One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-09-18 02:36:45

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 6

Indee, Why?

I spent my whole life trying to revive the village with a girl as the last fertile woman, Venus, my mother's only surviving child. Some strange dudes force fed me in the desert for a while. I moved further into town. Someone took a family photo. The only girl I ever had was born during some chaos when Thea stabbed Gigi II. Gigi was bringing me food as I hovered in perfect temp for some time before that and I was aghast. He made it to the hospital in time to be saved. The baby girl was less lucky and in the mess, I didn't notice her. Gigi did, and named her after his wife, Ginny. She died within a minute. We praised Jesus. Still only boys. When I found we were doomed, I was grey, and only you and your brother remained, I resigned myself to one of my favourite OHOL activities post city-death, arranging the things left behind in tidy rows. I found that your younger brother had no name and dubbed him 'Finalson', the last of my children. I had eight minutes left to go when you stabbed me in the gut. I begged your brother Fina to help, but he opted for vengeance and took you down instead. Indee, why are you like this? Who hurt you? I didn't raise you this way. I always told you you were a good son, I guess I didn't know the truth. Just let me be a sad old lady.


#2 2018-09-18 03:36:24

Registered: 2018-04-11
Posts: 41

Re: Indee, Why?

Oh man, wow I'm sorry it went down that way. I was Gigi II. I had a lot of fun this life honestly.

I was born to my mother and Gigi right after by a distant cousin. I promised to marry her when we got older. I spent a lot of time fixing up the sheep so I could make Ginny an apron to propose with. And she accepted. I helped gather things for a little set up to the North she and someone else had been managing for the last years of my life.

I'm glad I was able to get healed after I was stabbed, but died shortly after from old age. Little said mini Ginny didn't survive.

It was still a lot of fun though. Sorry the line had to die out that way though. Yikes.

My brother Grigor was a cool dude and I didn't realize I had another brother that I was the namesake of. I realized after he died. Lol. Sorry my dude.

Ever had more than 15 babies in one life? I have.

So many babies.


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