One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-11-22 13:59:18

Registered: 2018-11-22
Posts: 2


On other players deliberately murdering other players with knives/bows.

Should it really be that common? It's happening to me a lot.

Most of the time its trolls. I'm just playing the game. eg. last game I was making compost and killed because I was his "sister".

Some people seem to get their kicks by just killing other players or are determined to end a lineage and all the effort people put in.

The Curse system doesn't seem to be a big enough deterrent, as the person murdered doesn't have many seconds to warn others nearby who is the culprit. Many new players don't know about the Curse system either.

(Apologies if this has been discussed at length previously (could not find a recent thread).


#2 2018-11-22 16:24:12

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: Murderers

conesq wrote:

On other players deliberately murdering other players with knives/bows.

Should it really be that common? It's happening to me a lot.

Most of the time its trolls. I'm just playing the game. eg. last game I was making compost and killed because I was his "sister".

Some people seem to get their kicks by just killing other players or are determined to end a lineage and all the effort people put in.

The Curse system doesn't seem to be a big enough deterrent, as the person murdered doesn't have many seconds to warn others nearby who is the culprit. Many new players don't know about the Curse system either.

(Apologies if this has been discussed at length previously (could not find a recent thread).

I'm sorry that's happened. It used to be worse, Jason is doing the best he can. But yeah, it's happened to me a lot too.

.-.. .. ..-. . / .. ... / ... - .-. .- -. --. . .-.-.- / ... --- / .- -- / .. .-.-.-
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he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


#3 2018-11-22 16:47:37

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 94

Re: Murderers

you know you can just sneak onto the website and check who the murderer is via family tree


#4 2018-11-22 17:16:00

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: Murderers

Murdering is in control atm imo. Atleast i haven't seen that much murder sprees. Ofcourse there is some cases, but it feels to me that its mostly just mistakes with knife or person just testing the mechanic. The donkey town punishment seems to be enough of a detergent for people not to do hardcore murders sprees. Yes new players don't know how to curse yet, but they also are mainly just berry locusts so there is still much to learn and we will eventually get there.

Besides its so easy to not get murdered. Just move and its pretty hard to stab/shoot you. Usually they miss and drop a knife/arrow to ground and you can pick it up and prevent the future tryes. Also never trust a person with a knife/bow comming at you to ask questions. It's what they use as a distortion to keep you still and kill you while you type.

Last edited by arkajalka (2018-11-22 17:16:25)

I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


#5 2018-11-22 17:27:22

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Murderers

during apocalypses
bit before and especially after people just ran around with bow and killed everybody with no reason at all
i was like raising one single baby and farming and i was shot
then i came back same place, tried to revenge, but someone did it for me
and this went on and on for a while

im happy that people kill each other, it means they advancing also they wont curse for dumbfuck reasons

eventually wont be too much percentage of dedicated no reason killers and good players are good at killing too livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#6 2018-11-22 17:29:15

Registered: 2018-11-16
Posts: 183

Re: Murderers

I wouldn't be against reducing the donkey town requirement to 5 instead of 8. I personally think in over 100 hours of play i've never been cursed. so innocents being sent there is quite unlikely. I haven't really seen "troll cursers".


#7 2018-11-22 17:34:47

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: Murderers

Floofy wrote:

I wouldn't be against reducing the donkey town requirement to 5 instead of 8. I personally think in over 100 hours of play i've never been cursed. so innocents being sent there is quite unlikely. I haven't really seen "troll cursers".

Nah 8 is good. You can stack them so easily. Also people will curse you if you prevent the serial killers doing their task. I've been cursed few times cause i murdered a griefer and people don't realize that you are actually preventing the total anhilation.

If the curse points are lowered i will deffinetly not try to get the murderer, cause theres too big of a risk of misscommunications and getting cursed yourself to donkey town. Guess you don't stand for death penalty.

Last edited by arkajalka (2018-11-22 17:36:10)

I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


#8 2018-11-22 17:38:32

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Murderers

I think new players just eventually have to take the initiative and learn how to deal with trolls. … id=1885110

My mother Stark Stark ended up killing five people in her lifetime. She was only stopped once I was born and put an end to her randomly shooting new players. Any attempts I've personally put into teaching new players how to pvp ends in one of two ways

1) People take all the weapons from the arena because "Oh no weapons!!!111!"
2) People attempt to kill me (or do) for attempting to teach children how to kill.

I've only put up arenas in towns advanced enough to support losing random people to fair, consensual duels and each time there is either no one who wants to learn pvp or the other issues crop up.

fug it’s Tarr.


#9 2018-11-22 17:52:12

Registered: 2018-09-13
Posts: 55

Re: Murderers

Tarr wrote:

I think new players just eventually have to take the initiative and learn how to deal with trolls. … id=1885110

My mother Stark Stark ended up killing five people in her lifetime. She was only stopped once I was born and put an end to her randomly shooting new players. Any attempts I've personally put into teaching new players how to pvp ends in one of two ways

1) People take all the weapons from the arena because "Oh no weapons!!!111!"
2) People attempt to kill me (or do) for attempting to teach children how to kill.

I've only put up arenas in towns advanced enough to support losing random people to fair, consensual duels and each time there is either no one who wants to learn pvp or the other issues crop up.

xD Duels would be good, kinda like training. I like that idea. It'd be less likely to end by the two reasons mentioned if wooden weapons were implemented somehow.

I prefer to call my children after final fantasy characters.
- Love making sauerkraut! - Hate letting kids die.

I miss surnames. Remember surnames?


#10 2018-11-22 17:56:17

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Murderers

Daffex wrote:

xD Duels would be good, kinda like training. I like that idea. It'd be less likely to end by the two reasons mentioned if wooden weapons were implemented somehow.

It's better to test with real weapons though since you can teach people how to use medical supplies and teach people how to defend themselves at the same time. Jason won't add play weapons since he thinks feeding people is a good enough substitute to actual combat (have people run around in the arena with a pie or something with very visible different states and attempt to feed the other person first.)

However that's done with left clicking which is awkward when you need to right click people to kill.

fug it’s Tarr.


#11 2018-11-22 18:32:56

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 532

Re: Murderers

I tell you a story. There was a time I read in a computer magazine -- at those times they were serious -- about that new game called "Ultima Online", it would be practically the first large online only game.. and contrary to previous games with 4 or 8 players max would be *massive*, and the term "MMORPG"  was born. ( Now ignore that fact that nothing of this is actually true, there were MMORPGs and even MUDs before but didn't have broad public attention ). Anyway I was thrilled, I ordered this as soon as I could and I bought a seroius internet connection instead of dial up because of UO...  it's going to be sooooo awesome... Until I got "PK"ed (murdered), and again and again, and all other kind of stupid childish behavior and as time gone by it only got worse. After a few months I canceled my subscription... then came Lineage II and it was worse.... then came Guildware  (1) which was to worst of all, first not needing a subscription it attracted even the most brain-dead crowd. I can't tell how often I wanted to hit my head against a wall trying to play through the campaign with others and finished it only with bots... who were stupid, but not predictable. Then was WoW, where especially some mechanics were just beyond stupid (why would the game assign me into a group with people I had already muted???)

Anyway after that I swore to never play an online game again with involves interaction with others... I recently made a *hugh* exception for getting an account for OHOL, because I watched a few lives on twitch and it seemed surprisingly positive.

tl;dr So many online gamers are pricks. Possibly a majority because they are children. Each and every game I've been to. No penalty system ever really, really worked out. OHOL is still fantastic in comparison regarding this. The curse system is good IMO. It won't be perfect and likely never can. In one week playtime I've been only murdered twice and one was a joke where I was 59 and said already my good byes. The only real frustration is children I took care of dieing like flies because of stupidity. Often enough as mother I had 6-8 children, where maybe one reached adulthood or even became elder...


#12 2018-11-22 18:39:10

Registered: 2018-11-16
Posts: 183

Re: Murderers

arkajalka wrote:
Floofy wrote:

I wouldn't be against reducing the donkey town requirement to 5 instead of 8. I personally think in over 100 hours of play i've never been cursed. so innocents being sent there is quite unlikely. I haven't really seen "troll cursers".

Nah 8 is good. You can stack them so easily. Also people will curse you if you prevent the serial killers doing their task. I've been cursed few times cause i murdered a griefer and people don't realize that you are actually preventing the total anhilation.

If the curse points are lowered i will deffinetly not try to get the murderer, cause theres too big of a risk of misscommunications and getting cursed yourself to donkey town. Guess you don't stand for death penalty.

How can you tell a murderer is a murderer before he actually murder? Last time i murdered a murderer that actually murdered, people were quite happy with what i did.


#13 2018-11-22 19:10:22

Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 54

Re: Murderers

Floofy: Arkajalka said he killed a grieffer. There are more ways to ruin others’ games than outright killing, and a smart grieffer can kill off a whole town if they aren’t killed first. Unobservant players won’t see the guy hiding the tools, chopping down junipers, or killing all the sheep as a threat, but they will band together and all curse the one who kills him.


#14 2018-11-22 19:16:44

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: Murderers

Floofy wrote:
arkajalka wrote:
Floofy wrote:

I wouldn't be against reducing the donkey town requirement to 5 instead of 8. I personally think in over 100 hours of play i've never been cursed. so innocents being sent there is quite unlikely. I haven't really seen "troll cursers".

Nah 8 is good. You can stack them so easily. Also people will curse you if you prevent the serial killers doing their task. I've been cursed few times cause i murdered a griefer and people don't realize that you are actually preventing the total anhilation.

If the curse points are lowered i will deffinetly not try to get the murderer, cause theres too big of a risk of misscommunications and getting cursed yourself to donkey town. Guess you don't stand for death penalty.

How can you tell a murderer is a murderer before he actually murder? Last time i murdered a murderer that actually murdered, people were quite happy with what i did.

That's the thing. You can't. You have to witness a murder to know hes up to no good. Sometimes the other village dwellers dont see the first murder happening and it leads to these situations where you are being accused of murdering when you have actually just laid down some death penalty for a murder. Usually people just panic when they see you with a bloody knife or bow.

Weapons can be used for the benefit of blooming civilization, so there's no way of knowing what's the intention. Usually you can see it though the way they handle the weapons. You don't carry out murder tools open at city (at least  you should not...)if you have no good use for them.

I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


#15 2018-11-22 21:50:16

Registered: 2018-03-28
Posts: 120

Re: Murderers

I just had a game where two families went to war,

There were two towns with two different families fairly close to eachother, there was no way both could survive with they growing population and they kept stealing carts from us, so we decided to war, three us of got bows with 2 arrows each but just before we were about to move out, we got ambushed! they attacked our town! it was a bloodbath.

Was alot of fun, murdering is good RP at times and tbf with a town medic, it's easy to survive murderers, but the war was not griefing, it was survival plus we had was amazing fun.


#16 2018-11-22 23:44:28

Registered: 2018-07-15
Posts: 355

Re: Murderers

Murders have been VERY tame recently. It used to be much worse, but cursing has fixed that. As for players not knowing about cursing, spread the word! With strength in numbers, murderers can be punished by spending an hour or two waiting to get out of donkey town

Favourite Lives: MrDryer/ChirpChapley (Eva II) Town Nurse (Beth Storm) Ma's Best Li'l Helper (Law Autry), The Latex Lord (Kevin Youree), 60 Years a Blacksmith (Victoire Mom) The Egglord's Apprentice (Thomas II), Big Blood Brother (Dante), Horse racer on doomsday (Lilly Tana)
Profile Picture by MultiLife


#17 2018-11-23 02:13:43

Registered: 2018-11-03
Posts: 3

Re: Murderers

I don't know, maybe sometimes we deserve it and don't even realize what we did.

I just did my first intentional murder of someone who didn't kill anyone else and I cashed in five curses for it.
I don't mind it, it's the first time I got cursed.
It's just, you know, one game after another. Before steam I thought to myself how much better it would be,
if there are more than 50 people in the world. How mistaken I  have been.

He/She must have thought I'm a griefer, but in reality that selfish prick just wasted hours and hours of work.
Everyone who witnessed it, must have thought like the murdered.
They didn't see the wastefulness and egocentric playstyle of that particular player.
They didn't know why we had no sheep and where our soil came from.

After three minutes into the game I go to the farm for tending it.
We have no water but two dry wells and a pond, which are two screens away. All the steel tools available but no milkweed.
I realized that we are about to hit a famine, so I went to search for milkweed; naked, while nearly all the babies have backpacks.
10 minutes later I come back, with one rope and one thread. Need to make a second bucket and the thread I hid before is missing.
Managed to make a second bucket anyhow, by finding one picked milkweed and by watering one patch of milkweed.
After that, I realize the sheeps were all killed or escaped..
Tending to the berry-farm, I made a milkweed farm to make a rope and bow&arrow.

While waiting for the milkweed, I gave my mom a strawhat I found by a corpse and thought to myself, I deserve one myself too.
I'm searching for a needle..weird, nowhere to be found.
Someone took one out from their backpack and I wrote:"I need that needle please."
No reaction.. After he/she made clothes, he/she goes to the milkweed farm and takes all the milkweed that's not already plundered
by 6th minute players, who cry out: "MINE, I NEED BP".
I tell the player, that it's not cool what he/she does and he/she shrugs it off, writes that his/her milkweed got stolen too.
Wtf, what does that even mean "my milkweed"?. Does that idiot even realize what game he/she is playing?

There I was, once again defeated.. After all the shit time I had while walking for miles and trying to fix things.
I did it, just so we could have a stable ecosystem for some generations. Not because I like to do the same repetitive stuff or
to click on the edge of the screen for minutes.
This time I had enough:
I made myself a knife, while watching that idiot wasting more soil for more milkweed; to make more clothes for "her" children.
Mind you: Someone else gets that soil from far south by now.
Then, once I got to 55-ish, I stabbed him/her.
He/She must have thought I'm a griefer, but in reality that selfish prick just wasted hours and hours of work.
Everyone who witnessed it, must have thought like the murdered.
They didn't see the wastefulness and egocentric playstyle of that particular player.
They didn't know why we had no sheep and where our soil came from.


#18 2018-11-23 08:07:55

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Murderers

yeah, once i was in a desert city, they made a dumb wall near the berry farm, i  had to plant milkweed for the rest of soil near it then remove the berry, nobody got firewood, i fixed the pen and get going on tools for it

it was before donkey update and i abandoned a cursed girl
but actually no one ever helped on anything, like 2 people werent sponges, the rest 5 who lived longer just pissed me off every time
and at the end when the last fertile girl died, a guy killed me, because i didnt keep her, and then it stuck me, it doesnt really matter to give a fuck about selfish pricks.

all those lazy people who just munch the food you make, dont even see why they got food, but the moment you kill someone they come and curse you and spread the bullshit even more, and go back to doing nothing
this system is not working, with this bullshit democracy, sharing wont work if people take stuff they didnt make and hold onto gear they dont deserve, leach on others who work

murders were an effective way of getting rid of this people, also nothing prevents you to have bad intentions, be the victim and still frame someone, too many people try to kil lyou then if they cant still curse you
or know that they arent right and still make up bullshit

it was really annoying someone following me, not understanding how composting works and call me agriefer for hiding one berry bowl and planting carrot in the tiny fencepen
and someone randomly cursed me, and i dont like to let those alive

truth is a lot of people dont know how thigns work, what is happening, and how they are annoying to others
cursing only protects the sponges

the other game a sis had full gear and even a knife for being the oldest girl, never moved a pebble, and an other dumb sister runs in picks out two carrots from seed row, and i stabebd her, cause i had enough of spoiled noobs who ruin my work, she could of see that there are carrots on floor, or she could of eaten what she produced, but she never cared cause they had some food, the moment she not, she runs out and eats the first thing she see, dont tell me is my fault
and ofc im on cooldown  and she complains to that dumb chick who kills me cause has a knife, essentially killed the family too cause no one ever gonna produce soil, but hey not enough to kill me, with disaddvantage, lets curse too cause poor girl died . she did nothing wrong other that ruining my work, without question and even talks from high horse after livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#19 2018-11-23 08:08:54

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 532

Re: Murderers

dnz, in my opinion you should have simply cursed her. This way she ended up with 0 curses and you with 5 and all you did was ending that playthrough likely only a few years before dieing of age.

If that person keeps playing that way and if only 1 person per life curses them, after a while they will end up 50% of their playtime in donkey town...


#20 2018-11-23 09:17:55

Registered: 2018-09-13
Posts: 55

Re: Murderers

dnz wrote:

I don't know, maybe sometimes we deserve it and don't even realize what we did.

I just did my first intentional murder of someone who didn't kill anyone else and I cashed in five curses for it.
I don't mind it, it's the first time I got cursed.
It's just, you know, one game after another. Before steam I thought to myself how much better it would be,
if there are more than 50 people in the world. How mistaken I  have been.

He/She must have thought I'm a griefer, but in reality that selfish prick just wasted hours and hours of work.
Everyone who witnessed it, must have thought like the murdered.
They didn't see the wastefulness and egocentric playstyle of that particular player.
They didn't know why we had no sheep and where our soil came from.

After three minutes into the game I go to the farm for tending it.
We have no water but two dry wells and a pond, which are two screens away. All the steel tools available but no milkweed.
I realized that we are about to hit a famine, so I went to search for milkweed; naked, while nearly all the babies have backpacks.
10 minutes later I come back, with one rope and one thread. Need to make a second bucket and the thread I hid before is missing.
Managed to make a second bucket anyhow, by finding one picked milkweed and by watering one patch of milkweed.
After that, I realize the sheeps were all killed or escaped..
Tending to the berry-farm, I made a milkweed farm to make a rope and bow&arrow.

While waiting for the milkweed, I gave my mom a strawhat I found by a corpse and thought to myself, I deserve one myself too.
I'm searching for a needle..weird, nowhere to be found.
Someone took one out from their backpack and I wrote:"I need that needle please."
No reaction.. After he/she made clothes, he/she goes to the milkweed farm and takes all the milkweed that's not already plundered
by 6th minute players, who cry out: "MINE, I NEED BP".
I tell the player, that it's not cool what he/she does and he/she shrugs it off, writes that his/her milkweed got stolen too.
Wtf, what does that even mean "my milkweed"?. Does that idiot even realize what game he/she is playing?

There I was, once again defeated.. After all the shit time I had while walking for miles and trying to fix things.
I did it, just so we could have a stable ecosystem for some generations. Not because I like to do the same repetitive stuff or
to click on the edge of the screen for minutes.
This time I had enough:
I made myself a knife, while watching that idiot wasting more soil for more milkweed; to make more clothes for "her" children.
Mind you: Someone else gets that soil from far south by now.
Then, once I got to 55-ish, I stabbed him/her.
He/She must have thought I'm a griefer, but in reality that selfish prick just wasted hours and hours of work.
Everyone who witnessed it, must have thought like the murdered.
They didn't see the wastefulness and egocentric playstyle of that particular player.
They didn't know why we had no sheep and where our soil came from.

Yup. someone got real annoyed with me the other day because they stole the bowl I was using to sort out the sheep before the town died out or whatever(We had all shorn sheep, so no poop, no wool, etc),  then they started yelling I stole the bowl, and I just kept saying, Im sorting out the sheep, you are just filling it up with berries to run around? I need this for sheep. then I got cursed by half the village, for trying to sort out the sheep pen (Luckily it was half the adult village, so not much, it was like 3/4) It was ludicrous. I just ended up letting myself die in the sheep pen because I literally can't be bothered to try to help a village, making my contribution, only to be told off for "Stealing".

Alot of the new players don't seem to understand the community side of it, teamwork.

Whilst "Stealing" isn't cool, as long as you ask, and have a good reason for the use of said thing (Especially if there is like 100 bowls around town!) then people should calm down.

I prefer to call my children after final fantasy characters.
- Love making sauerkraut! - Hate letting kids die.

I miss surnames. Remember surnames?


#21 2018-11-23 10:10:19

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: Murderers

dnz wrote:

I don't know, maybe sometimes we deserve it and don't even realize what we did.

I just did my first intentional murder of someone who didn't kill anyone else and I cashed in five curses for it.
I don't mind it, it's the first time I got cursed.
It's just, you know, one game after another. Before steam I thought to myself how much better it would be,
if there are more than 50 people in the world. How mistaken I  have been.

He/She must have thought I'm a griefer, but in reality that selfish prick just wasted hours and hours of work.
Everyone who witnessed it, must have thought like the murdered.
They didn't see the wastefulness and egocentric playstyle of that particular player.
They didn't know why we had no sheep and where our soil came from.

After three minutes into the game I go to the farm for tending it.
We have no water but two dry wells and a pond, which are two screens away. All the steel tools available but no milkweed.
I realized that we are about to hit a famine, so I went to search for milkweed; naked, while nearly all the babies have backpacks.
10 minutes later I come back, with one rope and one thread. Need to make a second bucket and the thread I hid before is missing.
Managed to make a second bucket anyhow, by finding one picked milkweed and by watering one patch of milkweed.
After that, I realize the sheeps were all killed or escaped..
Tending to the berry-farm, I made a milkweed farm to make a rope and bow&arrow.

While waiting for the milkweed, I gave my mom a strawhat I found by a corpse and thought to myself, I deserve one myself too.
I'm searching for a needle..weird, nowhere to be found.
Someone took one out from their backpack and I wrote:"I need that needle please."
No reaction.. After he/she made clothes, he/she goes to the milkweed farm and takes all the milkweed that's not already plundered
by 6th minute players, who cry out: "MINE, I NEED BP".
I tell the player, that it's not cool what he/she does and he/she shrugs it off, writes that his/her milkweed got stolen too.
Wtf, what does that even mean "my milkweed"?. Does that idiot even realize what game he/she is playing?

There I was, once again defeated.. After all the shit time I had while walking for miles and trying to fix things.
I did it, just so we could have a stable ecosystem for some generations. Not because I like to do the same repetitive stuff or
to click on the edge of the screen for minutes.
This time I had enough:
I made myself a knife, while watching that idiot wasting more soil for more milkweed; to make more clothes for "her" children.
Mind you: Someone else gets that soil from far south by now.
Then, once I got to 55-ish, I stabbed him/her.
He/She must have thought I'm a griefer, but in reality that selfish prick just wasted hours and hours of work.
Everyone who witnessed it, must have thought like the murdered.
They didn't see the wastefulness and egocentric playstyle of that particular player.
They didn't know why we had no sheep and where our soil came from.

I know this feeling. Have murdered few people for this very reason.

Like im gathering irons and trying to make the essentials for mining kit. After i have transformed all the ore into ingot some dude pops all out of a sudden and forges some more hoes and axes. After that i just gave up on the mining kit project forged a knife and stabbed out the dude.

Same thing in a booming city when you are on a project of doing something. Like making compost for soil then making hoes, tilling the soils for a kraut/wheat field. After you have got everything done some dude pops out and plants everything with carrot and is not even there to pick em up.

Its funny how people are able to go backwards in the tech three big time. Cutting all the wheat, killing all the sheep, filling every bowl with salt water, makeing smiths flat rocks into a road at the forge, moving the bellows to the berry field, the list is endless...

When this happens in a row for few times with one person i usually tell them not to do the task that is not benefitial for the society. Some dudes are cool with it, but some start bitching back at me when i have a knife in bag, you kinda know whats going to happen next.

I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


#22 2018-11-23 19:14:48

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676

Re: Murderers

Some of you are dumbfucks and assholes for murdering and/or cursing players simply because they're bad at the game.


#23 2018-11-23 19:42:55

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: Murderers

CrazyEddie wrote:

Some of you are dumbfucks and assholes for murdering and/or cursing players simply because they're bad at the game.

Being bad at game that's totaly fine, but doing it repetedly whilst you are told not to kinda is asking for it.

Last edited by arkajalka (2018-11-23 19:43:20)

I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


#24 2018-11-23 20:08:54

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676

Re: Murderers

Killing / cursing people because they don't do what you tell them to do is also shitty.


#25 2018-11-23 20:47:58

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: Murderers

CrazyEddie wrote:

Killing / cursing people because they don't do what you tell them to do is also shitty.

If you are insanely bad and just make everything you touch wither then you deserve whats comming for you. Its not like you are disbled in this game. Theres no reason to ruin everything around you.

Git good or git knifed.

Go to your safe space and learn how to play.

I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


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