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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-09-24 19:49:41

Registered: 2018-09-08
Posts: 307

Popcorn and Domestic Saplings

Why does nobody ever use these items?  Firstly, popcorn.  EXTREMELY easy to make, and the only way to eat dried corn. (besides stew)  Although it only restores 1 hunger, that makes it amazing baby food, and it has 4 uses, allowing you to fill up you're yum bar very easily, with you getting, possibly 11 food from ONE BITE of popcorn with a high enough yum value.

      Secondly, domestic saplings.  It is the fate of every village that they will eventually run out of skewers, or at least non-weak skewers as they make butter, which will eventually cause them to break.  Because of this, when I am going out sapling hunting and there are none in sight, when I do find one I will generally bring back 2 sapling cuttings, just to keep sure they don't out, but only ONCE in my entire game have I seen someone else do such.

One more thing, Sauerkraut.  Judging off of it's price and complexity for said food, I threw it off as worthless but apparently it was op at one point!  Can someone else tell me if this food is worth the time, or a complete waste?


#2 2018-09-24 20:33:04

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Re: Popcorn and Domestic Saplings

I see popcorn everywhere. I guess there are better uses for dried corn such as feeding animals and making stew, but sure you go again and make popcorn. It doesn't hurt anyone as long as you make some seed and replant the bastards.

You're right about the saplings though, rarely see any sapling farms around these days. But then again, how often do we try to make signs with letters?

Sauerkraut is a luxury item. It's far down the tech-tree, but it's not that big of a deal. Adds another type of food to eat for older kiddos as well and maybe it will stop some adults from eating berries. Here's to hoping.


#3 2018-09-24 20:38:33

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Popcorn and Domestic Saplings

UnnoticedShadow wrote:

Why does nobody ever use these items?  Firstly, popcorn.  EXTREMELY easy to make, and the only way to eat dried corn. (besides stew)  Although it only restores 1 hunger, that makes it amazing baby food, and it has 4 uses, allowing you to fill up you're yum bar very easily, with you getting, possibly 11 food from ONE BITE of popcorn with a high enough yum value.

      Secondly, domestic saplings.  It is the fate of every village that they will eventually run out of skewers, or at least non-weak skewers as they make butter, which will eventually cause them to break.  Because of this, when I am going out sapling hunting and there are none in sight, when I do find one I will generally bring back 2 sapling cuttings, just to keep sure they don't out, but only ONCE in my entire game have I seen someone else do such.

One more thing, Sauerkraut.  Judging off of it's price and complexity for said food, I threw it off as worthless but apparently it was op at one point!  Can someone else tell me if this food is worth the time, or a complete waste?

You gotta remember if you're looking at onetech for food information the server provides an invisible +2 food to everything. Popcorn is three pips per bite and totals out to 12 food per bowl or 48 food per plot. If you can hold out on waiting the extra four minutes for the corn to dry popcorn is a better choice for munching food than carrots in early game (provided you have spare bowls.) I would never say having popcorn around a camp/village is a bad thing but it sort of suffers the fate of compost carrots.
People will eat your raw corn and bring total effectiveness of the plot down but if properly yum chaining you aren't going to feel it so much.

Domestic saplings basically have one real use and that is to make them into letters. Having a spare domestic sapling farm for arrows/home markers/whatever ends in you having 30 homemarkers around town instead of probably what you want them for. Sign making is fun but it takes a lot of time and resources depending on what you are writing. My personal longest sign took me two and a half hours to make between raising kids/milkweed/carving. I don't think sign making needs a change as it feels pretty rewarding when you make a big sign.

Sauerkraut is a great food source which I always recommend people to learn if your town is able to easily produce it. I'm probably the one that got kraut nerfed in the first place when I sang the great praise of our soon to be sauerkraut meta which abruptly got its total food halved from 120 per crock to 60. Sauerkraut in an ideal situation is very easy to mass produce and takes 5 minutes or so to produce units of food which is the second highest single crop food (Unless we're talking about making milk or using wheat for bread). If Jason wanted to buff Sauerkraut my recommendation would be giving it the stew treatment of being able to move the crock around until it was finally ready to be covered.

TL;DR Popcorn is good slow food, domestic saplings only good for signs, sauerkraut is good if area permits.

fug it’s Tarr.


#4 2018-09-24 20:39:06

Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 54

Re: Popcorn and Domestic Saplings

Domestic saplings were changed. Now they only make weak skewers, which are not as useful as non-weak.


#5 2018-09-24 21:03:54

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 614

Re: Popcorn and Domestic Saplings

Nopik wrote:

Domestic saplings were changed. Now they only make weak skewers, which are not as useful as non-weak.

That sounds like a bug. There's so many things that only craft with regular skewers and not with weak ones.


#6 2018-09-24 21:10:57

Registered: 2018-09-08
Posts: 307

Re: Popcorn and Domestic Saplings

That's OUTRAGEOUS!  If anything domestic saplings should be better than normal ones, not to mention that in an endgame city it would be impossible to make buttered bread without growing a sapling for EVERY butter bowl.  Jason, if you are reading this please fix it, and maybe make regular trees become skewer-able saplings at one point!


#7 2018-09-24 21:52:42

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Popcorn and Domestic Saplings

The reason they're weak skewers is to prevent you from just farming saplings and using that to till all your rows forever. Basically people would just farm skewers instead of making actual hoes.

fug it’s Tarr.


#8 2018-09-24 22:19:31

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 614

Re: Popcorn and Domestic Saplings

Tarr wrote:

The reason they're weak skewers is to prevent you from just farming saplings and using that to till all your rows forever. Basically people would just farm skewers instead of making actual hoes.

But then you'd need to waste a skewer to till the soil to plant a new skewer, that's some pretty bad returns.


#9 2018-09-24 22:25:35

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Popcorn and Domestic Saplings

Yeah but at the very least a normal skewer has three uses before it breaks with the average being six uses. I'm not saying this would be the best use of time but you technically could just skip ever making a hoe.

Cut wild sapling > Make three rows of domestics > Use to make six rows of other crops > Three uses to replant the original three

Any other uses from your skewers would be icing on the cake.

fug it’s Tarr.


#10 2018-09-24 22:35:22

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 256

Re: Popcorn and Domestic Saplings

I usually make popcorn at least once in a life just for the yum addition to the chain. it's especially good for young un's with their hair just grown to get another + in the chain and one bowl to those who understand is a fair few mouths given that extra bonus. Sourkraut and bread, then buttered bread, wild food, omlettes and a shucked corn gives a number of low level bonuses to keep the chain rolling so the kids are not tied to the berry farm non stop for 5 - 7 minutes. Yum in a well setup camp keeps you productive longer and let's you wander further without scrambling back on one pip all the damn time!


#11 2018-09-24 23:12:32

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Popcorn and Domestic Saplings

i just ran 200 tiles to the west to get knitting needles, and not just to west, actually i ran more than 1000 tiles in two lifes to get sheep and ability to make clothes from fleece

we had a town on the right side of 2 monoliths, they make the map very fragmented, while we had 50 small green biomes, none of them had food, milkweed or sapling

i died to starvation cause couldn't find any food nearby and had no home marker going back, so i spent too much time finding my shot muflon
next time i born there i was a 6 year old bringing a lamb like 12-15 gen later, it was the last soil i found (2-3 could be digged) by that time so its almost couldnt been saved
i brought a marker and a sapling, and they made like 4 arrows and left no seeds

what i say is you need one marker at least, so you need to make seeds out of saplings, so just cut it with a flint then cut down the sapling, same as milkweed, if you dont have one seed, you will have problems later on

also whenever i made a sapling farm for grave pens, ended up all being cut down and wasted, sure i can go around town and cut down markers and get back some but if i got no seeds to plant, its so annoying having my second life searching for them

popcorn is much better than people think
its the single best food to prevent food waste
restores 3 food bars
now i dont know how many of you admits that eats before it really needs to
i dont always wait to eat a berry on 5 missing hunger, simply because its a waste of time, i can use the time to rush composting, and then produce much more than i consume
most of time, i eat before making an action, bunny in snare? eat, shot a muflon? eat

most often than not you lose a hunger and you increase one empty hunger bar, so as a 3-4 year old, you eat one berry each minute
it would even be better to suck titty milk by that time

yes the downside is people eating corn right off not waiting it to go dry
still one each person for yum purposes is ok

now if you watch any streamer you still see they eat until full, which makes you to lose 4 calories from berry sometimes

worst case scenario is 2 calories from corn
multi use small bites save a lot of food over time

so in a city with a population of 20, there are some elders, and kids who dont know nothing about the town
and are limited to proximity of the berry field
they gonna munch a lot or they gonna die early

corn is slow to manage but lot of people play the game slow
a newbie can feel himself helpful making popcorn for the other kids
force feeding popcorn is acceptable livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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