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#51 2019-02-06 08:57:44

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Freaking Planes

Again on attempting to fly to the tutorial N/E/S/W would only return me to my landing strip at home which is a shame because I was going to smuggle a new player out of the tutorial and into the real game. I'm not sure why this occurs but I know there's another airstrip out there because I had just put the landing strip up. So either someone else has a plane and is beating me to the punch or there's some sort of issue somewhere along the line.

Does any town besides Canada have a plane right now? I haven't heard on discord or anywhere else of someone flying over to the tutorial or managed to land in any other town beside my own when doing tutorial raids.

fug it’s Tarr.


#52 2019-02-06 18:09:57

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Freaking Planes

Well, flying long distance (like to the tutorial) is currently totally broken due to round-off issues.  See this:

Also, flying in general is broken because I forgot to send you updates about the players who occupy the new region that you're landing in.  So there will be some player pop-in and such, once the players around where you land start moving.

Working on a fix for this now.

As for why you're not finding your landing strips, I'm not sure.  But yes, if you are on bigserver2, you should expect that more than one person has a plane.

Finally, in the above github post, you show the true server coordinates on bigserver2.  How are those being derived?


#53 2019-02-06 18:50:41

Registered: 2018-10-12
Posts: 663

Re: Freaking Planes

I had the same experience as Tarr, and I can confirm that they don't really work how I expected them to work. They probably work fine in a testing environment and on small servers (they worked fine for LostScholar on server15), but they don't always work properly on a real server.

I lived to fly a plane once, and in that life I had four total take offs. Each time I would crash land further and further southeast of my original departure point, no matter the direction I took off in. There was definitely a landing strip in my original town, and even if there wasn't, there were other landing strips somewhere on the server.

I was streaming at the time, so I have video examples of planes not working how I expected them to work. They might be working as intended, but it doesn't seem right to me.

Takeoff No1 (heading east) + crash land No1 (7.3k tiles away to the south)  -
Takeoff No2 (heading north) + crash land No2 (9.9k tiles away to the southeast) -
Takeoff No3 (heading west) + crash land No3 (11k tiles away to the southeast) -
Takeoff No4 (heading east) + crash land No4 (11k tiles away to the southeast) -

The reason I didn't head west after my first crash landing was that my home marker was pointing straight north, so I figured that gave me better odds of getting home. But even so, heading north and landing 1k tiles to the southeast makes no sense. And besides, the way I understand it you're only supposed to crash land when there are no other pads on the server.


#54 2019-02-06 19:32:02

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Freaking Planes

jasonrohrer wrote:

Well, flying long distance (like to the tutorial) is currently totally broken due to round-off issues.  See this:

Also, flying in general is broken because I forgot to send you updates about the players who occupy the new region that you're landing in.  So there will be some player pop-in and such, once the players around where you land start moving.

Working on a fix for this now.

As for why you're not finding your landing strips, I'm not sure.  But yes, if you are on bigserver2, you should expect that more than one person has a plane.

Finally, in the above github post, you show the true server coordinates on bigserver2.  How are those being derived?

Yeah I'm not too sure either. It's taking me generally two tries to get a landing strip to work over there on average with sometimes it just works. I'm not crashing so I'm not too upset about wasting 30 minutes to get a landing strip to work in the tutorial.

In relation to true coordinates the only way I've been able to get them is via using the data from the lifelog for where cities are located in relation to each other on the map. The coordinates you see in the github post are coordinates based off where I was born or where I had last opened/closed the client and not the actual true coordinates of the location. I'm just using old program we used in the server 3 days before you changed up how coordinates work in the first place so you don't have to worry about me having the true coordinates at this point.

I'd assume one of the other villages have a plane but after multiple hours of only hitting the landing strips for home and the tutorial + never catching another plane by accident I figured it was just something going wrong somewhere.

fug it’s Tarr.


#55 2019-02-06 19:33:46

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Freaking Planes

Oh, well, the crashes don't happen in the direction that you take off.  If there's nowhere to land up there, you should come home.

And if you really do crash, it crashes at the current Eve spawn location (on the spiral), and has nothing to do with the direction.

This is kinda nonsensical now with directional flight, because that bit of code (crash location) was set back when flight had no direction and just cycled through available landing pads in an arbitrary order.  Then, the only time you'd crash would be if you really had absolutely no place to land.

I might re-work that crash location thing.... or find SOME strip of last resort instead, no matter which direction you flew.

But anyway, you keep crashing in the roughly same place because that's where the Eve location is.

As for your home landing strips... in the first video, there are two of them there, so only one is live.  Not sure why you didn't land at one of them when you tried to take off to the East (I'm guessing you crashed, because there were no strips to the East).  One thing to notice  is that both of your strips are to the West (or equal to) your take-off X location in the first video.  I'll have to look at the code to see if that matters.

In later videos, are you sure that your home strips are still present?  Are you sure that no one has dug them up, or landed there themselves?  Remember, there was only one viable strip there (because they are close together), so all it takes is one plane flight coming in from elsewhere, and sitting on the strip, to block it.

I also see that having some strips non-functional is confusing.  That was added to prevent strip griefing.  But there should probably be a better way for it to work (like a flight will look in some direction for a landing spot at least 250 away, instead of strip creation blocking other strips less than 250 away).  This will allow one town to have multiple strips to accept multiple planes in parallel, while still not letting them create a bunch of annoying micro-hops.

ANYWAY, the initial idea was sound (find some available strip, in an arbitrary order, or crash @ Eve loc), but griefable.

That last minute chat session ended up tweaking things in a bunch of ways that didn't end up being sound in practice.


#56 2019-02-06 21:02:31

Registered: 2018-10-12
Posts: 663

Re: Freaking Planes

I can't be sure that no one destroyed the landing strip in the meantime, but I should have landed back at base after takeoff No1 if there was no landing spot available, right? I wasn't the first person to take off from that town, but I was the first not to come back immediately (I do think they took off in the opposite direction though). Also, it seems kind of unlikely (albeit possible) that there were literally no other landing pads on the server at that time.

My understanding of the system is that it goes rougly like this:

If there is an active landing pad in the direction of the takeoff, land there.
If there is not an active landing pad in the direction of the takeoff, land on a landing pad near the takeoff direction.
If there is no landing pad in the direction of the takeoff OR near the takeoff location, crash land on the Eve spiral.


#57 2019-02-07 02:58:26

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Freaking Planes

Okay, hotfix incoming.

Landing should make a lot more sense now.


#58 2019-02-07 05:41:05

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Freaking Planes

Can 100% confirm sometimes the landing strips just don't connect to each other via flying the correct direction. N/E/S/W again yielded to me returning home on each flight instead of flying to the open pad out in the tutorial. I even had a second account sit over by the pad to watch and make sure no one was flying over and stealing my landing spot in the first place. I'm going to make a second landing strip again in the tutorial and see if that lets me fly over there again and will edit when the flight attempts go off. The easier flight fix works great, long roads still obviously have problems with lift though.

Edit: Upon second attempt landing in another village that had a landing strip. N/E would lead me home S/W just took me back to their own landing strip instead of out west to the tutorial. Flying N/E from my own village looped me home S/W would just take me back to the second village. After removing their landing strip flying S/W would just loop me back around to my own village as if I was flying N/E. Not really sure if things are working worse or better at this point.


Last edited by Tarr (2019-02-07 06:32:54)

fug it’s Tarr.


#59 2019-02-07 06:56:06

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Freaking Planes

First of all, what makes you think the tutorial is to the west?

According to the server code (and my own experience with my test server here), the tutorial is out in the positive X direction, or East.  Out at x = 10M by default, or twice the most easterly birth location so far, if the most easterly location is > x = 5M.

(Also, you still haven't revealed to me how you are computing absolute coordinates...

I get that this might still be broken, especially if you try flying in all directions and never get to the tutorial.

Also, I'm not 100% sure what "N/E" means in your post above.  Does that mean you tried flying both N and then also E, and got the same result?

Or does that mean that you are somehow taking off on a "diagonal" winding road that heads NE?  Because that definitely won't work.  Your takeoff direction is one of N, S, E, or W, based on the last step in your move before takeoff.

In my tests, I've been able to fly back and forth between the tutorial (10M tiles away) by doing this:

Taking off to the E from my village (on a runway heading left-right).

Taking off to the W from the tutorial (on a runway also heading left-right).

I can go back and forth as many times as I want, and the tutorial person can hop in the plane and come back to my village.


#60 2019-02-07 07:01:57

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Freaking Planes

I also realize how painful this must be to test when it's not working...


#61 2019-02-07 07:08:59

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Freaking Planes


I just found at least one problem...

Remember how your tutorial was being placed out at 1.7 billion, for whatever reason?

Well, if your village location is much closer to the center, like a billion tiles away, we're doing this:

unsigned int dist = distSquared( inCurPose, thisPos );

You can't compute distSquared for numbers in the billions, because it will overflow.

Gotta make that double-precision...


#62 2019-02-07 07:13:54

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Freaking Planes

I was only basing the idea of the tutorial being out west due to data from this thread in it you see where the x axis is is all the way 1.7G out to the left and that's where I've been aiming to go. I clearly didn't remember it all correctly as looking back at the thread the tutorial can also be very far east unless something is dumping people very far out of the normal play area.

N/E S/W just stands for going north, east, south, and west. In the example given saying I was going N/E to loop home just means that any flights leaving the town either through the north (up) or east (right) would lead me back to my original landing strip. Going S/W or flying south (down) or west (left) would lead me to the second town. Repeating the four direction flight test from the second town north and east would lead me to my home while south and west would lead into a loop. No combination of different directions would lead me to the third pad somewhere in the tutorial even after removing the second towns landing strip.

For coordinates specifically I've been using the program from this post way back in march.

atributz wrote:

Full scan log file is very simple, but extremely bad in terms of performance especially for weak machines.

So I made a similar tool for tracking coordinates using VB Net. My program is more advanced and keeps track of coordinates much better, including the option when you are carried. It also needs to be moved to the game folder.

Here binary code for windows. … HlF1XXPoOa

Here source in txt file. … 96TEzWuvBC

Last edited by Tarr (2019-02-07 07:16:04)

fug it’s Tarr.


#63 2019-02-07 07:31:09

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Freaking Planes

jasonrohrer wrote:


I just found at least one problem...

Remember how your tutorial was being placed out at 1.7 billion, for whatever reason?

Well, if your village location is much closer to the center, like a billion tiles away, we're doing this:

unsigned int dist = distSquared( inCurPose, thisPos );

You can't compute distSquared for numbers in the billions, because it will overflow.

Gotta make that double-precision...

How strange. As of right now my only successful flights to the tutorial have been going west when attempting to hit the tutorial cells out that way. Unless someone rings a bell for me when I'm over setting up a landing strip in the tutorial I can't see how far I am exactly or which direction I should be  trying to fly to reach the tutorial. I've just assumed I've been over on the far west tutorial rows when spawning in though as noted earlier any attempts after the patch to fly to the tutorial failed no matter what direction I flew in.

jasonrohrer wrote:

I also realize how painful this must be to test when it's not working...

Nah don't worry about that bit. We were having issues with the smaller flights and I assume whatever is causing my tutorial flights to fail is also related to why dodge and twisted had issues too.

fug it’s Tarr.


#64 2019-02-07 08:17:36

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Freaking Planes

Well, something got messed up on bigserver2 so that the tutorial position wrapped around back to -1.7B.

It is supposed to be positive.

I think there must be some bugs in the spawn code somewhere that let someone occasionally spawn way out there... not sure.

Anyway, after the server restarted, this fixed itself.

But there would still be all kinds of crazy wrap-around errors, even when the tutorial was at 10M, because of the distance-squared stuff.

So, I'm rolling out another hotfix tonight before sleeping that should fix that aspect.


#65 2019-02-07 08:36:45

Registered: 2019-01-20
Posts: 20

Re: Freaking Planes

MultiLife wrote:
Grim_Arbiter wrote:
GreatShawn wrote:


Looms were also added and people have been asking for those for awhile now. While we can only make wings from them as of now, I doubt that will be the only use in its future.

Wohooo looms! I want to see clothes!

I want to see rugs!


#66 2019-02-07 10:28:38

Registered: 2018-12-30
Posts: 943

Re: Freaking Planes

elemental_slim wrote:
MultiLife wrote:
Grim_Arbiter wrote:

Looms were also added and people have been asking for those for awhile now. While we can only make wings from them as of now, I doubt that will be the only use in its future.

Wohooo looms! I want to see clothes!

I want to see rugs!

Wearable rugs! Aka ponchos

I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.


#67 2019-02-07 15:33:18

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Freaking Planes

So, landing strips have been fixed a second time, which should make them work over very long distances (distances above about 50K, which was the de facto limit before, because 50K squared overflows int32).

I believe they were already working correctly over short distances, but there may still be some bugs in there...

Examining the server log so far, it seems that no one has successfully flown to the tutorial are (Tarr, you wanna try that again?), but I do see people successfully flying back and forth between villages in a consistent way.


#68 2019-02-07 15:56:52

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Freaking Planes

Yeah I'm going to attempt to fly out there again. Unfortunately I do have to sleep sometimes tongue

I'll report if I have any troubles trying to get out there like normal.

Edit: Made it out there first try big thanks to west and hrmka making the plane. Will keep doing tutorial test flights in different areas to confirm it's working and not just a fluke.

Last edited by Tarr (2019-02-07 16:54:37)

fug it’s Tarr.


#69 2019-02-08 11:59:43

Registered: 2019-01-20
Posts: 20

Re: Freaking Planes

Grim_Arbiter wrote:
elemental_slim wrote:
MultiLife wrote:

Wohooo looms! I want to see clothes!

I want to see rugs!

Wearable rugs! Aka ponchos

Desert apparel?


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