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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-03-09 10:12:29

Bob 101
Registered: 2019-02-05
Posts: 313

What do you consider fair game?

By that I mean when do you think it's right to murder.

For me it is people do disobey a warning, For example a dude shearing all sheep will get one chance. If they are respectful and listen then all is good. If they are rude or do it again, I stab them the next chance I get.
The warning is the peaceful option. My "warning" system pretty much covers everything.

The second is anyone who curses me and/or gets overly pissy over a fair kill. I mean once they curse me, They've already used their ammunition against me.

I don't murder to grief anymore, Only to defend my honor and to teach bad players a lesson. It can look like spree killing but I always have a reason for every kill. Nobody is killed unprovoked.

If you show respect and accept responsibility for mistakes then you'll never die to me.

People seriously need to stop trying to vilify every murderer. People often have reasoning, we don't always stop to explain because people will ask "why?" And stab us while we type.

Save your curse points for idiots and not the people who stab them.


#2 2019-03-09 10:48:36

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 353

Re: What do you consider fair game?

I'd argue that with fed shorn sheep producing dung its not as big of a deal, you just slightly slow down mutton production for a sec. I think previously the aim to shearing all the sheep was to stop compost cycle, well it doesn't anymore so eventually that will stop being a thing when they catch on.

I love how you consider someone being pissy over a kill is fair game, and follow that point up with, it can look like a killing spree but i always have a reason. Its actually quite deviously hilarious. On the concept of rightful murder and the crowd reaction, well anyone not using the zoom mod can barely ever see whats said by others. Almost always have no clue what is going on. It's a highly dramatic situation especially if the victims are typing with all the red on the screen. You throw out a curse because you almost never use them, and this is what they are supposed to be for right? I mean you killed somebody, I should CURSE you right? Other people are... No one curses the idiots because of the stigma, the base word is already aggressive. Some kid keeps hiding tools or flat rocks from the forge, in a relative setting you'd be yelling at the kid shame on you, not I curse you child! Curses and murders are intertwined heavily and it would be hard to step away from that without reworking the system and potentially changing up donkey town. Sending some dingus to donkeytown for an hour by themselves when they are just starting to learn the game would kill off playerbase, if meant for brickheads picking all the carrots meant for seed, once per life maybe not enough etcetera.

I do agree that most get too involved and don't just let it be. To me its kind of "Bro we are surrounded by a ring of bones of a mothers and brothers and sons. People die every minute or more, just let it be, keep an eye on them, they might be cool.  The drama we surround it with is what is drawing people to murder. Just yesterday someone started killing  people and tried to get a rise. The three left afterwards didn't really care and just kept working. When I told the person Nobody ever cared when they said they killed my mother, thats when I started seeing more colorful language. I have also been in a circumstance that someone just whipped out a knife and started coming at me. I was dodging them no problem, but explaining the situation was exactly possible. In the first circumstance we should have gotten rid of that person way earlier, in the second, I put that person down instantly, only got two curses. These examples are easier to define, one being cause and effect to their crime, the other being self defense. The gray area is when you are both judge and executioner, defining what is idiotic and delivering the killing blow. Thats the slippery slope that makes us vilify murder in my opinion.


#3 2019-03-09 11:11:54

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: What do you consider fair game?

I don't consider a warning valid unless you also try to explain why. Because if you just tell someone to do something they have no obligation to follow you. You are not the king and they have no idea if you are just messing with them or not. You say don't shear the sheep and they say, "Yeah but I need wool to make clothing." They are not wrong in their reasoning.

So I say you need to try to explain it. If you tell them don't do X, because it is going to hurt us because of Y, then they know. Then if they do if they do it anyway, they either have a really good reason, or you know they are just griefing. Also your reasons have to be valid. If you say don't make pies because berries are better and they disagree with you and make a pie, I don't consider that a reason to kill someone.

Also I say try to explain to people, because if they run around and don't listen at all, then it can't really be helped.


#4 2019-03-09 12:12:20

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: What do you consider fair game?

i used to warn people but that aint really working either
some just kill you for killing and heal any griefer over and over

ignorance: if i want something from you there is a reason, don't ignore me, its not a singleplayer game, if you make mistake that's fine, acknowledge that you understand what i say, at least, even if you arent going to fix it if you know now why is bad, and next time you don't do it, you became a better player. if you ignore warnings, then you are same as griefers who do it intentionally, no way to stop you other than murder

rudeness: people who yell kill, curse, fuck you, eat dick and do it yourself (yes that's pretty rude, considering that i can do it myself, i did all myself, but then  why do i need them at the camp? and how do they think stuff was done before their birth?)
generally people who didn't do anything ad, are calm, the ones who offend easily are 14  yo noobs who gonna annoy you later on and they are too selfish to ever consider the opposite part point of view

clothes: says a lot about you how much clothes you got at birth and what is your reaction to it
like spoiled kids who just walk around, if it female, it might be okay at times, but then if there are multiple females, it arent helping at all that someone worked for a full set of clothes and you dilly dally in them, decays in you and the bonus is wasted
partial clothing, never complete it? potential noob
naked cause "shares " everything? bad idea as a mom, until you sure that kid is useful
you are not in charge to "share" things you didnt made, don't be fooled by people who are so nice, that gear you, they just grabbed it off from a corpse
if you make excess clothing you share, every one is responsible to have full clothes, you can give newbees hot clothing but packs and aprons are a waste on them. and kinda that is your worth when you gear a baby: less than a random baby.

so i don't like older naked people, if they could have found enough clothing for themselves but still naked
and i don't like people who inherited a lot of stuff but cant complete it or they think they run shit cause of it

no weapon if no storage. it's a red flag and i might kill right away if i see a 8 year old with weapon (not sure if its increased last update)
and i wont believe a 8 year old with a weapon that he hunts
make a pack or apron then you can have arrow or knife, and no running around with open weapon inside city

curses:i don't think i would curse anyone and i wouldn't kill him/her. maybe a troll last girl, or a noob in middle of town. But both cases i would walk out of screen and do it there.
Cursing onto my face is like a death threat and living cursing people alive can get you unfair curses over time so even killing them in front of others is better some cases. and others should understand that, if someone curses and its wrong it deserves death. if its right then why doesn't kill the other player?
a lot of people take as an excuse that you react badly when you get cursed, you wouldn't? ofc if the first person was wrong and you kill him, siding with that person makes others wrong too.
not everyone is a serial killer, you can see on pathin gwhen someone goes for a specific person or any person.
just because your target is female it doesn't mean you want to kill every female.

2 people with weapons are fair duel whoever is right or wrong. not everything is black and white. don't curse the winner cause it won. also none of your business, both got weapon then its zero sum game.

what people do after a kill: go back to work or rant even more? if the former i generally dont care if the latter than probably they do it again

elongated complains and grudge for a long time: if you spent 10 min asking for curses, ranting that XY is evil, curse, kill XY. chances are that you are the fault or a clueless baby who uses it as an excuse to not work or just useless paranoid newbee. any case you deserve to die rather then the other person if he is working. sometimes people troll but i don't start a crusade on others just because someone doesn't like them.
killers kill others and dotn work, kidnappers kill noobs by starving them.
if they arent doing any of that than maybe the person made up the story, any case go back to work and we react next time he tries to do shenanigans.

using stuff you cannot make:
if you cant make a knife, you don't deserve a knife
if you cannot upgrade a cart, you don't take others upgraded cart
acting offended doesn't make you right, just don't do it, the ones who cry about a knife, a pack or apron, generall ycannot make it that's why they consider it higher value.

leaders who cannot lead:
leaders work
leaders are an example
leaders recognize good players
a crowned noob who spent 30 min making a crown and runs around with horse, its not a leader
a player who only talks and has grandious plans but never making anything, is not a leader
who is rude and thinks it owns others, deserves to die
i seen people who told me that they are leaders of the city or they inherited knife and crown, i don't care, don't get in my way
don't underestimate me
don't try to enforce me

thiefs, liars and framers: if you did something and lie about it only makes it worse, even if you kill someone to activate a nosaj, is ok with me if you don't try to sell me on bullshit
taking stuff i made or others spent time with, might get you killed
framing me in front of others, or framing others while munching berries, not doing anything makes you a useless person and creates useless drama livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2019-03-09 20:37:15

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 245

Re: What do you consider fair game?

I kill racists, murderers, and griefers.

If I see a murder, I get an explanation on why first and judge accordingly. I don't just jump the gun and murder or curse anyone without knowledge of why. I try to sway others to wait for an explanation before cursing or murdering the person.

The other day I had a guy stab my son. I was so mad, like mf'r why'd you kill my son? I kept following him around asking "why did you kill my son", and he just kept blushing and running. I did curse him, because he wouldn't offer an explanation. Unfortunately, I did not have a knife on me, or I would have stabbed him..   I was too old to run off an make anything, and the only bow and arrow was with some old guy running around trying to kill him too. They guy had ran off from the village last I seen.

The strange thing was, the guy was a worker, really peaceful village, so when my son got stabbed I was like wtf, why? No one had anything out trying to kill him for quite awhile, we were all just trying to find out why. So, he had plenty of chance to tell us, he didn't. The curses began flying after he stayed quiet while blushing. It was weird, because like I said, the guy had been working around town and not causing trouble or leeching before that.

Last edited by Jojigirl (2019-03-09 20:40:04)


#6 2019-03-10 00:12:36

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: What do you consider fair game?

I don't think giving clothing to newbie players so they don't die is a bad thing. Even though they will probably make the least use of it as far as helping the community, it has the largest impact on helping them survive. For a newbie having a backpack might be a matter of survival or death, for a pro player it is merely a convenience.

I do agree with you overall, it isn't the ideal situation but it isn't something I would kill a person over.


#7 2019-03-10 00:16:15

Bob 101
Registered: 2019-02-05
Posts: 313

Re: What do you consider fair game?

Jojigirl wrote:

I kill racists, murderers, and griefers.

If I see a murder, I get an explanation on why first and judge accordingly. I don't just jump the gun and murder or curse anyone without knowledge of why. I try to sway others to wait for an explanation before cursing or murdering the person.

The other day I had a guy stab my son. I was so mad, like mf'r why'd you kill my son? I kept following him around asking "why did you kill my son", and he just kept blushing and running. I did curse him, because he wouldn't offer an explanation. Unfortunately, I did not have a knife on me, or I would have stabbed him..   I was too old to run off an make anything, and the only bow and arrow was with some old guy running around trying to kill him too. They guy had ran off from the village last I seen.

The strange thing was, the guy was a worker, really peaceful village, so when my son got stabbed I was like wtf, why? No one had anything out trying to kill him for quite awhile, we were all just trying to find out why. So, he had plenty of chance to tell us, he didn't. The curses began flying after he stayed quiet while blushing. It was weird, because like I said, the guy had been working around town and not causing trouble or leeching before that.

Should've jus let it go, Sounds like he didn't really deserve the curse.

Sometimes you just know when a kid is bad.


#8 2019-03-10 03:01:24

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 245

Re: What do you consider fair game?

Nah, he simply could have said so.. Him not saying anything, just blushing, then running off made me think he was a murderer.  He could have just been waiting for a chance to get his hands on a knife so that he can start killing people. 

It’s not hard to keep from getting cursed if the whole village is giving you a chance to do so.. just speak your peace..


#9 2019-03-10 07:30:10

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: What do you consider fair game?

Lily wrote:

I don't think giving clothing to newbie players so they don't die is a bad thing. Even though they will probably make the least use of it as far as helping the community, it has the largest impact on helping them survive. For a newbie having a backpack might be a matter of survival or death, for a pro player it is merely a convenience.

I do agree with you overall, it isn't the ideal situation but it isn't something I would kill a person over.

that equity shit never works

they can give warm clothes, im okay with that
storage is for explorers, that storage can provide a lot of food for others, while a newbie cant even use it
if they don't know  the controls then they got no use out of it
if they don't go out of town they don't really need it

a pro kid ca feed 10 others while doesn't have to stop so often to eat
it passes 20-30 min until someone dies out of that clothes and then a huge jump in production, why? cause goes to a player who can use ti properly

so inheritance based on gender/family line is so wrong
also wont motivate that kid and its disrespectful towards everyone else who worked his ass off by that time

now when you ask an 1-2 year old to give you the pack and responds with "fuck you" then makes you question why you even helped them in the first place livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#10 2019-03-10 19:04:37

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: What do you consider fair game?

Well if you are the pro that feeds 10 others, who are they to judge who you give a backpack too?


#11 2019-03-11 06:32:35

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: What do you consider fair game?

you arent that pro if you dump clothes on a static kid, you still can see who is working, who not, who is already teenager and left out of any clothes

want to be fair?
put your clothes down around city edges, that ensures, people who at least can navigate properly get it
spend 2-3 minutes to see who is working

i generally "marking" a player who is useful by giving a piece of clothing, at the end i give the pack, apron to the most useful person
a kid who makes compost? he/she deserves pack, even knife, a kid who just born? give some generic clothing like sheep skin, straw hat and let him find other things later on
you can gear 4 year olds, or ask someone if needs a pack

guess what, if you spoil a kid others might think, oh he is clothed, msut be a good player, then gives dumb jobs to others and the city is ruined
oh, uncle is a naked nab, i wont listen to him livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#12 2019-03-11 07:18:23

From: Polska
Registered: 2018-08-12
Posts: 271

Re: What do you consider fair game?

1. when someone is obviously griefing. i dont give a warning or anything before stabbing/shooting. i never got the wrong person and i can figure out who is griefing very easily. if griefer isnt smart i might tell about him to some people who seem trustworthy, before stabbing.

2. when a baby gets all the good clothes. i will try to get him out of village and starve him. putting bb in mosquito is good too. if hes smart and keeps jumping out i'll target another kiddo. yes, it is mean, but giving all your stuff to a kid just because hes "your son" is worse. oh and if the mom notices and starts drama ill target her too. but only if she knows its me that did it. changing clothing usually works because not many people look at names.

and normally im not fully naked when adult so i will swap my cloth with the kid, instead of killing.

3. when i get pissed off. i wont kill you right after, ill just do my job peacefully and at about 58 i will stop eating. then i either lure you out of town and kill, or do in civ if theres not too many people. and i die from starvation so i dont get the curses.
i very rarely get mad at someone, im generally a very passive person and i dont like conflict. soo congrats if youve made me frustrated enough to do it.

4. (before donkey town) if you had black text.

5 if i know you and youre a toxic person (i especially enjoyed destroying aname's lineages and stabbing her smile )

6. if youre racist or sexist . yes it can seem like a dumb reason to some, but i dont care. if you apologize and stop saying idiotic stuff i might not stab you. also theres this incel on ohol discord i realllyy want to stab. he keeps acting smart but ingame i would guess his skill is average at best. still looking forward to 1v1 him. i dont think he has a forum acc.

anyway saying shit like that is a form of griefing because youre starting drama tongue

I sign my ingame notes as Gio or Truz.
big baby:
most kids:


#13 2019-03-11 12:02:07

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: What do you consider fair game?

pein wrote:

you arent that pro if you dump clothes on a static kid, you still can see who is working, who not, who is already teenager and left out of any clothes

That isn't necessarily true. If I am a pro then I know I am going to survive regardless of what I do, so I don't have to take the most efficient possible course of action. I can waste time and do other stuff that I consider fun. If I can feed ten other people but I choose to feed only eight instead because I want to go play some cards in game, who is to judge? Playing cards doesn't increase survival of anyone but I put in my work.

In this case, people have attachments to their children. It is entirely plausible someone may take a liking to their in game newbie kid and give them a backpack to help them survive. An elderly grandma should be able to spoil her grandchild too. You put in your work, you should get to decide.

You shouldn't forget that this isn't entirely a survival game, it is a game about building up society too. It is easy to put little thought in your children when you start pumping them out like crazy, or when they are all useless, or when you are running around just trying to survive on your own. Though you don't want to miss out on those little connections you can make with family here and there.

Which is why even if it isn't fair or isn't ideal, I don't think you should be killing a person over it.


#14 2019-03-11 13:22:45

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 466

Re: What do you consider fair game?

Kids need clothes in real life.
They should get clothes in the game.
They should get baskets and backpacks too.
If there's not enough clothes to go around, there probably is a problem with game balance / game mechanics, not with the players distributing (or not distributing) clothes.

- Easier to make rope and skirts
- Easier to make yarn for sweaters
- Seal coats: Do seals respawn? If not, then seal coats shouldn't decay. (According to the wiki, seal skins don't decay.)
- I'm fine with rabbit fur clothes decaying, but there should be an option to make clothes and backpacks from cow/bison leather.


#15 2019-03-11 16:33:01

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: What do you consider fair game?

Lily wrote:
pein wrote:

you arent that pro if you dump clothes on a static kid, you still can see who is working, who not, who is already teenager and left out of any clothes

That isn't necessarily true. If I am a pro then I know I am going to survive regardless of what I do, so I don't have to take the most efficient possible course of action. I can waste time and do other stuff that I consider fun. If I can feed ten other people but I choose to feed only eight instead because I want to go play some cards in game, who is to judge? Playing cards doesn't increase survival of anyone but I put in my work.

Exactly. If I have only one girl and I'm working near the fire trying to have more kids I don't need as many clothes. A little clothing can be key for getting the kid to adulthood. I do think that people tend to neglect youths and teens who ended up with nothing, so try to spread the goods evenly. I also give items to anyone who is focused on working hard but still naked.

Too often having clothing seems to be about clothing snatching skills which isn't really a skill that makes a town better.

If some people are working and totally naked and others are decked out in full gear and just hanging around camp, I mean, do they see who is feeding them??

It's important to check on others and be kind to anyone who is capable and focused, and be friendly when correcting people who make mistakes (such as feeding shorn sheep to shear them again)

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#16 2019-03-11 16:34:50

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: What do you consider fair game?

Backpacks are another matter. Though it's the thing I want most when young (you can't walk far from the berries without a pack or basket) I'm wary of putting backpacks on kids until I have some sense that they won't just wander off.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


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