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#1 2018-10-26 23:36:09

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Mama i killed a cow!


Tarr town
it started today?  with 2 other families before already, one was Stone, you might remember the huge berry field, the wood roads and the bell tower pen above berry
now they made a huge adobe house too

as a kid i got a pack from mom so i went and made myself a hat, and an apron, then i found a lot of other clothes as kids started to die

we had a tiny population afterwards

i gathered a few rosé seeds, and jumped on a horse, found a snow bank and stratified 5, later one more, left one on ground to change color

made this small pen
2x2+2,, rose entrance, was hard to find more adobe

a lady brought me a mango leaf but she died sadly, not to old age, she forgot to eat in time
i waited for bison to become hungry then cow to become hungry
killing it was easy, as it grown i fed it, then used 3 bowls to collect the pee

now it needs to be cooked to gather yellow paint

the mangoes are west, no fruit yet, this is south to berry

gather some limestone and make buckets, we can paint the bakery! livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2018-10-27 00:10:05

Registered: 2018-10-25
Posts: 18

Re: Mama i killed a cow!

Bailey Tarr signing in and so sad that she missed out on the cow poisoning :"/

But, i got to help my bib sis out with the stew making before I lost track of her so, there's a little joy to be had after all!

I would have missed out on the cow thing if my other big sister's crazy daughter stuck the knife in me like she wanted to xD


Last edited by VoiceofTime (2018-10-27 00:12:57)


#3 2018-10-27 01:45:58

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Mama i killed a cow!

VoiceofTime wrote:

I would have missed out on the cow thing if my other big sister's crazy daughter stuck the knife in me like she wanted to xD

Sorry about that.  She seemed reasonably sane as a baby, if somewhat quiet.

Also, I missed out on the cow poisoning, because I got attacked by a stealth ambush wolf, and nobody was at the med station when I came stumbling back.  Stupid wolves.

-Rosa Tarr, your other big sis


#4 2018-10-27 02:01:00

Registered: 2018-10-25
Posts: 18

Re: Mama i killed a cow!

happynova wrote:
VoiceofTime wrote:

I would have missed out on the cow thing if my other big sister's crazy daughter stuck the knife in me like she wanted to xD

Sorry about that.  She seemed reasonably sane as a baby, if somewhat quiet.

Also, I missed out on the cow poisoning, because I got attacked by a stealth ambush wolf, and nobody was at the med station when I came stumbling back.  Stupid wolves.

-Rosa Tarr, your other big sis

So that's what happened! I was trying to look around for you in the main square near the berry gardens when I was getting old since i figured you'd be around death by then haha. You missed out on sis' first fire for a stew because of that darn wolf :"/

Sucks that no one was at the med station as well, personally I had no idea where it was since i'm relatively new and tend to stick near farming areas for my lives >_>; Slowly learning though, As i've 'upgraded' from farmer to baker in my most recent life haha~

Hopefully we'll run into each other again and you'll have less crazy kids! She was trying to outsmart me too by taking me very far while I was only on 7 pips or so, but I was wise enough to bring a bowl of berries to be sure I'd live no matter what happened :") I think she felt upset or bad about the attempt though, given how she died and her last words.


#5 2018-10-27 02:50:22

Registered: 2018-05-11
Posts: 212

Re: Mama i killed a cow!

There's a patch of wall that is now slightly more yellow than the rest of the wall, thanks to your efforts. We probably should have gone with the red paint, but there was just so much mango infused cow urine it felt like the right colour to go with.


#6 2018-10-27 03:00:14

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Mama i killed a cow!

VoiceofTime wrote:

So that's what happened!

Yep.  I got this bright idea to make some cisterns to help improve the water situation, so I went out gathering rocks, and the stupid thing came out of nowhere.

VoiceofTime wrote:

I was trying to look around for you in the main square near the berry gardens when I was getting old since i figured you'd be around death by then haha. You missed out on sis' first fire for a stew because of that darn wolf :"/

Aww!  Well, it's nice to be thought of, anyway.

VoiceofTime wrote:

Sucks that no one was at the med station as well,

It might not have helped, anyway.  It took me long enough to get back that they could have had to be pretty quick to save me.

VoiceofTime wrote:

I personally I had no idea where it was since i'm relatively new and tend to stick near farming areas for my lives >_>; Slowly learning though, As i've 'upgraded' from farmer to baker in my most recent life haha~

I am actually sorry I missed that.  I always find it really gratifying to see people learning new things! 

And yay baking!  That's a nice intermediate skill to learn when you're ready to branch out from farming.  It was pretty much the first semi-advanced thing I learned, myself, and even months later I can still remember how proud I was at being able to do it after someone taught me.

Anyway, I, too, hope to see you in another life!  Who knows, maybe I can help teach you something else cool.


#7 2018-10-27 08:37:05

Registered: 2018-10-07
Posts: 305

Re: Mama i killed a cow!

Wait... You can get PEE off of cows or something????

I enjoy the simpler things in life, but only if I'm calm.


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