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#1 2019-03-14 16:20:29

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

The little bakery that could.

I was born in to a town that had this huge wall-less multi-purpose room for nursery and bakery and...??? who knows. My mother told me the town was terrible. She was right, but she was also wrong.  She is holding me in this image, next to one of a few murdered bodies that were there when I was born. I never found out what happened. Maybe, that is why she thought the town was so horrible? My older brother tried to make me wear a turkey hat. He was kind of silly. Good guy though. And good mom.


I was trying to understand why the town was "horrible" when I found the smallest little bakery. I thought "this can't possibly work" but the walls kept people from walking through the space so it was a quiet place to work. The small size meant no clutter. It was easy to organize and work in there. I decided to give it a go.

As it turns out this small space was great! The 4 floor tiles were the exact correct number for a bowl of dough. So, easy to line everything up. I even had some other people helping for a bit. We focused on rabbit and other specialty pies. There were tons of food in this town, so variety seemed like a good bet.


The main bakery was just a total mess. Why are there bananas there? So many clothes for the kids. I stayed away. Focused on distributing pies, collecting plates  and running the little bakery. I think some people were trying to organize the big bakery and I didn't envy the task they had chosen.


At one point a woman, without saying anything started putting cooked rabbit in the bakery storage bins, she was working with a guy who added another box so I could not lay out 4 plates anymore. Basically spoiling everything. I tried to talk to them tell them that I enjoyed the bakery but she didn't respond. I got so frustrated and angry, I didn't know how to get rid of the box. Then I remembered I could turn it in to a sledge. (what goes around comes around) I took the cooked rabbits in baskets to the horse and rode them out of town. That made me feel much better I had my bakery back and set up for one last round of pies.

I'm certain the woman had some plan for the space, maybe a larder? but there was an oven there and my pie crusts. She took the carrots I was using *out* of the bowls, took the pie crusts away and took the kindling. Clearly, she didn't want me to bake there. Why? She didn't say anything about why. Would not talk to me. So, I felt justified in exiling her cooked rabbits (I tried removing them and setting them where people could eat them a few times, but she just brought them back, hence the exile.)


It can be really upsetting when someone takes apart something that you are building. I had been talking with other people about how much I liked the little bakery, and then it gets dismantled like that. But, setting things right didn't take as long as I thought it would. In no time, I was organized and ready for one last pie baking. A little boy who looked like my older brother came by to help. Maybe he will keep the bakery going.

It wasn't a terrible town, ma. It had some people with bad communication skills, but more people were nice and helpful than obtuse and oppositional. I'm glad I didn't /die even though you seemed to think that would have been better.

Last edited by futurebird (2019-03-14 16:22:36)

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#2 2019-03-14 16:44:49

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 364

Re: The little bakery that could.

And those are the times where brandishing a knife and yelling "back off or I'll knife you!" communicate your displeasure the best.

I really hate it when I'm off on my own and others insist on invading my space.  The walls / fence wasn't the first clue?  The others learn quickly after you knife the first.



#3 2019-03-14 16:51:41

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 353

Re: The little bakery that could.

Bless your heart Future, I was the one that set that up as the rabbit bakery. Took a little to get the shift done right, I finished the walls and put the boxes in, made all the plates and bowls. So happy to see someone care to take pictures and talk about it on the forums.

Also why in the world would they add another box in the prep space, I saw them starting to skewer those rabbits right before I died and I knew it was no good, bones would get all over either bakery. Nice job dragging it out.

Last edited by Psykout (2019-03-14 16:55:39)


#4 2019-03-14 17:07:35

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: The little bakery that could.

Thank you for building it! It turned out to be a wonderful design and I know I'll copy it some time. Never been in such an easy to use an organized bakery.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#5 2019-03-14 17:51:55

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: The little bakery that could.

i think i was your mum & that was one of the very frustrating towns for me today
a noob got murdered for no reason, another guy got murdered "because he's been eating", geez

& all my runs today but one were when someone came to where i was doing something & started meddling in, only to leave the place later unattended, either the forge, the compost place, the carrot farm, the bakery

this is worse than outright griefing
bless the noobs that just stand around & watch people doing something & learn in peace
& curse the people who take & work without reason or consideration mad

but i had at least one good run, one good life today
where i revived a bakery & several other players helped & were not just doing stupid stuff but reasonable
there were three boxes, which were placed directly above the oven, between oven & wall & were totally in the way, so i moved them to the other side of the door, after that the bakery began to flourish, also because i established a fire in one corner of the place
that was the only good life i had

but the small bakery you describe might be a good one only if you are working alone, but in OHOL you shouldn't count on that, people want either help or just stand around disturbing
a bigger space is better functioning, not too big but a little bigger

nevertheless, i am happy your life turned out to be somewhat enjoyable,
i couldn't take it anymore & suicided as with the other unnerving lives today tongue

- - -

Last edited by breezeknight (2019-03-14 17:53:36)


#6 2019-03-14 17:58:18

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 353

Re: The little bakery that could.

I think doing top left corner oven and top row boxes would be great,you could set three rows of plates. The oven was there and I never thought to move it, i think was the original bakery, we just put walls around it in my gen. I really liked having two baking spaces too on top of the organization of the smaller size. Someone was actively hunting tons of rabbits so everyone had clothes and packs, but it lead to tons of rabbits piling up, and it would be too many pies for one space because there was also a fricken crap ton of mutton around too. I am gonna to try setting up rabbit stations again like that, just small little guy, makes others more likely to pursue rabbits as well.


#7 2019-03-14 18:24:10

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 556

Re: The little bakery that could.

what family name? This looks really familiar to me. I think I was male doing iron runs in that life though.

I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.

Listen to your mom!


#8 2019-03-14 18:49:40

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 353

Re: The little bakery that could.


#9 2019-03-14 19:28:45

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: The little bakery that could.

breezeknight wrote:

but the small bakery you describe might be a good one only if you are working alone, but in OHOL you shouldn't count on that, people want either help or just stand around

- - -

I think people "help" because they only know a few of the baking steps. When that happens I say "go get a bucket of water" or "go get flour" if they don't go then I do it. Most of the time you can get a bakery running just by bringing kindling and lighting the fire. I don't know why no one wants to do that (maybe they don't know how?) but I have see so many bakeries where there are just stacks of uncooked pies and people keep making more and more and only bake if you step in.

If there are two baskets of uncooked pies I'll get started lighting the fire unless the town has too much food, then I wait for 4 baskets. At an eve camp I'll start it up at one basket. Uncooked pie are clutter, get them out of the bakery. Get the cooked ones out too.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#10 2019-03-14 21:08:51

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: The little bakery that could.

boxes directly over the oven is a bad idea, because people want to get to the boxes & they clutter the oven
also if you bake with several people & have one side blocked everybody stands in the way of the other
an oven is best placed two spaces free from all sides, even from the wall, or even better, in the middle of the bakery

i've seen a good idea, a turkey broth corner in the bakery, where the bones can be utilised

& a bakery needs an own fire & therefore piles of wood & kindling oc

- - -

Last edited by breezeknight (2019-03-14 21:09:33)


#11 2019-03-14 21:35:47

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: The little bakery that could.

lately i been doing forging, i make my own fire,  bakery doesnt really need a fire, nursery or forge is fine livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#12 2019-03-14 22:20:56

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: The little bakery that could.

Problem is, if you have a fire, people with babies will plop them down there. If you are nursing age mother they will just leave them there for you to feed!

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#13 2019-03-15 07:24:28

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 353

Re: The little bakery that could.

breezeknight wrote:

boxes directly over the oven is a bad idea, because people want to get to the boxes & they clutter the oven
also if you bake with several people & have one side blocked everybody stands in the way of the other
an oven is best placed two spaces free from all sides, even from the wall, or even better, in the middle of the bakery

i've seen a good idea, a turkey broth corner in the bakery, where the bones can be utilised

& a bakery needs an own fire & therefore piles of wood & kindling oc

- - -

This setup could only really work as a second bakery that handles pies outside of mutton, hands down. It was very easy to roll out a bunch of baskets of pies and get them ready for a fire and fire both boxes. In this setup after thought, two people can easily go at it because you can cook from both the top part of the oven and the bottom. The only thing I would change to make it be able to pump out more would be to do 5x4 and two boxes on each side, each person would have two boxes to pull out of and bake, only ever needing to move one tile. You could then also store bucket of water in the production row. Another interesting note, because of the small size there was less free tiles. Even when it would be cluttered by someone, it only took moving a few items to get back to normal.

Since it's a second bakery, needing its own personal wood supply (the tiles south of the wall were free always so you could spill out down there when plating heavy or for few kindling. There is a permanent fire 8 tiles away with a shaft next to it, why waste space to store it in house. You aren't the main food source, you are supplying yum to those that are conscious of it, and dealing with the side effect of heavy rabbit trapping for clothes and packs. After this experience I think there is merit to having a second small scale bakery to handle pies if you are actively hunting rabbits. Either that or maybe skin the rabbit and just bring back the fur because damn those stack up fast.


#14 2019-03-15 07:54:34

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: The little bakery that could.

Better to bring the rabbits back, but skin them on the edge of town.   Rabbit meat doesn't do anyone any good if it is a hundred tiles away from the bakery.   And leaving the meat in the field and bring back baskets full of skins is just silly.    It takes the same amount of space and fewer trips to bring back the whole rabbits.  Just don't feel like you have to bring ALL the rabbit meat inside the bakery at once.   If the bakery already has a few baskets of meat, leave the rest outside so the baker has floor space for plates.

It always a good idea to find a nice empty stretch of open space on the edge of town, not too far from the bakery to setup your rabbit processing station.  When the bakery is full of meat, just leave the rabbit meat on the ground when you finish processing the hides.  The meat will be just fine sitting there until it is needed.


#15 2019-03-15 10:08:31

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 353

Re: The little bakery that could.

DestinyCall wrote:

Better to bring the rabbits back, but skin them on the edge of town.   Rabbit meat doesn't do anyone any good if it is a hundred tiles away from the bakery.   And leaving the meat in the field and bring back baskets full of skins is just silly.    It takes the same amount of space and fewer trips to bring back the whole rabbits.  Just don't feel like you have to bring ALL the rabbit meat inside the bakery at once.   If the bakery already has a few baskets of meat, leave the rest outside so the baker has floor space for plates.

It always a good idea to find a nice empty stretch of open space on the edge of town, not too far from the bakery to setup your rabbit processing station.  When the bakery is full of meat, just leave the rabbit meat on the ground when you finish processing the hides.  The meat will be just fine sitting there until it is needed.

I meant more of, that if they are just stacking up and up, and no one is doing anything with them whats the point. Trying to add in other pie production into a bakery that's already moving smoothly with mutton gets chaotic fast, and you can't tell the pies apart easily. Tried it a few lives today and each one was decently successful, one branching out to clothing production right next to it.


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