a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Jason's mind's posts has a somewhat sarcastic tone. I do not think them well stated.
However, the questions that user raises I feel legitimate. The most clear example of this comes as the original promotional video saying that "As players continue climbing up through the tech tree, I'll be staying one step ahead of them by adding new stuff to the game every week": Jason Rohrer 2:08-2:15 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT4JktcVQuE It is by no means clear that the "temperature shock" mechanism qualifies as stuff, since it is not an in game object that you can hold or manipulate in anyway. If no new stuff got added in the temperature overhaul update, described here: https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=5304 then I think that people on this forum deserve to know that. There may exist other examples pointed out by Jason's Mind that might have validity. But now, apparently, even raising those sorts of questions comes as problematic.
Well, oftentimes censorship occurs because of a fear of the truth becoming known. So, I feel suspicious that these threads have gotten shut down.
From what I've read, there is next to no one agreeing with Jason's suggestion that the game might be easier now.
At the very least the truth of all this deserves to get known. Anything less, at the very least, consists of fear of scrutiny, if not a positive attempt at a cover-up.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
No one is trying to censor anyone's criticism's of Jason or his game. But that account is simply a troll account and we're not going to tolerate the blatant sarcasm and insult they are trying to accomplish by acting like Jason. Plenty of people have voiced their opinions, criticisms, and concerns with content and updates. Plus, another user became very toxic on their thread which is another reason why it was closed. This thread is also being closed.
I hope you aren't criticizing me for taking a few weeks off from "adding new stuff to the game every week" to fix some broken things...
The past few weeks have seen:
1. Getting us all on one big server.
2. Finally fixing the client lag in cities, which had been a mysterious problem since October.
3. A deep overhaul to the temperature/clothing/heating/building systems.
4. Airplanes.
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