a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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So, following the advice from another thread I looked for a lost village.
But, I spawned in to something much stranger. In this town everyone had on seal skin, everyone was planting stuff all over, no organization, everything mixed, but it... almost worked? Really the population was low so, the total jumble managed to function.
But, it was clear that clothing was an issue. Very indecent. Lots of ... dangling in that place.
I went to get string. And found the corpse of another who died getting string.
I brought it back and died on my next string run.
But the totally mixed up farm was wild.
What is the strangest town you have seen? I know someone here has seen something really wild.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
well before the update you could easily keep towns going at their current level, as long as you had iron. So people had some free time and came up with things. Many times, those things were just griefing. Sometimes though they made cults with weird altars. Or they had "royalty" and guards doing their bidding. I was even in a small place that had a "gang" that recruited some people while randomly killing babies.
that life was wild
i born near a jungle, people tilling soil but soon i seen nothing is watered, but tons of banana, one of first jungles i seen, was so abundant
and rabbits all under the jungle, like the jungle spawned inside a savanah and pushed it out but compressing everything that had in it
11 gen but i thought we are gen 3, huge baby booms, yet lot of people alive
we had resources but no clothes, no farm, no kiln, nothing
i went exploring and found a plate
didn't pay much attention to road, though some noob was trying it out, but then when i turned back and realized we got no bowls or pouch, i went back to the road, was like 60-70 tiles away, then i found the end of road, and some other stuff all over the place, i just followed the signs and i seen a sheep pen in the ice
first i though someone was trolling, or we are an outpost, then i found a complete big city under ice, with tools, carts (some decayed)
everything on ice
then i realized the bioem was hsifted cause of the update but the items didn't decay or culled yet, i geared up myself, barely 6 year old when i arrived, i messed around until i was 14 and went back with an upgraded cart full of pies, and some tools, bucket of water
told mom im from the future
she told me she gonna remember me
well, i invited 2 girls with me, the younger seemed smarter but even if i clothed her and told her to eat often she starved in snow
the other was busy thanking for clothes and i force fed her few times, and told her many times to eat, she still died
but she popped a kid right before it, i fed that kid each second, just to move her out of ice, then i named her zoe.
we scavenged some tools, i left her home to make a kiln from adobe i got, then i made 3-4 turn to gather all useful stuff
she was around 16-17 when i died, with 2 kids
was a decent player and we talked about it on forums
i was exploring a bit before i died, and had quite a few odd places, like jungle with swamp items, would have been quite fun to have a long generation there
never gonna see something like that, its just the errors of map and the huge banana supply which even regrowed that time made a family so comfortable, they didn't made a kiln or a farm in 11 gen
the other odd life was when my mom had like 7 kids in a jungle, some a bit older, when i grew up i went to scout around, and found an ok jungle spot for a camp, we had nothing. but then i realized that she is not an eve.
she told me she was lost when she was a kid, and doesn't know where the city is.
i found some oddities and following tracks i found the city, especially with zoom mod was easy
she really wanted to settle, and i almost did it, but then i thought i show the city first
was quite odd 7 or so people, my older sister who was 13 and several kids run after me back to the camp which was quite advanced
then in like 2 min i gave a pack to mom but she still died somehow, i think her expectation was to make a camp from scratch and was overhelmed by the city
i also didn't really found my place and quit a bit later
i had a few weird lifes, generally looking for iron, found close camps, generally similar or lower level, always interesting to see how much i can tell from tracks: "this city was built by a few experienced people but a few other newbies messed up the farm and they died out from having no females". or the "died cause no natural soil and too slow to make tools, not many branches". weirdest i seen was a griefed camp and ours was a few steps behind it, i couldn't find any iron cause they collected them all, so i brought back steel and tools like shears and knife.
long ago when i wasn't really that good at exploring, once i lost my home marker, ended up on a green biome with very advanced tools and lot of fences. i died having no kids. i born as eve there, and my daughter made a desert camp but died on me.
Later i born above it, and until like 50 years didn't see that that's the old camp.
later born back again and connected all 3 camps.
then i had a life near huge desert, teaching kids to make a road of flat rocks - old school way, just placeing them on the ground to prevent snakebites. yes, that was my idea and jason implemented as feature.
anyway, i showed 2 kids how to hunt rabbits but they both died to snakes, back home people died to overpopulation and famine.
Then i wnet out exploring, found a small camp under us, then east i found a big city with clothes, carts, crowns, died a few horus ago. my old camp!
i even tried to find the huge ice city where bones were filling every side, never managed to backtrack it. but was weird that i was so close to old locations and lived a life without realizing it.
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
I lived a life in the Lucky family today. It was very low population for 20 something gen and knives everywhere. The moment I witnessed a murder I went around with a basket, apron and pack and filled them all up with knives equalling eight!!! Also saw about 3 bows with arrows on my travels. It was certainly an excessive amount of weapons. Earlier in that life I had read a note saying 'so much murder' yep... would agree with that.
I was born after all the killing, only saw that one. An old woman killing a young girl, I think she wanted to end the line but thankfully we still had one fertile female. Once I had all the knives I could carry I dropped the basket off to our baker whom I had chatted with and generally trusted, asked them to keep them safe (as a few are obviously useful) and ran away with the other five.
pretty sure my last words were 'I am police wee oo' was an interesting life for sure. I really need to learn to make locks.