a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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There is a bug where something in desert shifted into a lasso
i noticed multiple lassos in deserts with no signs of civilization
second game i was sure is a bug
How to use it to your advantage?
Go to a big desert, has more chance to have wild lassos
cut it into ropes with a flint
get 5 shafts and make tied shafts, put together, then put rope on it and pine needles
then a short shaft and becomes a door
that's a total 2.5 lasso and 5 straight shafts plus stakes
doors are better than pine panels as the panels can be cut into kindling by intent or accident, also cant be moved, while doors can be cut down with flint and replaced
this is still a lot of work
so you need to have decent people
a triplet where one feeds everyone and 2 players make the doors, if quad, the last person goes to find soil and lot of straight shaft for a good spot
you might need multiple deserts and multiple green biome to make several doors
then you can make an 1x1 home with 9 doors, heat with egg cooked on a flat rock, but then you can expand this with cutting a door, extending one side. first expansion cost 2 doors extra, the second also 2 doors more
1x2 can hold a basket with 2 egg and 1 plate
hurry to try this until jason fixes it.
imagine a nomad family of 9 running with pine doors to find a suitable home to settle
Last edited by pein (2019-02-23 08:55:39)
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
Noticed the lassos as well today as my Eve mum ran around the desert! She was a bit stupid and kept walking around in the desert instead of finding a swamp, so the moment I got hair I ran off and made it on my own.
The biome also had an overabundance of wild food, straight trees, so now I feel a bit bad that I decided to make a camp instead of giving this crazy idea a try, it was almost too perfect for it.
wild lassos
imagine a nomad family of 9 running with pine doors to find a suitable home to settle
LOL last week I played as nomad trying to rebuild ruins. I went through a lot of deserts and didn’t see any lasso, I will pay more attention next time.
I noticed the Lassos too and was so confused, this explains a lot.
This bug is due to the newly added Wild Horse with Lasso.
This object spawns in the wild like a horse, so you just see a lasso once the horse runs away.
I submitted an issue for this: https://github.com/jasonrohrer/OneLifeData7/issues/171
One Hour One Life Crafting Reference
that's hysterical
Wait what? A lasso will spawn below a horse? This doesn't make any sense to me. Does nature make lassos anywhere in the real world?
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
Wait what? A lasso will spawn below a horse? This doesn't make any sense to me. Does nature make lassos anywhere in the real world?
Why yes actually. The Australian Lasso Snake was widely used by aboriginal hunters as a method for constructing hand-woven baskets and ropes.
The natural world is an amazing place, Spoonwood.
Spoonwood wrote:Wait what? A lasso will spawn below a horse? This doesn't make any sense to me. Does nature make lassos anywhere in the real world?
Why yes actually. The Australian Lasso Snake was widely used by aboriginal hunters as a method for constructing hand-woven baskets and ropes.
The natural world is an amazing place, Spoonwood.
I think you're joking. I didn't find anything with a search for 'australian lasso snake', just in case you weren't (it isn't like I know much about lassos in real life).
I do think the natural world an amazing place, and I'm not joking.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
Yeah, you caught me .. I was just kidding.
But speaking seriously, this is just a bug. I'm quite sure Jason doesn't think Lassos grow on wild horses, so we can expect the wild lassoes to go extinct very soon.
Rope is important.
This bug is due to the newly added Wild Horse with Lasso.
This object spawns in the wild like a horse, so you just see a lasso once the horse runs away.
I submitted an issue for this: https://github.com/jasonrohrer/OneLifeData7/issues/171
Maybe next Jason can add penguins that spawn with diesel engines.
Bug? Don't you mean he finally made an update where storage was easier to make along with a buff to pine buildings?
fug it’s Tarr.
Maybe next Jason can add penguins that spawn with diesel engines.
well they used to spawn ice holes! I wonder if the Wild horses are evolving... and have started making lassos... who knows what's next!
"hear how the wind begins to whisper, but now it screams at me" said ashe
"I remember it from a Life I never Lived" said Peaches
"Now Chad don't invest in Asian markets" said Chad's Mom
Herry the man who cheated death
Pages: 1