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#1 2018-11-16 02:19:52

Registered: 2018-11-16
Posts: 10

Bear Town - Toogood, Sorrows, Zee Families [UPDATE]

Bear Town:
I am trying to contact all the people who were part of Bear Town the past couple days, and to tell you your bodies and names are gone, but your spirits live on.

Bear Town is a large village with a 30+ tile road running east-west along its southern edge, and one running north as well, bisecting a berry farm from a kiln area. It has a half-finished stone building and a nearly finished adobe nursery with three bearskins. It's graveyard and two tied horses are in the NE, and sheep pen in the east.

I was born without a name as a 12th generation female to the Toogood family under my mother Dawn, in this town which was already fairly well developed. There were at least 20 people who lived here, and at least half had wool or fur clothing. I lived a decent 34 years in this bustling village, raising four children to 5 or older before a wounded grizzly barreled into this industrious town - whether as sabotage or accident is unknown. It killed myself, my sister, one of my sons, my sister's only surviving child, my granddaughter, and others, including the only other child-bearing age woman. In one fell swoop, 13 generations of hard work was obliterated. I said farewell to that town and knew it would likely never be found again. But it was.

About 120 years later, I was reborn there! Additionally, someone claiming to have lived here in their previous life, too, stated that as they lay dying and watched the town fade from history, an Eve was created! The gods smiled upon Bear Town, and it was reborn. My mother was Firdaws Sorrows III, and she had 11 children. We and others quickly got to work rebuilding it, and it was joyous. However, it was plagued with the wicked. Early in my life, a man named Michael Sorrows, my cousin, murdered my uncle Ardit. My brother avenged that death. However, a few years later, evil reared its face again and another cousin, named Biel Sorrows, followed me with a bow into the wilderness. I quickly went back to the village, and as soon as I stopped next to the farm, he killed me. The only witness stated "lol," and although I informed others, no one reacted, and Biel lived to age 60. And here I thought the story of Bear Town surely must end, but once again, the gods had a different destiny in mind.

About 1440 years later, again I was reborn at Bear Town. This time I was Jess Zee, 8th generation and daughter of Emilee Zee. I recognized my surroundings and was stunned. But it was in a sorry state - over half of the berry farm was dead with most the remaining languishing. There was only myself, my mother, and my brother - the gods must have turned their attention elsewhere, as AGAIN a wounded grizzly had crashed through the desolate village, killing three of my brothers. My only remaining brother, Blade, made it his life mission to kill that bear, and he did a couple years later, as well as its mate - although he bravely died to his sustained wounds in the process. But my mother, myself, and my new sister would not give up. I went on to have four children, three of which lived into their 50s. My sister, too, lived that long and had children of her own. My firstborn son, Hades, boldly declared he would save the farm, and took other children with him. Collectively they renewed each and every berry bush, and I saw my grandchildren flourish before I passed while I was telling them the brief history of Bear Town and wishing them all the best, and thanking Hades for saving the town, as well as my diligent sister Yanni, and both of our children and grandchildren. As I share this, I know that at least one granddaughter lives - may her lineage live forever.

I considered telling them to rename the town Hope or Destiny, but we must not forget the many sacrifices of prior generations - and all three Eves who set this story into motion.

For those of you of the Toogood, Sorrows, or Zee lines... know that Bear Town lives on!

Edit: No one responded, so perhaps no one recognized that they were in this town, or didn't care, but I have an update to anyone who does:

The Zee family of Bear Town continued beyond my 8th generation to Generation 18. It ended when a Henry Zee II murdered his mother (who died saying, "I bore you") and cousin (who died saying, "Why my cousin"), and was in turn avenged by Gram Zee, his sister. However, Gram's daughter, Kayleigh Zee, murdered her mother Gram, her great aunt, two of her brothers, two of her cousins (one who died saying, "Run son") and four of her own children, before her cousin Justen delivered comeuppance and ended her spree. None of Kayleigh's other children survived past age 2, and while two of Justen's children reached adulthood, the only female had five children, none of which lived past 3.

So ends Bear/Murder Town, after 14 + 17 + 18 = 49 generations over three Eves.

Last edited by Truth (2018-11-17 00:39:48)


#2 2018-11-17 03:30:01

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 15

Re: Bear Town - Toogood, Sorrows, Zee Families [UPDATE]

I wasn't part of this, but thanks for sharing the story of your town! What a wild ride. big_smile

Steam name same as forum name.


#3 2018-11-17 06:32:00

Registered: 2018-11-16
Posts: 10

Re: Bear Town - Toogood, Sorrows, Zee Families [UPDATE]

Thank you. It was quite something. It's too bad a griefer had to be the one to end it all.


#4 2018-11-17 14:58:19

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 855

Re: Bear Town - Toogood, Sorrows, Zee Families [UPDATE]

Never saw a bear, but I was Zimal Zee. Murder was somewhat apt though. I killed and cursed my brother Zirah after two or three murders - I got to him with a second bow before the guy with the knife. There may have been a second muderer later but I wasn't sure. I suffered from a disconnect before I could get to sterilizing pads. I told I few kids I was working on it, but now it looks like none of them thrived.

p.s. Found my life in lifelogs, this was server 6 -- --
Custom client with  autorun, name completion, emotion keys, interaction keys, location slips, object search, camera pan, and more


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