One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-02-16 17:24:25

Registered: 2019-01-20
Posts: 20

Eve Problems?

So, since the update. Ive had problems getting to my eve chain town on seven... Supposedly, there were loads of people in the town last night. It is called Hearts' Kingdom.. we have three eves, and so far two of us are not respawning in the town. Are any other Eve's having issues getting back to their towns???

Literally, stressed due to about a month's worth of my down time was used to get the "kingdom" to that point..

Last edited by elemental_slim (2019-02-16 17:24:52)


#2 2019-02-16 17:48:58

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676

Re: Eve Problems?

elemental_slim wrote:

Literally, stressed due to about a month's worth of my down time was used to get the "kingdom" to that point..

That was a bad idea. You should never expect anything in this game to last. It might, and if it does you can certainly take some pride and pleasure in it, but don't get emotionally invested in something such that you'd be upset to lose it. There's any number of things that could happen, for both in-game and out-of-game reasons.

OHOL is not a civilization-builder. If you want to play it that way, you're better off doing it on a private server that you have control over.


#3 2019-02-16 17:53:37

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Eve Problems?

Some updates require a server wipe, maybe it happened. Not sure though.

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#4 2019-02-16 18:17:24

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 245

Re: Eve Problems?

It's still there, I found it last night as an eve.  A couple more Eves and a child or two came along while we were there. Me and my daughter (twitch streamer, WolfOfOldin) disconnected about the same time. So we weren't there long. Everything looked intact and not destroyed while I was there.  The other eves and their children probably disconnected also.

I had a feeling it was probably someone's work in progress village. It was too nice of a village and not like the ones you normally get spawned into.

I was sad to have gotten disconnected from it, but I'm happy also. I would hate to see your hard work get destroyed by other players doing things you did not intend for your village.

Pretty awesome village! I hope you can find it again to continue your work on it.  smile  We were there around 02:45:00 in this video. (pretty much the very end of the video)

Last edited by Jojigirl (2019-02-16 19:52:24)


#5 2019-02-16 19:48:12

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 46

Re: Eve Problems?

CrazyEddie wrote:
elemental_slim wrote:

Literally, stressed due to about a month's worth of my down time was used to get the "kingdom" to that point..

That was a bad idea. You should never expect anything in this game to last. It might, and if it does you can certainly take some pride and pleasure in it, but don't get emotionally invested in something such that you'd be upset to lose it. There's any number of things that could happen, for both in-game and out-of-game reasons.

OHOL is not a civilization-builder. If you want to play it that way, you're better off doing it on a private server that you have control over.

Funny because that is in the description on this forum-

One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

And you can not do either- you can't build a civilization in one hour, no one cares what work you put in. You can't 'parent' a child because you are too worried about eating every 3 seconds, there is no time to stand around regaling your contributions to the society because if everyone is not doing their exact job, the city will die.

Jason's vision that he proclaims for this game and the actual play of this game are two different things. Not to mention his vision and his PAYING CUSTOMERS wishes are on different planets.

PS yes i am seriously mad about this update. He should be working on stuff like the fact one seed takes up 2 foot by 2 foot square, and mom's abandon kids (HIS PLAYER AND NEW LIFE BLOOD FOR THIS GAME) because they can't keep them and live.

Cloths are going to be a main concern now? How about making cloths last a lot longer and easier to come by? This is all just bullshit. I guess airplanes are important but you will never build one in one life time, just be lucky if you can cloth yourself before you die or starve, but sure airplanes.

-Chase aka I am Angel, You are Heaven


#6 2019-02-16 20:00:18

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 556

Re: Eve Problems?

Eating a lot has always been an element of the game. It is not that damn hard to parent and stay fed.

i was wandering long before this, how so many people starve, since today when the camp ran out of food when i was 10 and the wild food was bare, was the first time i had starved in forever.

I'm pretty sure people worry a bunch about wasting food instead of staying full and then die by failing to eat. Just feed yourself properly, it isn't hard.

I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.

Listen to your mom!


#7 2019-02-16 20:08:49

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 46

Re: Eve Problems?

Give me a break i might be new to this forum but i am not new to this game i have probably put in 500 hours. Sure i could stay alive and not starve, but that does not mean it is fun or that i could be productive and get anything useful accomplished. Just because you have a thing for jason and his vision does not mean that everyone else does. This game is NOT FUN.

your hero jason was saying how he first intended to charge five dollars for one life on this game, i wouldn't pay 5 cents.

he has also said that he didn't intend this game to be played for long periods of time that a few lives would be worth the 20 bux. I say bullshit. I pay 20 bux for games like morrowind and i expect to play FOREVER as long as i want, and i also expect there to be quality in the game and it to be fun.


#8 2019-02-16 23:48:13

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Eve Problems?

Hi elemental_slim,

I can't answer your questions, as I didn't have any trouble getting my Eve spawn on server12 since the update.  I played once in your town on server7, I think, before you and your friends made the sign.  I am Spoon, and if I recall correctly, I think I said that as my name at the time and I saw one of you say that was my name.  I think I also once died intentionally in one of your arms, because I wanted an Eve run or something... sorry about that... I think you get it though.  I enjoyed my time at your town.  I don't recall the biomes exactly, but I loved your town at the time, though maybe now it feels different due to the change in temperature and food mechanics.

There's a post on reddit about how to find your Eve town again.

Also, on server12 there's a road that connects towns.  So, if you and your friends want to start over (which is not to say you should) and can connect to the main road, that will make it easier to find your town again if anyone gets lost, especially once you have a BellTower.  Best of luck!

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#9 2019-02-17 01:29:08

Registered: 2019-02-14
Posts: 199

Re: Eve Problems?

I couldn't agree more with Rage with pretty much everything... storage and space management are a nightmare, and the more people get involved the worse. Instead of fixing that (for example, why can't I put plate/bowl stacks in boxes? Ever heard of cupboards?) lets instead make everyone have to craft indoors with a lit fire so there is never enough firewood or space!

Most villages would get griefed early, most cities get constantly griefed to the point that only outcrops survive and repopulate. But why fix that, like buffing cursing, allowing us to mark someone to keep an eye on them when everyone looks the same, or stating who murdered someone on the bloody bones, or just automatically banning someone who wakes up bears all the time for a while, anything! No, lets make griefing super easy now since nobody has any time to watch anything other than their food bar!

There is a severe problem with communication in the game, you rarely had a chance to teach someone anything or create any connection with people in your village. Now everyone is dying, the bones take up more space than the town itself, even the few people you barely talked with are dying left and right right next to food or a door three people are trying to open! You can never chat because everyone is freezing! By the time you type something the person you wanted to talk to is either dead or trying to find food.

This update is so awesome, that a bunch of people died in the middle of their Eve villages with tons of food all around them! Isn't it sweet, to have extreme temp shock that is like being mosquito bit and standing in the heat, which you can get four times crossing five tiles so that you insta die? In a map where regions are auto-generated and biomes can take up one tile, isn't it just a super genius idea to have temperature shock between cold and warm tiles? Best part, just add the update and not tell anything about it to anyone! It has been 24h and no official post yet explaining anything. Just thumbs up, amazing performance here.
Isn't it awe inspiring? What a great update isn't it. I really wonder if Jason ever joins the game as a regular player to see the nightmare he created with this update. The number of bones is just staggering.

Last edited by Peremptive (2019-02-17 01:40:52)


#10 2019-02-17 01:38:36

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 556

Re: Eve Problems?

Rage wrote:

Give me a break i might be new to this forum but i am not new to this game i have probably put in 500 hours. Sure i could stay alive and not starve, but that does not mean it is fun or that i could be productive and get anything useful accomplished. Just because you have a thing for jason and his vision does not mean that everyone else does. This game is NOT FUN.

your hero jason was saying how he first intended to charge five dollars for one life on this game, i wouldn't pay 5 cents.

he has also said that he didn't intend this game to be played for long periods of time that a few lives would be worth the 20 bux. I say bullshit. I pay 20 bux for games like morrowind and i expect to play FOREVER as long as i want, and i also expect there to be quality in the game and it to be fun.

I've played about 160 hours, so you've played 3x as much as me. Yeah you got super ripped off for your $20

This is a survival game, surviving should be a challenge I hadn't survived in any circumstances besides my mom abandoning me or being over 55 for well over 10 hours of gameplay. I finally did as a 10 year old when food ran out because people were being dumb and the wild berries were picked clean.

It is actually supposed to be challenging to stay alive. It is stupid that it was ideal to stand in the desert naked.

Jason certainly isn't my hero, though in the context of OHOL he is quite literally the god [in that he created the world and controls its rules]. He messed up leaving the desert like it was for so long, because neutral biomes should have always been ideal for civilization arising. Having played since before deserts, and then having taken an extended break, the desert "meta" thing drove me crazy the whole damn time.

I have played three full lives since the temp change. In one, two I was in camp and did my normal stuff and made food and it was 100 percent fine. You just eat when you're hungry.

already, one day in there were clothes for moms to give babies or clothes to scavenge off of dead bodies.

In another game I ran off to make a camp, and though I brought a backpack and a bowl and a pie, and found some other stuff, I was able to accomplish plenty while raising kids [though as ever they died right next to berry bushes with berries on them].

I left a camp for the next person who might find it with fire equipment, 15 full gooseberry bushes, and the things I took from the initial camp, with plenty of soil and water around and water vessels.

Clothes should be an early concern, but just club a damn seal and carve off the fur, it takes no tech but a sharp stone. Get a reed skirt, which also takes no tech but sharp stone.

It's clear by how much y'all are thrashing around at the slightest challenge that desert living took the challenge out of the game.

It was like this before deserts were added, except we have WAY more advantages now in terms of tech etc.

staying alive running around the wilds with no tool but a sharp rock should be at least mildly challenging.

I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.

Listen to your mom!


#11 2019-02-17 01:50:17

Registered: 2019-02-14
Posts: 199

Re: Eve Problems?

Using he biomes to get better temp made standing in the village and communicating with people feasible. It allowed people to be at good temps when crafting or cooking. It allowed you to take a second to light your cigarette, open the door to someone or pick up the phone IRL if you needed. Now it is just a full stress game where most of the time you are running off trying to find wild foods. Using the biomes also allowed a village to survive, since a lot of people especially if new don't know what to do. Before this update, I remember tons of villages being doomed because it was too cold where they were placed and food run out. Now that is the best case scenario.

Other than that, during regular work you will still be freezing in the cold like you were before the update, regardless of the 7 rabbit furs and 6 milkweeds you spent to make them. Clothes don't help you with temperature at all, they just make change more gradual, so you don't die of the completely new and no-heads up offered heat shock, and if you have a place with good temp like a fire in a cold area, then you can keep that temp for a bit. But who has time to return to the fire kept in the center when you are doing all sorts of needed work? So clothes don't allow you to burn less food than before, just not need dramatically more food. So it is much harder than it used to be before the warm biomes were added, since walking through them now kills you.

You have this strange attitude, that because the game was difficult and bad before, it is okay that it becomes difficult and bad again. But before it was because items and concepts had't been added yet. Now it is being made deliberately bad for no explained reasons. If clothes had to become important, add more types, more materials to make them, and buff them, don't make it so that people die over a couple of seconds. By the way, so so many players used to die because they didn't get the temp system before, wore clothes in the desert, or didn't stand in the cold when mosquito bit. Those things didn't happen all the time though. Now the noobs are covering the map with bones.

Last edited by Peremptive (2019-02-17 01:57:48)


#12 2019-02-17 03:02:47

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 46

Re: Eve Problems?

fragilityh14 wrote:
Rage wrote:

Give me a break i might be new to this forum but i am not new to this game i have probably put in 500 hours. Sure i could stay alive and not starve, but that does not mean it is fun or that i could be productive and get anything useful accomplished. Just because you have a thing for jason and his vision does not mean that everyone else does. This game is NOT FUN.

your hero jason was saying how he first intended to charge five dollars for one life on this game, i wouldn't pay 5 cents.

he has also said that he didn't intend this game to be played for long periods of time that a few lives would be worth the 20 bux. I say bullshit. I pay 20 bux for games like morrowind and i expect to play FOREVER as long as i want, and i also expect there to be quality in the game and it to be fun.

I've played about 160 hours, so you've played 3x as much as me. Yeah you got super ripped off for your $20

blah blah blah...

sorry i can't understand, your voice is muffled from being so far up jason's ass


#13 2019-02-17 05:10:24

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 3

Re: Eve Problems?

Well this seems like a good a time as any to give up on my eve chain. RIP Snowman Ranch - you will always be loved.   

These balance changes may satisfy some people but they are too extreme for me. Worrying about food was an annoyance i could tolerate before, but now if you dont constantly deal with hunger or heat 24/7 you die.


#14 2019-02-17 10:43:48

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 46

Re: Eve Problems?

OH NO rip snowman ranch sad i made the grave for you there mom


#15 2019-02-17 12:01:10

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Eve Problems?

fragilityh14 wrote:
Rage wrote:

Clothes should be an early concern, but just club a damn seal and carve off the fur, it takes no tech but a sharp stone. Get a reed skirt, which also takes no tech but sharp stone.

If a sharp stone is tech, so is a flint chip.  And you need a flint chip to skin the seal.

Deserts getting nerfed makes sense.  But jungles being so hot and it's more difficult to cool down than heat up, because importing snow comes as more deadly than making fires... does that make sense?  I don't understand the jungle nerf.  Plenty of people avoided those already, because of the mosquitoes.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#16 2019-02-17 13:21:03

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 46

Re: Eve Problems?

Hey not sure why it says i said anything about seals or clothes for that matter because that quote was not me. Just to be clear.


#17 2019-02-17 13:43:10

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Eve Problems?

Rage wrote:

Hey not sure why it says i said anything about seals or clothes for that matter because that quote was not me. Just to be clear.

They messed up the quote, it should've been fragilityh14's quote.

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#18 2019-02-17 14:07:09

Registered: 2019-01-20
Posts: 20

Re: Eve Problems?

Good news, everyone!

The "Kingdom" lives! Though all three Eves were sadly "lost". Again, How we usually keep our town is by Eve chaining, and then taking turns raising each other. This way we still get to experience lineage, and catch up with each other! (I think I will propose a game to see which of us can keep have the longest Linage Line; although, I don't know what the consultation prize will be, ideas??)

CrazyEddie, I agree that people should NOT get emotionally invested with the pixels they spend so much time with; however, I am glad that some people do. Otherwise, we would potentially not even have games to play..None the less, I appreciate you comforting me during my panic.

MultiLife, I am thankful that the update did not cause any loss. Have there been updates, previously, that wiped servers without prior warning?

Jojigirl, wow! It is so strange seeing Hearts' Kingdom through another's perspective. I did get the Kingdom to that point with assistance from the other Eves and random "pop ins" (/queue the baby arrival sound without the crying).There's going to be an exclusive event in the future held at the Kingdom. I will send you an invite when it is time. Hope to see you there.

Rage, ...has there ever been a better handle for you? LOL I can almost feel the anger; though, it could be mine own reacting to yours. Anyways, I too have put much time into this game, but I do not feel that it is not worth the money. I kind of view games like this, that cost a bit, as more of an investment.  I also think that focus is put on, let's say, "different" areas that are a little less concerning, if at all, than the areas where many people are voicing their views. Perhaps, these areas that are a more majority concern take more time to deal with? Maybe Jason wants to continue a flow of creativity while it is fresh in mind?
I hope you keep finding aspects of the game to amuse yourself... make the game fit you!

fragilityh14, the game is certainly playable. Though in larger civs I have seen that parents are naked while the children are clothed (I think I just quoted someone else's post in a different topic thread..). Do you think this is Jason's way to get people to make clothes, ergo play the game as intended? Perhaps, he is trying to teach us different ways to build up communities by forcing players to migrate and us what is available?

Spoonwood!! I was not sure if the person that graced the "kingdom" was the same as the one here on the forums. Glad to have confirmation. I do get the insta death to get back to projects in game. It does not bother me, due to constantly having objectives. Though it is always scary when a player joins that I have not previously raised...  Come see me again .hugs.

Peremptive, I agree that communication is a bit hard. That's why I tend to use out of game communications, and play with few people. I don't know how many times I used the perfect temp spots to keep my character alive while I was afk.. RIP, they will be missed. What if a shout command were implemented? like, "/shout[character'sname]: message?" so that messages would reach recipients no matter where they are, and if they were dead a bounce back message would occur?  idk.. that's probably asking too much..

gnach, nooooo! The Snowman Ranch is likely still out there.

I am fortunate enough to have a tight knit community on the server, with out of game communications, to allow for fail safes.

Thank you all for responding and venting.
May you all live to see "Cause Of Death: Old Age"


#19 2019-02-17 14:59:56

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676

Re: Eve Problems?

elemental_slim wrote:

CrazyEddie, I agree that people should NOT get emotionally invested with the pixels they spend so much time with; however, I am glad that some people do. Otherwise, we would potentially not even have games to play..None the less, I appreciate you comforting me during my panic.

That wasn't intended to be a moral judgement about emotionally engaging with a video game. I think you should get invested in the games you play! I do! Including this one!

I was offering the advice that OHOL is not oriented towards the kind of engagement you seem to be seeking. You're trying to keep returning to your town in life after life so that you can keep it going. This is counter to Jason's intent with the game. I'm not saying you can't or should't play how you like, I'm just warning you that by playing that way you will be fighting against the developer, and you will lose that fight eventually, perhaps often.

But if you stand up your own private server you can play how you like and not need to worry too much about what Jason does.


#20 2019-02-17 15:17:20

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 46

Re: Eve Problems?

I think that is a great idea someone make a server with great settings like getting back to your village, lower hunger, more food sources, storage etc. Charge 5 bux and teach us computer illiterates how to log on and get rich while this game dies. I think it is a fine outcome for a as quoted by frailty a god of this game (jason) who could care less about his PAYING CUSTOMERS.

Not saying i am special but it is people like me and there are lots who play a game then recommend it to their gaming friends that make the gaming base. New players like that come all the time, then die repeatedly. Who would recommend a game like that. Not me and not them.

Give us a game where the server listens to what the players want i will recommend it every time.

And actual mods you could talk to about greivers would be great too. Say they get three reports on greiveing they get kicked to a server with THESE settings for a week big_smile sounds like great punishment to me.


#21 2019-02-17 16:08:08

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Eve Problems?

Have you tried Greep's "One City" server, Rage?   

It might be just what you are looking for in this distressing time.   On this server, all players spawn in roughly the same location so they can build a civilization together.  No babies, just Eves.   The temperature update has been modded to be less severe.  No huge temp spikes.    It is a great place to work on big projects and play around with high tech tree stuff.   The central area has a ton of free food and clothes.  The outskirts have private player-built homes and small towns.   I go there sometimes to de-stress after a bad life on the main servers or when I have the itch to play OHOL, but I don't have time for a full life.   Just keep in mind what items have decay timers and which ones do not.  Build for eternity, when you can.   It feels like OHOL, but also completely different from the chaotic public servers.  More geared to solo building and exploration.

The thread talking about it is right here:

There is no need to download anything special.  You just put the server address in the settings panel on your login screen, like if you wanted to specify server13, instead of letting the game randomly assign you.  The server address is in Greep's post.


#22 2019-02-17 16:17:32

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 46

Re: Eve Problems?

Wow thanks DestinyCall, the whole 'change this file setting from x to y' part had me unable to go to other servers. I can certainly manage changing settings tho.



#23 2019-02-17 17:54:25

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 142

Re: Eve Problems?

rage wrote:

Give me a break i might be new to this forum but i am not new to this game i have probably put in 500 hours. Sure i could stay alive and not starve, but that does not mean it is fun or that i could be productive and get anything useful accomplished. Just because you have a thing for jason and his vision does not mean that everyone else does. This game is NOT FUN.

your hero jason was saying how he first intended to charge five dollars for one life on this game, i wouldn't pay 5 cents.

he has also said that he didn't intend this game to be played for long periods of time that a few lives would be worth the 20 bux. I say bullshit. I pay 20 bux for games like morrowind and i expect to play FOREVER as long as i want, and i also expect there to be quality in the game and it to be fun.

rage wrote:

i wouldn't pay 5 cents

Well, at 500 hours, and $20, you have now paid exactly $0.04 per hour for a game. FOR TWENTY DOLLARS, YOU HAVE GOTTEN OVER FIVE HUNDRED HOURS OF PLAYTIME. THERE ARE AAA GAMES THAT COST OVER SEVENTY DOLLARS THAT YOU GET AT BEST, A FEW DOZEN HOURS OF PLAYTIME. You need to have realistic expectations, and if you had bothered to you know, get on the forums in your "500 hours of playtime", and read even a few of Jasons posts, you wouldve seen this coming. This was always his vision for the game, for it to be hard. Entitled screeching just shows how far up your own ass your head is. Jason is one person, and can only really work on one thing at a time, also, you will not have forever replay-ability of this game, as he stated from the outset of this that he intended to do weekly updates for about two years. Its incredibly easy to set up your own private server now with AWBZ mod, and even easier to join some other server. Like others have stated, the game is not impossible now, there are already many towns. Eveing is harder, but it should be hard, you're bootstrapping a civilization.


#24 2019-02-17 18:29:32

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 16

Re: Eve Problems?

Anandamide wrote:
rage wrote:

Give me a break i might be new to this forum but i am not new to this game i have probably put in 500 hours. Sure i could stay alive and not starve, but that does not mean it is fun or that i could be productive and get anything useful accomplished. Just because you have a thing for jason and his vision does not mean that everyone else does. This game is NOT FUN.

your hero jason was saying how he first intended to charge five dollars for one life on this game, i wouldn't pay 5 cents.

he has also said that he didn't intend this game to be played for long periods of time that a few lives would be worth the 20 bux. I say bullshit. I pay 20 bux for games like morrowind and i expect to play FOREVER as long as i want, and i also expect there to be quality in the game and it to be fun.

rage wrote:

i wouldn't pay 5 cents

Well, at 500 hours, and $20, you have now paid exactly $0.04 per hour for a game. FOR TWENTY DOLLARS, YOU HAVE GOTTEN OVER FIVE HUNDRED HOURS OF PLAYTIME. THERE ARE AAA GAMES THAT COST OVER SEVENTY DOLLARS THAT YOU GET AT BEST, A FEW DOZEN HOURS OF PLAYTIME. You need to have realistic expectations, and if you had bothered to you know, get on the forums in your "500 hours of playtime", and read even a few of Jasons posts, you wouldve seen this coming. This was always his vision for the game, for it to be hard. Entitled screeching just shows how far up your own ass your head is. Jason is one person, and can only really work on one thing at a time, also, you will not have forever replay-ability of this game, as he stated from the outset of this that he intended to do weekly updates for about two years. Its incredibly easy to set up your own private server now with AWBZ mod, and even easier to join some other server. Like others have stated, the game is not impossible now, there are already many towns. Eveing is harder, but it should be hard, you're bootstrapping a civilization.

You are not reading closely enough. He said that Jason originally intended to charge $5 per LIFE, and $20 for FOUR LIVES. Stop, breath, and read before you smash your caps lock button off the keyboard.

Last edited by Kirk (2019-02-17 18:31:53)

Check out my blacksmith/crafting tutorial :


#25 2019-02-17 18:50:31

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 142

Re: Eve Problems?

Kirk wrote:

You not reading closely enough. He said that Jason originally intended to charge $5 per LIFE, and $20 for FOUR LIVES. Stop, breath, and read before you smash your caps lock button off the keyboard.

Yes, and that never came to pass, literally no one has ever payed per life on this game. If you read closer, my calculation was for his cost per hour of playtime, I didn't assume how many lives he has lived. He clearly stated that he is not getting enough percieved value out of this game, which is absurd because he has played this game as much as he has stated he has. Also, btw, you don't smash the caps lock, its a toggle, not a pulse. You might say, smash the shift button wink.


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