One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-03-15 23:29:26

Registered: 2018-03-15
Posts: 2

New Ideas and improvments for the game

I was thinking about a few new ideas to make the game better and/or more fun. If any other people on the forums see this then reply with any of your ideas that I haven't already listed.

- Hungry babies should cry : Anyone under age 3 should automatically cry if they only have 2 hunger squares left. I find it weird when I spawn in as a baby and my mother forgets me or dies and I, as a baby, sit there smiling as I die of hunger.

- Posted coordinates : Lists your coords somewhere on the screen so maybe you can go back to a town where you once lived in a previous life, can find your town without a home beacon, or tell people exact locations of things or places they find. The map is probably really big so do the something as Minecraft and have coords in the negatives like -379,97.

- Sex : If a male and female get together they could maybe click on each other or something and have the next person to join the game be they're child. It makes the game a little more realistic and helps continue a civilization if no female has a child at all.
(at one point I played in a small family as a girl with a sister and brother and neither of us had children and I lived to 58...before losing connection)

- Posted age : Shows how many years old you are on the screen so you're not thinking you're 40 with grey hair when you're actually  18 with blond hair. Just don't put a timer in the game that will ruin it, just mark the age you  are maybe even month if you feel like it.

- Child naming : Mothers (or fathers who help with the sex idea above) can name their child after birth by right clicking on them, and the name they are given should be displayed over their head when you put your mouse over them or their grave

- Chat ideas: put numbers and emojis in the chat boxes, also maybe if you type XD your character starts laughing, or :'( and they start crying even as an adult or just let people type it above their heads'

- Move with wasd and/or arrow keys

- Maybe weather : Rain to water plants if you wait or to fill water ponds, wells and anything similar. Snow in snow areas. Sandstorms in deserts (makes you hungry faster). Rain would be a bit too OP so it should probably be every 100-200 years and and last 10-30 seconds

- Microphone communication, babies have their mics cut out almost immediately after hitting the mic key
- Every tile could hold 3 items like a basket, 5 if its seeds
- Bows could go over shoulder, not in the backpack but could work with backpack
- Auto message : there is a space next to the typing box where you could click and it pops up some sentences that are already written like: "stay by fire" "these are for seeds" etc. I don't really care about this idea but I think that it would fit.
- Same race kids : white moms have only white children, black moms only have black children, unless father (from sex idea above) is opposite race

I posted everything in order of what I personally would like to be put in the game first to what I think would make it better but I don't care for that much

I know you're just one guy and some of these ideas sound difficult to do, but if you do somehow run out of bugs to fix and want to make the game just a little bit better then this is a good list to look at. Also if you do take the time to read all of this I would like it if you could give me your opinion on this list or at least let me know that you've seen it.


#2 2018-03-15 23:39:09

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 21

Re: New Ideas and improvments for the game

PurpleEarth wrote:

- Same race kids : white moms have only white children, black moms only have black children, unless father (from sex idea above) is opposite race

Weird. This would increase your enjoyment of the game?


#3 2018-03-16 06:28:22

Registered: 2018-03-14
Posts: 8

Re: New Ideas and improvments for the game

PurpleEarth wrote:

- Sex : If a male and female get together they could maybe click on each other or something and have the next person to join the game be they're child. It makes the game a little more realistic and helps continue a civilization if no female has a child at all.
(at one point I played in a small family as a girl with a sister and brother and neither of us had children and I lived to 58...before losing connection)

OHOL needs to have someway for players to increase their chance of getting the next child or long family lines will be limited to only a day. As for the sex, I would only have the male initialize it, use the holding child mechanic except the man can't move around, and only if both of them are not wearing pants, reed skirt, etc.  The more time in that state, the higher the chance for a baby to be born to them afterwards. I guess the mother should not be able to breast feed when wearing a fur coat too.


#4 2018-03-16 11:29:43

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 43

Re: New Ideas and improvments for the game

-Hungry babies should cry: Yep, it would save time and avoid overfeeded babies.

- Posted coordinates : I dont think thi is gonna be in the Vanilla versión, maybe a custom server with mods. But Jason said, in real life people dont have his name floating over his head. I think we need more skins, to be able to differentiate people, instead of floating info.

- Sex : Yes, we need this at the same time of the toogle borns option. (toggle borns cant be turned off forever, or new players cant respawn)

- Posted age : Same as posted coordinates. (I tought about feed meter public bars, as hp bars, but with feed.)

- Child naming : Same as posted coordinates, even when i think its a good idea.

- Chat ideas: Emojis could save a lot of time, same with numbers and symbols.

- Move with wasd and/or arrow keys: It could make mouse free, needs programming.

- Maybe weather: I think Jason has thinking about this. If not, mods.

Last edited by Cryptodream (2018-03-16 15:35:41)


#5 2018-03-16 12:30:18

Registered: 2018-03-15
Posts: 2

Re: New Ideas and improvments for the game

evan.woods wrote:
PurpleEarth wrote:

- Same race kids : white moms have only white children, black moms only have black children, unless father (from sex idea above) is opposite race

Weird. This would increase your enjoyment of the game?

Yes, I think it would make the game more realistic which would make it more enjoyable.

Last edited by PurpleEarth (2018-03-16 12:34:02)


#6 2018-03-16 14:05:00

Registered: 2018-03-15
Posts: 15

Re: New Ideas and improvments for the game

evan.woods wrote:
PurpleEarth wrote:

- Same race kids : white moms have only white children, black moms only have black children, unless father (from sex idea above) is opposite race

Weird. This would increase your enjoyment of the game?

It would. Think about it.

That way you would see brothers and sisters of the same hair color. When you stumble into a village, and everyones different, you don't see that immersion of ancestrial unity. Whos whom's kid. You just get a mixing pot of all the character models.

If theres a family tree, there doesn't seem to be anything supporting any genetic makeup.

Its easier to identify mom because she looks like you. This would be further compounded in usefulness if there were much more than 8 character models.


#7 2018-03-16 14:16:15

Registered: 2018-03-15
Posts: 15

Re: New Ideas and improvments for the game

- Hungry babies should cry : Anyone under age 3 should automatically cry if they only have 2 hunger squares left. I find it weird when I spawn in as a baby and my mother forgets me or dies and I, as a baby, sit there smiling as I die of hunger.

>Baby should cry on two squares or if saying a unique character. I still dont get the crying mechanic, seems to be random after being a newborn.

- Posted coordinates : Lists your coords somewhere on the screen so maybe you can go back to a town where you once lived in a previous life, can find your town without a home beacon, or tell people exact locations of things or places they find. The map is probably really big so do the something as Minecraft and have coords in the negatives like -379,97.

>No. Not yet. The point of the game is to avoid overly committing to the character. You're thinking too much into Minecraft. One you die, you should respawn anew with only luck to guide you. If you got murdered somewhere, then you know who killed you, then it'll devolve into call of duty bloodlust.

- Sex : If a male and female get together they could maybe click on each other or something and have the next person to join the game be they're child. It makes the game a little more realistic and helps continue a civilization if no female has a child at all.
(at one point I played in a small family as a girl with a sister and brother and neither of us had children and I lived to 58...before losing connection)

>Should be implemented as the immaculate conception is still pretty funny. Even funnier is when an Eve spawns in your fortified city and kills your children. True story,

- Posted age : Shows how many years old you are on the screen so you're not thinking you're 40 with grey hair when you're actually  18 with blond hair. Just don't put a timer in the game that will ruin it, just mark the age you  are maybe even month if you feel like it.

>No. Your body ages. Its obvious.

- Child naming : Mothers (or fathers who help with the sex idea above) can name their child after birth by right clicking on them, and the name they are given should be displayed over their head when you put your mouse over them or their grave

>This could be done. All the items have a name. Moving your mouse on them displays them. Having a character produce say a string including, "name is" would set their name to the next word or something. Babies can read item names, so its not that much of a stretch to say they can read people's names.

- Chat ideas: put numbers and emojis in the chat boxes, also maybe if you type XD your character starts laughing, or :'( and they start crying even as an adult or just let people type it above their heads'

>Wouldn't be a fan of this. I'd prob have the emoji just produce a facial expression if theres an artwork for it, and remove the emoji in the text. Connentating strings to do this would suck.

- Move with wasd and/or arrow keys

>pressing the buttons could be mapped to an mouse click in the appropriate dirrection. It could be done.

- Maybe weather : Rain to water plants if you wait or to fill water ponds, wells and anything similar. Snow in snow areas. Sandstorms in deserts (makes you hungry faster). Rain would be a bit too OP so it should probably be every 100-200 years and and last 10-30 seconds

>I see a lot of artwork required for this. Rain should be implemented to refill ponds just in case they dry by a few charges. Not much.

- Microphone communication, babies have their mics cut out almost immediately after hitting the mic key
>Too much work for a developer.

- Every tile could hold 3 items like a basket, 5 if its seeds
>I can see this being confusing: Which items are small enough to fit five in a basket? Why does this thing only fit three? Its easier to keep it universal.

- Bows could go over shoulder, not in the backpack but could work with backpack
I think that would work well, but its a good incentive to avoid murderboning by not having it be wielded. However, knives can be backpacked...

- Auto message : there is a space next to the typing box where you could click and it pops up some sentences that are already written like: "stay by fire" "these are for seeds" etc. I don't really care about this idea but I think that it would fit.

- Same race kids : white moms have only white children, black moms only have black children, unless father (from sex idea above) is opposite race
>Posted below. Genetics isn't a feature yet. I don't know whos my children after I walk away when they are babies. They should look like the parent with Eves being the randomness or nearby fathers attributing their player model.

I posted everything in order of what I personally would like to be put in the game first to what I think would make it better but I don't care for that much

I know you're just one guy and some of these ideas sound difficult to do, but if you do somehow run out of bugs to fix and want to make the game just a little bit better then this is a good list to look at. Also if you do take the time to read all of this I would like it if you could give me your opinion on this list or at least let me know that you've seen it.

>Study the github. You can contibute to it. I'm considering even though I don't know Ruby.


#8 2018-03-16 15:39:54

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 43

Re: New Ideas and improvments for the game

jakeinmn wrote:

Rain to water plants if you wait or to fill water ponds, wells and anything similar.

I think this is an awesome idea, and would solve the empty wells problem.


#9 2018-03-16 16:14:20

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 2

Re: New Ideas and improvments for the game

PurpleEarth wrote:

- Child naming : Mothers (or fathers who help with the sex idea above) can name their child after birth by right clicking on them, and the name they are given should be displayed over their head when you put your mouse over them or their grave

To build on this, what if every Eve spawned with a new unique surname?  That way you could see the different dynasties? I think it would help build a greater sense of community.  You could track family members and grow as a clan.   Maybe overtime two or more families/family names work together...  I think it just makes for greater immersion.


#10 2018-03-16 16:22:17

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 5

Re: New Ideas and improvments for the game

Copypasta from the "Griefer" thread and slightly edited after some thought:

Greyhammer wrote:

Here is an idea: Dogs.

We already have wolves in the game. Make them domesticable with a piece of meat or something, after which they turn into a more mastiff type model. Make having a trash pit a requirement and the center of the dogs' roaming range, similar to how a bear den serves for bears. (Perhaps they can be the mechanic for emptying trash pits too, addressing another complaint.) Then give them a multiplication/pack mechanic over time, so in the presence of a kennel there can be up to three dogs in a pack.

Now give wolves, bears, and human murderers a "enemy" flag of some sort.  Just like what identifies humans to bears as prey. (The recent update gave bows and knives a justmurdered tag, I think? That could work.)

Make the strength/kill priority like so: wolf > dog > human (murderer) > 2 dogs > bear > 3 dogs. Then just give them a decently large range, good speed, and voila. NPC guards that require effort and are fair within context of the game.

Now, before you say "this is game mechanic fiddling", this has actual basis in human/canine evolutionary science. Some say without dogs to protect us from wild animals, strangers, and acting as trash disposal, transportation, and sometimes even food, we humans would have never developed agriculture on a large scale and we'd still be small scale agri/hunters and gatherers. You know, kinda where civs in this game are currently stuck.

In closing: It is only fitting that, as the Chewbacca to our evolutionary Han, dogs be given a place in this game.

The dog defense rests.

Last edited by Greyhammer (2018-03-16 16:25:09)


#11 2018-03-16 16:34:50

Registered: 2018-03-13
Posts: 11

Re: New Ideas and improvments for the game

jakeinmn wrote:
evan.woods wrote:
PurpleEarth wrote:

- Same race kids : white moms have only white children, black moms only have black children, unless father (from sex idea above) is opposite race

Weird. This would increase your enjoyment of the game?

It would. Think about it.

That way you would see brothers and sisters of the same hair color. When you stumble into a village, and everyones different, you don't see that immersion of ancestrial unity. Whos whom's kid. You just get a mixing pot of all the character models.

If theres a family tree, there doesn't seem to be anything supporting any genetic makeup.

Its easier to identify mom because she looks like you. This would be further compounded in usefulness if there were much more than 8 character models.

(Problematic) Race mechanics wouldn't increase your enjoyment of the game, based on what you said-- Being able to identify heritage would.

This would easily be accomplished if last names were a thing. Then there would be like 10 John Farmer and Jane Farmer's and maybe John Smith or two etc. Eve's could pick a last name when they spawn in.

I think spawning as different race/sex is more fun and inclusive. I also think allowing such an obvious way to racially discriminate is asking for trouble, especially if you want to implement sex... don't 'fix' (make worse) what isn't broken.


#12 2018-03-16 16:40:10

Registered: 2018-03-15
Posts: 15

Re: New Ideas and improvments for the game

Greyhammer wrote:

Copypasta from the "Griefer" thread and slightly edited after some thought:

Greyhammer wrote:

Here is an idea: Dogs.

Some problems. What if your put your heart and soul in the settlement only to have a baby pop out that eats ALL of the food maliciously. So you end his life, get marked, and your kin's own dog eats you b/c murder.


#13 2018-03-16 19:43:05

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 5

Re: New Ideas and improvments for the game

jakeinmn wrote:
Greyhammer wrote:

Copypasta from the "Griefer" thread and slightly edited after some thought:

Greyhammer wrote:

Here is an idea: Dogs.

Some problems. What if your put your heart and soul in the settlement only to have a baby pop out that eats ALL of the food maliciously. So you end his life, get marked, and your kin's own dog eats you b/c murder.

I definitely agree that the scenario you described is a problem. I have given it a little thought and a few solutions come to mind, none of them perfect:

- instead of "cannot eat while full", make it "cannot eat while sated"... ie., if a pie would restore more food squares than you have open, then you can't eat it. Not a great solution though, kinda makes eating a pain.
- have a certain invisible food level (off the cuff, let's say a random 150-175% of max food threshold) at which overeating kills you outright, to simulate the health effects of gluttony - obesity, diabetes, heart attack, etc. Some kind of "fatty" mechanic, if you will. A better idea than the last one. No idea how practical it is to implement.
- deal with it? Would it be worth it to murder the glutton murderer to save the civ, even if it meant trading one's own life for it? Kinda noble. I'm sure there's players out there that would see it as a good trade. I'm one.

I think, either way, my overall opinion with regards to adding Dogs is it solves more problems (trash pit permanency, defense against wildlife and violent griefing) than it causes (inability to righteously murder indirect griefers).


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