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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-02-26 05:28:44

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553


You are Eve's only daughter and you collet milkweed as fast as you can alone before you have a baby. Your first son makes a rabbit snare (when you have no fire bow drill) takes your basket and wanders off at age 5 to die.


Describe your perfect moments of exasperation.

Last edited by futurebird (2019-02-26 05:32:33)

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#2 2019-02-26 05:49:48

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 245


I get all the stew farm tools together (Plate, 2 bowls, flint chip, round stone, sharp stone, and hatchet, basket and a pile of soil) I take full pot up to be cooked, come back to make another pot; I'm missing a bowl. Run to find another bowl, come back I'm missing my hatchet. Go to find my hatchet, come back and my sharp stone and a bowl is gone.  I started bitching at everyone near my stew farm.. I get everything together again, take second pot to be cooked, come back and they are collecting my 2 bowls and plate to take to kitchen!

I love stew farming, but this happens every time.. Drives me insane!!

Last edited by Jojigirl (2019-02-26 05:51:32)


#3 2019-02-26 05:51:50

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553


Are there any good videos of the stew farm? I only vaguely know what's going on with that. I try to bring soil and a bucket of water because I don't know what is needed there.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#4 2019-02-26 05:59:59

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 245


futurebird wrote:

Are there any good videos of the stew farm? I only vaguely know what's going on with that. I try to bring soil and a bucket of water because I don't know what is needed there.

I'm not sure, I had a well right next to the stew farm, so I didn't need water. What I listed is pretty much what the farm requires for a pot of stew.  Usually I request anyone near not to touch anything in the stew farm area unless they are making stew. I keep my area tidy, so everything there, is what's needed and nothing more.

Flint chip for corn
Sharp stone and hatchet (or axe) for squash
round stone for beans

Plate for squash and beans
2 bowls required for beans (corn only requires 1 bowl)
Soil to replant.   I replant squash seed right away or they disappear and you have to make a run to try to find more, which can be hard to locate sometimes.

Last edited by Jojigirl (2019-02-26 06:08:57)


#5 2019-02-26 08:52:39

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 466


You can use a flint chip to get the squash out of the ground, so the sharp stone is not strictly needed.


#6 2019-02-26 13:25:51

Registered: 2019-02-14
Posts: 199


the most frustrating for me was when some kid made a stone hoe when I was eve, while the rope was badly needed and there were plenty of sticks. Lots of players don't know about sticks being used to tile though.

Since the update I find it frustrating how the compost components tend to be so far away from each other.


#7 2019-02-26 16:04:21

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362


futurebird wrote:

You are Eve's only daughter and you collet milkweed as fast as you can alone before you have a baby. Your first son makes a rabbit snare (when you have no fire bow drill) takes your basket and wanders off at age 5 to die.

You kids today don't now how well-off you are.  At least you don't have to worry about the dreaded Eve Camp Lasso Makers.  Up until fairly recently, there was no way to pick a lasso back apart into ropes, and newbies are always, always making lassos, either because they're randomly combining things and want to see what two ropes together does, or because they think horses are super cool and don't understand that there are prerequisites to horse-taming.  Man, there is nothing like that feeling when your kid takes the carefully gathered, sparse-in-the-area milkweed that you've collected to make your desperately needed fire tools and turns it into an utterly useless lasso that you can't unmake.  Happened to me more than once.

My biggest sinking feeling moment, though?  I'm in a big town.  We desperately need to cook up some pies and stew or people are going to starve soon, but the town's only fire has burned down to coals, because no one's brought any firewood.  The hatchet has broken and the axe has walked off to parts unknown and someone has long since cut down all the juniper trees for miles around, so if that thing goes out it's going to be a huge problem to get it restarted.  I run frantically all over the place in a race against time trying to find a branch and a tool to chop it up with to make some kindling, and just in the very nick of time I manage it, and I'm racing back towards the fire as fast as my little stick-figure legs will take me, and at the very moment that I arrive, kindling in my arms...  Somebody throws a flat stone onto the coals.  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (Turned out it was a very new player who barely spoke English, and, months later, I'm still ashamed of the way I yelled and cursed at them for that, but OMG.)

Close runner-up: another town about to succumb to famine.  We had one uncooked pie left, and the means to make more, but no one had done so.  I lit the oven to make that one last pie so some of us could feed ourselves long enough to make more... and then some idiot who had been standing around in the berry field the entire time prattling inanities and generally getting in my way as I tried to revive the stripped-bare bushes stood there directly in front of that last raw pie, covering it up with their head so I couldn't pick it up.  They stood there rambling randomly and quoting song lyrics, and not moving, no matter how much anyone begged.  I'm not sure, but I kind of don't even think they were intentionally griefing.  I think they just didn't remotely understand what was going on, or care, they were just there kind of aimlessly dicking around and thought the rest of us needed to chill.  The oven went out.  I couldn't cook the pie.  The oven went cold.  The person finally, finally listened to me and, with a "hmph," moved.  But now the axe was gone.  I desperately ran off to look for it to chop more kindling to relight the oven.  By the time I found it, I was starving.  (I was an old man with decreasing hunger pips.)  I didn't get the pie cooked.  I didn't get anyone fed.  People started dying. When I got back to the bakery, the idiot was still there, crying because there was nothing to eat. "You've killed us all," I told them.  "Who, me?" they said, seeming, I thought, genuinely bewildered.  Then I dropped dead.  And everyone starved.  The end.


#8 2019-02-26 16:28:13

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676


happynova wrote:

Man, there is nothing like that feeling when your kid takes the carefully gathered, sparse-in-the-area milkweed that you've collected to make your desperately needed fire tools and turns it into an utterly useless lasso that you can't unmake.

Don't collect milkweed or rope. Collect fire tools. When you're out in the field gathering milkweed for the tools, make each tool on the spot as soon as you have the rope. Don't give someone else a chance to use the rope for something else. Where there's milkweed, there's stones and branches, so go ahead and finish the job then and there.


#9 2019-02-26 18:01:54

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362


CrazyEddie wrote:

Don't collect milkweed or rope. Collect fire tools. When you're out in the field gathering milkweed for the tools, make each tool on the spot as soon as you have the rope. Don't give someone else a chance to use the rope for something else. Where there's milkweed, there's stones and branches, so go ahead and finish the job then and there.

I think I stopped doing that after a couple of incidents where two people came back to the camp with the same tool made.


#10 2019-02-26 18:41:15

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 245


CatX wrote:

You can use a flint chip to get the squash out of the ground, so the sharp stone is not strictly needed.

Thank you! I did not realize this.. That will be one less thing I have to keep hunting down! smile


#11 2019-02-26 21:59:13

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337


kept only few kids alive
daughter tries to feed his son and my son both still looking for food
she made a "farm" somewhere in middle of greeen biome, not digging burdock, eating a medium size biome alone
all i said to her is to bring branches and stay alive
second daughter takes pouch in basket and dies dunno where
i turn 40, my daughter runs off to eat, ofc she didn't see the burdock or the berries on desert edge
she is barely fertile and dies
my eve run is ruined anyway

btw if you make lasso you can cut to ropes, and you can store more in same tile
also you can hide stuff behind trees as long as you remember them

i do it all the time with furs for pack, kindling for smith (fuck eggmakers) and ropes
anything that can be combined will be combined
so don't leave things out for noobs

Last edited by pein (2019-02-26 22:02:18) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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