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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2019-03-03 22:47:19

Registered: 2018-07-17
Posts: 82

Re: Asking names on server 7

Chard wrote:

Most players consider any server apart from the top two to be semi-private. I imagine that is what is happening in this case. Is there a reason you are specifically trying to get on server 7?

Can only a few specific users use it? It's a public server and anyone should be able to use it if they want to. Even if there's no particular reason.

!eve painter! You will have a color name.
I can teach you if i'm not busy. just talk to me.


#27 2019-03-03 22:48:26

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Asking names on server 7

Anandamide wrote:

... If someone does not want to keep you as a baby, youre just gonna have to get over it. If you stumble upon a village, and they ask who you are and you refuse to tell them, then youre gonna need to use force to exert your will to be there. If you cant do that then there is no help for you. Tough fucking luck buddy.

you can't apparently get over the fact, unless you form an external group on discord & such, you are unable to tell who you are playing with

cause you want to make sure you play with the "right" people & you force every other "random" out of your closed elitist gameplay & all that on the official servers in an Open Source Public Domain game


#28 2019-03-03 23:01:52

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Asking names on server 7

there is 0 difference between s11 and s12 for example
why you want a specific server?
you got a town on it?
chances are you arent born there, and if others got a town you wouldn't want to be there

big server is full
you got 15 other options
so yeah, its totally legit to claim one of them
and no one can complain about getting abandoned, generally people got a reason for it

or no reason why you would be forced to raise all babies

you might ruin an event
go and ask on discord, isn't that hard
or choose other server
even if you choose same server you can lineage ban yourself with /die and go make your own livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#29 2019-03-03 23:03:19

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Asking names on server 7

sigmen4020 wrote:

Oh please, come in and try to join creating the apocalypse on server 7 (though you'll have to start from scratch, because we destroyed their camp during the patch), be part of the reason why we don't keep sketchy randoms in our town. Oh and notice how I say town and not server. We do not own the server, you can play on it if you want, you're just not allowed to be born in the town we spent days building up from scratch, if you don't wanna be held accountable.

But also I'll ask you then since you seem to think that everyone is entitled to be kept everywhere. Should we all just let griefers run amok on the big server for example, because they are entitled to be there.

"you're just not allowed to be born in the town we spent days building up from scratch, if you don't wanna be held accountable"

wow yikes

"not allowed"
"held accountable"

so you want to sue now everybody who is trying to play on the servers your hijacked & in your precious private town you've build ? yikes
Jason forbid i could be spawning there randomly lol

one question remains though
if you are that selective about who you want & allow to play with
why don't YOU make a private server where you can play to your heart's desire completely undisturbed ?


#30 2019-03-03 23:13:11

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 142

Re: Asking names on server 7

breezeknight wrote:
Anandamide wrote:

... If someone does not want to keep you as a baby, youre just gonna have to get over it. If you stumble upon a village, and they ask who you are and you refuse to tell them, then youre gonna need to use force to exert your will to be there. If you cant do that then there is no help for you. Tough fucking luck buddy.

you can't apparently get over the fact, unless you form an external group on discord & such, you are unable to tell who you are playing with

cause you want to make sure you play with the "right" people & you force every other "random" out of your closed elitist gameplay & all that on the official servers in an Open Source Public Domain game

Huh, you can "vet" people through discord, kinda like what they wanted to do on server 7.

breezeknight wrote:

one question remains though
if you are that selective about who you want & allow to play with
why don't YOU make a private server where you can play to your heart's desire completely undisturbed ?

Why dont you, track your coordinates, and go take the village by force? They paid to play on the public servers like you, and are using the built in game mechanics to play as a group on that server. You, as ive stated I dont even know how many fucking times, are absolutely able to play on that server. If you insist on trying to play with them, youre just gonna be a baby a lot and starve to death. Nothing is stopping you from doing that.


#31 2019-03-03 23:16:30

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 142

Re: Asking names on server 7

In real life, if people with weapons ask(demand) your name, you tell them unless you can defend yourself, otherwise, you might just die. This held true in the past if you wandered upon a small village or city, and still does nowadays. Try to demand your way onto a military base an see how that goes for you. Jason wants this to be "like" real life, and as is the case IRL, you need to use force to exert your will and protect what is yours(what is truly yours is that which you can protect, in a modern society that protection is exerted through legal means, but if those dont exist you are left with force).


#32 2019-03-03 23:22:48

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 205

Re: Asking names on server 7

Reading through this thread burns my soul.

breezeknight wrote:

there is no such thing in OHOL as "your town"
if you play that way you play a game that was never intended & therefore every other player is entitled to butt in & do whatever they like, because that's the game intended

Why do you think the extra servers exist in the first place?
Answer me this question.
Why do you think there is actually a mechanic in place that allows Eves to find their town back when the server has a low enough population?
Answer these questions please.
If you're going to argue that Jason doesn't care about this particular playstyle, then why did he bother with 14 extra servers? Doesn't that seem a bit overkill to you?
Why would he bother with an Eve respawn mechanic if he didn't intend for this to happen in the first place?

I also find it indecent of you to come here and shit on other people's playstyle just because you don't like it.
Like, let people enjoy the game however they want maybe?
You do realize that what people pay for in Jason's business model is access to his servers, right?
So in essence you're basically crying over people using the public servers (for which they paid to have access to) in a way that was actually intended anyways.
Who are you to decide what happens and what doesn't on Jason's servers?

All these people who claim that Jason doesn't want this to happen are just flat out wrong.
What would the point of having 14 extra servers be then?
People who do this and are SO eager to get Jason to back them up just generally disgust me.
What are you trying to accomplish? Is destroying other people's playstyle all you care about? What is getting Jason to agree with you going to accomplish exactly?
This is pathetic.

You've also made it blatantly clear that you don't even bother to acknowledge other people's argument and just flat out ignore them.
I would advise anyone in this thread to stop responding to this person.
Let the troll cry about people not taking his shit.


#33 2019-03-03 23:23:54

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Asking names on server 7

pein wrote:

there is 0 difference between s11 and s12 for example
why you want a specific server?
you got a town on it?
chances are you arent born there, and if others got a town you wouldn't want to be there

big server is full
you got 15 other options
so yeah, its totally legit to claim one of them
and no one can complain about getting abandoned, generally people got a reason for it

or no reason why you would be forced to raise all babies

you might ruin an event
go and ask on discord, isn't that hard
or choose other server
even if you choose same server you can lineage ban yourself with /die and go make your own

what does that even mean "they got their town" ?

so people claim now ownership over something without that claim being any gameplay content ?

& they want to make sure they are playing only with people they actually know or have accepted into their group & everybody else is not allowed to play or has to write an application before could be accepted, has to jump through hoops to be participating, great game tongue

where is all that gameplay content ?
if that would be Jason's idea of OHOL, then everybody would pretty well know what people we are playing with,
so how comes it's not gameplay content ?
we all would be able to spawn into the same family, play with the same people, spawn into the same place, the same town, spot on

& one thing is to have gameplay reasons not to keep all babies, not to keep all players in
an entirely different thing is to refuse players' participation on a server, in a town, in a family because those are not a part of a closed discord group or are not deemed nice enough or WORTHY

darn, that makes me not want to play this game at all !
what an elitist BS yikes


#34 2019-03-03 23:41:25

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Asking names on server 7

i think at this point only @Jason can clarify what is going on here & what is allowed & what is suitable

one thing is clear to me

if people are allowed to pressure players to disclose who they are outside the game
& if they are allowed to boot out everybody identified as not part of a closed select group made outside the gameplay itself

then you don't need to worry about me at all,
rest assured, i won't be playing this game at all anymore
you can have all the servers completely to your disposure

cause this practice will spread like cancer
people who group outside the game will play it, every other non-participant of any of the elitist groups will avoid it
& not only on the low population servers but on all servers

& here i thought the game improves & now this sad


#35 2019-03-03 23:54:17

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Asking names on server 7

Just browsing through, I still don't get the issue lmao..

You're upset because someone didn't want to keep you for x reason? But that's half the game. People can abandon babies for whatever reason they want. It's irrelevant if you think they're unfair. I complain about people abandoning male babies all the time, but doesn't mean they won't continue to do so.

I also don't get the big fuss about it. What specifically is on server 7 in that specific community that you want so fucking badly? Is it one of those "I can't have it so I want it even more!!!" things?

There's 15 servers my dude. Wanna play alone? Go on an empty server. Wanna play with a bunch of people? Go play on the big server. Wanna get a small group of friends together and build up a town with them? Go on a deserted server.

Its that fucking simple.

-Has ascended to better games-


#36 2019-03-04 00:04:16

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Asking names on server 7

Léonard wrote:

Reading through this thread burns my soul.

Why do you think the extra servers exist in the first place?
Answer me this question.
Why do you think there is actually a mechanic in place that allows Eves to find their town back when the server has a low enough population?
Answer these questions please.
If you're going to argue that Jason doesn't care about this particular playstyle, then why did he bother with 14 extra servers? Doesn't that seem a bit overkill to you?
Why would he bother with an Eve respawn mechanic if he didn't intend for this to happen in the first place?

I also find it indecent of you to come here and shit on other people's playstyle just because you don't like it.
Like, let people enjoy the game however they want maybe?
You do realize that what people pay for in Jason's business model is access to his servers, right?
So in essence you're basically crying over people using the public servers (for which they paid to have access to) in a way that was actually intended anyways.
Who are you to decide what happens and what doesn't on Jason's servers?

All these people who claim that Jason doesn't want this to happen are just flat out wrong.
What would the point of having 14 extra servers be then?
People who do this and are SO eager to get Jason to back them up just generally disgust me.
What are you trying to accomplish? Is destroying other people's playstyle all you care about? What is getting Jason to agree with you going to accomplish exactly?
This is pathetic.

You've also made it blatantly clear that you don't even bother to acknowledge other people's argument and just flat out ignore them.
I would advise anyone in this thread to stop responding to this person.
Let the troll cry about people not taking his shit.

all that you write is pure assumption nothing more

if the other servers were here actually for closed groups formed outside the gameplay then this should be clearly communicated beforehand, so that everybody would know what to do & what not to do

so far i directed people to the low pop servers to play solo or in small groups & i played on them that way myself,
if i was wrong, i didn't know that this is not the way they have to be used & this should be clarified in the future

also if so
then i would prefer to have those servers taken from the official access to everybody, cause apparently they are then not meant that way
just to not have anybody doing things the wrong way

as i wrote
Jason has to clarify, it's his game, his servers, his gameplay

atm i feel like i am playing OHOL wrong cause
i am playing the game vanilla,
i am not a member of any discord or any other group,
i am playing it constructively,
i am not playing it as an overachiever, not trying to pack as many things into it as humanly possible, even if it means to use mods,
i am not griefing,
i am not killing, not even in revenge,
i am not claiming any ownership over any of the things i've made in game,
i am enjoying it to meet randomly with people i don't know
i am enjoying it to spawn in places i have no control over whatsoever
if all that is wrong, then ok, the other game this thread suggests is not my way & i will indeed just remove myself & let the elitists play it their way


#37 2019-03-04 00:13:37

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Asking names on server 7

breezeknight wrote:

we all would be able to spawn into the same family, play with the same people, spawn into the same place, the same town, spot on

we all are able to do it, build your own fucking town, theres plenty of space in a server.


#38 2019-03-04 00:26:18

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Asking names on server 7

Jk Howling wrote:

Just browsing through, I still don't get the issue lmao..

You're upset because someone didn't want to keep you for x reason? But that's half the game. People can abandon babies for whatever reason they want. It's irrelevant if you think they're unfair. I complain about people abandoning male babies all the time, but doesn't mean they won't continue to do so.

I also don't get the big fuss about it. What specifically is on server 7 in that specific community that you want so fucking badly? Is it one of those "I can't have it so I want it even more!!!" things?

There's 15 servers my dude. Wanna play alone? Go on an empty server. Wanna play with a bunch of people? Go play on the big server. Wanna get a small group of friends together and build up a town with them? Go on a deserted server.

Its that fucking simple.

then  let me explain it to you

it's not that someone is not keeping the baby or killing someone because of whatever
it's that someone was asking a player to identify themselves in game as part of a group formed outside the game, on discord
& because they were not part of that group, so they were killed
not the part of being killed is here the problem but the part of the identification

& if
what those players of that group are doing is correct, conform with how Jason intended the gameplay & the servers, then
it means that they have the right to claim ownership over the things they've built in game & will remove any other player who did not identify themselves as part of that group
& then it should be clearly communicated by Jason, so that there is no wrong logging in on the wrong server

in my eyes, the group hijacked the server but that's just my estimation of the situation, i have no saying what Jason has intended
if i am wrong, then ok, i will reevaluate the game since i've been playing it the wrong way, being a random unknown spawner as a random person to a random area & random family
& i've been telling other players that this is the right way to play OHOL
if i was wrong about that, then i want to get that clarified now

because that's not about "a playstyle"
it's about if collusions outside the game are replacing now the lacking gameplay about to know game coordinates, to know the other players, to respawn into the same location again & again
so far i thought all that was not intendend by Jason
but if i was wrong then i have to reevaluate, because that's a completely different game & many things included don't make much sense to me but maybe i've seen it from a wrong perspective, i would like to know


#39 2019-03-04 00:33:55

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Asking names on server 7

Booklat1 wrote:
breezeknight wrote:

we all would be able to spawn into the same family, play with the same people, spawn into the same place, the same town, spot on

we all are able to do it, build your own fucking town, theres plenty of space in a server.

hm, so you are saying that you play only or mainly that you exactly know who you are playing with, player by player, that you exactly know  where you spawn, know beforehand what family you spawn to & that you are able every time you wish to spawn in the exact location so you are able to build on the same town you founded ?
& you don't play randomly at all & you think playing with "random spawns" you don't know is not really a worthy gameplay to play ?

well, i thought randomness is the core element of OHOL


#40 2019-03-04 00:53:15

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Asking names on server 7

I only play random but its possible for anyone to build private towns in otherwise empty servers.
build your own, they have no obligation to share what they built.


#41 2019-03-04 01:27:54

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Asking names on server 7

breezeknight wrote:

in my eyes, the group hijacked the server but that's just my estimation of the situation, i have no saying what Jason has intended
if i am wrong, then ok, i will reevaluate the game since i've been playing it the wrong way, being a random unknown spawner as a random person to a random area & random family
& i've been telling other players that this is the right way to play OHOL
if i was wrong about that, then i want to get that clarified now

It's a game. There is no single "right" way to play, nor should there be. We play how we play depending on our personal interest, using what we're given. Killers can kill because there's weapons in the game. Roleplayers can roleplay because they're given a public chat to communicate with. Super-tryhard survival players can happily work away for an hour without even speaking to another soul. And yes, tese smaller discord communities can do what they do because the system allows them to do so.

Playstyles exist in every game, regardless of the intentions of the creators. That's the wonders of the human race- not everyone thinks the same way or takes the same actions. Creative freedom is what gives a game flavor and keeps it from growing stagnant.

There is no 'right' way to play this game, and they're definitely not playing it 'wrongly.' Just as players who abused the heat of desert edges, and those who were eve chaining on the main servers before it patched, weren't playing wrongly.

If Jason dislikes it, he'll fix it eventually- as is within his power and his rights to do so, being the game's creator. But he shouldn't have to hold our hands and tell you what is okay and what isn't for it to be 'right,' nor should you be able to dictate what's the 'correct' playstyle.

-Has ascended to better games-


#42 2019-03-04 01:35:33

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 205

Re: Asking names on server 7

breezeknight wrote:

all that you write is pure assumption nothing more

It's funny that you completely disregarded any of my direct questions.
You didn't even attempt to answer a single one.
Are you afraid to reach a conclusion that might contradict your opinion?

Why don't we talk about you anyways.
All that you write is based off of assumptions too.
Why do you assume the complete opposite of what I assume? What's your reasoning behind this?

My reasoning is extremely simple: there is a mechanic that allows people to perpetually find and work on their town when they are on their own, why should that be despite the fact that Jason doesn't want people to be able to return to previous lineages in general?

Seems paradoxical doesn't it? Maybe it means, oh I don't know, that both playstyles are actually intended and valid?
Which is strongly reinforced by the fact that this mechanic exclusively works if there is a low enough population on a given server.

breezeknight wrote:

then i would prefer to have those servers taken from the official access to everybody, cause apparently they are then not meant that way
just to not have anybody doing things the wrong way

You also seem to think that both playstyles cannot coexist for some reason. Why?
Why can't they both be valid?
People paid to have access to these servers. Why should they be taken off?

Also, once again and this is the last time I will say it, nothing was "done the wrong way" here.
People used ingame mechanics that were implemented and approved by Jason himself.
And if you're still not convinced, let me show you something that will BLOW your mind.

jasonrohrer wrote:

I also envision wars between villages.

Do you see that? What's happening here is something Jason actually hoped would happen. Unbelievable, right?

breezeknight wrote:

so far i directed people to the low pop servers to play solo or in small groups & i played on them that way myself,
if i was wrong, i didn't know that this is not the way they have to be used & this should be clarified in the future

You weren't wrong. Again, both playstyles can coexist. Because, and this is also the last time I will say it, nobody said you couldn't play on that specific server.
After the community banned you from their lineage, you were still perfectly free to respawn in that server as an Eve.
And possibly even play with your friends and make a town of your own as well which is something you yourself just recommended to friends and as such asserted was a possibility. You're literally contradicting yourself there.
Which is it? Are people allowed to play in groups in the small servers or not?

If your only defense to this argument is that "well when we play in groups on the small servers we don't kill the babies we don't know" then I'm sorry to tell you that this is absolutely allowed without any doubts.
Murder-induced lineage banning is part of the gameplay and people are allowed to use it at their own discretion.
There's no way around that. So yes, killing babies you do not know is perfectly acceptable in this game.

breezeknight wrote:

atm i feel like i am playing OHOL wrong cause
i am playing the game vanilla,
i am not a member of any discord or any other group,
i am playing it constructively,
i am not playing it as an overachiever, not trying to pack as many things into it as humanly possible, even if it means to use mods,
i am not griefing,
i am not killing, not even in revenge,
i am not claiming any ownership over any of the things i've made in game,
i am enjoying it to meet randomly with people i don't know
i am enjoying it to spawn in places i have no control over whatsoever
if all that is wrong, then ok, the other game this thread suggests is not my way & i will indeed just remove myself & let the elitists play it their way

Again, nobody said that your playstyle is wrong.
Both can coexist without one destroying the other.
If you want the randomness then you can play on the bigserver.
If not, then you can play on the small extra servers even if there is another community making a town there.


#43 2019-03-04 01:36:46

Registered: 2019-03-02
Posts: 21

Re: Asking names on server 7

Léonard wrote:

Why do you think the extra servers exist in the first place?
Answer me this question.

Here is what Jason says about servers.
I understand it is a tool for load balancing but he would prefer all players on same server.

jasonrohrer wrote:

What we had:  players spread out onto three or four servers for load-balancing purposes.  During peak times, this was necessary to prevent any individual server from becoming too overloaded.  During off-peak times, we kept sending players to all the p7reviously-active servers to avoid any one server dying out unfairly (see the earlier Population Stabilization update).  But this meant that during off-peak times, even with plenty of people still playing, the population on each server got a little thin.

What we want:  everyone playing on one server, together, all the time.

Léonard wrote:

Why do you think there is actually a mechanic in place that allows Eves to find their town back when the server has a low enough population?

What mechanic? Because with a maker planted on a server with only me as player i never respawned near my marker.

Personally i like to play in small group or alone.
But I hate the idea of a guy killing because he is scared of foreigners.

Maybe it could help if we could only respawn on friends. And only authorize friends to spawn on mother.
I saw a "friends" button on login screen but dont know what is it.

Last edited by mric (2019-03-04 01:47:52)


#44 2019-03-04 01:57:42

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 205

Re: Asking names on server 7

That doesn't really answer the question at all.
This was for the bigserver update and I remember it, I was there too.
Note how he talks of only 4 servers max for the main population instead of 14.
What do you do with the remaining 10? Why are they here? That's the question.

Note how he also states that his goal is to have everyone in a single server.
A single big server. Well, why have 14 extras then?

mric wrote:

I saw a "friends" button on login screen but dont know what is it.

This is how twinning is achieved.
Which by the way implies that coordinating through means other than the game itself is actually something Jason acknowledges and freely allows on every servers.
That's also why twins are so controversial. Have you heard of mothers killing their twin babies? Yeah, that happens and is absolutely allowed.
People killing babies due to the fear of strangers happens all the time when twins are born.


#45 2019-03-04 02:38:57

Bob 101
Registered: 2019-02-05
Posts: 313

Re: Asking names on server 7

sigmen4020 wrote:
breezeknight wrote:
sigmen4020 wrote:

Ok, I'm apart of one of those groups that are currently playing on server 7, and there is a big reason why randoms aren't kept, especially recently since a group of people hijacked one persons camp and turned it into an apocalypse fortress. We have also dealt with impersonators before where they claimed they were someone from the group, and when they grew up they killed of one of our Eve spawns.

We are not entitled to let everyone in and risk everything we build get griefed. We almost lost everything to griefers targeting the server. I don't really understand why so many people seem to think that we should just go balls to the walls and let everyone and their mother into our town, when it's been very clear in the past that some pricks join small servers just to destroy everything someone has built.

And Tarr I was in the town where someone was claiming to be you, and I am glad now that we decided to not keep that one.

Edit: And also if I want to constantly deal with normal randoms I go to the normal bigserver like most other people, which I do all the time I'm not playing with the group.

Edit 1: Also if you want to join a town on the small servers I'm sure there are more for you out there, or you can build your own. You are not entitled to be kept in one specific town.

Edit 2: Also if you do you want to be there, you can give your discord name, and we mostly keep everyone who do that even when they arent a part of our group since they can now be held accountable for their actions.

just to clarify

YOU are the griefers who hijack the server

[sarcasm on] no, you're not elitist at all [sarcasm off] yikes
"normal randoms"
"our group"
"We are not entitled to let everyone in and risk everything we build get griefed."
"our town"

i tell you what you are not entitled to - to hijack any of the official servers
you are in fear of losing "your" precious builds ? i hope the next update wipes all clean or maybe i should participate in an apocalypse on server 7 lol

just release the official server you hijacked & go make your private server, so that "randoms" like me can play whereever they like

- - -

Oh please, come in and try to join creating the apocalypse on server 7 (though you'll have to start from scratch, because we destroyed their camp during the patch), be part of the reason why we don't keep sketchy randoms in our town. Oh and notice how I say town and not server. We do not own the server, you can play on it if you want, you're just not allowed to be born in the town we spent days building up from scratch, if you don't wanna be held accountable.

But also I'll ask you then since you seem to think that everyone is entitled to be kept everywhere. Should we all just let griefers run amok on the big server for example, because they are entitled to be there.

I'd be glad to help with an apoc, I've never done so before.

According to Tarr it is possible to track down where people have died, Meaning that it is possible to travel to the town without being born. We can do so while they are offline and trash the place to the point of being uninhabitable.


#46 2019-03-04 03:10:18

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Asking names on server 7

says breeze who didn't kept babies as a protest against the gameplay big_smile

you can be  member of their group if you want
its easier to tell specific rules outside the game, like a theme
like a group who only plays nomad or only makes doors for walls or silly stuff

the fact that we got 15 servers, no reason to complain if they don't keep you
you can get eve spawn on same server or there are 14 other servers where you can have your own group

its like getting mad that someone takes her girlfriend up to his room
you can do that as well or you can stay out or you can ask for a gruppen but might not happen tongue big_smile livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#47 2019-03-04 13:51:33

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 16

Re: Asking names on server 7

So someone or some people are using at most a few thousand tiles out of 50 million and you claim they are being selfish? ???
The level of entitlement seems a tad high.  The server is still accessible too you, just because they did not want you in their little group does not mean they have excluded you from the server.  They have done nothing wrong but played the game as intended.  If this wasn't an intended means to play the game why would it be possible?  This mechanic allows people to choose who they want in their group.  If Jason wanted it so we are just useless for the first three minuets then he could have made it that way without making it someone else's decision if you live or die.

Not that we should compare this game to real life, but some peoples analogies to real life are firggin hilarious.  We don't know the meaning of life on earth, but does that mean we shouldn't live it because we are unsure if how we live it was the intended way?


#48 2019-03-04 14:26:52

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Asking names on server 7

pein wrote:

there is 0 difference between s11 and s12 for example

No.  The following might miss your point, but it will at least indicate it's a bit more complicated than that.  At least so far as I know, at present, there are no twitch streamers who play on s11.  There exist Twitch streamers who play on server 12, and there exists a very sizeable road network connecting cities (and the road even now leads to a "lost" town or two that got killed since no one went there for a while).  Server7 has a sizeable road network connecting towns also, but it's not as big as the one on server12.

I think I agree otherwise.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#49 2019-03-04 14:33:48

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Asking names on server 7

breezeknight wrote:
sigmen4020 wrote:

Ok, I'm apart of one of those groups that are currently playing on server 7, and there is a big reason why randoms aren't kept, especially recently since a group of people hijacked one persons camp and turned it into an apocalypse fortress. We have also dealt with impersonators before where they claimed they were someone from the group, and when they grew up they killed of one of our Eve spawns.

We are not entitled to let everyone in and risk everything we build get griefed. We almost lost everything to griefers targeting the server. I don't really understand why so many people seem to think that we should just go balls to the walls and let everyone and their mother into our town, when it's been very clear in the past that some pricks join small servers just to destroy everything someone has built.

And Tarr I was in the town where someone was claiming to be you, and I am glad now that we decided to not keep that one.

Edit: And also if I want to constantly deal with normal randoms I go to the normal bigserver like most other people, which I do all the time I'm not playing with the group.

Edit 1: Also if you want to join a town on the small servers I'm sure there are more for you out there, or you can build your own. You are not entitled to be kept in one specific town.

Edit 2: Also if you do you want to be there, you can give your discord name, and we mostly keep everyone who do that even when they arent a part of our group since they can now be held accountable for their actions.

just to clarify

YOU are the griefers who hijack the server

[sarcasm on] no, you're not elitist at all [sarcasm off] yikes
"normal randoms"
"our group"
"We are not entitled to let everyone in and risk everything we build get griefed."
"our town"

i tell you what you are not entitled to - to hijack any of the official servers
you are in fear of losing "your" precious builds ? i hope the next update wipes all clean or maybe i should participate in an apocalypse on server 7 lol

just release the official server you hijacked & go make your private server, so that "randoms" like me can play whereever they like

- - -

I don't agree with BreezeKnight.  So long as Jason isn't changing things to destroy their work, they should keep on playing on server7.  Yes, those servers are public and they can get destroyed.  But, they are also paying customers and have a right to complain if they don't like how the product goes.  They can make requests or demands.  They probably don't want a private server, because playing with strangers can be fun.  It's just that playing with a murderer or someone intentionally trying to destroy someone else's work for the heck of it, isn't fun.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#50 2019-03-04 14:47:43

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Asking names on server 7

breezeknight wrote:
Anandamide wrote:

... If someone does not want to keep you as a baby, youre just gonna have to get over it. If you stumble upon a village, and they ask who you are and you refuse to tell them, then youre gonna need to use force to exert your will to be there. If you cant do that then there is no help for you. Tough fucking luck buddy.

you can't apparently get over the fact, unless you form an external group on discord & such, you are unable to tell who you are playing with

cause you want to make sure you play with the "right" people & you force every other "random" out of your closed elitist gameplay & all that on the official servers in an Open Source Public Domain game

I doubt their concerns are elitist in nature.  I doubt they mind some newer players or some inefficient players.  Personally speaking, I once had a player on server12 who made a plaster wall corner out near my belltower.  He also grew three maples *underneath* my 6 berry bushes (maybe I didn't even need grown berry bushes for what I was doing).  I just asked him why he made the plaster wall structure.  I think he told me he was experimenting.  I decided to re-water the maples also, and kept them until I accidiently picked a bush.  I didn't mind his "mistakes".  If he was a new player, he was probably experimenting and learning.  If he was an experienced player being silly, he didn't do enough harm that I felt like I had wasted time by raising him.  Also, if someone is messy or something (I'm probably a messier player than many people), or has a strange playstyle, one can probably just say something and I suspect that will take care of things.  I doubt that low population server players who don't keep children thus have an elitist attitude and insist that everyone maximize in-game efficiency at all times.  Really, there probably exists less of a concern for efficiency on those servers, because if there is say iron made into 15 large pulleys (which I don't see how could be good), getting more iron might not be all that much of a problem since there aren't so many other families competing for resources.

A more pressing concern though is someone who grabs and knife or bow and arrow and kills you when you least suspect it.  Then you lose your Eve spawn.  Or forms of serious hassle which just kill your enjoyment.  And the problem comes as you hardly can tell if a baby you keep will be that murderer.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


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