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#1 2019-02-26 15:24:16

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Fed lambs eat ropes.

Yeah, either this bug gets fixed or we just don't feed lambs before trying to move them with ropes.
Not that it's a big bug, but, it's something you should know.
Also, I have not attempted to reproduce the bug, so, it's possible there were other factors, such as the lamb being released with stone block pen walls to the north of him. Maybe it was a timing thing? I roped him about 5 seconds after I fed him and released him about 15 seconds after that. For a split second the rope appeared beneath him, then it was gone.


#2 2019-02-26 16:41:39

Registered: 2019-02-14
Posts: 199

Re: Fed lambs eat ropes.

this is a bug. Jason tried to fix ropes disappearing if you didn't drop the animal, rather someone shot/stabbed/snowed you. So he caused wild lassos to appear. Tarr told him about the wild lasso, fixing it caused this bug. Isn't it sweet.


#3 2019-02-26 16:55:40

Registered: 2018-12-04
Posts: 164

Re: Fed lambs eat ropes.

Definitely post this to the github or Jason might not see it.


#4 2019-02-26 18:27:48

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Fed lambs eat ropes.

Peremptive wrote:

this is a bug. Jason tried to fix ropes disappearing if you didn't drop the animal, rather someone shot/stabbed/snowed you. So he caused wild lassos to appear. Tarr told him about the wild lasso, fixing it caused this bug. Isn't it sweet.

That is an unrelated bug based off him not adding a transition to the baby lamb/mouflon lamb for it to walk off lasso in the first place. If you're going to blame me for reporting a bug at least get it right considering the rope eating was there at the same time the only difference being was I didn't know about the rope eating at the time.

fug it’s Tarr.


#5 2019-02-26 19:02:55

Registered: 2019-02-14
Posts: 199

Re: Fed lambs eat ropes.

Tarr wrote:
Peremptive wrote:

this is a bug. Jason tried to fix ropes disappearing if you didn't drop the animal, rather someone shot/stabbed/snowed you. So he caused wild lassos to appear. Tarr told him about the wild lasso, fixing it caused this bug. Isn't it sweet.

That is an unrelated bug based off him not adding a transition to the baby lamb/mouflon lamb for it to walk off lasso in the first place. If you're going to blame me for reporting a bug at least get it right considering the rope eating was there at the same time the only difference being was I didn't know about the rope eating at the time.

sorry mate my bad. so did this happen before the wild lassos? There is only a transition coded for the non-fed version of baby animal?

Last edited by Peremptive (2019-02-26 19:04:11)


#6 2019-02-27 05:34:34

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Fed lambs eat ropes.

same for holding clay and getting snowballed livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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