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#1 2018-11-19 10:22:42

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Mini guide: Force mosquitos on a corner

The general rules apply to mosquitoes as well:
move max five tiles
stay in biome
cant change direction
cant stand on an item only on a free tile

additionally they move 1 each time except if there is an item, then they can skip trough it
same goes for 1-2-3-4 items, they cannot skip trough 5 items
they dont care about easy movement, they care about direction only
all move at the same time in the same area (if you ever seen white borders with zoom mod, those are area borders and all  messages are grouped, so all animals move same time), so you got most time to move right after one animal stopped and moved. so you might want to wait an animal mvoe, then you can run freely near them for a second.

so how to make mosquitoes go away?

step1 fill the designated area with items: banana, peels, rabbit bones(they decay so no need to pick them up again but need to be fast), needles(they dont decay and you can make it fast), wood, milkweed seed, anything, they cant stand on a tile with item, they move on free tiles
once you got 5 items in each diagonal and straight, they are blocked that way, you can move the last item and they will move further, safer to do it with 6 in a line
step2 make a wall when they move outside, between the biome edge, a bottleneck, make sure to block diagonals too, if any other of that biome is within 5 tiles even if its split
step3 once they are in a corner and you walled off, they will stay that side
step4 wall off that part completely so people wont run into it at all, graves or planted trees are good
easy wall solution is graves, we got plenty
bell bases, adobe
make sure you didnt miss any direction, any free tile they stand on is a starting point, count 5 in all 8 directions, if there is a jungle there, if there is an item there. what people often miss, its that one item blocks the mosquitoes, not a biome border or wall, removing that item will release them, and pushing back its harder.
once you walled them they wont disturb anymore, they are forced to stay on that tiles so you need to make once, perfectly, not multiple times half solutions

walled cities keep bear out too
you can use wall corners to make a pen for sheep, one for seeding carrots
and other funny experiments with room like shop
enclosed forge or such

Coriolis effect: animals move first to top, then left, then down then right (needs confirmation), eventually they end up at top side of the biome cause they do a complete circle but first choice is always top. this means that you must settle south side of jungle or any biome with snake or mosquito
and you push them north and wall them there, less likely to invade the living area

Snowball in face cools down your victim, they are not starving when they get bitten, if they got at least half food bar, actually the gradual heat at first makes their temperature better at start, 35 seconds of fewer, snowball only last 10 sec they will lose hunger bars generally and you can feed them right away, if not on desert/jungle they will likely survive

tell them to go off the hot biome, go out from a fire. go off the wood boards or stone floor. heat spreads in 8 tiles, so ideally they should step 4 away from a desert, but at least 2-3 away from closest warm spot

its important not to feed pies or stew to them, they only lose a few bars at start, you can increase their yum, with berry, bowl of berry, pop corn, green beans, raw corn, this adds up to their halved bar. after the effect goes off, they get back their full bar so they will have at least 11 empty food bars, you can feed them stew.

Its good to have some yum foods in a cold place, either  a snow biome, or build some incomplete snowman walls

Grave walls, its quite hard to do it alone, and if becomes a tradition, its better for everyone:
bury people in a line, forming a wall around center of a desert or top side of jungle
a wall formed like this prevents people extending that way, keeps bears, snakes and other animals out, even if its open in some places, the animals get blocked for a few seconds and you can entrap them or block them faster, its just a matter of starting this walls of graves.

Last edited by pein (2019-02-13 06:17:51) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2018-11-20 01:18:41

Registered: 2018-10-09
Posts: 33

Re: Mini guide: Force mosquitos on a corner

Yeah, I just played a few lifes and I was thinking what the best way to deal with mosquitoes is at first I thought, just make buildings, put your kitchen and forge in a building, maybe put walls around other things too, but then I realized that would mean increasing temp of an already warm biome and that wouldn't be such a great solution, so then I thought just build walls/fences to prevent mosquitoes from getting to town. If we are able to get towns built up again, putting walls around them would allow us to get the benefit of jungle without the downside of mosquitoes.


#3 2018-11-20 06:10:26

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Mini guide: Force mosquitos on a corner

yeah , bell bases are half cost and i don't think it increases temperature

but as i said have a pen type entrance, not a door, and then ts not open also you can have fire outside livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#4 2018-11-20 07:09:01

Registered: 2018-10-19
Posts: 30

Re: Mini guide: Force mosquitos on a corner

I tend to get plenty of animals including mosquitos out of their biomes. Other stuff too actually. Maybe because the map resets? Is that a thing that happens?


#5 2018-11-20 07:25:17

Registered: 2018-11-17
Posts: 19

Re: Mini guide: Force mosquitos on a corner

I believe that animals always spawn close to their biome (within 5 tiles or something like that).  However, after they are spawned, they only walk on the tile type that they spawned on.  For example, if you have a desert next to a jungle, and the mosquito spawns in the desert, it will only fly around the desert with no distance limitations as far as I know.  Therefore, you can see all sorts of animals in weird places.


#6 2018-11-20 09:28:52

Registered: 2018-07-26
Posts: 133

Re: Mini guide: Force mosquitos on a corner

One of the best designed towns urbanistically had buildings around a central berry field which formed a wall towards outside. Great to prevent wild animals entering village.


#7 2018-11-20 18:38:06

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Mini guide: Force mosquitos on a corner

now imagine there is one tile between an other biome, someone runs to the animal, that leaves bones, the animal moves
overlapping biome edges often got empty tiles which are actually other biome like hot ice

actually 5 of any items can block animals out so even 5 bushes livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#8 2018-12-30 17:04:29

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Mini guide: Force mosquitos on a corner

coriolis effect:
it was in oxygen not included, where people realized that oxygen goes up left, co goes down right
seems to be the case in this game as well, animals end up in top corner of the biome after a while

this can be used to block mosquitoes out, i just been last survivor of a big camp on desert, and while some knew to block tiles with wood and other things, others just moved it out and we ended up with a lot of mosquitoes mid city


what you need to do is block them inside the biome they are, they wont leave the biome so you use biome borders as wall
first you need to find a bottleneck where the biome is the least wide/high, generally you want to push them top side
second, you build walls between the two sides. carefully blocking each diagonal which they can move trough
or you toss items that are harder to remove, and make five lines, for example bones
now bones decay but you can plant trees in a lien which block their movement after they grow up
which is one hour and needs 2 water, so you need to plant it before 30 to be able to do it yourself alone

plant branch trees like poplar and maple so people wont cut them as often livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#9 2019-02-09 12:18:04

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Mini guide: Force mosquitos on a corner

pein wrote:

yeah, kinda correct but people wont understand like this, also missing some key things

so recap:
mosquitoes can move only straight in any random directions so basically any of 8 tiles around them
they can skip trough, 1,2,3,4 items but not 5
they cannot enter a pen with a corner or front entrance
they are also blocked by the biome borders which is not necessarily jungle, its the current biome they are inside
if they are on a desert, they spawned on a desert initially, they didnt moved out of jungle
this is due to perin noise, a naturally looking seed, which is used by jason to create biomes. the algorithm fills the space with a biome, then makes the next biomes, then fills them with random items like trees, resources and animals. the spaces between two biomes are filled with an overlay which is generally empty space, and can happen that the game considers green tiles or even ice as desert, but they look like grene or ice. but tiies wont change, so if you see an animal passing trough different color tiles, they can go back too. this is rare and harder to notice.

there are 3 different animal behaviours: aggro (bear, pitbull, domestic mouflon, sheep with no lamb, domestic bison and cow with no calf)
aggro can be friendly and offensive. so you can lure them standing between target position and them
escape(horse, sheep with lamb, boar) so you can push them standing opposite to target direction near them
and ignore (snake, mosquito) so you got no effect on their pathing
the interactions happen when you are at the same tile as them, not when passing trough so a bear wont kill you between A and B, only if you pass trough A or B same time as they still are on the tile

range can be short (4 tiles) meaning they can skip trough objects, if they arent blocking (cactus, pond, walls, cisterns etc)
but wont go further than 4 tiles (you can exploit this to lure or push faster by putting objects with empty spaces between)
long : horses can go like 8 tiles, not sure exactly
unlimited: bears can skip trough any items straight as far as i know
just imagine queens on a chess board, you need to move like a horse, so never be on chess, or hide behind walls

most animals, like mosqitoes and sheep is short range
this range also means 2 same type biomes are connected if the distance is shorter than 5 tiles so they can skip trough it
but if a biome has 5 wide neighbour, they are separated

animals also get blocked on sides, so they will be more likely on biome borders, especially top side as they start moving toward top and left, if they are blocked that way they try other directions

so to push out mosquitoes, you need to have a target area, generally its the elongated narrow zone on one corner
the target area need to be blocked, and most effective way is to find a bottleneck, so if a jungle has a 1x5 wide zone, you can block it with one single wall, thats rare, but you will be able to find a corner which is narrow and takes less ressources

filling tiles, with any item, blocks animals to stop on that tile
not everyone knows this, thats why people die to bears or stack up items which would block mosquitoes
so you need permanent and less useful items to block mosquitoes
human bones are useless but they arent permanent, they decay in 2 hours (1 if digged) . placing stone on grave makes it semi permanent
also you want items which arent easy to move or remove but those generally take more time like you can hit stakes in ground, or home marker, or a berry bush, hardened row, radio parts, these are safe to stand on as people need some simple tools to remove them

rabbit bones got the benefit of decaying in a few minutes, and infinite as long as you lift the bones up and move to other tile with right click
needles are permanent and lose value, therefore interest if there is a lot of them
milkweed seeds are also infinite and can be put on fire to delete them
snow balls are honorable mentions, as they cost nothing and block tile but dont block movement (until you put two on top of one other)
if you use melting snowballs or bones, you got to be fast

your main goal is to push X mosquitoes to corner, and wall them
generally this means you need at least X amount of walls for X mosquitoes, thats why target area matters
you will never want to wall them in middle of the biome as it has no borders in middle
borders act as walls so you want L shape edge and build L shape wall next to it
that why bottlenecks are best, as if you squeze them trough it, you need less walls

temporary solution is to fill tiles with items, this pushes them out of those tiles
then you can use a pseudo wall like 5 bones in a row each direction from target zone, 5 bushes or just  a wall blocking each line and diagonal
permanent sollution is ancient wall, upgraded newcommen (4 blocks and a pump beam kit) or cisterns, or bell bases after 3 hours
semi permanent is graves with stones, trees, tree stumps, adobe wall (still hard to remove, sadly i seen people making room from a mosquito wall)

based  on number of mosquitoes you need a lot of time blocking them out, also bigger jungle generally has more of them
blocking out 5-6 takes like 6 walls optimal case
dont really recommend blocking out 10+, takes a lifetime, generally a jungle with 10 mosquitoes is useless, especially if its under 50 square tiles

you want to make a wall of 6 items then move the 6th from the area you need to the area you want to push them to, you are protected by standing on the tiles, so you need to drop to the place the mosquito leaves, and gradually move forward pushing them out
you need 5 tiles wide, the 6th is the extra protection so you will never have one tile available to them to move backward to at any moment
also is the safest to start off one edge, and pushing out 2 sides (2 sides act as a border) 90 degree or a full line of 5 wide between top and bottom, left and right connecting the border edges with items between them

ideally you gather the materials to block and find the target L shape border edge where you want to push them and you can even make the wall exept one tile, if you counted how many of them are
the L shape border has to be at least 2-3 wide both sides, best is to make a square, uses less walls
so if you got 9 mosquitoes, you need 7 walls to block them and a corner of 3x3 biome border, for 4 mosquitoes you need 5 walls and a corner of 2x2 border, etc.
so you jut basically put down 5 items, like 5x10, then drop 1 more when they move out, then take the first item on the left 5 away, out on the right 5 away, same for longitude and latitude
once you pushed them into sides, with the items, replace the item with stakes and hit with stone (or swap item with adobe and smash it, but its temporary solution) then put on the stone block or half block or 2 adobe (later plaster it or plant mango or branch trees around it so it blocks after the adobe is decayed)

once you are experienced enough, you can do it much faster with rabbit bones, which are temporary, but if you are fast enough, you already pushed the mosquitoes out before it decays, also you dont have to clean up afterwards, while with firewood is a chance that people take it or stack it up, or milkweed seeds need to be planted or burned. but for first time milkweed seed methode is safer as they wont decay and its ok to have them on that jungle, later people can plant it for ropes
needles are also safe, and cost nothing , if you got multiple, people can leave them in savanah or wherever they made clothes

darker green is jungle, you got 5 mosquitoes
you start on one corner, generally where the city is, this case top left, put items on each tile, purple arrows, once you fill 6x6 they cannot go to first line on top left, then move items to pink arrows, pushing them down
once you filled between the edges of the jungle, they act as a wall so they can only go downward
when they are at bottom, you place down walls, black box this case
the shape is totally random each case
i just put 2 examples to prove. this case you would be most beneficial pushing them to the tiny jungle on bottom right
but lets say you choose to wall them off south
while isnt directly connected, they can still skip trough the tiny jungle and come back, so you need 1 extra block to block off right side straight, and top right edge, cause its less than 5 away
top right also a tiny jungle, but it has more than 5 grass tiles so they will never go there
also notice that you dont have to block all around them, the grassland acts as a wall so you only block them backward to jungle tiles
also a more effective way would be here to make an L shape wall on the bottom left, 6 walls would block 2x3 area

ideal jungle has a pond right next to it and you can upgrade it to engine/newcommen
ideally has no mosquitoes, but if there are 2-4, you need to cut off trees ( best to keep the rubber and palm trees on edges, which dont cover the view),push them out, wall them, make a cistern, make boards to signal farm size and then plant a farm

also what people dont understand generally: its safe to make a pen on a jungle, animals cannot exit a pen, also cannot enter a pen
if you got no design flaws, and you got no mosquitoes at the moment of finishing the pen, inside, then they wont be able to enter it
if there are many of them, you just fill the designated pen interior with items, wall it around, make the bushes and blocking corners
also its 2 in 1 step, you already pushed them out with pen, pen is warmer, and can be extended to wall them off even more, also  this mosquito walls  are ideal sheep pen walls too, they block mosquito getting in, block sheep getting out, you can have the oven on jungle
then you push them even more with sheep bones which dont decay and ideal to dump them on such a place livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#10 2019-02-09 13:59:30

Registered: 2019-01-15
Posts: 156

Re: Mini guide: Force mosquitos on a corner

hey pein.
Your guides are pretty useful, but I want to ask you if you could use punctuation and capitalisation, it would greatly help readability.


#11 2019-02-10 14:24:04

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Mini guide: Force mosquitos on a corner

Thanks again pein for all this information.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


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