a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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1. play as Eve
2. no kids
3. make a home marker
Ideally all players would spawn in the same place on a pristine map. These could be solo runs, or multiplayer which could be interesting. The goal is to make as much food as possible in your 60 years (isn't it a bit less if you are Eve?) of life. The score is based on how many pips the food represents. Yum is not a factor. Only the food you have stacked up and left uneaten when you die in a 5x5 area around your home marker counts.
Were you playing this what is your strategy?
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Maybe just grow carrots. Growing two carrot crops can be faster than growing one berry, and it's more food. Making stew is another idea. Another one comes as making 7 out of the 8 pie types, but rabbit hunting could be a hang up there which ends up slower than just growing as many carrots as possible.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
The strategy would have to be to make as much stew as possible, especially since you're limited to a 5x5. I'm tempted to try it.
Last edited by BladeWoods (2019-03-01 18:23:29)
Along these lines, I've considered making a simplified turn based variation of OHOL which uses the same objects and transitions but has a limited playing area. This turns it into a sort of puzzle and offers a playground to experiment with new objects without the time pressure.
If there's interest I may take a crack at it.
One Hour One Life Crafting Reference
The strategy would have to be to make as much stew as possible, especially since you're limited to a 5x5. I'm tempted to try it.
This brings up the question of how much food can you get on one tile? Stew is really good at 224 pips for one tile. A box of baskets of Berry Carrot Rabbit Pie beats it slightly at 240 pips.
Correction: Oops I didn't consider the 4 uses of Berry Carrot Rabbit Pie so it's actually 960 pips for a box of baskets of pie.
One cooked turkey has the potential to supply 248 pips but that requires additional processing to turn it into soup after eating.
Perhaps a rule would need to be clarified, what state does the food need to be in? If it needs to be an object you can pick up and eat directly then a pot of stew would not be allowed. I suggest "all required objects to eat should be provided in the 5x5". This means an empty clay bowl should be in the 5x5 to count a pot of stew.
Last edited by ryanb (2019-03-01 18:43:23)
One Hour One Life Crafting Reference
Berry bushes produce the same number of pips as a row of carrots (5x7 vs 7x5), but the carrots will produce each crop more quickly at a higher tool use cost. However, if you are looking at farm crops, corn out-produces both berries and carrots, when you process it into popcorn (12x4). But the bowls do not store very efficiently, so the space limitation becomes an issue and making a bunch of bowls will take more time. Also, if you are making corn, you might as well go all the way and produce stew. That will provide significantly more pips and it is concentrated on a single tile (14x16). You could also try aiming for mass-production of rabbit pie. Don't bother farming wheat, just gather rabbits and wild wheat to make the pies. Maybe farm carrots to improve the pies from 14 to 18. Four plain rabbit pies provide a bunch of pips (4x56), but you can only fit three in a basket so they are less "pip dense" compared with stew. Rabbit carrot pies are pretty much equal to stew in terms of pips/tile. Either way, you would want to settle close to a large prairie. Maybe do both ... farm stew crops while hunting all the nearby rabbits. This would allow you to cloth yourself to reduce your life-time food consumption and leave more food for the contest.
I think the main limitation would be availability of wild squash/rabbit holes and RNG related to spawn location. If you couldn't find a decent sized prairie close to a good grass/swamp location, it would be hard to get started on mass stew production. You would spend too long getting set-up and gathering wild ingredients.
BladeWoods wrote:The strategy would have to be to make as much stew as possible, especially since you're limited to a 5x5. I'm tempted to try it.
This brings up the question of how much food can you get on one tile? Stew is really good at 224 pips for one tile. A box of baskets of Berry Carrot Rabbit Pie beats it slightly at 240 pips.
Correction: Oops I didn't consider the 4 uses of Berry Carrot Rabbit Pie so it's actually 960 pips for a box of baskets of pie.
One cooked turkey has the potential to supply 248 pips but that requires additional processing to turn it into soup after eating.
Perhaps a rule would need to be clarified, what state does the food need to be in? If it needs to be an object you can pick up and eat directly then a pot of stew would not be allowed. I suggest "all required objects to eat should be provided in the 5x5". This means an empty clay bowl should be in the 5x5 to count a pot of stew.
Berry carrot rabbit pie is 20 pips per bite. Four bites in one pie means 80 pips per pie. Three pies in a basket works out to 240 pips. So you were correct before the correction.
As far as turkey hunting - this raises the question ... does the food need to be edible? You can't eat a cooked turkey without a knife. And if you are an Eve who spent her life hunting down a bunch of turkeys, you don't have a knife yet.
BladeWoods wrote:The strategy would have to be to make as much stew as possible, especially since you're limited to a 5x5. I'm tempted to try it.
This brings up the question of how much food can you get on one tile? Stew is really good at 224 pips for one tile. A box of baskets of Berry Carrot Rabbit Pie beats it slightly at 240 pips.
Correction: Oops I didn't consider the 4 uses of Berry Carrot Rabbit Pie so it's actually 960 pips for a box of baskets of pie.
One cooked turkey has the potential to supply 248 pips but that requires additional processing to turn it into soup after eating.
Perhaps a rule would need to be clarified, what state does the food need to be in? If it needs to be an object you can pick up and eat directly then a pot of stew would not be allowed. I suggest "all required objects to eat should be provided in the 5x5". This means an empty clay bowl should be in the 5x5 to count a pot of stew.
I considered boxes but don't think you'd have time to make many boxes in an eve life, could make many more pots of stew.
The most food you can fit in one tile would be much more than that,
It would be if you have a Tired Cart full of backpacks full of berry carrot rabbit pies.
That's a cart with 6 backpacks, 6x4=24 pies. 24x4 = 96 bites of pie. 96x20 = 1920 yum in one tile.
Incidentally, according to some recent calculations, 1960 yum is more than enough food to feed three or four fully clothed people for a lifetime.
Do milk buckets fit into a cart? If so, I think you might be able to beat this pip density on one tile by using partial buckets of whole milk loaded into an upgraded cart.
Last edited by DestinyCall (2019-03-01 21:11:36)
mutton pies you know i can do it
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
Regarding milk, would you need a bowl for it to count?
Actually, making an axe, adze, froe, saw, getting two arrows and a bow and arrow, and a rope for each bucket sounds a bit much
Last edited by Greep (2019-03-02 07:05:01)
Likes sword based eve names. Claymore, blades, sword. Never understimate the blades!
I think making some tools then cooking egg is the most efficient on pip number
then hunting down goose at second harvest and cooking it
other option would be wild carrot pies but if you can make a knife, bread would be good contender in a big Savannah and 1-2 ponds
make hammer, chisel, file, shoot goose, make blade (even from chisel if not used up)
then just depends on how many wheat is on the savannah and kinda from plates
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
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