One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-11-19 13:13:27

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Weird life

I was born in side of jungle, mom teaching big sis to catch rabbits, it was all over the jungle edge
also lot of soil, tons of berry bushes, banana
this image is much later, but all they did was this
they had no kiln just some dirt, no pottery

so i started scouting to find some adobe
but i seen a plate, then a road, then trough the ice a city

had to eat a lot, no way someone made this way, it was rewritten by the update

the items were retained but the biomes mostly changed

in the end looked like this, i made a small kiln, and gathered everything out of Iceland, lots of iron and some steel, most tools except axe, got some clay as most bowls were filled with pork and we didn't had any, city had barely few

this is me … id=1772694

I arrived at 4-5 age, i seen the pen, tools, then the bushes
first i thought we were moved to jungle, but then seen the berry on the ice
thought maybe someone made an ice village?
but then i haven't noticed any pattern, i was 6 i found one decaying pack which disappeared in like 50 min later so around 4 hours ago they died out after a few composts and no sheep bones
i found a huge ball of yarn, like 2 set of decayed clothes, presumably 2 good players during 3-4 generations based on graves small family, i also found 4 furs and one more to right side
i had to make needles so i made a fire, made my apron then my pack, had to make knitting needles out of home markers, than i took the knife and arranged a bit, until i became old enough to take the decaying cart
i took the snares home and told them to hunt rabbits, made mom a pack
told her im from future, in apron knife with a cart full of goodies, bucket of water, baskets, bowl
i made snake shoes on the way

later i asked mom to come, we had plenty of beries south and a short road, but she went offtrack north from it, not southeast to city
later i asked blondie and her barely old kid to come with me, I think was Neo, was naked, her kid was 6 year old with pants muflon hide and pack
we had more females but possibly starved/bored
i invited them with me, and other female died in meantime
told sister to clothe up and eat, gave her seal skin and a pack, she died anyway cause didn't knew the ice effects i presume
other kid was spending her life there in city, and i thought is okay, so i got back more tools and adobe, built a kiln near the road on desert edge so people can find the city later, still ok for sheep and some other stuff

small girl grew up and had a kid, told her not put down her on ice as it eats each 2 sec, but she ahd to eat and messed up the basket in hand, put it on some beans or dunno, she starved, i left with a sigle baby girl in ice, and i force fed a berry each secodn then put her under the ice, give the seal skin and the pack, she was smart and filled pack with berry, and got a berry bowl, told her to come home
asked her to make axe and forge a liemstone i got, i stacked up some stones for a cistern in the open side of jungle, in hopes that we can gather water there
dring my journey i didn't found much, just a huge concentric jungle around ice, between other biomes, tons of rabbits on edges, 3 mines depleted, none of them on badlands, a lot of ponds which once were swamp now in jungle middle, east of it a lot of green trees in middle of ice, etc.

7 generations with no kiln but a farm, and some pouches, they ddnt even made the farm on jungle, they did it in green biome
most of the females starved with all those banana, and i had barely any help to carry all that loot

little grand niece survived, i named her Zoe

if you are part of the line, and see this, the right curse of action would be making buckets and gathering water in cart, and a cistern near jungle, use up that soil, than migrate east where the ponds are, with composting that could be awesome, i even seen 3 ponds in jungle middle, which is great temperature livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2018-11-19 15:45:48

Registered: 2018-06-04
Posts: 202

Re: Weird life

OMG i was your grand niece Zoe big_smile

I did more exploring and in turned out that east of the desert were 10 more ponds so I told all my kids about the old camp and the need to move, they started to make a new farm near the ponds while I was making a new road linking the two.
My third daughter went AFK but I kept feeding her until she got a daughter that I raised and explained everything to her...
Now seeing the lineage, she apparenly killed everyone. Too bad, that place really had potential, since everything was already made, we just had to move the farm and make a new pen and move a lamb in it.

I will be eve tana. If not an eve, my kids will be called numerically : Primo, Duo, Tertio, Quattro, Quintus, Sextus, Septimus, Octavius etc... ending with an -a if you're a girl.


#3 2018-11-19 15:52:14

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Weird life

I find it hilarious how jungle shifted and shafted a bunch of the original tiles turning what was once a good village into something unlivable (village completely turned to snow.) I mean I guess places like that have to just be culled or you need to take resources out of it and start somewhere near.

I guess your best bet is to try to find a swamp that was converted to forest and maybe see if you can't block the mosquitoes or just hope there isn't enough around to cause massive annoyance. What a fun and strange update we've had.

fug it’s Tarr.


#4 2018-11-20 00:22:26

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Weird life

tana wrote:

OMG i was your grand niece Zoe big_smile

I did more exploring and in turned out that east of the desert were 10 more ponds so I told all my kids about the old camp and the need to move, they started to make a new farm near the ponds while I was making a new road linking the two.
My third daughter went AFK but I kept feeding her until she got a daughter that I raised and explained everything to her...
Now seeing the lineage, she apparenly killed everyone. Too bad, that place really had potential, since everything was already made, we just had to move the farm and make a new pen and move a lamb in it.

oh hi, your mom messed it up with an item in hand when i told not to put you down
a pip per 2 sec can kill a baby fast
i shoveled berries in you before putting you in the swamp tile
accidentally killed your aunt? and your mom by inviting them there
your mom was fine but she tried to stay there or dunno
i seen her mess up and heard the baby cry, i was like 50% we survive, im happy you werent noob

yeah i checked west and was like a concentric circle of savanah, jungle and ice in middle, nothing viable, but east had ponds on jungle, 3 in a row or 6 tiles, making a pen would have been op there but even just carry dung from ice villa, i seen soemone killed the two girls who were living bit longer, sad such persons exist, wont be another chance for such cities livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2018-11-20 02:40:27

Registered: 2018-11-16
Posts: 10

Re: Weird life

Unrelated - sorry - but what mods/add-ons are those, where you can zoom out, and it tells you family info in the upper right?


#6 2018-11-20 03:29:51

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676

Re: Weird life

That is the Awbz modded client. You can get it here:


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