a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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More than a few times I've been humming along with a productive life and I see some message about "___ is a greifer" or I see murdered bodies or black text. But, since I don't like have a knife (unless doing sheep or baking bread) or other weapons and PVP isn't fun to me I just avoid the chaos.
Interestingly I've only ever been murdered once, I think it was a mistake since it was out of nowhere and a player who had been nice up to then.
But, I'm wondering is it unhelpful not to be more... interested in sorting out who is greifing, or who is the murderer or whatever drama is going on?
I wonder if since I'm not interested, drawn to the location, trying to tell anyone what to do if that keeps me from being a target. I also wonder if greifers would get more bored if they got less... reaction.
I had a creepy kid pestering me for my baking knife once, and I just asked him to bring kindling and kept him busy, with tasks till he got bored.... but went off and found an bow to cause other chaos. Should I have reported him? IDK
I'm also curious from the more experienced players what forms greifing takes other than murder? The one that got one village, was carting off all axes, kindling and moving fire wood too far away for the nurses. Fire went out, couldn't bake, couldn't make a new ax, could find string for a hatchet, It was bad for a bit.
At least I think it was greifing, but some of the time it's just bad luck and bad communication.
What are the actions that make you think "yup greifer" how are other people noticing this? I know people can lie, or just... be wrong so I don't like to accuse anyone.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
I do as you do. I ignore drama and try to stay away from people killing each other. I don't worry too much about griefing; I know it happens, but I just do my best to work around it.
Now and then I see someone who is definitely and obviously just flat-out murdering people, and in those cases I'll try to stop them.
I'm most likely the person telling others who is a griefer lol. If it's just murder then idc much, easy to catch and kill while hes on cooldown. But If someone griefs by taking stuff out of village, or something other thats harder to spot, I will tell a few trusted people about them. Then stab the bastard when he's out of town.
I think I'm pretty good about figuring out people ingame. I know how to recognize some vets just by the way they move,talk, or the task they do.
Anyway, it is very frustrating when everyone is so focused on their job that they don't notice the town dying... One time in a nursery, some kid destroyed all the klins near it and literally nobody cared except one child I babysitted. I kept bothering some man to stab the griefer (i had no knife, and no iron to make it) but he said to me "no proof" then I got the kids to testify about it and guess what... He stabbed the wrong person ffs. Ten mins later after the griefer destroyed a part of the pen and broke oven - which I fixed- , I saw some grandma pass down knife to a young man. He just stood in berry bushes and talked, so I asked him if I can borrow it. By some miracle he listened to me and gave it. I was happy and ran right up to the lady who griefed town, stabbing her while she was feeding her kid.
Murder is not always griefing. It can damage town less than some of the more creative ways. Not sure If I wanna list all of them here, I don't want newb griefers to learn from me haha, not talking about you just about ppl who lurk. But I'll try to be vague about it. And those are the most common ones.
-Wasting tools, bad usage of them. (axe,hoe,shovel,pickaxe)
-Locking doors
-Destroying pen
-Taking away stuff from village
-Eating only berries
Please, if I tell you "(name) is a griefer" do look into it yourself. I only tell that to people who seem competent, and if I don't have a weapon to kill the griefer before they do more harm. And don't just ignore me because the griefer chooses to tend to berries for like 30 seconds when you're watching them.
Last edited by hmrka (2019-02-23 00:33:14)
I sign my ingame notes as Gio or Truz.
big baby: https://i.imgur.com/ZoLRpb3.png
most kids: https://i.imgur.com/3Vmffb4.png
Not cursing griefers and letting it all happen around you is their wet dream. They go around messing with the village and killing people further off, and laugh seeing everyone just ignoring it. Cursing is much better than killing a griefer, because they might actually get some punishment, dying is part of the game for them, they don't expect to live. But it is almost impossible to even get what is happening without the mod, because your FOV is too limited.
Griefers killing is the lowest level. Shearing all sheep, eating and feeding others all the berries, eating carrots, watering all carrots so they get wasted, cutting all wheat and letting the straw decay away, cutting all squash and letting the seeds decay, filling bowls and buckets with salt water, placing pork all over the place, destroying the sheep pen, destroying/hiding tools are sure to kill more people than just stabbing. After the update it is also easier to starve after you kill so it probably avoided more.
"Watering all carrots so they get wasted"
I've done this a few times because I didn't know that carrots went to seed and needed to be watched.
"eating and feeding others all the berries"
All new players do this. All of them.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
If you keep your head down and look busy noone pays you any mind.
Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.
i admit i was bored nowadays, so once i locked people in a room (i got back the tools later)
and once i kept up 4 fires near each other
its more like trolling, yeah, a kid was walking out of the fire all the time
and some newbee moms didn't understood why kids die so fast, but to be fair, not so hard to notice that you are burning
i mean i was testing the temperature ratios in different tiles, so not just to kill others, i was interested how multiple fires get their heat spread across a room
so far my experiences on griefers: mostly babies who ru na lot, very active and they bump on clothes, try to make their moms run after hem
later they don't really care about clothing, if none was given, they bump to weapons
generally they want to find a weapon and they do, so they run around with a bow at 8 looking for a target
the noob ones are easy to dodge, i had a guy who couldnt shoot me, while i was working normally
smarter griefers? the low key ones are hard to catch, they want to ruin the city without getting caught so they generally do stuff which is slightly useful, and they wait until people are out of screen
generally with awbz you can still see people on edge of screen and catch them performing rituals, doing dumb stuff, etc.
i generally look at people, if someone is fast but isn't useful, and talks a lot, it raises suspicion for me
if it's a newbee, is slower to do stuff and sometimes even apologizes
there is this category who uses resources they don't make, go for the crowns, carts, horses, and generally very selfish, and talks very rude if anyone questions him/her, they tend to search for reasons to have some drama and if you say anything you end up cursed by her, and her kids, and she tries to kill you, convince others to kill you, etc.
for other people it might look legit cause they can convince themselves enough to sound possible to others
then the twins, trips and quads
not always but mostly bad intention and bad effect, big food usage on town and not much work done
they are mostly a burden
i was quadding with mirelli, pharo and turnip, and we ended up getting the control of all weapons and generally the leading position of town, some people don't like it, and we dispatched the griefers, troublemakers. generally this results in other players getting suspicious, like i had a daughter who was talking to her baby that "this bitches are killers"
well this bitches built you a city in 40 minutes, others couldn't make in 3 hours
so there is that, if you fight for power, then conflicts arise, that's not necessarily grifing, both parties are right on their own, but that is not others people business, you shouldn't decide pro or contra too fast based on clothes or age or gender
i got short temper sometimes, and i tend to have problems with thiefs, rp nabs and useless people
and when they try to kill me i wont let it happen
sometimes just tell people that what they doing isn't optimal, is a mistake, isn't on the right place
this is like 40% results in cooperation, teaching
60% people get angry and lot of them start dirty talk or even attacking me for it
i wouldn't say im fully innocent, but i would expect people to be more critical of this characters who run around a city telling others that XY is a griefer
in awbz, just go and follow that XY, and if he is working with compost, milkweed or pies, sheep
you will realize that the angry person meanwhile just runs around, doing nothing, talks to others, eats berries, maximum tends to some kids, but all she does is going back in past and cant get over soemthing
happened to me, seen it happen to other guy, this females are try to take resources, or told to help something
they are overreacting, they sometimes attack the others, or just complain to kids, they love to do that, they just raise babies, acting nice and complain on someone, then sometimes the kid decides to kill the person
i would say you rather be suspicious of the person who asks for curses
tel them that you keep an eye on them, and they should get back to work, let it go
their reaction will be overly dramatic, even rude, and they wont be really useful in next few minutes
kills arent always bad and people wont always go on rampage, and they will stand in peace, explaining, and they get back to work after
you shouldn't be rude with them, shoudlnt be partial, and shouldn't judge too quick or use reverse logic, i seen that quite often, people argue, one of them picks up a weapon, other kills him. now this is a fair duel, even cursing someone and getting killed for it is fair play in my eyes, i wont care if others do that. i might keep an eye on them.
but if you go there, and call him griefer, murderer or useless, that gonna piss them off even more, and your little contribution and awareness during the years, that old player was doing was actually useful, and this kill might be legit gets overseen, that player will be hopeless to get back to work, and might result in more kills in self defence. so always put up the question: what if he is right?
generally people are calm until you talk calm, so don't start off on wrong foot
i seen mediators and i been mediator myself and most cases is better to talk it out and give a chance if the player doesn't yell insults at you and others (i don't care about dirty talk, i care about the logic, but i can see how that can affect decisions)
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
"Watering all carrots so they get wasted"
I've done this a few times because I didn't know that carrots went to seed and needed to be watched.
"eating and feeding others all the berries"
All new players do this. All of them.
Its ok if you do it once. Usually someone will see you and tell you. I am talking about someone doing it all the time. Also new players do eat berries for a while (I did too), but don't force feed others all the berries. I am talking about someone who picks up berries and just feeds them to random people to empty the bushes.
I just played on a town where someone killed all the sheep. People did freak a bit and she got a few curses, I was that suspicious player that instead of hunting her down focused on getting resources to restock the pen.
Of course the bow I made was stolen (hopefully by someone trying to help) being able to carry bown on ur body would be useful but that is more of an annoyance that anything and not quite relevant.
The really troubling part was when the bow and arrow was finally made a guy picked it up and then just walked around town, I tried asking him to hunt sheep and said he would need rope but guess is he was rather new. Someone capable did finally go to hunt once I asked. They had been using a horse cart to fetch items so could assume they were competent. Should also add I was in my fiftys so hunting myself could have lead to items getting lost
So the sheep problem was getting solved, great. This is when the greifer returned, she had been absent while the hunting issue was going down..she proceeded to stab a random dude and THIS is when I cursed her. The problem here is her name was Elizabeth Korell II. So many younger couldn't.
I would suggest trying to keep names to 4 or 5 letters Max so teenagers and sometimes even children (if name is jo ko or something) can curse too.
I agree that cries of greifer should be taken with a grain of salt until you see proof yourself and focus should be on fixing the issue they have created instead. Also tell people what you are doing and if someone says they are fixing it don't interfere. I announced that I would make a bow yet without a backpack the resources I gathered were constantly moved. Then several people tried to take the bow once it was complete. Not to mention we ended up with around seven ropes... Not so bad since they can be used but still, that was time taken away from other jobs.
yeah, just coordinate
say xy is suspicious, if its really a griefer , you will see with zoom, without zoom might act differently
but if you talk to them, you might find out that the person is really an asshole or just asshole to a particular person for a particular reason
not everyone kills aimlessly, even if killed one female, not a lineage killer, maybe the victim deserved the death and the person wont do it again
don't just assume that the person is a dumb killer who will do it again and you are a hero if you kill him
maybe is a killer, maybe not, maybe dumb, maybe not
if its dumb, still talk with some objective interest, not assuming that its already guilty (if it runs out of city and doesn't answer its better to kill it before the cooldown passed, ignorance means he tries to wait the timer out). yes, they do say a lot of bullshit but some people got actual good reasons and assuming that every conflict requires 2 people, just because he was the one who killed the other, doesn't mean the other player wouldn't of killed him if has the chance, the weapon, the luck, the skill. generally this one time kills make people calm down and then some newbee rushes in and calls him names and stops returning to society.
if its smart, good at fighting, but has nothing with you, is it really worth calling him names and then pretend you arent a cause?
so yeah, if you want to kill someone for killing 1 person, go ahead, but don't just curse cause 'she was my mom", "she is a girl, you are a boy", "you got a bloody knife", "you could have taught her" (this was the dumbest thing i heard in a while after i killed the chick who spent 5 min calling me names and grabbing a bow). if you want to curse him, then at least go out of sight and do it there, i really don't want to say what is curse worthy but most of people would agree that if you curse them, you shouldn't expect that they will trust you, like you, make food for you or try to be nice to you afterwards. especially if you curse them while they are the victim but managed to stay alive.
if i think the person is dangerous i always kill it
i can curse after that
doesn't really make sense to curse without knowing what exactly happened
"i curse you but you can live here cause now i trust you" or what this people think?
"i cursed you so the other person was right and you wrong and i will keep telling this to everyone without knowing what actually happened so you will need to leave the city, oh but i still might tell others to curse you even if you die or leave the city"
i cant really see in any other way. i don't know how you see it, maybe is just because any time someone cursed me and let her alive, i got more problems over time with her. she tried to take my resources and tried to justify it with "you are a killer". then what? im working, and you taking it, how is this related?
or raised kids telling them "oh curse that guy cause he is mean"
so no reason to curse others in front of them! no reason to rub it in their face that you disagree. no reason to talk about it if you don't plan to act on it. what do you expect when you ask others "should we kill him?" he will let it? the only time this is acceptable, is when multiple people witness something unfair, or know for sure that the person griefed something, and they cant talk with him or he is escaping then comes back and escape again.
if he doesn't ignore you , and you got no proof, you ask first, curse later. walking 30 tiles away
if you are judge, jury, there is a risk that you are mistaken, in real life false testimony results in you being punished, so there is a risk that the player will kill you for it, while there is no risk of asking a reason while a player doesn't act violently
you got to be dumb to kill in front of others, with no reason so that falls to dumb griefer category, even if had a reason, should have informed others before committing such an act.
Last edited by pein (2019-02-23 07:25:48)
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
Make sure you're saying what person you are accusing of griefing is the real person and not just some rando.
That gets well-intentioned people killed often enough haha.
Honestly when you see subtle hints someone might be griefing, just inform others. They'll start paying attention(unless they're the folk that only want to work work work work and not pay attention to what is spoken or discussed around them), and if it's true it'll be easier to dispose of them if the village is on your side rather than being a random vigilantee.
Being a random vigilante is really bad, only works if you see somebody chasing another and you stop them, you'll have the victim all in ave about you and in your support.
If you kill somebody don't cuss like a madman either. People will be reluctant to go on your side (even worse if you end up killing a reluctant person showing off you're no good haha), and there, BAM, you get killed.
I generally mind my own business. I almost killed someone for filling salt bowls, but didn't happen to grab a knife while i still saw him, and also it was seemingly someone really annoyed that I had taken a bucket to use for salt water, which i probably shouldn't have done.
I was legit making suaerkraut though, i ended up making extra batches just to use the bowls, though i could have mixed with with water and returned it to the icehole.
It's not that common that someone is really set on murdering you, though i had a generally exciting experience running away from twin murderers recently. I saved the family line, for a bit, though only lasted to great grandchildren or so.
I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.
Listen to your mom!