One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-03-16 16:16:07

Registered: 2019-03-09
Posts: 193

I became a DRUG DEALER in OHOL!

Today i was twinning with my friend and i decided to become a drug dealer. It wasn't a pleasant job trust me and i ended up dying really young like most drug dealers.

So as soon i was old enough i left with a backpack in search of the precious drugs (mushrooms) it took me a while but i soon found a empty soil pit full of drugs. I wanted to try them straight away but new that i had a business to run.

I saw this kid working very hard in the berry farms. I knew that after working so hard he would need some drugs. So i went up to him and asked him and he replied "I WANT DRUGS!!" so he was the first business. In return he killed my uncle in front of the town and i got my uncles clothes, unfortunately the picture of him killing my uncle didn't save.

Then i ended up giving my mom some drugs because why not. She was a nurse to so it might help her learn how people feel after taking drugs!

Later, on i went into the main building and asked a kid if he wanted drugs. He said yes! but i ate it myself. Then i said i have more and stabbed him. When people asked me why did i stab him i said i was on drugs and didn't know that i had a knife in my hand, people believed me and the boy was healed.

I went up to the boy i stabbed and apologized. I also gave him 2 mushrooms which made him happy.

I was then on my voyage to find more drugs and nearly had a horse full. I ran out of food midway so i just ate 2 mushrooms. i also saw a banana on the floor and when i went to eat the banana it moved. I was confused and when i looked at my food bar i noticed that i had just been mosquito bitten. I died shortly after. This is why you must not take drugs they are very bad! If you are addicted to drugs go to your town nurse and take them in her supervision. Thank you for listening i hope i taught you a lesson.


#2 2019-03-16 16:53:36

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: I became a DRUG DEALER in OHOL!

Lesson learned:  Never trust bananas!


#3 2019-03-16 17:36:37

Aurora Aurora
From: Tuppsala (HAHA FATTAR NI!?!?!)
Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 839

Re: I became a DRUG DEALER in OHOL!

PSh, rookie. You have to build up a harem of young girls before you attempt this. If the towns girls trust you people wont dare to kill you

One of the original veterans.
Go-to person for anything roleplay related.
4 years in the community.
Unbanned from the discord.


#4 2019-03-16 17:50:03

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: I became a DRUG DEALER in OHOL!

I was just in that town. I found one of the shrooms and downed it. It was pretty good.

.-.. .. ..-. . / .. ... / ... - .-. .- -. --. . .-.-.- / ... --- / .- -- / .. .-.-.-
ˆ ø˜ç´ ƒ®åµ´∂ å˜ ˆ˜˜øç∑˜† å˜∂ ©ø† å∑å¥ ∑ˆ†˙ ˆ†
he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


#5 2019-03-16 17:51:43

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: I became a DRUG DEALER in OHOL!

I was in that town after the crack epidemic you started. This explains a lot. LOL.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#6 2019-03-16 17:54:33

Registered: 2018-09-08
Posts: 381

Re: I became a DRUG DEALER in OHOL!

Do you even get paid doning this kind of thing.


#7 2019-03-16 18:05:37

From: Under your bed
Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 781

Re: I became a DRUG DEALER in OHOL!

There was a drug epidemic in this other town I was at too, Lemon lineage.

My favourite all time lives are Unity Dawn, who was married to Sachin Gedeon.

PIES 2.0 <- Pie diversification mod


#8 2019-03-17 08:42:56

From: The Local Graveyard
Registered: 2019-02-08
Posts: 133

Re: I became a DRUG DEALER in OHOL!

sounds like you had a lot of fun, huh?


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