a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Generally the problem is not that your food isnt enough nutritional.
More like that you need to eat multiple times, and you need resources, time and knowledge to get your next meal.
With a growing population, and less food, people are starving cause they either overeat or they compete for food.
Most players are bad at exploring. A good game is generally easy at start then becomes harder, punishes bad choices, reward good ones.
Most of people dont even think that some actions are choices, like keeping a baby.
its kind of random , would be nice to believe that things work out but generally they wont. it just makes it harder, and punishes you, or others.
Keep a baby? sure, its other player
How will you feed it? maybe can feed itself? maybe starves? maybe the other kids starve cause of him/her?
maybe everyone starves faster cause of the kid?
I dont think that we need that +2 bonus on food, food can be abundant if people are working, i do think, that we could use more abundant food.
Example: you got 10 wild bushes in the biome.
Thats 5x6x10 calories, 300
with 1 pip 5 sec, you can live 25 minutes
for 2 people is 12 minutes
for 3 people is 8 minutes
for 4 people is 6 mintues
you got a recharge of 1 berries per bush per 10 min
thats 1x5x10 calories, 50 calories each ten minutes
50 calories are enough for one person for like 5 minutes
so technically with a family of 4, you got 6 minutes to make new food
and then you got to make even more
generally new players try to be nice but reality hits you hard
its just not an equation with solutions
if you got no food, you got no food
someone will die
or everybody
even me, i can plan ahead, but only for myself
we need to adapt to map, but what if the map would adapt to us?
giving a solution to problem if we take initiative?
simply just have some temporary food on the map which keeps you alive
you would have a different problem and a different solution
like a timed quest
if you want food, you need to move and find it, before the timer runs out
each time the timer would increase
for example you can find a mushroom for 2 minutes, then its gone
it keeps you alive for a bit, then the next is 3 minutes
this would make better sense to new players
they could get a solution which gets harder and harder, run, explore, eat
right now they got to know where and what is and everyone else is a competitor
so this food would be more client side, others cant find it (not sure if feeding to others would be good idea or not, i mean it has a cost for you)
this would be a last resort food, you wouldnt do anything else, you eat the temporary mushroom, it would keep you alive, the next one would be X tile away in a short time frame, doing this you couldnt do much else, just run and survive
dropping newbees in deep water isnt that good of an idea
generally the 8 min timer on berries is a lot
even 5 on carrots. why? you got one or two types of food, and you dont really know how many others are there, how often they need to eat, you might try to plant new, but its not a guarantee others do the same, and not a guarantee that everyone can eat from it, or a toddler wont pick it off seconds before someone runs for it starving
people should be able to do an action which keeps them alive, but be less optimal
now as a mom what you can do? show emergency food supply, show the way
they ask for job, you got no tools? the only job is scavenging resources, branches, iron, clay
they cannot eat those, they worried that they starve
you got no soil? you dont know where soil is? nobody shows you? even if you know the means to farm, you cannot farm
its a backward logic, you get resources for your Eve so you save time for her to find the more distant resources? she needs to farm to keep you alive and worries that cant get resources cause she cannot go out until you know what you need o do? generally this confusion results in awkward moments
we need a very unoptimal way to get some food out of nothing, in a short timeframe
lets say you plant an onion which grows in a minute, and you eat that onion to keep you alive until the next onion is grown
is it fun? no. is it op? no.
but maybe the other player knows you can hang out for a bit and she can get something until then.
so we would need more renewable food, which is fast, but low efficiency
or we need a plant which grows in short time using only soil (maybe in a bowl of soil), gives seed, gives some calories
other coudl be a bowl of water, some lemon? and some sweetener. lemonade could be done any time, but you would need to pick 2 resources from 2 biomes and combine, and you couldnt store the parts as they would decay. It would use a water so wouldnt be free totally but kinda cheap.
I think water would be better, as its kinda cheap, soil equations can be bad, as maybe someone would do it even if you got pies.
Right now if you need tools or resources to produce, or knowing locations, and the way back and forth, you already need to eat. And this isnt a good experience for the players, they feel useless. And isnt a good experience for the other player who tries to help, got to do it for you cause its faster than explaining it. A lot of times i hear kids "teach me"- i cant cause we got no tools, we got no soil , we got nothing.
When could i teach kids? when we got a froh and butt logs, when we got empty stew crocks, when we got empty plates, wheat, etc. a time of excess
Need some food that only costs time, and lot of time compared to how much it keeps you fed.
Similar to tinder, you couldnt store resources for it, needs to be done in a short timeframe or it decays, shouldnt be a wasteful action, so doing it, wouldnt cost others resources, wouldnt anger others if you do it, i think most people would realize that if you do it, you need help to break out of that cycle. Also they shoudnt move too far, so maybe use simple thigns, which you can make/place close to a fire.
If a kid asks you what to do? Generally what a kid can do for you? if doesnt already know, then chances are, nothing too useful. Maybe starts expanding berry farm? In this case you rather would give a distraction than an actual important task?
generally cutting logs is easy, keeps them busy. then you can put them to build a road or floor tiles. Is it that important? not really, it looks good, it keeps tehm busy, it keeps them in place, it keeps them interested.
Thats what newees can offer: their attention and their time. Their time generally wont worth your time. But they dont mind repetitive things as logn as its minimally useful to you. My best bet with no technology or no fire would be some kind of lemonade. Just get the ingredients, mix with water.
Maybe some kind of soup which can be made in a crock, needs attention, you need to click it every 30 sec to produce 2 bites of food, but doesnt cost other than water and a renewable decaying plant. the balancing is important. it shouldnt be better than producing real food, as it takes a lot of clicks and time , takes away storage, maybe even decays. But it produces more food than you consume while doing it, just a bit more, like 25%.
Imagine you got a baby, you raise her up but you got another soon. You really need to go get iron or make farm. But then first daughter says she is newbee, then you could put her near a crock, which is near a pond and this renewable plant, lets say tinder soup. she stirs it every half min, and takes out a berry worth of food. Then she can even raise her sister with it, giving you time to do something else. then you got your third kid, and your first daughter is like 7-8 years old, so you task the second to stir the tinder soup.
Maybe some kind of mini game, where they need to click one of the sides of the crock to give a bit of bonus. Easy and safe but boring and ineffective.
Easy to implement: swamp trees got no branches or leaf, add an ingredient and use that ingredient with water to make soup. A bit longer timer on ashes, and visual indicator/timer.
Right now we got eggs, the problems are that: someone needs to get them. it fills 20 bars, but the toddler who makes it needs to eat something anyway. No way to tell how long it lasts the fire, its limited by the number of plates. someone needs to get eggs, someone needs to make plates.
In meantime fire runs out, needs new kindling, kindling runs out. later you can feed goose, but you need corn, corn needs soil, soil can run out.
You already got sheep and can make pies, omelette is bad usage of limited plates when you can make pies.
This could be fixed by using other thing than plate like a big leaf, and decrease cost of feeding the goose, like feed them corn seeds, and they give egg in 30 sec. This would cost time and travel, not soil and water and time and plates. Or add more options for plates like glass plates. Also omelette could be drastically decreased to 5 food bars. This way the one who does it, can do it as a full time job until finds a replacement.
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
*instead of using crock, could be a cauldron costing 5 clay so people wont do tons of them run by single player
or the second one would cost double, third triple etc. or simply not allow more than one in a radius
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
i think the best food is milk you can get 3 buckets of milk with only one corn + two bowls of water of course
Last edited by pedrito confesiones (2019-02-17 09:38:59)
Bottom text
i think the best food is milk you can get 3 buckets of milk with only one corn + two bowls of water of course
its not about best foods, its about keeping people occupied
and having a generic way to feed yourself, even if is tedious, or boring, it would be a way to survive a bit
what is a nice game element? making compost, making pies and using up all resources used for them, and you got extra soil as a reward
this egg thing, people learned it and did it, even overdid it, like they cook eggs in town cause they dont know any better
the chain breaks, blocks everything, only high skilled people can fix it, its very counter intuitive for newbees to save up food to create more food, and stop producing food to make better food, so they are yelled at and they cant do anything in meantime, so anything they do is bad, if they starve is bad, if they plant berries instead of wheat is bad, if they eat carrot is bad, if they do nothing is bad
if job A is better than job B
and job B uses same resources as job A
you will choose one or other
especially if its a big difference
A will be good, B will be bad
we want things to coexist, but on a higher tier changing soil for food? a very basic thing which requires your time, a lot of time
on a higher level you can do it for more profit on less time for resources invested
on the top level you cna do this much faster, in a bigger scale
currently you need a lot of setup for cows, a pen, corn, bow ,arrows, buckets
then is good, can a newbee do it? no
they cant even milk a cow, without knowing the reason and the process, even if they do, they need a lot of dexterity for more than 1 bucket
what can a newbee do? fix bushes with ready made soil, cook eggs others bring
they still make mistakes, cause they dont have eggs to cook, fire goes out, they dont have soil for compost making cause they fix too many bushes
its like not getting hired for a job cause no experience and not getting experience cause no job
teach your kids? no time when nothing works, no reason when everything works
i just would like to see basic, entry level thigns which cost mostly time, no resources, they wouldnt be great but they would be a step upward
then you got a step, you do another step, right now we got big scale steps with big requirements
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
I've mostly stopped reading your posts. You make great points in every post but it's no longer worth my time trying to find them among your poorly-formatted text and gratuitous rambling.