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#1 2018-11-12 21:57:40

Registered: 2018-10-25
Posts: 18

Tana Mama

I just wanted to say that i'll miss you ma :")

I was Anna Tana ( … id=1422271 ), and i ended up dying to lag because I couldn't get to food in time lol. The lag in that town was insaaaane, and sadly I think the berries in the fields were drying up again with compost only just being made. Thankfully though I think I saw my niece trying to make pies so, who knows! Might end up living on longer than expected ^^.

None of my daughters lived though because they were all new and it was super hard teaching them in such a laggy town with no baby food available and overpopulation :"/ But alas, that's the price you have to pay with the Steam release!

Thanks for stabbing my twins btw ;3 <3

Last edited by VoiceofTime (2018-11-12 22:24:12)


#2 2018-11-12 22:08:12

Registered: 2018-06-22
Posts: 8

Re: Tana Mama

So that's what happened to you! I was so heartbroken when I found your corpse lying on the ground sad It's ok though, you couldn't have done anything to prevent it and everyone makes mistakes from time to time! I'm glad you had fun in the village, and i'm very thankful for all the work you did for us!

It was also very clever of you to give those two twins similiar names! I'm very proud of you wink


#3 2018-11-12 22:29:21

Registered: 2018-10-25
Posts: 18

Re: Tana Mama

Maaaa :"000! You're around <3

And yeah! That's what happened ; m ; I was trying to raise my daughter until berries regrew but I couldn't hear the pips screaming to be refilled until it was too late, and I made a mistake by trying to run to the carrot farm first instead of going to the bakery that I knew had food readily available :"///

And it's no problem! Now the task is thinking up quadruplet names should I ever get such a batch of troublesome babies :"p

We should maybe twin sometime if you want btw :"0 I want to try that some time, though I think it'll be especially tough to pull off with so many new players but, it'd be a fun and different experience I think v u v


#4 2018-11-12 22:35:13

Registered: 2018-06-04
Posts: 202

Re: Tana Mama

hello my beautifull children.
It is so nice to see one's own lineage survive big_smile

it was one heck of a run, trying to resurect compost, while looking far away for wheat to make new baskets and bring back seeds, hoping it wasn't too far away and that the seeds wouldn't despawn.
started carrot and wheat farm, got a bit of compost And of course the shovel broke immediately. And all that while trying to raise children.
Fortunately there were some steel lying around, so made two shovels and an axe.
Spent the end of my life baking pies.
If you end up in that family again, if famine strikes again, theres a bit of a cactus farm on the north east of the city.

Last edited by tana (2018-11-12 22:35:50)

I will be eve tana. If not an eve, my kids will be called numerically : Primo, Duo, Tertio, Quattro, Quintus, Sextus, Septimus, Octavius etc... ending with an -a if you're a girl.


#5 2018-11-12 22:50:43

Registered: 2018-10-25
Posts: 18

Re: Tana Mama

Eyyyy! Hello truest of tana mamas xD!

And yeah, that place was a mess, even at the end of my run there yesterday! Different life of course, As Ethan Xenakis ( … id=1386877). And I ended up being the pie baker that life too xD

Sadly though, I ended up bringing too much attention to baking pies hmm So much so that it brought famine to the berry farm because the kids couldn't learn how to make berries fast enough so everyone tried to inhale the pies while they could (and two twins were holding the majority of the pies hostage, sigh). We ran out of compost as well, so pretty much the same kinda situation you started off on xD Though, seeing as we only got to gen 7 (and I was gen 4), it might have literally been that way! So interesting how that all works out <3

And i'll keep that in mind! Famine is such a dangerous thing with how many babies girls are having now and not knowing when to let some of them go :"/ (I kinda just pretended my babies didn't exist towards the end of my life until I had a girl lol, but then I died taking care of her because of the whole food lag thing mentioned earlier ^^; )

Ty for reviving that town while you could though! It was super nice to be there again <3


#6 2018-11-13 01:17:43

Registered: 2018-09-12
Posts: 6

Re: Tana Mama

I was Hiya Tana, your niece Anna.

I lived through the berry famine by going into the woods. I came back with a kid years later, this one died, and the compost was finally done. Started rebuilding the farm. Kept some kids alive including a son called Harry. I called him evil as he and twin girls I adopted made angry faces at each other. The girls ran off. I let him grow up, mistake...
When he got older he claimed he was satan... it was too late to let him starve at this point. I had two more kids who I warned f their evil brother telling them to kill him if he tries anything. We were on the verge of another food crisis as a bear showed up to town. A couple died to it. Then, my son starts shouting that his time has come and wielding a knife starts running about. As I run for a nearby bow and arrow the bear crosses my path and I have just enough time to tell my son to kill his brother and take my backpack. From the family tree, it looks like the food issue killed off the girls other than my daughter freya who was killed by my son... thus ending the tana family... im so sorry... sooooo thats how your line ended

My Eve Name is usually Fanta or Vix
Kids names: Legacy, Future, Amazing, Goddess, Beautiful, Destiny, Mercy, Liberty
Planet or Fruit Names
Nadia, Emma, George, Kayla, Lily, Freya, Hayley, Harriet, Harry, Hunter


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