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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-03-12 08:52:33

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Around the world and back

Today marks the first time a tutorial village has managed to last long enough to make oil and return a plane to the main area of the game. The Avant lineage split from it's normal city home to the tutorial in Gen 37 when I raised three girls in the tutorial. These girls all managed to reach either elder or die of old age which is pretty impressive considering how messed up the tutorial cells were today. Tutorial town managed to last around ten hours from start to finish from Gen 38 - Gen ??? (family tree got messed up at gen 45 unfortunately and devolved into the mother still living bug) which is pretty good considering that's longer than a good chunk of families.

The tutorial town consisted of two camps, plane camp which had the airplane used to drop off the children enshrined to the NW and the eastern camp which was occupied by living members of the tutorial tribe on at least two different occasions. My first life returning to the tutorial ended up being a roundup as most of the people living in the area were still being nomadic, each "family" roaming from cell to cell looking for gear to give to their children. I'm not sure what caused the split but I met at least two different groups moving through the areas. I ended up meeting a young woman and her baby girl who I brought back to the plane base camp where the family settled down once more. To my knowing this is where the tutorial kin lived for most of the time though I do know at some point someone headed back out east to repopulate.

My second tutorial life ended up being an attempt to finish up the oil rig and get someone from the tutorial back to the main area of the game. I got up to the point where we were adding pipes before I died but was unable to strike oil before hitting old age. My son ended up finishing oil and the plane was flown over to the Christ camp in an attempt to establish contact with the outside world. Unfortunately. the Christ lineage was without women upon arrival and when trying to send the last man to tutorial town the plane in classic fashion was lost once more. No one is sure where this guy ended up but it wasn't in the tutorial.

I think the biggest shame was we don't know exactly how many generations the tutorial family lasted but it was a good run overall. Hopefully the next tutorial family can do even better and maybe we won't lose the plane again lol. The below image shows how goofed up the tutorial cells around where they settled were rofl.


fug it’s Tarr.


#2 2019-03-12 09:31:08

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: Around the world and back

Nice !

I wonder how many tutorial areas are there? Just one for each server? Or many?
If there are many are they far from each other?
Can we find this place by doing the tutorial?

Last edited by Whatever (2019-03-12 09:31:57)


#3 2019-03-12 10:31:44

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: Around the world and back

Me and my mother Tarr: … id=3762548. She was too busy at the time and unintentionally abandoned me (I hope). No hard feelings, Being abandoned is no issue since others will feed you anyways.

Kelvin Christ: … id=3762662. This was the man I encountered upon landing along with another guy who died to yellow fever.

It didn't take me long to realize that we were in the advanced tutorial stage. Many assume they complete the tutorial when they escape their cells, It is not true freedom, however. Jason gave us false freedom thinking that we wouldn't truly escape tutorial land. Anyways I did normal town stuff until I saw my mum running north, I followed her and found that we had oil. She died telling everybody about the oil but nobody else really cared.

It took me years to actually get the oil, Lots of running back and forth with charcoal, water, and pipes. I actually exhausted all the iron at the time making pipes (someone mined vein soon after though). In my old age, my mother's ghost told me to fly west to get back to civilization proper.

I was hoping to get a city and integrate with the outside world. Unfortunately, I landed in a town on its last days,  just a couple of men with no women in sight. I was hoping that the guy would be able to fly eastwards and end up back in tutorial town so they could annex the former Christ territory. But it seems the return trip didn't happen as intended.

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#4 2019-03-12 10:47:57

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 40

Re: Around the world and back

Whatever wrote:

Nice !

I wonder how many tutorial areas are there? Just one for each server? Or many?
If there are many are they far from each other?
Can we find this place by doing the tutorial?

There a lot of them in the same server. More than one hundred, and they are really near from each other, about 10 seconds walking. I think each time someone start the tutorial, a tutorial area is spawned, because there were more than one hundred tutorial areas, I couldn’t count all of them. And we were 10 million tiles away from the bell town, so it’s really far. The tutorial’s walls do decay, so my village had a ton of adobe, they built a really fency shaped sheep pen, huge. It was yesterday, probably they’re alive.


#5 2019-03-12 11:03:23

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Around the world and back

How do you have kids in there? Isn't everyone who shows up infertile?

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#6 2019-03-12 11:18:32

Registered: 2019-03-09
Posts: 193

Re: Around the world and back

Hey, Tarr i spawned into the megacity with the plane and managed to do a few trips to the tutorial.  I first landed there and looked around for a bit and found no girls. So i walked around expecting to find mazes of tutorial buildings. But to my disappointment the buildings had turn into rubble so i decided to head home.
Then i tried to convince a girl to come wit me but she was very young and declined. I took a trip back into the tutorial town to discover more of its wonders and wondered how it had died. According to my travels it was mainly because of separation, i saw many graves faraway from the original town. So i took another trip back to my home town this time doing some of my regular killing.
I asked a few girls and they said they were ready to come so i quickly went back and started a fire. I also go the town organised to host a new generation. Sadly when i tried to go back the plane had tan out of fuel and my tanks were empty. I took a horse and desperately ran north to try and find the oil. I did but it was to late i was aging and before i could journey back me and the plane was lost in the world of silence


#7 2019-03-12 11:34:11

Registered: 2018-12-30
Posts: 943

Re: Around the world and back

I hope to one day be a tutorial child. It had to have really confused the generations being born there. I imagine your average player just not understanding the circumstances and not even realizing they're in an experiment all of it's own.

I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.


#8 2019-03-12 12:40:57

Registered: 2018-10-15
Posts: 347

Re: Around the world and back

Grim_Arbiter wrote:

I hope to one day be a tutorial child. It had to have really confused the generations being born there. I imagine your average player just not understanding the circumstances and not even realizing they're in an experiment all of it's own.

It was confusing (at first) when it happened to me, but also exciting. There's so much stuff in the tutorials!

Admittedly, most of it isn't that exciting, but two full sets of rabbit-fur clothing isn't anything to sneeze at. Plus, 3 boxes, tons of branches, snake boots in waiting... and once the walls crumble, lots of adobe to be had.

I'll happily play as a tutorial child or Eve.


#9 2019-03-13 10:53:02

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Around the world and back

when tarr told me on discord that they need a landing pad, i started making it


i was barely 14 when i finished, i needed some limestone

i got my skinned version ,  not so different from the original
Christfamily was doing well, we had a granny who gave that naked girl her knife and white shirt
Haven Christ
she was quite dumb, i seen it earlier, she couldn't cut boards and duped froe behind the tree twice
i was 35 or so when i was having another kid, we still had like 2 girls
i was workign in meantime, feeding my girl
\she went old and started hugging my baby and dumping out of the fire
i think my kid was also newbie
told her to stop she was still doing it, i called her dumb or something so she started chasing me with the inherited knife
i already made a blade, no time to finish it cause no storage
actually i got grannys pack as this dumb chick already had one
then i made my knife, dumping my girl to the fire
she kidnapped her, feeding her a berry or something cause the kid trusted her
i stabbed her she was trying to hide behind a tree, told the girl to run back to fire, the 2 guys didn't fed it and she starved, she was well clothed but the jungle was too much

so tarr was delayed for some reason and we died out


omg her final world were "you will be safe"
like she was a special kind of stupid starving my daughter in the jungle thinking she is feeding her
ofc this people never get cursed

Last edited by pein (2019-03-13 10:58:34) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#10 2019-03-13 16:39:57

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 556

Re: Around the world and back

futurebird wrote:

How do you have kids in there? Isn't everyone who shows up infertile?

It doesn't appear anyone answered your question. Tarr flew there, i believe broke out of tutorial area and made a landing strip, used mapping to know the direction, then in another life got a plane going in another town. From there, all the kids born are normal. It is part of the game world, just way, way out there.

I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.

Listen to your mom!


#11 2019-03-13 17:59:05

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Around the world and back

I do like the idea of tutorial towns.

A fertile woman only wearing shoes and a backpack.  Yum potential looks low as there is corn grown, no sauerkraut, and no potatoes with 43 raw iron just lying around (and who knows how many tutorial cells haven't gotten emptied of their iron yet, plus all the badlands around).  No cows either or cabbage.  And that's before we start talking about pie diversity.  Only one kiln and only three flat rocks also makes for another indication of the town lacking (and each tutorial area has three flat rocks and plenty of adobe), but that doesn't relate to fertility so much as smithing efficiency.

I think it would be nigh impossible to stop an apocalypse tower for a tutorial town if no landing strips got built there once a group got established there.  That's given the group survives long enough there, or someone revives that spot if the group dies out.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#12 2019-03-13 18:32:03

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Around the world and back

fragilityh14 wrote:
futurebird wrote:

How do you have kids in there? Isn't everyone who shows up infertile?

It doesn't appear anyone answered your question. Tarr flew there, i believe broke out of tutorial area and made a landing strip, used mapping to know the direction, then in another life got a plane going in another town. From there, all the kids born are normal. It is part of the game world, just way, way out there.

Wow that's incredibly cool. I would love to be born there some time. I don't know if I will every make it to helping to build a plane. I did learn how kerosene worked the other day, though.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


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