a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Pages: 1
Check this out:
* Fully clothed.
* +11 bonus pips
* 6 "normal" food pips after bite.
* Managed to get to a snow biome within 5 seconds.
* 11 pips consumed.
I would have been 100% dead without that yum bonus. And while I like yumming giving advantages this seems a bit too deadly.
did this happen before or after the change to how clothing works ?
cause Jason changed that with the Mar 15, 2019 update
https://github.com/jasonrohrer/OneLife/ … aee0fab393
i was dead two times in situtions as described before, so i know it was deadly
i have hoped the new change to clothing helped but didn't play today & didn't run fully clothed into mosquitos since that update, so didn't test it
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Last edited by breezeknight (2019-03-16 09:49:46)
The clothing rework isn't the problem here, its the fact that clothing is needed now, while before, most people would run around naked, so a snow biome could cool you down fast enough to survive in most cases
The clothing rework isn't the problem here, its the fact that clothing is needed now, while before, most people would run around naked, so a snow biome could cool you down fast enough to survive in most cases
Jason removed the sim step to clothing, which added warmth
i asked if that did the trick
clothing should insulate, no warm up, insulate against warm & cold temperatures towards perfect temperature
that update goes in that direction
Yeah this happened to me a few times after the temperature/clothing updates.
It just would get stuck at max temp and going in the arctic wouldn't help at all (the arrow wouldn't even move).
More recently it's been a little different though, now it still gets "stuck" in the red but not at max anymore for me.
Going in the arctic in this case helps but moves the arrow only a tiny bit.
I think there might be a bug or something.
I thought back when the temperature update happened Jason wanted to address mosquitoes being absolutely deadly while wearing clothes.
Or maybe I just misunderstood something.
Pages: 1