One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-10-23 04:38:15

Registered: 2018-06-30
Posts: 134

What do you want to experience within the game the most?

What kind of accomplishments do you want to personally achieve?
And what do you want to see others do?
What is that moment you hold your breath for when you spawn in?
I think it would be neat to discuss such a thing so we can work together to realize each others motivations and maybe help see them to fruition!

#1 Ranked baby player in the competitive OHOL community. Colour yourself impressed.
Also ranked #221354986 every other life state player in competitive OHOL. I'm nothing if not consistent.


#2 2018-10-23 08:27:19

Registered: 2018-07-10
Posts: 96

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

A functioning city with dozens of inhabitants working hard with no griefers.


#3 2018-10-23 08:47:46

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 492

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

A railway connecting resources that is used. I know somewhat impractical but still. It would a be a step to automation.

Recent favorite lives:
Favio Pheonix,Les Nana,Cloud Charles, Rosa Colo [fed my little bro] Lucas Dawn [husband of magnolia] Jasmine Yu,Chogiwa, Tae (Jazz meister)Gillian Yellow (adoptive husband),Jason Dua, Arya Stark, Sophie Cucci, Cerenity Ergo ,Owner of Boris The Goose,Being Maria's mom, Santa's helper.


#4 2018-10-23 09:55:52

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

needs new update 

i would like more team projects, was a few attempts when some people worked together to create something nice,we got to a point when we do it all alone mostly and the game is just too easy

i had a few ideas which were implemented as new meta, and a lot which cannot cause needs extensive knowledge or some support from jason (enforcing empty tiles to hold things or such) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2018-10-23 11:30:07

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

If anything I would like some structure. People are far too independence oriented in the game. That's mostly why we don't achieve anything more than villages. Let's be honest, your two building "city" is not a city, nor a town, it's a village anarchy at best.

Designated jobs, apprenticeships to ensure successors, buildings that aren't too large, farms outside the town, food sources like bread, milk and stew in the houses, smaller 3x4 berry farms spread out in the town to feed children (see it as parks if you will), trading resources for favours or food. Some degree of a hierarchy will develop naturally as the society grows and I do not mean the silly absolute monarchy stuff that holds no legitimacy. An elder council would be one idea, elders are needed to document things anyways since they can write the longest texts.

It would also be nice to see some small-scale farmholds. Build a farmhouse, plant 3x3 of stew crop, 3 rows of wheat, 3x3 berries, give them a milk cow, oven and geese, enclose farm over generations, make sure to tend the outside forest, milkweed farms, skewer farms, etc. Tada, a freeholder's farm dependent on the town for tools and luxury items and rare food like burritos. They will trade food and forestry items for services. It's the best thing. Got too many children? Send them into town to find another job or build another freehold. Connect the entire city-state with roads and you got a functioning society.


#6 2018-10-23 11:38:23

Registered: 2018-10-19
Posts: 30

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

I’d like to learn smithing. I mastered the basics (hammer, hoe, froe), but it seems like you can go a lot furthee with it. I’d also like to learn more about the optimal way to manage resources. By now I know how to do a lot of stuff, but I want to learn the best practises to build a sustainable society. I want to learn in-game though. Not from the wiki or forum.


#7 2018-10-23 11:53:32

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 201

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

voy178 wrote:

If anything I would like some structure. People are far too independence oriented in the game. That's mostly why we don't achieve anything more than villages. Let's be honest, your two building "city" is not a city, nor a town, it's a village anarchy at best.

Designated jobs, apprenticeships to ensure successors, buildings that aren't too large, farms outside the town, food sources like bread, milk and stew in the houses, smaller 3x4 berry farms spread out in the town to feed children (see it as parks if you will), trading resources for favours or food. Some degree of a hierarchy will develop naturally as the society grows and I do not mean the silly absolute monarchy stuff that holds no legitimacy. An elder council would be one idea, elders are needed to document things anyways since they can write the longest texts.

It would also be nice to see some small-scale farmholds. Build a farmhouse, plant 3x3 of stew crop, 3 rows of wheat, 3x3 berries, give them a milk cow, oven and geese, enclose farm over generations, make sure to tend the outside forest, milkweed farms, skewer farms, etc. Tada, a freeholder's farm dependent on the town for tools and luxury items and rare food like burritos. They will trade food and forestry items for services. It's the best thing. Got too many children? Send them into town to find another job or build another freehold. Connect the entire city-state with roads and you got a functioning society.

I believe this would require better communication than the game has to offer... I have seen a couple pretty structured towns that you can tell were made with coordination using a third party communication service like discord.


#8 2018-10-23 12:09:57

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

VioletLily wrote:

I believe this would require better communication than the game has to offer... I have seen a couple pretty structured towns that you can tell were made with coordination using a third party communication service like discord.

But wouldn't it be amazing?


#9 2018-10-23 13:02:54

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 201

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

voy178 wrote:
VioletLily wrote:

I believe this would require better communication than the game has to offer... I have seen a couple pretty structured towns that you can tell were made with coordination using a third party communication service like discord.

But wouldn't it be amazing?

It would be, yes.

Generally throughout history, an empire can only grow as large as effective communication allows. This is one of the biggest reasons Alexander the Great's empire didn't grow larger than it did. The limits on communication would have made it too hard to maintain.

Communication in this game is very limited. Unless we get tech that allows for better communication or somehow get a large number of people within the same town on something like discord, a large town will never be structured.

Personally, I would love to see this, as one of my goals is to help lineages live as long as possible. The better the communication in a city, the longer the lineage will last.


#10 2018-10-23 13:43:43

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 614

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?


Which means involving men in reproduction.

How to implement it is more interesting. Perhaps make it so the females choose their mate (to avoid nagging and rape scenarios).
Mate selection could simply happen at any time where the female selects someone from a list of fertile men nearby. His face could show in a corner of the screen so she knows she has chosen someone and what he looks like. If no one is chosen the next baby has a father selected at random so that player spawn in is not disrupted.

How to avoid incest? It's simple hard times, generally you don't. Last names should be matriarchal so that there isn't an incentive to choose for incest "to keep the name alive". I suggest having more Eves pop up near home markers assigned to living people to widen the gene pool.

Trait ideas: hair style, hair color, beard style, eye style, eye color, mouth style, skin color, skin style (freckles), size (x% sprite size), ... any other suggestions?


#11 2018-10-23 14:26:19

Papa Smurf
Registered: 2018-10-20
Posts: 7

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

Currently, almost any "nation" is currently impossible. There is just not enough communication. Not only that, but you only have 1 hour to live. This severely limits your ability to do things. Plus, even if you have a system where everyone has a job and knows what they are doing SOMEONE will just abandon their job and/or grief.

Mushrooms grow on cows.
Don't ask questions.


#12 2018-10-23 16:10:06

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 201

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

Back to the original topic, I personally love seeing people working to keep a lineage alive. A long lineage is one of the greatest accomplishments you can have in this game in my opinion.

I also always love lives where people are kindly working together to accomplish something. Whether it be getting an early camp started, a project in a large city, etc.

I always hope I will meet kind players when I spawn in. Whether they be new players that I can teach, experienced players that I can work with to accomplish something, or any players who simply remember to treat others well.


#13 2018-10-23 16:42:26

Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 98

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

My goals
-make tons of red and blue hats
-heal someone
-build something odd, I have done a question mark in wood floor tiles surround by berries and a chess board where it was berry for black and floor tiles for white. Perhaps write my name in berries if it is a short one.  Berries are my Art of choice.
-have tons of kids and name them weird, funny or short names
-help make a railway


#14 2018-10-23 17:01:07

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

I'd love to see mega cities filled with different families living either in different parts of the town or intermingling somewhere like town center. Something like this generally only happens on server reset where many eves will come together spawning in a town, or when an eve is born to a living village. It makes the game feel so much more alive when multiple families live in the same area instead of just having thirty bobs.

I'd love to see the actual amount of effort it takes to feed a village of sixty, seventy, hell even a hundred people. It'd be interesting to see how much stress a much larger group has on the mega cities people have designed, and if we could manage to support half a server load of people in one area without the game imploding/resources disappearing too quickly.

Also with the growth of the community I'd love to see how long we can actually keep a lineage going without the need for outside coordination. I think we're generally teetering around upper twenties to high thirties for how long a lineage lasts daily.

fug it’s Tarr.


#15 2018-10-23 17:53:28

Aurora Aurora
From: Tuppsala (HAHA FATTAR NI!?!?!)
Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 839

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

I wanna see the 1800s!

One of the original veterans.
Go-to person for anything roleplay related.
4 years in the community.
Unbanned from the discord.


#16 2018-10-23 20:40:40

Registered: 2018-07-31
Posts: 293

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

Grief griefers.



#17 2018-10-23 21:01:19

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 614

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

Tarr wrote:

Also with the growth of the community I'd love to see how long we can actually keep a lineage going without the need for outside coordination. I think we're generally teetering around upper twenties to high thirties for how long a lineage lasts daily.

Yes, you're right. Sustainability must be the most important thing.

We need deeper mining abilities. At the moment iron is the limiting reagent on how long a city can last.

After that it's water. It would be nice to have a higher tech where we can dig wells deep enough to reach the water table so they refill faster and stop running dry.


#18 2018-10-23 21:54:13

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

Variation. A push to unorthodox metas and the hability to climb more branches in the tech tree, specially early game. New biomes with alternative ways to get already existing resources. More animal mechanics like dog training and work animals.


#19 2018-10-23 22:15:47

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 256

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

Korilian wrote:

I’d like to learn smithing. I mastered the basics (hammer, hoe, froe), but it seems like you can go a lot furthee with it. I’d also like to learn more about the optimal way to manage resources. By now I know how to do a lot of stuff, but I want to learn the best practises to build a sustainable society. I want to learn in-game though. Not from the wiki or forum.

I taught a guy this and iron mining start to finish apart from building a forge yesterday. From finding the iron when we also found the vein to setting up the mine and making a lot of tools but we still didn't cover locks, making the file (as we already had one) or planting a nearby maple farm to provide long term straight shaft supply. Just ask in game, I am always happy to help out teaching anything, a lot of people are, just ask smile


#20 2018-10-23 22:17:49

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 256

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

Booklat1 wrote:

Variation. A push to unorthodox metas and the hability to climb more branches in the tech tree, specially early game. New biomes with alternative ways to get already existing resources. More animal mechanics like dog training and work animals.

A massive project though requiring not just a new trunk of tech tree but making sure it merges where appropriate etc, etc. Be great to see mind you if we ever go that way or if those biomes come into play later tech for oil, palms, medicines, textiles etc etc


#21 2018-10-23 23:50:45

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

For now, a basket, backpack, a tamed horse and cart, for every man, woman and child.
The milkweed, woodworking and sheep infrastructure to produce the ropes, boards, shafts and wheels for lassos and carts.

Near future, maybe a shale mine for flat stones; I feel bad making all these roads if it means denying people gravestones for their family members. Maybe a workbench for a designated carpenter. Some saw horses for cutting wood and a variety of saws for different products. More efficient varieties of presently existing tools, for turning trees into more logs, and logs into more boards. Maybe a new plant, for the source of plant fiber to make ropes.

Things like these would be nice, but in asking for them I don't want to deny anyone else the time Jason would put into fulfilling their requests.

As long as things continue to be added, I'm happy. Even if it's mushrooms, roses and dogs.


#22 2018-10-24 00:03:53

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

I had a whole bunch of tabs open, looking for pictures to help emphasize points in the last post, here is just one.


#23 2018-10-24 00:43:28

Registered: 2018-10-15
Posts: 347

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

Morti wrote:

For now, a basket, backpack, a tamed horse and cart, for every man, woman and child.
The milkweed, woodworking and sheep infrastructure to produce the ropes, boards, shafts and wheels for lassos and carts.

Nice dream, but if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Near future, maybe a shale mine for flat stones; I feel bad making all these roads if it means denying people gravestones for their family members.

Hmm. How about a flint-crusted wire-saw to cut large rocks (or half large rocks) into flat stones? That would help, and it would make wall and road builders compete for resources.

Maybe a workbench for a designated carpenter. Some saw horses for cutting wood and a variety of saws for different products. More efficient varieties of presently existing tools, for turning trees into more logs, and logs into more boards. Maybe a new plant, for the source of plant fiber to make ropes.

Things like these would be nice, but in asking for them I don't want to deny anyone else the time Jason would put into fulfilling their requests.

As long as things continue to be added, I'm happy. Even if it's mushrooms, roses and dogs.

I'm sure we'll get some advanced woodworking tech someday. Personally, I want more pottery. Currently, wet clay bowl + wet clay bowl gives us wet crocks. But adding clay to a wet clay bowl could make it into an amphora, allowing it to store 4 bowls of wheat, corn or flour. That would help with kitchen organization, and maybe convince more people to make different varieties of pie. I can't tell how many settlements I've seen where they have berries, carrots, wheat, rabbit, and mutton that only make rabbit and mutton pies. Or settlements that have corn for stew but never think to put a bowl of popcorn near the berries for the kids to eat. It helps them to develop the habit of looking for differing food sources, not just stuffing berries into their mouths; give them popcorn! wink

Similarly, adding a wet clay plate to a wet clay bowl could give us an elegant vase, fit to display a rose on a grave. This is just a decorative item, but I think it would be nice, especially if we could glaze it - or maybe it matches the color of the rose put into it?

I would also like to see pottery glazes, letting us color our bowls (and other pottery) so not everything is the same shade. They could even have patterns. Just like firing pottery, glazing would require a firing kiln. And I was going to propose sand as a new resource to do that... but then I discovered this: The Science of Salt Glaze Pottery. So maybe we should need salt to glaze pottery?

To represent the preserving effects of glazed pottery, any food that has multiple uses - pie, for example - is changed to have an 85% use rate, instead of 100%. If this can't be done, it should have a 15% chance of spawning a +1 of whatever is in the glazed pottery. This should mean that you get an extra serving about every other pie, unless you get lucky. This effect would apply to glazed stew crocks and to glazed bowls used for stew. You should only get about 1 extra serving every three bowls, and probably one extra bowl every crock. It would be important to food conservation, but not as critical as keeping up the farms, the composting cycle, and food variety. If you don't have salt available, you can do without it; but if you can do it, it's nice to have.

EDIT: To fix math above. Removed the word 'other' in re: Three Sister's Stew. Forgot it had 8 uses.

Last edited by Starknight_One (2018-10-24 00:46:58)


#24 2018-10-24 09:18:11

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 492

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

Houses? At the moment a bit of a waste since the only 'furniture' we have is the oven I guess.

Recent favorite lives:
Favio Pheonix,Les Nana,Cloud Charles, Rosa Colo [fed my little bro] Lucas Dawn [husband of magnolia] Jasmine Yu,Chogiwa, Tae (Jazz meister)Gillian Yellow (adoptive husband),Jason Dua, Arya Stark, Sophie Cucci, Cerenity Ergo ,Owner of Boris The Goose,Being Maria's mom, Santa's helper.


#25 2018-10-24 11:08:21

Registered: 2018-07-10
Posts: 96

Re: What do you want to experience within the game the most?

I think there are probably workarounds to the issues limiting growth (communication, short time scale, lack of incentive to actually work [i.e. barter system, ownership]) but they would involve fundamental changes to the game.  For example, off the top of my head, a workaround could be a RPG-type class system (farmer, cook, guard, etc.) so you know what lane to stay in.  But that would change the game.   So I dunno.  Let's see how far Jason can take it with this model?


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