One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-01-27 12:27:05

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

To Hero Wholey

You deserve it everytime somebody kills or curses you. You call me a "bad player" for "just standing around" and "welcome to 97 percent" when I'd made most the compost and the horse you were riding around. When I told you this you say "who cares", so it doesn't matter if I work but me standing around for 2 seconds makes me a bad player?

You started hauling insults at me as soon as I told you I disagreed. You had no tolerance for opposing views whatsoever, instead, everyone else is bad players. I cursed you after you started being a dick, You already got cursed several times in that one life. Calling you Toxic just lead to more name calling and running away from me, Yet more refusal to listen to others in a game about cooperation.

I got the feeling that I wasn't the first to have this kind of interaction with you nor would I be the last. It's not a coincidence that several people have cursed you and called you toxic, Stop blaming everybody else.

And yeah, I did stab you even though you were already old. I did it because killing assholes like you makes me feel good. Nobody cared about your murder, I didn't even get a single curse for it.

Last edited by Baker (2019-01-27 12:28:32)

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#2 2019-01-27 13:30:14

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: To Hero Wholey

I mean if it makes you feel better I had a situation like that occur too. I had just created a diesel engine for a town and was going to install it on a shallow well but the thing still had water in it so instead of just trying to remove the water via buckets I was just spam clicking because I wanted the water gone quick. Had two people walk over to me calling me an idiot and that I should go be useful instead of wasting water.

Are you telling me making the best water source in the game for town isn't being useful? More importantly is a few bowls of water more valuable than the 7 buckets the engine will be making? I'm going to say there's a small minority (I refuse to believe a large chunk of steam players are just rude overall) who have no idea why we do things but know they're not supposed to do things. Having someone call me out for shearing the last sheep when we have a mouflon shows they know not to shear all the sheep but not why we leave one unsheared.

There are a few really bad eggs out there and I can't blame anyone for cursing and removing these people from the town.

fug it’s Tarr.


#3 2019-01-27 13:59:37

Registered: 2019-01-17
Posts: 10

Re: To Hero Wholey

First he tries to find confirmation in the discord, apparently the guy didn't read it / decides to ignore it. So half an hour later we run to the forums and make a topic about it..

Really can't just drop it? You might've played with him 15 minutes later and had a great teammate. That's the beauty of this game.


#4 2019-01-27 15:53:56

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: To Hero Wholey

Michie wrote:

First he tries to find confirmation in the discord, apparently the guy didn't read it / decides to ignore it. So half an hour later we run to the forums and make a topic about it..

Really can't just drop it? You might've played with him 15 minutes later and had a great teammate. That's the beauty of this game.

I doubt it, But if he did then I'd be amazed at how much his personality changed in 15 minutes. He didn't seem like a team player to me. For all I know, You're the dude but have chosen to remain anonymous. You do sound like him a little.

He said I was obsessed, I agree with that. Dude made my bad day even worse by acting like a complete jackass. It was my anger but also curiosity, I wanted to know why he acted the way he did. Didn't get a chance to ask him in-game because of limited speech and him running off all the time, We had a disagreement but he never explained why only insulted me. 

It's just the way I am, Been like that since birth.

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#5 2019-01-27 16:24:44

Registered: 2018-12-01
Posts: 47

Re: To Hero Wholey

It feels good when they get there just deserts.

Personal favorite some kid keeps asking for the knife but wont give me a reason for why he needs it. So I stab him and people are like why and I'm like "he ask for it". Most people laugh while the kid dies.
There that lazy man eating the carrots. Tell him don't eat the carrots need it for compost and sheep. He eats all the carrots then I shoot in with the bow and arrow.


#6 2019-01-27 17:23:45

Registered: 2019-01-17
Posts: 10

Re: To Hero Wholey

If you try hard enough, everyone sounds like him.


#7 2019-01-27 19:31:08

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: To Hero Wholey

i was killed for telling somebody that i made the only upgraded cart in my previous life
i was killed for telling a noob old woman that she shouldn't destroy the wall holding back mosquitoes for her adobe toilet (like seriously a 2x3 with no purpose)

baker is one of players who i like to twin with, and we started off kinda on wrong foot and still managed to talk it out
you can be happy to have him, and the lineage will last quite bit longer if he spawns in your city
and he keeps eye on shady people. even on me when at age 8 i grab the only bow and get sheep 2 minutes later tongue big_smile

yeah some jerks think high of themselves, and on a normal day i will kill them 9 out of 10 times, and i identified a few of them already
but i would be suspicious if someone does that thing , especially with no result livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#8 2019-01-27 23:56:22

Registered: 2018-07-15
Posts: 355

Re: To Hero Wholey

I guess you could say he was never a hero in the first place

Favourite Lives: MrDryer/ChirpChapley (Eva II) Town Nurse (Beth Storm) Ma's Best Li'l Helper (Law Autry), The Latex Lord (Kevin Youree), 60 Years a Blacksmith (Victoire Mom) The Egglord's Apprentice (Thomas II), Big Blood Brother (Dante), Horse racer on doomsday (Lilly Tana)
Profile Picture by MultiLife


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