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#1 2019-03-13 18:19:10

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

In your opinion where should each tool go?

by sheep pen, near entrance, bonus if in a box with other sheep gear

Clippers, drop spindle, knitting needles
Near sheep in basket or box

Ball of thread and needle
Three with the first aid kit, one near sheep, one or two where the trapper drops of rabbits, AND one by the milkweed garden to keep people from using it for thread

Near carrots and soup garden, if you need the hoe for a *seckret* milkweed garden return it quickly ideally there should be 3 hoes

This one can get complex. An old stone hatchet can serve for the soup garden- when that breaks an Ax should be in the garden and by the best cart (if you have one with tires) in the cart or by the wood pile. Ideally someone is doing kindle delivery for the smith, bakery and other cooking operations. If not the smith and bakery should share an ax, and one should float.

Woodworking tools
When not in use they should be together, ideally in a box, near the butt log pile.

When you are done with a cart say so, since they are in demand and very powerful. There should be a parking spot for the cart near the nursery for wood delivery.

Fire starting tools
I've noticed that griefers target these items, the fire bow drill, and firebrands should have a prime location, visible, possibly with a little wood floor to make them stand out.

Smithing hammer, File, Round stone
I don't know the best place for these, in the smithy obviously, but some like to have a basket others not so much. Don't know what is best. Some smiths use the round stone when possible to save the smith hammer.

Bakery Stones
The baker needs a triangle stone and a round stone, these should be in a basket in the corner.

Soup Stones
The stew farm needs a sharp stone and a round stone, these should be in a basket.

Smith Stones
In addition to the possible round stone 3 flat stones should never be touched.

Cooking Stones
A pair of flat stones, a straight shaft, a sharp stone and a collection of 4-6 bowls is the sign of a taco maker or burrito chef.

I don't know if making the nursery fire the central fire is ideal, but it is what normally happens.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#2 2019-03-13 23:44:29

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 364

Re: In your opinion where should each tool go?

I prefer it by the compost piles.  If it ain't there, hopefully somebody else is running for the poo already.  If you leave it by the pen, some idiot will use it to dump all the poo outside the pen in a misguided attempt to help.

In your backpack.  Unless you have a cart and a good straight / curved branch location to stack pump beam assemblies then a backpack for the hatchet and 3 kindling in a basket is the way to go.

Advanced Tools & Baskets
I get real nervous seeing any grouping of advanced tools in a basket precisely because of griefers.  Much better to have them in a stationary box with lid.

In the abdomen of griefers.



#3 2019-03-14 00:41:12

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: In your opinion where should each tool go?

All tools ---> behind a tree.

(Just kidding!)


#4 2019-03-14 01:19:53

Bob 101
Registered: 2019-02-05
Posts: 313

Re: In your opinion where should each tool go?

Common sense, Tools should be where you need them.


#5 2019-03-14 02:13:29

Registered: 2018-08-11
Posts: 476

Re: In your opinion where should each tool go?

I envision towns as having a number of different divisible areas. A central fire/nursery (combining them is good), smithy, bakery, berry farm, carrot farm, soup farm, wheat farm (preferrably by the bakery), sheep pen (also preferrably by the bakery), rabbit dropoff, woodcrafting, hospital, etc. More advanced town might have a tire factory and an engine factory.

Ideally every area should have all the tools it needs kept in that area, not taken away or shared with other areas. Costs time if areas share the same tools.


#6 2019-03-14 02:40:04

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: In your opinion where should each tool go?

The problem is, no matter where you put them, it won't last.  (Well, with the exception of putting the sheep stuff and maybe the shovel near the sheep pen, which people do seem to respect.  Mostly.)

I was in a town last week that was very disorganized, with the various woodworking tools in two or three different places at opposite ends of town.  I got sick of it and gathered it all up in one spot, and built a box to store most of it.  I'd barely finished putting stuff in the box when people started taking it all out and leaving it in random spots again.  Eventually, someone came along, turned my box into a cart, and wheeled it off.  At which point, I gave up.


#7 2019-03-14 02:42:57

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: In your opinion where should each tool go?

OMG that sucks that happened to my stew farm tool box once and I was so sad since I grew the rope myself.

I guess the flip side of this is if you find a tool in a box, or in a location that makes sense and it was easy to find put it back there so someone else can have that same nice experience.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#8 2019-03-14 07:03:30

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 353

Re: In your opinion where should each tool go?

At least we can now move around boxes. Have had that happen a couple times but can usually just transplant a box that was in a bad spot to where you need it. Especially nice if you want to change a sheep pen wall or two with chest later on.


#9 2019-03-14 07:46:12

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: In your opinion where should each tool go?

shovel- behind tree

sheep tools: 1 per tile, helps on swapping, if i bring fleece i want the spindle on floor so i can 2 click convert it

ball of thread and needle: make 10 needles at least, near pen where doesn't disturbs anyone but can be found
have multiple
2-3 for medic station, 1 near milkweed, so they don't use that
one near furs (but possibly make loin cloth or pack)
one hidden and few pads also hidden
one near wheat: its just so cost effective to make straw hat and sheep skin for all the kids, around 10-10, then the skins can be used for saddles when you got better

hoe-near each farm, put that stew farm further
everything full of beans
one near milkweed, one near wheat
fast farmers uses like 3-4 minimum gen 3-5 when you got the tools and the mine and compost is running

adze now breaks a lot of things, keep away from rails and chests
i think pine farming is viable the further you are down the line
4 min each firewood, 15 covers you for the hour so plant 8 trees per hour, not that hard or expensive
you can use them as ambiance or walls
7 mango can run on one compost and one cistern, don't think more than that is viable

carts: have more, don't lose them
i would prefer rubber stations with extra bowls, skewer, stone, few rubber trees, preferably hot spings and palm nearby if you can find such thing
upgraded carts are awesome

stack of stones so people can have some

bow drill near arrow head and flint, or make 2, and keep in central location so people can see
same for tree farming, you keep there for carts and you go there for firewood so makes sense

make multiple location stew, like middle of pen makes sense, once you feed sheep you get an empty bowl back and you can eat
all stew in same spot you need to go there all the time

same for compost, you can put straw where you want the soil, saves lot of time on transport, as you need 7 basket moves and 21 bowl moves, easier to move mashed berriecarrot and dung, and put compost each side of the farm and near each separate farm
a city needs like 3-4, one for smith, one for bakers, one for saurkraut and stew, one for building roads
gather back the sharp stones
use flint to cut stuff in swamp, savanah and back home

make a home marker on a stone floor and keep a sharp and around stone near it, each person makes the home marker there, no multiple markers livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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