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#1 2019-02-13 04:54:30

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

How the apocalypse could be and why nobody tries to stop it/cares

Humble carrot farmer, you just finished making compost for the next batch, as you are about to tile the last row you hear a loud thunder and the sky turns red a strange mystical but oppressing sound can be heared miles away, you can sense something terrible is about to happen.

All the villagers gather in the center of the village, the elder is the first to speak, ever since i was young he told me about stories of strange stones and about the mysteries surrounding them but i would usually just laugh it off, telling him that it was stories to scare children from going too far in the jungle.

"The end is near, we have no choice we must travel there and do wathever it takes to prevent it from hapening"

So we packed our belongings in carts and got ready for the journey, some of us stayed behind saying that nothing was going to happen and that everything will be fine, but we knew that something terribly wrong was about to happen.

On my way there i suddenly remembered earlier that i heard a whisthling sound, and i couldnt find my cousin andre, strange maybe he has something else in mind

The snakes and boars got many of us, we avoided the badlands as the wolfs are agile and stealthy killers, some of us where exhausted and decided to end it all by luring a bear to the group from a nearby cave, but my sister always one step ahead had prepared arrows in her backpack and a bow in her cart, she shot three arrows as fast as she could but unfortunately not in time to save the newborn baby of my cousin, "hope", hope was dead but still alive.

"No time to grief we must carry on" said the elder who just started to have so many wrinkles you couldnt see his eyes

In a fist of anger my cousin grabbed the bow and an arrow and shot the man who lured the bear.

We all continued our way, she was walking slowly for some time but then caught up to us.

Elder started getting really old, he suddenly dropped into a pile of bones, we decided to carry his bones in a basket so he can finnish the journey with us

We finally arrived and saw in the distance a massive tower with red orbs that seemed to be mystical or even magical, closed behind ancient walls and locked doors

But we werent alone, multiple families from eve camps to big cities where here, they had already made small settlements and farms but strangely there seemed to be two distinctive camps that had formed not too far appart, i asked one of the settler what was about that.

He told me that the other settlement worship nosaj and that they will do everything to finish that tower and cause the apocalypse

"We have to stop them" i said without hesitation

"Glad to hear that son" He smiled and gave me a bow and a backpack filled with arrows and a pie

"If you get wounded come back here as fast as possible we can stitch you up, and dont forget, if you're slow go to mosquito" He said winking

The endtower was not far away, i ran as fast as possible to get to it, but once i got there i had to stop, the entire field was covered with blood and bones, a few people still there seemed to fight each other in disorganised chaos.

Someone yelled at me in the distance "Are you a worshipper of nosaj?", "NO!" i yelled back.

He reached for the knife in his apron, i reached for the arrow in my backpack.


The end of that story could happen in OHOL big_smile lol

But with the apocalypse right now you cant know if it's a tier1 endtower that will probably get lost or the final endtower that is about to be finished triggering the apocalypse

It lacks of an apocalyptic FEEL when the end is about to happen, it should be a huge event on the server where everyone would meet but right now the endmarkers are most of the time ignored because you assume it's just someone that made a small tower in his spare time

The last stage could have a different sound even more dramatic, thunders would strike, sky become red the earth would start to shake etc

TLDR: Last stage of apocalypse doesnt feel like the world is about to end and that this is a BIG event.

Last edited by Dodge (2019-02-13 04:56:26)


#2 2019-02-13 05:22:13

Registered: 2019-02-12
Posts: 17

Re: How the apocalypse could be and why nobody tries to stop it/cares

I agree. I've witnessed both recent apocalypses, and honest to god had no idea either one was about to happen until two seconds before. Sure, there are multiple chimes as the tower is built, but don't those happen hours apart? More ominous warning would be good.

Last edited by narla_hotep (2019-02-13 05:22:24)


#3 2019-02-13 06:09:32

Registered: 2018-12-30
Posts: 943

Re: How the apocalypse could be and why nobody tries to stop it/cares

Yeah a different tone each step, maybe a deeper toned chime. It would be welcomed by me. I used to be on the fence about the new Apocalypse, then for it, but now I have sided against it. 

I still go check on every Apocalypse tower I can (as long as it is not like over 10k away) and recommend everyone does the same until we get the different tones.

Only YOU can prevent Apocalypse fires.

I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.


#4 2019-02-13 06:11:22

Registered: 2018-12-29
Posts: 579

Re: How the apocalypse could be and why nobody tries to stop it/cares

narla_hotep wrote:

I agree. I've witnessed both recent apocalypses, and honest to god had no idea either one was about to happen until two seconds before. Sure, there are multiple chimes as the tower is built, but don't those happen hours apart? More ominous warning would be good.

May be at the second to last chime should be a melody! that plays for a about ten seconds

"hear how the wind begins to whisper, but now it screams at me" said ashe
"I remember it from a Life I never Lived" said Peaches
"Now Chad don't invest in Asian markets" said Chad's Mom
Herry the man who cheated death


#5 2019-02-13 06:23:04

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: How the apocalypse could be and why nobody tries to stop it/cares

I think half the issue is no one truly understands how the hell they work. On my apocalypse attempt seemed for 12 hours the thing CONSTANTLY chimed out to people where as this second apocalypse I was informed someone from the discord someone was making a vault and had a t3. After a few suicides I ended up in the town close to the vault and after a little exploring I found what looked like a vandalized vault so I just went back home to baking/shepherding. Not once during that life was I informed where the actual apocalypse was so I just assumed the thing had been taken care of by someone else.

Last edited by Tarr (2019-02-13 13:41:35)

fug it’s Tarr.


#6 2019-02-13 13:39:04

Registered: 2019-02-13
Posts: 47

Re: How the apocalypse could be and why nobody tries to stop it/cares

Dodge wrote:

The last stage could have a different sound even more dramatic, thunders would strike, sky become red the earth would start to shake etc

TLDR: Last stage of apocalypse doesnt feel like the world is about to end and that this is a BIG event.

I totally agree. The last stone should color the whole server into a bit red and/or thunders strikes. Everyone should know the end is near (most people don't even realize the apocalyptic sound). And on top of that, a new, red "home"markers should show up, that shows you the way to apocalypse tower even if you have your own home marker. Also Bell towers can't overwrite this homemarker..


#7 2019-02-13 18:30:28

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 322

Re: How the apocalypse could be and why nobody tries to stop it/cares

After the last apocalyspe, I made a suggestion on Reddit to add different sounds, and make them more frequent as the apocalypse nears.  Someone in the comments suggests more graphics changes.  Go vote it up, so there's a hope Jason takes it seriously. … pocalypse/

And theres a more recent suggetion, not as many votes yet, but honestly it's better written and more thorough. … provement/

Vote for both!  Vote early!  Vote often!

--Blue Diamond

I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.


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