tools they have at hand. This will make the griefers life more difficult. They will have to hunt their victims outside the village and they will become a threat at the level of rattlesnakes.
I do not know, of course, if it will be easy to introduce, but it would be nice not to watch the slaughter in this game.

the problem is not the murderers ... the biggest problem is the griefers, those people who, without killing anyone, ruin everyone's game.

a killer is easy to detect and shoot down, even if the city is prepared does not do any damage (everything is based on the preparation and anticipation)

many times we perform meaningless tasks when the city has no pads, no hospital, not even thread and needle

we must anticipate when several knives are detected in a city, because they can fall into the wrong hands

the biggest problem is the abusers that, as MissE comments, with a simple ax they can sweep large areas of trees and kill an entire civilization without touching a weapon or those that hide all the essential tools of the people in the forest, or those who flee with all the food there are so many ways to be an abuser!

and the curse system, although it's good ... it's too weak ... and it's easy to hide


#46 2018-09-12 14:13:56

Registered: 2018-06-04
Posts: 202

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

i like the idea of the more curse points you accumulated, the harder it is to get rid of them.

But i agree that the curse should have more consequences than just being recognised because of black speech and possible future marks, if it helps us recognise a bit easier truly toxic players, it still doesnt detter them very much from continuing their toxic behaviors, some persons truly have no mindset other than ruining other players game as much as possible. And I can't think of any other multiplayer based game that doesn't have some kind of reporting system. And I'm not talking about murderers, those are usually just wannabe griefers, always dealt with some varying succes.

So I think we should be able to add curses to an already cursed player, maybe not immediately, so some can't just name the baby and curse it more, but not before he reaches holding weapon age, so if a village decide to keep a cursed baby to give it a chance of redemption, if that child starts griefing again, at least we have the option to add to his curses, And if a players reaches another threshold of curse token, that player should be "bannished" to play exclusively as an eve untill he's below said threshold.

I will be eve tana. If not an eve, my kids will be called numerically : Primo, Duo, Tertio, Quattro, Quintus, Sextus, Septimus, Octavius etc... ending with an -a if you're a girl.


#47 2018-09-12 14:49:39

From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 565

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

tana wrote:

But i agree that the curse should have more consequences than just being recognised because of black speech and possible future marks, if it helps us recognise a bit easier truly toxic players, it still doesnt detter them very much from continuing their toxic behaviors, some persons truly have no mindset other than ruining other players game as much as possible. And I can't think of any other multiplayer based game that doesn't have some kind of reporting system. And I'm not talking about murderers, those are usually just wannabe griefers, always dealt with some varying succes.

Because... Curse is not supposed to deter anyone. Its supposed to be a tool for people to know who to watch out for and who to exclude from their society. Its up to YOU to banish this person from your society or just kill him.

Is it really so hard to take responsibility for that into your own hands? I understand that milenials prefer eferything to be done for them by others, but come on...

Curse is a tool for intel. Action stays in your own hands.


#48 2018-09-12 15:28:20

Registered: 2018-07-25
Posts: 212

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

JonySky wrote:

the problem is not the murderers ... the biggest problem is the griefers, those people who, without killing anyone, ruin everyone's game.

a killer is easy to detect and shoot down, even if the city is prepared does not do any damage (everything is based on the preparation and anticipation)

many times we perform meaningless tasks when the city has no pads, no hospital, not even thread and needle

I admit that griefers who hide various objects are disruptive and often contribute to the extinction of entire families.
The worse are those who bring bears to the city.

But .... yesterday I played in the Tarr family. 10 generation, a great farm where nothing was missing.
In the 17th generation, the family has expired. By griefs, of course. Actually most of the old families end up this way.

I remember a scene from a different game - everyone (mostly children) are standing together and one cousin is holding a bow and we looking from which side evil will come.
It reminded me a scene from a horror movie.
Of course, through this griefer many of us died of hunger because no one worked.
And then , the second griefer appeared (one griefer was killed, and then it turned out that there was one more).
In spite of everything, somehow the family managed to survive.

What annoys me most is that some silly children  are forcing players to play according to their rules. If I wanted to play a shooter game (with elements of horror), I would play a different game.

Last edited by Ilka (2018-09-12 15:31:38)


#49 2018-09-12 15:31:02

Registered: 2018-07-25
Posts: 212

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

Roblor- cute. big_smile
Teeth, lots of teeth.

Last edited by Ilka (2018-09-12 15:32:54)


#50 2018-09-12 15:31:03

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 57

Re: Still thinking about griefers.

Random input: It sounds funny to be 'born with the cursed mark' as so many stories portray.


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