One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-10-07 11:21:32

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

I didn't want this life

Occasionally people create threads to express their frustration over suiciding babies. Some players are very picky over their life, and do I dare to say, rightfully so: many of us players are busy people, and when we commit to a life in this game, we commit for an hour. It may or may not sound like much to demand that from an adult, but it often is a big slice of our free-time. I know in my case it is a HUGE slice of my free-time, big enough for me to schedule my evenings. I haven't yet become suicidal and picky over my lives as I can easily craft my own fun anywhere in the game, but I have come close to developing a mindset of "Bleh. This kind of life again?" upon getting similar lives back to back while dreaming of something else, knowing the game can provide that to me.

A big cause of suicidal babies are our Eve enthusiasts. I know I have been itching to get back to my amazing locations as an Eve, but usually I land an Eve life maybe once a month! Often people create posts in the forums, expressing how they want to get away from big cities, while newbies happily learn to do things in big cities. When some Eve life enthusiasts can't get their Eve lives, they start suiciding or purging cities. Cities, where newbies are practicing their skills. Seeing new things to try out.
Should we give players an option to Eve? I personally think this could do good for the game! Eve fans wouldn't have to suicide anymore!

I suspect the game is meant to be played like "Take the life you are granted and craft your story". But as people who love the game play more and more, they start to see patterns. That's what we humans are good at. We start to see bad camps, cities that are too big, boring jobs, messy places, bad locations, stupid players... Lots of annoying things we don't want.
Imagine this: "I just composted 25 minutes in my last life. Next life... Okay again I have to compost, nobody is taking care of it once again. Next life... Really? This place also needs compost! But I want to build a warehouse!" - the lives are becoming jobs at this point. Of course you could try to push the job onto someone else, but that often ends with you having to come back to do the job anyways when the apprentice took off without a word. Or died. Or was murdered. Anyways, the point is, when we experience too similar lives back to back, we can't help but to not enjoy them as much as all those times before. Fun things are fun before they go stale. Some people are good at making simple things fun again and again, but not everyone is like that.

Due to our personalities, we tend to enjoy some things over others. To one, best fun is to roleplay in big cities, to another, it is hunting in the wilderness for their small family. Not every life can always cater to these preferences, so many just "reroll" until they get the place they want to stick with for an hour. This reroll of suiciding causes harm to lineages, which I think shouldn't happen. If the game allows this rerolling by disconnecting or starving, then we should find a way to make it so it doesn't harm others. I honestly think the option to Eve could be a healthy thing for this game at this point. We would have more pro Eves making new camps so people would experience early camps more often. Twin, triplet and quad Eves would be a nice choice when wanting to enhance the gameplay and eliminating the randomness we go through as we spawn (I love the randomness but honestly it's a game, if more available options fix the issue of running babies, I'd suggest going with it).

I don't think we can stop players from becoming suicidal babies. This is a game, and we paid for the right to play it. We play games for entertainment. We don't want the game to feel like a job. And we don't want to cause harm to others by being their last daughter who ran off.

I don't think punishing suicidal babies is a good way to counter the problem. The lineage ban is questionable too, it's hazy to me how it would be implemented to recognize runner babies. And I think everyone has the right to want to play the game how they'd like to. And that shouldn't harm others the way it does now.

So, let's discuss a bit. Vent a bit if you'd like! Give tips to others! How do you entertain yourself? Is there a cap on the amount of playing you can do before becoming a suicidal baby? Should we have a break before we become suicidal babies? Do we need pregnancy so we don't drown in baby skeletons? Should Eve life be an option?

Last edited by MultiLife (2018-10-07 11:26:47)

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#2 2018-10-07 12:30:03

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Re: I didn't want this life

Anyone who dont want to live in a bustling settlement are free to wander into the wilderness and make an eve camp when they are old enough. Bring someone with you if you want. That iis how we get clusters of villages and more "trading" opportunity so it is not a bad thing at all.

I think the game would also be better if we as a community were better at assigning jobs and creating structured societies with perks. Having some sort of administration tracking all the needs is also a necessity, distributing food and giving equipment to those who work etc.


#3 2018-10-07 13:00:30

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 341

Re: I didn't want this life

Even if you assign people with jobs, they tend to do something else or nothing at all. Every baby that comes to me, asking for a job and receiving a task, tends to not do it or when they do it, only for five minutes and become idle.

I think what would be nice is to have an option how you want to start your next life :

o As an Eve

o As a baby of an Eve

o As a baby in an "advance" generation ( in a family that is at generation 6 for example)

Where you spawn as an Eve or as a baby will stay random but at least you will have an option. This would give the opportunity for those who prefer to play as an Eve or an Eve child and don't need to suicide 10 times.

Idk it's just an idea ^^

The one and only Eve Kelderman


#4 2018-10-07 13:06:27

Registered: 2018-07-31
Posts: 293

Re: I didn't want this life

I think that many baby-suiciders have already played one or more lives very recently and are carrying pent-up frustration from previous deaths and unfinished businesses.
It has happened to me, that I have committed suicide, but only when it doesn't seem to be of any big consequence to the family. However I do try to quit playing at this point (or leave samsara as I like to call it).

I've realized that it's not the family or the location in which I'm born that decides the quality of my game time.
My one hour life is what I make it to be.

Now controlling into what I make things is an entirely different matter, and it has a lot to do with whatever mood I'm in.



#5 2018-10-07 13:15:07

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: I didn't want this life

voy178 wrote:

Anyone who dont want to live in a bustling settlement are free to wander into the wilderness and make an eve camp when they are old enough. Bring someone with you if you want. That iis how we get clusters of villages and more "trading" opportunity so it is not a bad thing at all.

I think the game would also be better if we as a community were better at assigning jobs and creating structured societies with perks. Having some sort of administration tracking all the needs is also a necessity, distributing food and giving equipment to those who work etc.

This is how I thought about it first; it's easy to get a starter camp life, just run away and make your own town! But! The person argued that they want to be helpful and be born to someone who needs them to be their hero. Nobody desperately needs another settlement (although they are very beneficial!) so they want to go to a life where they are desperately needed; somewhere is someone struggling to get by, maybe wishing for a competent daughter, and you could be their saving grace, their hero. I understand both sides of this.

Jobs is quite a toughie. Some jobs will be more desired than others. And I think the best thing this game has is the freedom of switching your jobs or doing multiple ones without too much commitment. Sometimes I leave dry carrot seed rows around if someone runs out of carrots but I am not ready to commit to farming them for them. Could be cool to give yourself a profession or a title in-game though! Like hover over yourself and you see "Jack Jackson (smithing)" or something! Rewarding system for hard workers seems like a really tough one to crack too.

Tea wrote:

Even if you assign people with jobs, they tend to do something else or nothing at all. Every baby that comes to me, asking for a job and receiving a task, tends to not do it or when they do it, only for five minutes and become idle.

I think what would be nice is to have an option how you want to start your next life :
o As an Eve
o As a baby of an Eve
o As a baby in an "advance" generation ( in a family that is at generation 6 for example)

Where you spawn as an Eve or as a baby will stay random but at least you will have an option. This would give the opportunity for those who prefer to play as an Eve or an Eve child and don't need to suicide 10 times.

Idk it's just an idea ^^

That'd be cool as a preference system! Like if we could get a somewhat functional preference system, like in how some multiplayer games you can put a class preference and the game checks if there is a game that suits your preference. If not, in you go, to the second best option. big_smile

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#6 2018-10-07 13:26:32

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: I didn't want this life

Roblor wrote:

I think that many baby-suiciders have already played one or more lives very recently and are carrying pent-up frustration from previous deaths and unfinished businesses.
It has happened to me, that I have committed suicide, but only when it doesn't seem to be of any big consequence to the family. However I do try to quit playing at this point (or leave samsara as I like to call it).

Yeah I'm quilty of starting to play carelessly if I feel like I am not that important to have. Yesterday I was a gen 3 female when I spilled my soda on my keyboard and I got a surprise visitor to add to that. My focus was already lost as my last life ended before I wanted to, I had had plans. So, as I ran around irl getting the mess cleaned and talking with my surprise visitor, my in-game mom showed me around (I wish I could've told her my situation so she would've known). Then the mom impatiently blurted out, "Grow already" to me. I joked about it, going "Hnnggh-- I can't", but maybe it affected me a little bit. There were like three to four other females around, all very independent and functional, getting stuff done at great speed. I decided to make eggs and plates so I went to a swamp, and ran around, slightly hurrying myself so I wouldn't starve with the cold and small stomach. As mentioned, my focus wasn't all that sharp and I was being careless as I rushed around, so a boar got me when I was 11 years old. I made my way straight to the camp so they could see I was out. Now I saw the family died at gen 4. Oof. Well there were two baby girls that probably ran so I'm not going to quilt trip myself over it. I was careless but not suicidal.

Roblor wrote:

I've realized that it's not the family or the location in which I'm born that decides the quality of my game time.
My one hour life is what I make it to be.

Now controlling into what I make things is an entirely different matter, and it has a lot to do with whatever mood I'm in.

Well, we are all affected by emotions, it happens, but those are wise words. You can make your game better with a good attitude. And making sure you start playing when in a good mood! Also practicing to let go of frustrations is a great help, and helps us see things from a different angle instead of becoming more and more impatient.

Last edited by MultiLife (2018-10-07 13:39:42)

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#7 2018-10-08 01:51:30

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: I didn't want this life


Last edited by karltown_veteran (2018-10-08 01:52:09)

.-.. .. ..-. . / .. ... / ... - .-. .- -. --. . .-.-.- / ... --- / .- -- / .. .-.-.-
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he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


#8 2018-10-08 02:31:23

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: I didn't want this life

Wow thats a very insightful way of looking at things... ive never seen it this way, but i have suicided in multiple lives because i only have the time for one life tonight, and i wanna have fun.

A spawn as eve buttone would help alot, but often times i am looking for a gen 2-3 run as it is tbe most fun for me...

Theres no way jason is gonna let us select our lives however...

Most we can hope for is a spawn as eve button, but ideally id like to see a low tech (pre metal) high tech (post metal) option.

Not gonna happen but thats what i would like

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#9 2018-10-08 06:45:09

From: Finland, Oulu
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 336

Re: I didn't want this life

Why can't eve entuastics just go in empty servers? Just add in custom server "server(1-15)" ... and if you don't want to be alone there, then ask someone to join with you in friendcode, settle up in new base or old town and enjoy whatever you wanted to do. If you wanted to go back in public hassle, then add LocalHost or

If you ever enter Pea (Helkama turns into random name) family, you need the lottery ticket picked up. My baby names given can be absolutely random.
"Are you fueled with peasoup or why you keep running off from temperature tile?"


#10 2018-10-08 07:53:40

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: I didn't want this life

karltown_veteran wrote:


Thank you, first laugh of the day. Keep up the good work.

Turnipseed wrote:

Wow thats a very insightful way of looking at things... ive never seen it this way, but i have suicided in multiple lives because i only have the time for one life tonight, and i wanna have fun.

A spawn as eve buttone would help alot, but often times i am looking for a gen 2-3 run as it is tbe most fun for me...

Theres no way jason is gonna let us select our lives however...

Most we can hope for is a spawn as eve button, but ideally id like to see a low tech (pre metal) high tech (post metal) option.

Not gonna happen but thats what i would like

Well, I think it is important for Jason to at least think about it. Players already choose their lives by suiciding until happy. Even if he wants players to play so that they take the life they get, that's not going to happen. You can't control your players like that, and do you really want to control them like that? People will find a way to play the game like they want to, so let's make it so people don't cause harm on others with their pickiness. I think it would be awesome to see more Eves, I think getting Eve life once a month with regular playing is a bit too rare.
Maybe the preference option is unlockable for veteran players and the random spawn is the default option? Let's have a game where we are born happy and stay happily! We have enough people for varying preferences!

PeaGirl wrote:

Why can't eve entuastics just go in empty servers? Just add in custom server "server(1-15)" ... and if you don't want to be alone there, then ask someone to join with you in friendcode, settle up in new base or old town and enjoy whatever you wanted to do. If you wanted to go back in public hassle, then add LocalHost or

They want to have early gen lives with normal birthrates. I guess Eve lives on server 1 are just too rare but they are oh so desired. This can change when Steam happens ofc, but if we get a preference system, we could have so many happy families.

Personally I'd keep playing with the default random birth system, like it is now, but others who are hardened baby suiciders would have a much better chance to not be born to me. And I'd rather have it that way than drown in baby skeletons. I rather have no daughters than see all of them run.

Important takeout for tl;dr:
People are already choosing their lives. Let's make it so it doesn't harm others.

Last edited by MultiLife (2018-10-08 07:59:07)

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#11 2018-10-08 09:10:05

From: Finland, Oulu
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 336

Re: I didn't want this life

They want to have early gen lives with normal birthrates. I guess Eve lives on server 1 are just too rare but they are oh so desired. This can change when Steam happens ofc, but if we get a preference system, we could have so many happy families.

Personally I'd keep playing with the default random birth system, like it is now, but others who are hardened baby suiciders would have a much better chance to not be born to me. And I'd rather have it that way than drown in baby skeletons. I rather have no daughters than see all of them run.

I think problem is that people want to begin as Eves and have their ego driven with their surnames that are hoped to be carried for generations... except with this playerbase there are quite many players often at one or two surnames that often take the babybase as whole. It is fun to have own Eve chain and all, of course don't take me wrong, but you could do it inside empty servers, without anyone screwing up what you wanted to do, have less mouths to feed and most of all, have actually left a mark in your territory. Don't be selfish if you only end up in populated villages instead of being spawned as Eve. Live a hour or quit and play some other time.

If you ever enter Pea (Helkama turns into random name) family, you need the lottery ticket picked up. My baby names given can be absolutely random.
"Are you fueled with peasoup or why you keep running off from temperature tile?"


#12 2018-10-08 10:16:23

Registered: 2018-09-23
Posts: 50

Re: I didn't want this life

PeaGirl wrote:

I think problem is that people want to begin as Eves and have their ego driven with their surnames that are hoped to be carried for generations...

Isn't that the point? Start an eve camp, and hopefully build something that will last for generations on end? You only live for one hour, so you really have to depend on your descendants to carry on the work you do. If you're only playing alone and you die for any reason other than old age, you're most likely never going to find that camp again. Yes, playing on another server, you don't have to worry about the hassle of dealing with babies getting in the way of what you wanted to do... but if you want to work uninterrupted, you could always live out a life as a man. I'm sorry, but playing on an empty server, unless you're doing it with a group other people, just isn't a viable alternative. There's just too much risk of dying to starvation and losing your camp forever.

To call it ego, or selfishness, to want to build something and have your descendants carry on your legacy... didn't you just describe the human condition? Isn't that what we all want in life? Is it really selfish to want to have a family, build a settlement together, and see it thrive before you pass on? And OneLife allows for an opportunity we don't have in real life: some hours later, we can try to come back and see how our family and settlement has grown! We can actually see the legacy we left... if we're lucky and it hasn't died out.

And this is what makes baby suiciders so painful. It's lineage breaking. So many times, your family dies out simply because people don't want to play the life they're given. They don't want to build a new town. They don't want to learn. They don't want challenge. They just want to live in a big town and do the same things they've always done; make pies, take care of livestock, or tend to the berry farm or stew farm in a village that's already well built and established.

And for some of that, it's not actually their fault. For a couple of lives a couple of nights ago, I spent my time in a small outpost a little ways from Goose Town. We had a forge, a sheep pen, and a small stew farm. I convinced my mom to follow me there one life I was born in Goose Town. She didn't end up staying there, but there was another baby that was abandoned down there that I rescued. She didn't know how to make stew, or tend sheep, or work the forge. So I started teaching her, as well as I could with our limited supplies... and as I worked, and built, our supplies became less limited. Imagine that.

Then, I died of old age, and was born to her. By then, there were a few other brothers and sisters running around. I think most of them made their way over to Goose Town. I went back to work, trying to make the place self-sufficient, and actually managed to get the carrot/berry + livestock compost cycle started, since at that point we were still living off what we could find in natural fertile dirt deposits. Mother died of starvation while I was trying to keep the berry farm going and working on getting compost... which was unfortunate because we DID have stew. sad

My sister did survive our little berry famine, though, and for most of my life I taught her. I taught her how to make compost. I taught her how to make stew. I taught her how to make pie crusts... apparently she already knew how to turn them into pies and cook them, but nobody had ever shown her how the pie crusts are made. I told her the basics of how to keep and care for sheep, with and without a mouflon. And then I was considering teaching her how to work the forge, but by then my hour was almost up. And she was happy to learn all these things that apparently nobody else had taken the time to show her. I'm sad that I didn't have the time to gather a bunch of wool and teach her how to make clothes, too. She had so much still to learn, and was happy to learn it, but was suffering for want of a teacher.

And sorry to have taken a long meandering track to get to my point here - My point is that for players like these two that I taught... these two that were newer players that didn't know how to make compost, didn't know how to take care of livestock, didn't know how to make stew, didn't know how to make pie, and probably didn't know how to build or use a forge... these players would not have been a help to an Eve camp. An Eve camp doesn't have the resources like I had in my little outpost to teach them. It doesn't have an established sheep pen. It doesn't have tools. It doesn't have a farm. It only has what the Eve has managed to make around taking care of her kids, and whatever those kids have the skills and knowledge to make. These two NEEDED the time spent in an area with an established town, established resources, and an experienced teacher, to teach them what they'll need to know in future lives. If these two showed up in an Eve camp now... well, even with my instruction, it's still not enough. They would still not be a help to the camp. They need to learn how to build new farms. They need to learn how to build basic tools. They'd be a drain on the camp's food and resources, unless someone took the time to teach them something they could do to help. And for these two... I think they would do it. They would take whatever instruction they're given, and do the work that's needed. But in an Eve camp... who has the time to teach? Who would be able to give them that instruction?

For baby suiciders that run from eves and eve camps, it's not really their fault that they don't know what they need to do to help an eve camp, and it's not their fault that nobody in an eve camp has the time to teach them what they need to do to help. And it's better for them to spend some time in a large town or an outpost of a large town, in the hopes of finding a willing instructor that has the time and patience to teach them new things (even as rare as that seems to be).

I'm not going to even talk about baby suiciders that run from dying or recovering towns or lineages. It pisses me off too much, I've had way too many lives, even eve lives where I started in a town, where most or all my kids have suicided and my line died off. It's why, even though I've had a good number of eve lifes in towns, you've never seen any Errington lines running around. The lineage has always died in its infancy due to baby suiciders.

One person can easily destroy what has taken dozens of people to build. And they don't see anything wrong with it. They like to do it even. They fiercely defend their right to destroy. They'll do whatever it takes to get around any measures in place to prevent them from doing so.

What we do when there are no real consequences to our actions makes a rather sad statement about human nature.


#13 2018-10-08 10:29:50

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: I didn't want this life

ShadouFireborn wrote:

A lenghty post

Thank you for taking the time to write this! I agree with you. We shouldn't shun each other due to preferring lives we enjoy. We have a right to be 'selfish'. I see possibilities of the game bending a bit to be more welcoming to its players, old and new.

The preference system could connect players who want to be connected as a priority. We would be more open to the life offered as we are born. Yes, it's a lot to give to a player, but as I said, we already decide if we want to accept the life we were offered. We could do noticeable damage control by avoiding pushing "incompatible" players together to get frustrated at each other.

I also have taught a few newbies. Oh man was I glad they got born to me in a small town and a city. I had all the time in the world to teach them, and they were so happy and thankful. But if they had been born to an Eve, they would've felt like big failures. Like they are stupid and a burden. Someone even said they just get overwhelmed and go die in a ditch sometimes when they end up in a hardcore situation of the early gen life. Now someone could argue that they should experience all sorts of lives but who deserves to get frustrated and stressed in a game where we want to build and learn together?
The preference system could even be seen as an expansion of the tutorial for new players, so they could be introduced to the game a bit 'softer'. We have already realized how steep the learning curve is and how limited the speech capacity is.

Last edited by MultiLife (2018-10-08 10:40:56)

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#14 2018-10-08 12:58:53

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: I didn't want this life

quests! livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#15 2018-10-08 13:23:10

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: I didn't want this life

pein wrote:


big_smile Shameless quest advertising!
You get a quest, you get a quest... everybody gets a quest!

...what if I don't get the quest I want? ... * suicide *

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#16 2018-10-08 14:14:43

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: I didn't want this life

MultiLife wrote:
pein wrote:


big_smile Shameless quest advertising!
You get a quest, you get a quest... everybody gets a quest!

...what if I don't get the quest I want? ... * suicide *

well to provide good options, it should change in each few minutes, like 10 for easy ones and provide multiple in same time
harder ones max hourly and based on what others choose before (get building materials for example), if you see a project started you more likely continue that, but you could go wide and do multiple easy ones, a balancing can be made well and based on decisions can be further balanced livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#17 2018-10-08 17:35:53

Registered: 2018-09-23
Posts: 50

Re: I didn't want this life

Can we please keep the quest discussion in the quests topic? It doesn't need to still over into this discussion as well.

One person can easily destroy what has taken dozens of people to build. And they don't see anything wrong with it. They like to do it even. They fiercely defend their right to destroy. They'll do whatever it takes to get around any measures in place to prevent them from doing so.

What we do when there are no real consequences to our actions makes a rather sad statement about human nature.


#18 2018-10-08 19:20:21

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 34

Re: I didn't want this life

I play any life I get. I have fun with Eve's, big cities, small cities or even alone. Even if its the only life I get to play for a month.
Suicidal babies have turned me away from the game because its very frustrating.

I played today 1 life. Hadn't played in a week.
I was 4th generation of wildlings and I was a girl. My grandma and mother were great.
My sons and daughter were suicidal babies.
5 in a row!
Guess where the lineage ended.

So yeah.
+1 to any system that avoids suicidal babies.


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