One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-03-02 15:46:58

From: Finland, Oulu
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 336

Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

Whoever made the past peevees thing, you are king/queen.

Say in comment what was most furstrating/annoying/stupid thing someone/ some people did during your gameplay.
Let that steam come out. Oh wait no pun intended please.

If you ever enter Pea (Helkama turns into random name) family, you need the lottery ticket picked up. My baby names given can be absolutely random.
"Are you fueled with peasoup or why you keep running off from temperature tile?"


#2 2019-03-02 18:37:18

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

I was one of Eve's daughters. The camp was coming nicely not much talk people seemed to know what they were doing. I had two kids one after the other a boy and a girl. My sister was at the fire. I left the kids with here, brought her food and firewood as quickly as possible. She let my kids die, but fed hers.


Also, annoying, but understandable is when you have kid who is a new player at an Eve camp. I was like "don't stand here eating take this basket with a sharp stone and get food"

Kid put three berries in the basket from the already near empty bush right next to me.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#3 2019-03-02 18:39:06

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

Also people who snatch stuff from under you and don't ask if you really needed it. Like I had no clothes and the fully kitted out kid takes the hat.

Also when your mom walks past items on the ground no one is taking and dosen't try to dress you at all.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#4 2019-03-02 18:43:43

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

>Building up multiple large slow fires for literally 0 reason

>Letting the main fire go out despite standing around it for half your life.

>People using plates on omelettes in late-game towns instead of pies. Bonus points if the main fire goes down and they flat rock it.

>People standing around and gathering in front of the forge

>People throwing together an oven pre-sheep and making berry pies. At least make rabbit/carrot, or plain rabbit if desperate.

>Asking someone to do something, being ignored/"but im raising CHILDREN reee," watching them die out because they ate all the berries and couldn't take 30 seconds to renew the bushes

>Being abandoned because I'm a boy and therefore 'useless' or because "there's a food shortage sry." I can easily find enough food for myself and your useless children that don't know how to take 5 steps out of camp to forage.

>Being killed over a simple argument. "oh im sorry I disagree with u im gonna spend the next 20 minutes making a knife so I can kill you bc reeeeee muh opinions!!!!"

>Informing town of a griefer. dispatching said griefer. suddenly revenge-killed or cursed because "ohmergawd blood!!!!"

>Noobs complaining about lack of food when they're literally holding a pie, then starving.

>shovel-spammers, particularly grave-spammers. please fuck off.

>Settling on a task, doing it for half your life, then having some know-it-all barge in and either reeing that you're doing it wrong or just ignoring you and doing things their own way. "Oh, you left 5 rows of carrots unwatered? lemme water them while ur away getting a new hoe, then not pick them so you come back to 35 carrot seeds. Then lemme insist on picking ALL OF THEM because ree we need dem!!"

>Annoying babies who insist on following you half way into the grassland after you place them on a fire.

>Annoying older family members who insist on 'rescuing' these dumbass kids when I stop feeding them, or just insist on 'saving' any kid abandoned [twins, for example].

>People who set up the oven of an eve camp right next to the Forge, then bitch and whine when you turn it into a second kiln bc 1) we dont need an oven yet and 2) do you have any idea how much clutter a bakery is, let alone how much space we need to forge??

>People who just leave their kids with me, not a word said, when I don't even have kids myself and am clearly working on something. Then reeing when they starve.*

there's probs a lot more but w/e

*found more

Last edited by Jk Howling (2019-03-02 18:45:32)

-Has ascended to better games-


#5 2019-03-02 18:53:38

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

* People who bake a ton of pies then keep them in a box in the bakery when the town is clearly starving since the berry bushes were emptied to feed the sheep (to make the pies...) Baked pies and bread SHOULD NOT be in the bakery get them out or people will just keep walking in and blocking you when you are working.

* People who insist on "helping" you bake when you only have two baskets of pies to bake. Having more people isn't always better.

* People who insist on baking 39852905 pies at once and the whole village starves while they are getting ready. Wood isn't that precious. Fire the oven more often.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#6 2019-03-02 20:16:24

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

Excluding stuff other people have mentioned and things I've ranted about recently elsewhere:

* Eves building the forge right up next to where they're about to plant a berry farm, or, worse yet, people expanding the freaking berry farm right up to the forge.

*People planting more berries when we can't even keep up with the ones we have.  This one makes me want to stab things.  Or people.  Or possibly myself.

* People not leaving a bowl next to the stew pot.

* When I fire up a kiln to make some pottery and some "helpful" soul comes swooping in out of nowhere to slap an adobe on it, even though I am right there holding the tongs, surrounded by ten unbaked bowls.

* People who have misinformation and will not listen when you try to explain things to them.  I literally died of old age once while desperately trying to convince someone she could let the baby lamb off the rope because it was still possible to feed it the bowl of berry and carrot even though someone had mashed it up.  I think she probably starved to death still holding that rope.  And god save us all from the people who insist you gotta leave that last berry on the domestic berry bushes.  I think at this point that's some kind of religious belief, honestly.

* When you're going along doing a one-person job perfectly well, and someone leaps in to "help" you do it, constantly getting in your way in the process.  This one just utterly baffles me.  A hundred things in town that need doing, and the thing you choose to do is to jump in and winnow someone's beans for them the second they take the round stone out?

* Demanding, entitled babies.  Kid, do not mouth off to the person you're depending on to keep you alive.  Do not call me names, demand that I give you your IRL name (seriously, do some people not even understand how naming works in this game?), or bitch about not getting gear that you wanted.  I can easily let you starve, and will if you're acting like a troublemaker.

*Demanding, entitled kids who think it's perfectly acceptable to walk up to random strangers and literally ask for the clothes off their backs.  No, kid, you cannot have my hat.  Go get your own hat.  You want my backpack?  What you gonna use it for?  No idea, huh?  Yeah, don't think so.  And you most certainly cannot have the knife just because you walked up and asked for it.

* People who refuse to raise boys, even when we desperately need workers.  I still remember the infuriating time I was Eve's granddaughter -- Eve was dead when I was born -- and my mom insisted on abandoning all of her sons and trying to kill all of mine, even though there was tons of food around.  I was the only fertile woman and was stuck in camp trying to raise my kids, mom was too busy yelling at me and trying to kill my sons to do much work, and my poor uncle was running around trying to gather resources and bring food in and get a decent farm going and do everything else and being absolutely overwhelmed with it all, because my mother had killed everyone who could have helped him while contributing next to nothing herself.  Eventually he stopped scrambling to keep us progressing long enough to make a bow and kill her.  I didn't blame him in the slightest.

*Old folks who start saying their farewells ages before they actually die.  I really, really like it when elders take the time to say goodbye and pass on some wisdom, and maybe have a touching moment, and I try to do it myself.  But don't start doing it when you're 54 and keep me standing there for a big chunk of my life waiting awkwardly for you to finally kick it so I can actually get back to working.

* People who walk around town with a loaded bow, calling themselves "town protectors" or some similar crap.  Even when they're perfectly sincere, they cause more problems than they solve.

Last edited by happynova (2019-03-02 20:24:29)


#7 2019-03-02 21:20:35

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

People who either know they're about to die or waiting to starve, but decides to stay inside the busy area in the village so that we have to clean up their bones. Run out to the desert instead to spare your relatives the trouble of cleaning up after you.

As of the recent bug with carrot piles I just can't stand it when people eat carrots instead of restacking them. Until this is fixed, this is the new meta of keeping newbies alive whilst we expand.


#8 2019-03-05 11:05:29

From: Finland, Oulu
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 336

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

Wow, lots of thing here that I would perhaps learn from. I've always been that saving type personality as baker, only turning oven when all remaining plates are filled with pies or there is very little food.

*Noobs taking the resources you need for your task, tell what you do and need 50 times, and get ignored and have your stuff stolen. Happened when player stole my strings I was farming by the milkweeds I farmed, for hatchet to use for stewmaking to save steel tools. Had sheeps then but didn't understand nor was willing to understand. Ree'd when I stabbed it out of frustration.

*Nurses who simply don't know how to make fire OR which room is nursery.

*Iron ore stacks unsmelted while active smith doing their tool making for their hour. Stocking work for next hour worker.

*Baker unable to stacks the 8 bowl they have scattered on baking room, while not having any rabbit meat to use for crushing. (like, isn't organizing better?)

*People stealing towns first backbag from the hunter who is making them.

*Untidy pen, and missing baskets all stacked in bakery.

*Seeding cabbages, missing flint chips.

Last edited by PeaGirl (2019-03-05 11:06:19)

If you ever enter Pea (Helkama turns into random name) family, you need the lottery ticket picked up. My baby names given can be absolutely random.
"Are you fueled with peasoup or why you keep running off from temperature tile?"


#9 2019-03-05 12:40:52

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

kid who takes your bowl from under you
then you get a new one and takes that too
puts the soil on the bush you want to dig out, and finally brown, never waters it
its 3-4 year old and already wasted you 10 minutes
then even tells you fuck off

the hero who stabs and curses someone after a controversial kill, you let it go, you seen he inherited a knife as a kid
then stabs you later for stabbing some annoying prick telling "killing is bad"
im gonna kill everyone who inherits a knife and uses it, even if not  i gonna waste his curses and stab him when i see him going around actign as a fucking hero

clothes near forge
plates taken away
the busy guy who lights up forge before you get all plates needed for all the iron and all the steel then you need a new fire
the guy who lets 9 rows of carrot seed never to pick it off cause needs seeds
then plants all seeds back and still needs seeds

people who make rooms before we got decent town setup and food at all or a decent pen, and the "kitchen" gets every board, every stone you gathered and you cant make 2 carts and 3 buckets livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#10 2019-03-05 13:09:39

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

pein wrote:

people who make rooms before we got decent town setup and food at all or a decent pen, and the "kitchen" gets every board, every stone you gathered and you cant make 2 carts and 3 buckets

Yes, yes yes.

-building massive rooms
-rooms with only one door so you always have to walk around the whole building.
-heck, doors in general, just put the fire in the corner

The road builders. Roads next to doors, roads near berries, roads in town. Everyone is slipping around like penguins. Roads should only be outside of town, never in front of a door, a farm or any place where people need to stop.

Lost a kid once or twice because they hit the road and shot right out of town never to be seen again.

I generally find the roads hard to use and don't understand having a berry patch with a stone rode all they way around it, and right on the other side, with no space a building with only one door that you can't ever get in because of the road, people opening and closing it all the time and the bottleneck because that room is a combined bakery-forge-nursery hell-scape.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#11 2019-03-05 13:12:32

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

What if some of the items from forging were dangerous? For example what if kids could be slowed (like other injuries) by coughing fits if too close to a fired forge?

What if walking by hot steel on a flat stone had some impact on young children?

Always seemed odd to me the little babies toddling around in a place like that.

Much like kids can't pick up knives, babies (no hair) should not be safe near dangerous work spaces.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#12 2019-03-05 13:28:53

From: Finland, Oulu
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 336

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

futurebird wrote:

What if some of the items from forging were dangerous? For example what if kids could be slowed (like other injuries) by coughing fits if too close to a fired forge?

What if walking by hot steel on a flat stone had some impact on young children?

Always seemed odd to me the little babies toddling around in a place like that.

Much like kids can't pick up knives, babies (no hair) should not be safe near dangerous work spaces.

Sadly, this is where people reply community flaws, not Q&A, although very good inspection in that part.

Last edited by PeaGirl (2019-03-05 13:29:17)

If you ever enter Pea (Helkama turns into random name) family, you need the lottery ticket picked up. My baby names given can be absolutely random.
"Are you fueled with peasoup or why you keep running off from temperature tile?"


#13 2019-03-05 15:01:01

Registered: 2018-09-13
Posts: 55

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

My pet peeve with roads specifically - Its good to have rest stops! Just one wooden board at turns and natural stopping points help.

Another pet peeve is a lack of a surname. Often not my mothers fault.

I prefer to call my children after final fantasy characters.
- Love making sauerkraut! - Hate letting kids die.

I miss surnames. Remember surnames?


#14 2019-03-05 15:24:19

Registered: 2018-03-04
Posts: 125

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

Not enough bowls. sad


#15 2019-03-05 15:58:39

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

futurebird wrote:

The road builders. Roads next to doors, roads near berries, roads in town. Everyone is slipping around like penguins. Roads should only be outside of town, never in front of a door, a farm or any place where people need to stop.

Oh, god, roads.  I love that they exist, but the way people use them drives me crazy.  Honestly, I don't even mind them running through town, but why always, always right up against the berry bushes?  I just want to be able to walk two tiles to put down a bowl without speeding all the way through town!

Also, a special mention for the people who start building roads in early towns before there are even things like a sheep pen or an oven.  I've been seeing that less these days, but there for a while it seemed to be happening in nearly every settlement I was in.  And not just right after the roads update when it was still shiny and new, either.


#16 2019-03-05 16:21:27

Registered: 2018-10-15
Posts: 347

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

Chard wrote:

Not enough bowls. sad


If bowls seem precious to you, you don't have enough. When you start to worry about bowl clutter, you might have enough. When you can't set down a bowl for the stacks of bowls around, you finally have enough... for now. smile


#17 2019-03-05 17:29:35

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 532

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

Despite various griefers trying to anger/break things on purpose was that Eve Camp I was the only one working that made me pull out hairs most... I finally managed to make all the stuff for farms, planted some berries but hadn't enough, the soil was already tilted. Got away do grab other stuff and more berries as the close ones were picked clean, when I came back a few minutes later, that town folk standing on the farm ate up all the berries that grew. None of them even bother to put one of the berries that grew into the soil right next to them!!!


#18 2019-03-05 19:04:50

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

actually diagonal fast roads work and not that annoying, you need to stand on it and click on it to work
yet people build staircase shape when going diagonal

actually seems useful with zoom mod
you can put down the bowl then fill, with no slipping around then just run out diagonally

i hate fast roads right next to berries, do it 2 tiles away
also not behind the forge 1 tile, its fricking annoying
i do the pottery above kiln
and if you don't use it don't mess with it
don't start talking to people when the fire goes on i don't care who died or what question you got, you can wait 30 sec
if no iron, get iron, don't take the last 3 plates livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#19 2019-04-12 01:46:03

Registered: 2019-04-10
Posts: 6

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

I tend to smith and make engines whenever I can, so I have a lot of feelings about the crap people do to the forge area.
1. Taking the bowls and plates away.  Please at least keep three of each.  And if you take them just so you can make your 900th pie, shame on you!
2. Taking the flat rocks away to make your Stone road that borders the farms.  Or turning the forge into your tortilla/omelette station.
3. Turning the forge into a glorified nursery.  Please stop breastfeeding your infants in front of a firing forge. Especially if the fire is nowhere near it.
4. Yoinking the charcoal repeatedly without asking.  Same goes for firing charcoal to make one thing when you could just ask me.   Bonus points to people who light up a forge and for 20 seconds straight, try to fire a wet bowl with the only pair of tongs.

Eve Puddy when I start as her.
Bringing oil tech to a town near you!
(Last pumpjack built as Arthur Pizzano on 4/23/2019)
(Last diesel pump built as Sun Stark on 4/18/2019)


#20 2019-04-12 03:28:02

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Classical topic: ''Pet Peevees''

You think that's bad?  A while back, I had a guy decide the forge was a great place to make burritos, even though he clearly wasn't even sure what he was doing.  I come down to do some smithing, and there's a freaking raw tortilla on every flat rock in the smithy.  And he did not react well to my repeated suggestions that he needed to not do that ever again.  Sigh.


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