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#1 2019-02-22 07:20:16

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Heated farm? Pine farming?

on 100% berry munching each person uses 5 sec per pip, that's 12,5 pip/min
125 food per 10
a bush grows in 8 min so if immediately picked off, 2 min till goes brown
that's 25 berries per 10 min naked, 7 berries per bush its 3.5 bush fixed per person, if you try to survive fixing bushes over and over and depending on them

clothes give like 1/3 but making clothes takes time so same time someone needs to cover your 3.5 bushes
generally one person fixes everything while 10 others just eat
and as i seen, compost cycle is fragile, and no one cares about it, one person cuts all wheat and no one replants it or they plant no carrot, or too much,and gets wasted

technically you could surround a fire with bushes, with no flooring maybe you get some advantage from radiant heat 2-3 tile radius, then have some berries, to pick bushes off, you need free space around it, also for the bowls some
just as i made this far, realized that bottom walls would cover it, so maybe  boxes under it.

but this also incentives people to stand around and eat berries
maybe bottom row could be sledges to store this bowls

now a big fire for one hour needs each 4 minutes to taken care of, that's 15, so 7.5 trees
planting pine in groups of 4, 2 groups would cost 4x2x2 soil bowls, that's 16 bowls, 5 basket and a bit

7 carrotseed can produce 7 tiles of carrot rows, 1 goes to seed, ideally with 5 carrots. 7 produces 35 carrots
that's enough for pies, compost, some for yum
the initial soil cost of 8 tiles is 16, 8 tilling. then one seed row, so each recharge cost 2+7 soil and 8 tilling
one compost needs 12 berries and 2 carrot, one straw
wheat can make 4 pies or 1 bread or 4 tortilla
so making compost you use 4-5 bowls of soil (2 on bushes, 2 on a wheat, and 2/5 of carrot, which is 1/2 bowls depending, minus some for seeds and eating meanwhile)- you produce 21 bowls which is still 3x profit

6 compost can keep up 21 bushes for one hour
another 1.5 is used on compost making
the pine would need extra 15 bowls for fire upkeep
so total 9 compost per hour

this would take out 3 bushes as 2 needed for berry bowls each ten minute, so total 18 bushes are used an hour for 9 compost

ofc you can get some wild wheat,  wild berries, wild carrot, soil, firewood from further trees
but then there is the population overeating, picking berries by accident, ruining straw and carrotseed, etc.

if you exclude fire and exclude clothes, and other foods
this 20 bushes would only support maybe 5 people (6 compost, and 1.5 to make the compost, and then occupy 2-3 bushes too so 17/3.5)
which kinda means that a person needs 4 bushes and the work with them and good timing and that kinda a loot of work, you can do your share, you can do it fast, but how fast to make if others don't do it?

solution? make more bushes big_smile
no seriously
its just playing minigolf on mini field or playing golf on normal field.
40 bushes may have a bigger output, but once they are empty, still takes 18 compost per hour, and 4 bush per person per 10 min to fix
there is no change, you need more bowls, you need more work, but essentially the same shit, in nice packaging
even worse cause no free tiles, no visibility and more cooperation needed
"but it can support twice as many people"
sure, but twice as much work. 10 people can be understood as ten adults or 7 adults and the 3 kids who grow up and  die each time, their total ages add up after they got hair.

your  50 bushes missing 1 berry each are 43 bushes
missing two are 36 bushes
missing 6 each are 7 bushes

"oh but the bushes arent brown so we don't have to fix them"

esentially the problem is that people want to do something once then live their life carelessly
"i planted a bush, kids gonna fix it"

the fun part that if you pick them all off and stick a carrot into it, generally more than half of the city starves

and then there is the tool usage, collecting the iron, and the buckets and all other stuff, which wont be done by the ones who just eat

anyway that's just a bit of math for who enver thought about it in depth big_smile

im not sure fires would work much better, but if you cant change it, accept it?
also you cant just stand near fire, even if you plant everything close to it

but planting some pines would be just a bit more work, and has the benefit of firewood, axe is closeby, i guess shoveling out stumps wouldn't be the best, and would occupy big space after a bit, but the firewood would be there up for grab and each tree would yield a butt log for boards
esentialy you would need only 8 per hour and would average out but you could just plant more of them (spaced out at least after each 2x2)

and clothes, other food, enough bowls to pick all of them off right away and stick a carrot into it
use up the wheat and the mutton

not sure if it would work out
i did it previously once in s13, had a huge berry field, and planted pine trees, to signal its for cutting them, as i was bored that people wont take care of the fire and i was coming back anyway, we didn't had much pop and kinda one lady was only skilled enough for more advanced stuff, and she realized the system on the tree planting and cutting
if you are less than 30, and live to 60, you can water the panted tree twice
also if you don't want to deal with the stumps (which might be ok shovel usage for extra kindling if got enough iron)
then you can form a pen shape and dump goose inside it and just decapitate them, while it holds them inside as stumps block movement and decay in one hour
if you plant one before you cut one (so grows back right before stump decays), and later is watered, essentially it always gonna block the tiles and increases in size( or plant under it then cut, plant above it and cut and keeps the size but moves up and down (then the entrance is better on side rather than corner and made from permanent items
also keeps woodworking in same place, so tools can be found easily
goose breeding, cooking, and get rid of eggs for multi bite food with no plate usage livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2019-02-22 09:57:44

Registered: 2019-02-13
Posts: 47

Re: Heated farm? Pine farming?

Soo... are you pro or contra the berryfarm building?


#3 2019-02-22 10:22:38

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Heated farm? Pine farming?

we should test a fire with a small farm, and most other farms arent as much fixed

you need berry anyway
just the way people do it teach it is bad
pick it off, that's essential
it needs to go brown! then you are ahead of timers
a fixed bush is 4 minutes faster than a planted bush, 2 if you count the  timeout, plus no hoe usage
even if you eat some you need to pick it off right away
if you make a room around it, you will see how many people are inside and who needs teaching, also outside the building will be innefective to plant compared, it's the ultimate stop to extending

noobs will always find a way but if you make this setup, maybe with a corner pond/cistern/kiln to make charcoal
might be easier to explain to multiple people same time livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#4 2019-02-22 14:20:50

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Heated farm? Pine farming?

I'm inclined to believe that keeping the door shut would be harder to accomplish in a farm than anywhere else.

I do like that you're thinking about how to get farmers to a good temperature though.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#5 2019-02-28 16:41:29

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Heated farm? Pine farming?

it doesn't need door, it just needs walls so inside them you are in fire range, i guess fences and cisterns would do the same
until boxes destroyable might as well just use sledges livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#6 2019-02-28 16:48:28

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Heated farm? Pine farming?

How do you get the soil in there? How do you keep it watered?

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#7 2019-02-28 16:55:35

Registered: 2018-12-30
Posts: 943

Re: Heated farm? Pine farming?

There is an opposite option too right? Jungle farm in building like this, but snowmen and not fire.

I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.


#8 2019-03-01 07:28:30

Registered: 2018-07-26
Posts: 65

Re: Heated farm? Pine farming?

jungle cooling doesn't work without floor (not a single hole accepted)

you wouldn't want those walls, because 5x5 room insulation is already very small.
if you wanna have bigger berry room,
room insulation will be negligible

Last edited by yaira (2019-03-01 07:29:23)


#9 2019-03-01 10:53:43

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Heated farm? Pine farming?

insulation is already negligible
fire radius: to be in range of fire, you got to have the airspace containing a fire
this means 4 tiles away (5 in two directions), there is 1 tile where a fire is affecting a 8x8 room, generally simplified 7x7 center is best
buy you use randiant heat 90%
to gain a bonus of 2.5/number of tiles, you got to close the door and still be close to fire (0.5 perfect spot, 5 tiles away from fire in 1x5 room the only possible solution)
same bonus for 5x5 room is 0.1, with floors, with walls, with doors closed

obviously for a farm you already lost the bonus for floors
so why at all block movement?
cause forces people around the fire and stops over planting
you can and should always make a cistern and get the water there with a cart full of buckets
you can have soil wherever you put straws and make compost from it, aka on the inner boards or under this complexum


so the trees around acts the same way, people are forced in fire range, also serve as a firewood storage for next generation
if you plant it before 30, you can water 2nd time , if they cut it, the stump blocks for 1 hour, so if want  still blocking then plant before you cut (i guess before the butt log removed)
so you get firewood, more planks, and good place to have the axe-adze-froh-mallet
the distance you save from collecting firewood is also something to consider

where to put?
all biomes are neutral or worse, so where not to: ice and desert, jungle
the actual benefit can be some natural soil piles, ponds (just make sure there isn't pond in middle of room, rather in the wall or near it

so i would advise a heavily forested swamp, just find a 7x7 free spot, where no ponds hang in middle of room

if i would do it, i would move out of main city and only go there to get the tools needed
not too far, but at least 50 tiles so no noobs wander there, rather kidnap kids who are smarter (smile and stay put)
and to snatch a few dungs until you make your own pen

this is a 5 player setup, on 100% berry on 100% understanding/work rate
so if want more, then you need to decrease the usage of berry as a food source

the initial work would be:
making the floors and planting the pines (to signal is firewood, curved branches are for kindling, straight is for paper/tools/fences)
making compost, planting the berry
making the fire
will need quite a few bowls, 1 per bush
a few crocks and plates

you can do a pen the same way, but with different tree line, for example right side maple, then 3/4 side trees, bottom stones with a front entrance
your pen grows in one hour so until that this setup isn't fully usable
also people need to know to replant those cut trees (if you don't dig the stumps then plant outside of it and next hour when stumps decay, again inner side)
you can do the same thing for a stew farm, you need 1/4 corn for 4 squash and 4 beans, one extra bean tile for seed, some corn for popcorn
so that's more like 8 squash 9 beans and 3 corn, and you can even have a fire in middle

the stew crocks in entrances block people for closing it in so ideal griefer defense and food

now that i checked, you can use mango the same way as pine, has no mango right away so its for the look only, you don't lose anything, you can still cut mango for firewood, chances are, no one fixes them anyway
i guess poplar and pine covers less of the bushes
you can make wood floors around the bushes, which takes time, you can also just leave out the space for them by planting the pen one gap away and when you cut the trees you get the board material anyway

be creative

uaH9rtq.jpg livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#10 2019-03-01 13:31:18

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676

Re: Heated farm? Pine farming?

Grim_Arbiter wrote:

There is an opposite option too right? Jungle farm in building like this, but snowmen and not fire.

Snowmen don't cool as much as fire heats. Fire provides radiant and convection heat; snowmen only provide convection negative heat, but not radiant negative heat. I thought that was a bug but Jason confirmed it was intentional.

The amount of convection negative heat they provide depends on how much insulation there is in the airspace. A farm won't have much insulation because most of the tiles will not have floors, so there won't be a large contribution from the snowmen.

Also, as of the new update, snowmen melt in all stages, so they're no longer as practical for heat management. You'd have to keep rebuilding them.


#11 2019-03-01 17:11:25

From: Under your bed
Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 781

Re: Heated farm? Pine farming?

Those designs are rather pretty and quite functional.

My favourite all time lives are Unity Dawn, who was married to Sachin Gedeon.

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