One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-09-18 00:30:57

Registered: 2018-09-18
Posts: 5

Pet Peeves?

Hello! So what are some of your biggest pet peeves while playing OHOL? Mine are when eves don't assign themselves a last name and so many many people don't have last names. Also the fact that parents don't assign first names to their kids! It drives me crazy. I always remember though. (: What are some of your guy's biggest pet peeves?

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleanor Roosevelt


#2 2018-09-18 00:45:36

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Pet Peeves?

Bold ones are my personal biggest annoyances, though I've encountered and hated all of these.

- People planting a shitload of carrots, watering them, then never coming back to pick them so they all go to seed.

- People binge-eating carrots/berries that are needed for compost, or eating the corn that was being dried for stew

- Eves camping in the middle of green, nowhere near a desert or even ponds.

- People letting the main fire die, or putting a rock on it.

- People putting kindling/firewood onto coals I was using.

- People shearing the last sheep, killing the domestic mouflon, etc.

- People fully clothing me, then shoving me onto a large fire in the middle of a desert. Dead in 5 seconds flat.

- Followup: moms getting mad at me when I move to a mid-temp tile rather than starve on a too-hot tile.

Oh there's a ton more, don't worry.

Edit: found some more!

- People wasting the shovel burying every skeleton in sight.

- People stealing the fleece I was harvesting to make their own apron, or the rabbit furs I was collecting to make their own backpack/clothes.

- People emptying the basket you set down for five seconds to use themself, or stealing the cart you were using, etc.

- People putting clothes on babies when there are adults running around naked. Bonus points if the backpack/apron they give the baby has gear like knives, shears, etc. in it.

- People stabbing others for being new, rather than teaching them what they should do instead. Or stabbing for petty reasons, like "wah this person disagrees with me"

- People filling in the sides of a sheep pen and eventually letting them escape.

- People putting the domestic bison/cow in the sheep pen rather than making a separate pen for it, eventually rendering the pen unusable for sheep as there's a shitload of dead calves taking up space.

- People making way more of one thing than we really need. Good example is one life where someone tried to make literally 8 carts when we were on the verge of a water crisis and desperately needed buckets for deep wells. Another example is planting/watering 10+ rows of carrots when we're already struggling to find space for the previous 10 rows they harvested.

- People standing in the way of the forge/smith area. Move your baby fire elsewhere please, its hard enough doing things in the few seconds we have when a forge is lit without having to try and grab things behind your fat heads.

- Prior to recent update, people keeping black-text babies under the very very slim chance that they might not be 'evil.' Civ then dies because they openly welcomed a marked griefer.

- Old people or males "rescuing" [read: stealing] your baby because you left them alone for 2 seconds to go do something rather than sit around eating berries and watching them grow.

- Followup: those same old people / males stuffing a berry in the baby's face every 2 seconds because it dropped a single hunger pip.

Jesus I'm starting to sound like Pein.

Last edited by Jk Howling (2018-09-18 01:01:31)

-Has ascended to better games-


#3 2018-09-18 01:16:02

Registered: 2018-09-18
Posts: 5

Re: Pet Peeves?

omg yess!! especially the "rescuing"  thing and the "stealing your stuff" thing.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleanor Roosevelt


#4 2018-09-18 02:01:01

Registered: 2018-07-20
Posts: 95

Re: Pet Peeves?

I think my personal pet peeve is when people's head get in the way of work. I mean we're all guilty of this at one point so its not a huge deal- but it still sucks having to stop to ask people to move so that you cake bake the damned pies. I've never experienced people stealing my baby, at least, not yet anyway. But I've definitely had people steal  the furs I had been stockpiling for a backpack I needed to go hunting with to instead make something stupid like a hat for their newborn child. It makes me want to scream, but its part of a multiplayer game so I put on my girl pants and deal with it by going out into the fields again and putting the furs in a place with less foot traffic.


#5 2018-09-18 08:57:44

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Pet Peeves?

lol yes you do big_smile you should compare it with one in other topic xD

solution: make the weapon first

all of above plus
people ruining my grave pen, calling a waste of space and resources, first of all, age doesnt make you the boss of the camp, second i gathered it myself, every single piece, a thrash pit is not a 'proper pen', i already proved that a grave pen lasts 60+ gen and its much cleaner, also as strong as ancient walls plus holds an item
same goes for teleporter from adobe, if you are a fricking kid, dont cry about resources cause you didnt made any, possibly you are alive cause of me, and dont expect that everyone plays the same dumb way for months

people stealing the flat rocks, no time to fix before, too many clicks for a life
nobody makes a sapling seed and use skewers for tilling, when we got milkweed in biome or iron
then we got no sapling for arrow or letters
people tossing bones in middle of grave pen in making and generally stupid grave blocks, cause it means no one ever gonna make a proper grave anyway, if you wanna make a proper grave leave 1 or 2 sides free

dumb babies want to be the smith when they dont even know what tools do we need, its time sensitive and you are a fricking kid, at least ask it, also wasting the firewood i brought to tools and making stew or pies
when they took the adobe from oven and hit it 3 tiles near the kiln, it needs more space, at least put it somewhere further or ask someone, every time i didnt place the kiln, ends up near the desert or close to unmovable tiles
no need for oven before sheep, pies are useless luxury, also if you forget the dough gonna stay there for a while, make your own plates at least

i just had someone who made second hammer, and if i put the next steel would of made the third, then she calls me idiot, and shots me later and even curses, also was the last female so was even worse, i did the whole smithing and she wasnt the first who piss me off
even if im rude say a fucking sorry if you made a mistake dont act like its my fault you are blind
probably thats why babies brought the bears on us cause they were dumb as fuck
people stacking up the iron and putting the steel in baskets,  when im obviously working on it
also messing up my flat rocks, i like it on the left under kiln, leave it there

dont make a cart out of my box in the pen wall, while im bringing the board for a chest, it gonna open the fricking pen, its just much more effective to have at least one chest and dont have to run around it
corner entrances in general, make a front/side entrance or dont ruin if i make one
dont curse me if you attack me and you end up dead, you deserved your fate

and if i dont stab you right away just tell you made a mistake, appreciate the effort i made and say sorry, if you want to prove me wrong dont say stupid shit like 'dont you know sheep regrow fleece?' - you waste a bowl of berry and carrot, and like 2 extra minutes, also maybe others wont even start it again cause they think 'oh yet another noobcamp where i got to feed sheep for 5 min to get a dung'

old dumbfucks who act like a boss of the camp, storing file, shears in their pack and never using it, when they cant even make it
you got priority if you feed the sheep, i do that as well, i keep the shears until i harvest the fleece then i leave it to the public, if someone else feeds it, i make him an apron or hat, i generally leave 1-2 extra for needle or pads, but dont just take it away for yourself
also having multiple unsheared sheep makes more lambs, faster feeding, if you keep shearing all except one i need a lot more time to feed them, just wait until the pen is full before shearing them or at least right after it leaves the lamb not right away when it transitions, there is no such thing as enough meat/dung. cook it in oven if you dont want to make pies, feeding sheared sheep is a waste, if you are lazy to feed then dont make decisions for others, no is no

people healing babies, wasting resources, shit happens, a pad is still worth more than a random player who cant dodge a shoot/stab  and they heal others who deserve to die, when we actually need it for someone important we dont have any livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#6 2018-09-19 10:03:51

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Pet Peeves?

People who start planting random crap in my farm rows is probably one of my biggest pet peeves. Just because you picked a terrible spot for your farm in a green biome doesn't mean you can come to my warm farm and start planting whatever you want when I did all the work to find a good spot and set it up. This level of laziness leads to me either completely abandoning the farm or out right suiciding.

Open carrying a weapon around town and following people: if you happen to go around menacing people for zero reason you're going to end up getting stabbed. These people always act like you're in the wrong once they've been stabbed but I've been thanked multiple times for removing these people from camps.

People who take the ball of thread and needle from the hospital. Like it's okay to take one if there is multiple laying around but if you take the only one ready you put yourself and others at risk. Funny enough I've seen these exact people die because of their dumb decision because now no one can stitch their wound.

People who make tiny sheep pens. Just don't do it. Stop being lazy and either clear out the space around where you want your sheep pen or find a better spot to put it. Small pens require constant cleaning to remain semi-functional vs a large pen only requiring little bits of cleaning here and there.

Mutton biomes. In large city people seem to want to save every little mutton they have for pies when in reality all this does is leave giant cluttered areas of raw mutton. You heard it here first folks it's okay to cook mutton. Generally in a town with an active shepherd you can fill all your pie crusts then cook 90% of your excess mutton without worrying about having pie filling around. Cooked mutton saves on space as it can be stored in backpacks or baskets.

I generally have to go make more plates for pies rather than have to save mutton for pies if I want to increase the amount of mutton pies floating around the city.

When people make a full set of fur clothing for themselves in a desert town. I once spent an hour and a half collecting furs (Got two lives in the same little place due to twin eves or a second family showing up) and had two different people use the excess fur to dress themselves from head to toe. Between not working and having wasted all the fur to make useless clothes I have never been so infuriated with this game until that moment.

Last edited by Tarr (2018-09-19 10:10:27)

fug it’s Tarr.


#7 2018-09-19 11:06:11

From: Finland, Oulu
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 336

Re: Pet Peeves?

Tarr wrote:

People who make tiny sheep pens. Just don't do it. Stop being lazy and either clear out the space around where you want your sheep pen or find a better spot to put it. Small pens require constant cleaning to remain semi-functional vs a large pen only requiring little bits of cleaning here and there.

People do this so they can have mufflon ready early in tool age. It is at least functional and if there is space made, or still left you can just upgrade it by time, no big deal!

Also most frustating I know, is that people make flat rock roads in almost every direction. Ofc there are iron veins, and roads are made in such locations, but do you really need to stretch in all 8 directions? Flat rocks, even though almost everywhere and in vast amount, still remain finite and would cause town run out of flat rocks (especially if griefer snatches last flat rocks from forge and puts them in senseless places.

I also dislike people who cause drama, or otherwise are arguing of methods in some jobs, when efficient way is written all over the forums for ppl to see.

I hate those who cut last wheat in the field, without providing any planted wheat plots watered etc. In that case I really often have planted one wheat seed somewhere far away from original wheat field. Thank god if there is note placed "for seeds, do not cut!"

If you ever enter Pea (Helkama turns into random name) family, you need the lottery ticket picked up. My baby names given can be absolutely random.
"Are you fueled with peasoup or why you keep running off from temperature tile?"


#8 2018-09-19 17:53:33

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Pet Peeves?

My biggest peeves:

People who stick a flat rock on the coals of the town's only fire just as I am dashing back with an armful of kindling to revive it.  Only time, I think, that I've ever really lost my head yelling at some poor newbie was when they did this in a town with few useful trees nearby.  I felt bad about it afterward, because I understand that it's an easy mistake to make, but, god, what an utterly sickening feeling.  And it's happened to me way too often.  (Of course, the main fire in a town like that should never be allowed to get that low in the first place, but that's another matter.)

People not leaving a bowl next to the stew.  This is my big crusade lately.  People!  Always leave a bowl next to the stew!!!  And if you empty a stew bowl, please, fill it back up and set up back down next to the stew.  That doesn't guarantee no one will walk off with it, but it at least makes it less likely.  I have come disturbingly close to starving while standing in front of five crocks full of stew, because there was no bowl in sight to eat it with.

People standing directly in front of things I want to use or pick up, which is unavoidable, and especially standing in front of the flat rocks at the smithy while it's in use, which is entirely avoidable if you try.   I sometimes make a point, these days, of reminding my kids to stay out of the smith's way, if the baby fire is too close to the forge.  Whether they listen or not may be another matter, of course.

Making a bunch of wet clay pottery that we have great need for and firing up the kiln only to have someone instantly come swooping up out of nowhere and stick an adobe cover on it.  They always act so incredibly surprised that I actually wanted to use the kiln, too.  Even if there are fifteen wet clay bowls right there and I'm holding the tongs in my hand.


#9 2018-09-21 09:59:21

From: Australia
Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 14

Re: Pet Peeves?

The one thing that annoys me to no end is wheat

Firstly, those who thrash it far away from the oven. I always, if available, use a cart, bring the wheat to the pie area and thrash it nearby.

Secondly, those who thrash the wheat and then leave the wheat part lying on the ground (separated from the thrashed). I always end up having to stop what I'm doing to quickly make it into compost before it despawns.


* The Stew Farm
- Planting corn on the bottom soils
- BEANS EVERYWHERE! (and corns)

* Giving Bags and clothing to BB's just born, should go to those who are older and working

* Watering Carrots and leaving them

* Making Berry Farms huge with no paths in between

* Finding an awesome spot as an Eve and having all your BB's run away or be all boys

* Fitting only 3 Berries in a Basket!

I'm sure there's heaps more that I've forgotten lol

Last edited by xochristinee (2018-09-21 10:11:39)

My BB names: Rosie, Becky, Kristy, Alex, Andy, Rocky, Robby


#10 2018-09-21 10:01:55

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Pet Peeves?

gingers livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#11 2018-09-21 23:17:07

From: Poland
Registered: 2018-08-13
Posts: 43

Re: Pet Peeves?

Are there skewers and fertile soil in the village? Someone will use them all up to plant beans.
Are there saplings outside the town? No worry, someone will use them for skewers to plant beans.
Is there an unoccupied tiled row and you go somewhere to find some seeds? Someone will plant beans.
Is there space for harvested crops around the farm? Someone will fill it with beans (and corn kennels but that's unrelated).
Is there a road? Now there are beans on the road.
Is there a forge? Now there are beans in the forge.
Are there baskets? Now there are beans in the baskets.
Are there carts? Now there are baskets with beans in the carts.
Are there multiple mature bean plants occupying space? They will be there for generations beacuse nobody needs the beans.

Point is, I'm tired of people not knowing what beans do and either using the entire harvest to plant more beans, or spreading it around the farm. Out of all the soup plants, the beans are perhaps the most overplanted one, even considering squash, which by the way is also announce because of people not knowing how to remove seeds from the bowls and half the bowls in the village ending up partially filled with squash as a result of this. Not to mention beans being planted first in every free deep tiled row that is not explicitly a part of a farm of something else.

I know you can use beans for tacos, but, come on. There is no point planting twenty damn rows of just beans that are gonna be there for generations, with someone occasionally taking space around the bean farm through a missclick or the lack of knowledge. Especially considering you are taking away soil and often planting over carrot farms, causing a famine.

There are no bean powers for gathering 666 beans in a pentagram of carts and sacrificing an infant.

[size=27]CEASE YOUR BEANERY[/size]


#12 2018-09-21 23:28:29

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 12

Re: Pet Peeves?

Rohen wrote:

Are there skewers and fertile soil in the village? Someone will use them all up to plant beans.
Are there saplings outside the town? No worry, someone will use them for skewers to plant beans.
Is there an unoccupied tiled row and you go somewhere to find some seeds? Someone will plant beans.
Is there space for harvested crops around the farm? Someone will fill it with beans (and corn kennels but that's unrelated).
Is there a road? Now there are beans on the road.
Is there a forge? Now there are beans in the forge.
Are there baskets? Now there are beans in the baskets.
Are there carts? Now there are baskets with beans in the carts.
Are there multiple mature bean plants occupying space? They will be there for generations beacuse nobody needs the beans.

Point is, I'm tired of people not knowing what beans do and either using the entire harvest to plant more beans, or spreading it around the farm. Out of all the soup plants, the beans are perhaps the most overplanted one, even considering squash, which by the way is also announce because of people not knowing how to remove seeds from the bowls and half the bowls in the village ending up partially filled with squash as a result of this. Not to mention beans being planted first in every free deep tiled row that is not explicitly a part of a farm of something else.

I know you can use beans for tacos, but, come on. There is no point planting twenty damn rows of just beans that are gonna be there for generations, with someone occasionally taking space around the bean farm through a missclick or the lack of knowledge. Especially considering you are taking away soil and often planting over carrot farms, causing a famine.

There are no bean powers for gathering 666 beans in a pentagram of carts and sacrificing an infant.

[size=27]CEASE YOUR BEANERY[/size]

This post is fucking hilarious!!! im dying ROTFLMAO!!!!

For the love of god, berries DO NOT regrow on domestic bushes unless emptied, resoiled, and watered


#13 2018-09-21 23:44:58

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Pet Peeves?

In defense of beans, it takes an entire plant to do anything with [burritos, stew, etc.] which means two plants if you want to replant [or having a 'seed' row like carrots set aside]. If you're running stew production lines, then yes, you'll need to plant a lot of beans. More than squash, which automatically gives you a bunch of seeds for a single plant.

What are you trying to grow near all those corn, squash and beans anyways? And why can't you plant them elsewhere, so people don't see the empty rows near the beans and decide to plant more? Carrots/Wheat/Milkweed should be planted out of the way anyways- Carrots so peopel don't eat them, Wheat so you have room to thresh, Milkweed so you're not taking uo space with harvested stumps..

Personally I keep all the stew plants in one area and don't spread them around since, y'know, you'll want them all in one area so you can make stew faster rather than having to tote around a half-filled crock everywhere. Never seen issues with people randomly planting them anywhere in sight lmao. If there's an empty tilled land adjacent to where I'm growing stew plants, then yeah I'm gonna use it for stew plants.

Here's a good example of a recent stew farm I had going, though I think having an empty row splitting them down the center would've made things a bit better.


Last edited by Jk Howling (2018-09-21 23:46:42)

-Has ascended to better games-


#14 2018-09-22 00:13:23

From: Poland
Registered: 2018-08-13
Posts: 43

Re: Pet Peeves?

Well, that explains some of the "bean farming gone mad" I've encountered.

Thanks for this post.

Last edited by Rohen (2018-09-22 00:17:09)


#15 2018-09-25 05:02:16

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Pet Peeves?

New pet peeve I realized I had yesterday:

People cutting down your domestic saplings without harvesting plantable sapling pieces nor planting back any saplings.

People harvesting and using milkweed you planted without leaving any seeds nor planting a new row.

People, if you got your resources by just having them there by someone else's work, at least return the favor and plant them back. The least you should do is leave as many seeds as you harvested the plants.

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#16 2018-09-25 18:17:13

Registered: 2018-06-23
Posts: 76

Re: Pet Peeves?

Stop burying people next to things.  Take three seconds, walk away from town, dump the body, walk back.


It will not decay in your lifetime anyway.  It makes no difference, as long as you take the time to WALK AWAY.


Now bring your shovel back here and put it to good use by building a well or putting some dung on compost. Don't bury people.


Yum. Yum. Yum. Meh.


#17 2018-09-25 19:22:48

I am Pharo
Registered: 2018-07-17
Posts: 108

Re: Pet Peeves?

MultiLife wrote:

New pet peeve I realized I had yesterday:

People cutting down your domestic saplings without harvesting plantable sapling pieces nor planting back any saplings.

People harvesting and using milkweed you planted without leaving any seeds nor planting a new row.

People, if you got your resources by just having them there by someone else's work, at least return the favor and plant them back. The least you should do is leave as many seeds as you harvested the plants.



#18 2018-09-25 21:08:17

Registered: 2018-09-23
Posts: 50

Re: Pet Peeves?

LaughAtlantis wrote:

Stop burying people next to things.  Take three seconds, walk away from town, dump the body, walk back.


It will not decay in your lifetime anyway.  It makes no difference, as long as you take the time to WALK AWAY.


Now bring your shovel back here and put it to good use by building a well or putting some dung on compost. Don't bury people.


Now I feel bad. I had a life where my mom was generous and caring. She made sure I was at a comfortable temperature by the fire. When she suddenly became too old to nurse me, she hand fed me berries. She clothed me off of her own back. And when I was old enough to work, she took the time (because I didn't know how) to teach me, step by step, how to make stew. Then she watched me make a batch of stew myself, and helped me when I struggled with the beans. And for the rest of her life, we farmed and made stew together. When she died, I took her remains a few steps north of our farm (note: our farm was on the North end of town) where we made stew, and buried her where she could watch over me, making the stew she taught me to make.

I'm so sorry. In my sentimentality, I didn't stop to think about how in the way the grave was. I didn't consider that the space I used for a beloved elder's grave was wasted. I only thought that it was what she would have wanted; a proper burial near our farm.

Last edited by ShadouFireborn (2018-09-25 21:14:08)

One person can easily destroy what has taken dozens of people to build. And they don't see anything wrong with it. They like to do it even. They fiercely defend their right to destroy. They'll do whatever it takes to get around any measures in place to prevent them from doing so.

What we do when there are no real consequences to our actions makes a rather sad statement about human nature.


#19 2018-09-25 22:33:28

Registered: 2018-03-10
Posts: 131

Re: Pet Peeves?

Wow- honestly i can't get as long as a list as mentioned here.

Really my peeves are still with storage issues.

Like when you have a baby but have to walk 3 screens over to put the item down so you can pick up the kid.

it's brutal, it's annoying, it's stupid.

Like you know carrots are sold in BUNDLES?
Eggs are sold by the dozen?

Like I get it, I'm peeved at Jason for not working EVEN HARDER  XD I'm the worst. But it's also just so stupid.

Here on OHOL farms we MUST EXTEND THE FARM. It's ONE CARROT PER SQUARE FOOT. That makes sense!!

Thank god we can stack bowls and plates it's amazing-- like omg the baskets have opened up- it's a wee bit more sane.

Once upon a time there was a lizard who wanted to be a dragon...


#20 2018-09-26 03:37:51

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: Pet Peeves?

People picking up your newborn baby and naming them and claiming them as their own before you get the chance to pick it up.

People who sit around and chat next to the forge. Chat by the berries. Please not by the forge, where people are actively smithing where it requires extreme agility and speed.

This one's been mentioned, but giving a newborn full gear and clothes when the rest of the adults are naked. Especially if the baby's given a crown, a knife, or someone else's clothes (ex dying old guy tries to give clothes to hard working smith, mommy steals it and puts it on baby)

People completely ignoring murders.

Chopping a yew/maple/polar tree when there are plenty of dead/juniper/pine/willow trees right there.



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