One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-02-23 09:42:34

Registered: 2019-02-18
Posts: 85

The Kime family-Teamwork saves lives

I just had, hands down, the most positive experience in this game to date. Let me tell the tale of the Kime family's beginnings.

I was born Samson Kime to what I assume was a pretty new eve. She was sitting in a wee berry patch raising my siblings and eventually asked for fire. Upon inspection I realised there were no straight branches, the grassland was very small. My brother, Logan and I suggested we move so off we went, me, Mom, Logan and our baby brother who was not named at the time (I later named him Awesome). Logan and I carried baskets with a sharpstone and food. We made a treacherous journey through the jungle, my dumbass even caught yellow fever at one point and my whole family stopped to help, fed me bananas and waited until I was well.

Along the way we came across a corpse with a tattered backpack among other clothes, this was a promising sign. So on we went Logan and I leading the way with zoom. Soon after little bro grew hair mom had another son, though forgot to name him too we all made it to water. We lost mom and baby bro at this point but I think it was Awesome went looking and led her back to us.

By now I was having children of my own. My first was a girl and soon after her birth Logan approached to say he had found the civilisation we had seen signs of. The whole family began to follow. Again we lost Mom, by the time we reached the village (it was deserted) so one of my brothers went looking for her. Sadly he never made it back, the family tree tells me he was killed by a rattle snake. But MOM DID, you could imagine my shock to see her return to us again. She died at 52 having raised four children who stuck together and cared for eachother the whole journey.

Once we found our home I began raising more children My first girl was named Hope, as we hoped to find a home, my second Lucky because in the end we did. From there my children cooporated spectacularly. A few of the newer ones asked me what to do and I gave direction where I could while trying to catch my bearings on what the village needed. We ran out of berries at one point but there was left over stew and a couple pies to sustain most while other alternatives were arraigned. My son Harvey made me especially proud, he was new and eager to help. I asked him to fetch some eggs after we used the villages last few (this was during the berry shortage) and he did. Then once the food situation stabilised I asked him to get some wheat seeds so we could make a start on pies, again he made me proud.

Once we were comfortable enough, with Logan and then my Grandson Jeremiah making some stew it was time to think about sheep. Awesome had fetched iron and agreed to lead someone to the sheep he saw while on request my daughter Kimmy made a pen. I died just after finishing a bow.

This was such a heart warming experience I tell you everyone chipped in and supported each other, we over came a few obstacles eventually coming out on top. I believe this is one of the best lessons this game can teach you, the beauty of working together to achieve a goal and sharing that glory.

If any of the Kime family read this please comment I want to thank you all.


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