a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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What are the top 3 most underrated village jobs in your view. Mine are:
-Fetching and making kindle. It's a mess when the baker and smith and everyone else are doing this peicemeal
-The person who waters the berries on the corners of the sheep pen, same person waters trees their grand parents planted
-Food, soil, water distribution and return near berry patch. The people prevent newbies from saying "nothing to do" while the berries die because there are easy tasks laid out and ready, compost piles are separated, water buckets full, enough bowls and baskets are present and there are foods to eat other than berries that are easy to find. When these things are in place new players can be productive. ?
What are your current top 3?
Compost used to be on this list, but I think more people have been learning and doing this task, while kindle is always an issue.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
I usually make a lot of kindling in beginning Eve towns.
Woodcutter maintaining main fires with stocks as well is a godsend. In bigger towns someone working only on storage and returning tools etc to correct areas is also ideal. General caretaker works for this too, unsung heroes.
Milkweed farmer - omg we can do everything! Seriously how excited do we get seeing a full field of milkweed!
Scouts: again especially in big towns, wanderers can bring back 'lost' tools and resources, commonly carts too as well as review surrounding resources which have often not been looked at in hours. Invaluable
Anyone that is willing to clean up the mess and restock frequently. Also, those who not only take care of the bones, but also moves them further into the wilds than most would. Bonus point if you left them in the desert or the jungle biomes.
But these days, I'll take anyone that doesn't do beginner mistakes and are up to date on the meta.
Carrot watcher.
Seriously it's a terrible and thankless job but you know when the carrots aren't being watched. Seeds take an hour to despawn and the rows never despawn now. The balance still feels off.
It's either feast or famine.
Milkweed farmer
So many things in a village depend on milkweed. Boxes, buckets, doors, carts, bows, arrows!
Tool returner
Always return broken tools to the forge. Bonus points for combining broken tools and getting the crucible ready.
Plate returner
Pottery maker. Gathers clay from the swamps and makes more bowls/plates. In most villages, you can set up below the forge. Just be sure to coordinate properly with the smith so you are not getting in each other's way. In larger towns, it is a good idea to make your own kiln and move the charcoal to the necomen pump when you are done with each batch of pottery. You can never have too many bowls/plates.
Berry patch path-maker. Look at the huge, unorganized berry patch. Envision something better. Make it happen. I will usually focus on surrounding the patch with borders to slow berry patch creep, then work on adding north/south paths between every third or fourth row to allow easy picking and tending. Necessary tools include stakes, froe, mallet, mallet, and shovel. A cart is helpful for moving boards/logs. For bonus points, bring a few loads of firewood to the main fire too. Removing bushes by yourself is challenging, but not impossible. Just requires good reflexes. Or get a partner to add the water.
Dairy cow milker/Bucket maker - Any town that has a cow, but doesn't have a lot of milk around probably needs someone doing this job. Plant milkweed, make buckets, milk cow. Repeat.
-The person who waters the berries on the corners of the sheep pen
That's me! I always seem to be doing that job, and I swear, sometimes it seems like I'm the only one who ever does it.
I'd agree with the things others have said, including firewood-fetching, pottery-making, milkweed-farming, carrot-wrangling, and body cleanup. That last, in particular, gets my vote for most underrated job, and it's something even the very newest and most clueless players can do to be genuinely helpful.
I might also add in wet nursing, water pumping, and building a cistern (or more than one) near the pump.
Janitor: Keeping the town clean and orderly. Actually requires a lot of game knowledge to know how to deal with and where every item should go.
I was just the village radio dj. It'll probably never happen again but it was fun bringing radio to the nursery. I was broadcasting as three dog, and had another dj working the mic, giving out murder news and singing when I was doing stuff in between.
I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.
I was in the village you broadcasted from ( i think? )
I remember someone said chad alpha is an ass
Yeah I was an alpha. There were a few curious folk messin with the transmitter, and I had to put both back together a few times. I was also a woodcutter that life. That's where I would type all the quotes I could remember, and just string them when I got to the radio.
Edit I was actually an omega, but I think there were alpha and omega.
Last edited by Grim_Arbiter (2019-03-22 01:19:36)
I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.
yes, a player has to have the knowledge where what stuff goes & that it's vital to the town to have things sorted out
i think the most underrated jobs are
kindling making
newcommen pump maintenance
moving bones out of the way
the first two are already quite complex & require tools, which are usually not there,
so one has to make those on the way, even if it's just basket, at times already that feels like a challenge
i am usually janitor (kindling, wood, pottery, round stones, sharp stones, flint chips, needles, wool, thread, milkweed, milkweed seeds in bowl, stones for a well, plates to bakery, carrot picking, carrot seed warning, wheat sawing, compost making, cleaning bones, charcoal making, newcommen pump firing) or already making a shovel or hunting rabbits ... the list goes on
since i am unable to do all those jobs at once, so something won't be made & then i will have to, because it's s stepping stone for something else on which i was working
what has radio to do with underrated jobs ?
- - -
futurebird wrote:-The person who waters the berries on the corners of the sheep pen
That's me! I always seem to be doing that job, and I swear, sometimes it seems like I'm the only one who ever does it.
I'd agree with the things others have said, including firewood-fetching, pottery-making, milkweed-farming, carrot-wrangling, and body cleanup. That last, in particular, gets my vote for most underrated job, and it's something even the very newest and most clueless players can do to be genuinely helpful.
I might also add in wet nursing, water pumping, and building a cistern (or more than one) near the pump.
Unless you're relying on those berries for wool or mutton production, you're better off leaving them unwatered. It makes it take longer for a griefer to kill them, because they'd have to water it first, then wait for the berries, pick them off, etc.
Steam name: starkn1ght
The Berry Bush Song
The Compost Cycle
what has radio to do with underrated jobs ?- - -
It was basically a job, and I thought it was underrated.
I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.
I have one to add:
Teaching Noobs ANYTHING. It takes patience and skill to teach in game and when you see someone teaching support them, bring food, don't jump in and do the job quickly give new players a little space to learn.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
]Unless you're relying on those berries for wool or mutton production, you're better off leaving them unwatered. It makes it take longer for a griefer to kill them, because they'd have to water it first, then wait for the berries, pick them off, etc.
Fair point. The big problem is that people don't give them soil, and then they die and become very, very easily griefable, which is what I'm usually trying to prevent.
I have one to add:
Teaching Noobs ANYTHING. It takes patience and skill to teach in game and when you see someone teaching support them, bring food, don't jump in and do the job quickly give new players a little space to learn.
Thank you! It's so frustrating when I'm standing there telling a new person, "OK, now, you put soil on this bush," and have someone swoop in and soil and water every single bush while the newbie is trying to figure out how to pick up the dirt. I know they're usually just trying to be efficient, and probably aren't paying attention, but I swear I've seen people do it when they could tell perfectly well that I was trying to get the trainee to do it, just because... what? They want to show how much better they are at it then someone who's been playing for half an hour? Whatever, guys. Buy my eternal gratitude to those who've seen what I was doing and made a point of leaving bushes for the noobs to practice on, or even bringing stuff they'll need, like a bowl or a basket.
I like to be a Carter, and the way I think about this role, you end up doing a lot of the jobs in the OP and other's lists.
The general idea is to keep things moving around the town.
1) get kindling to the baker and smith
2) get firewood to the eternal central fire, and get butt logs as far aaawaaaay from it as possible.
3) If compost is not running and/or held up, go get soil from outside of town, and put it where it is needed.
4a) find the lost stuff and put it somewhere that people are more likely to want it. A random squash sitting alone in the bakery is trash. A squash sitting in the stew farm with the crocks, etc. is going to become stew.
4b) For each major station, make sure they have the tools they need and none of the tools they don't need. (Stew farm needs one sharp stone, one round stone, one flint piece, at least three bowls, two plates but never more than two, a hatchet OR an axe (not both), and all the empty crocks. If someone makes turkey broth, they can find the crocks here.)
5) Clean out the bones of the dead - this is especially important for the nursery and the edge of the berry patch, because babies will abandon a place that looks like there was just a massacre.
6) get the stone blocks to the pen and/or smithy,
7) get the butt logs to the current building site.
8) get the pork outside of town and yell at anyone who brings it back.
9) drop everything and get that broken steel tool to the smithy STAT! Cause you never know when the last broken tool is about to decay away (that's happened to me toooo many times...)
That's usually about it. In the meantime of working your way around the town, you are more likely than most to notice the bushes on the pen corners that desperately need soil, the newcommen pump that needs to be run, etc. But those aren't really "carting" tasks perse...
--Blue Diamond
I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.
Why oh why do people bring: squash, eggs, ducks, cabbage etc. to the bakery? Why? And why don't more people know that tires and palm kernals *do* belong just before a big bake?
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
tree planting: it's just so op over generations, it only takes a few trees to plant more of them later, plant 4 pines as a tradition, each kid does that you get plenty of firewood and boards
optimizer: a little initiative can mean everything
digging up badly placed bushes, placing wooden boards around farms
making fences for horses on strategic locations (water, near long roads, rabbits, etc)
making cisterns to store water, designing something that saves time along the way and it looks nice
this also motivates others to work hard
or just making new kilns for the car making with more space around it
outpost maker/traveler/scout/escort/messenger
just go, plant some bushes, during a famine take some people, then take them back, i liked this kind of games, it's like not that useful but is my kind of role play, escorting others to new locations, running for a bell (especially if there is no bell just some coordinates), kindapping a girl back home or takign one out for an outpost, makes more interesting lifes
making an outpost which is better than the main city
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
Fire wood runner is a full time job in big towns. A man with axe and a cart going far away for firewood is a great resource. Sometimes if you have a backpack you can pick up rares while on a wood run (iron cinnabar discarded tools extra plates ect)
Explorer is also a good role a cart full of onions burdock cactus fruit or bananas cand do wonders for yum very quickly and easily as these foods are very rare in older citys but often just a short walk away. An experienced smith, baker, machinest, sheep hearder will really appreciate an additional +3 even if newer players gobble some of it up.
Spreading pies around town is useful too along with bringing back plates. A basket of pies by the berrys keeps the berry munchers away. A basket of pies by the forge keeps the smithy working hard some bread in the nursery keeps mothers well fed. And if you also gather plates you keep the baker busy.
Hunter is a common role but misunderstood your focus (once sheep are established) is rabbits, seals and wolves. The warm clothing is better than a warm carpet or the fleeting joy of a turkey hat. Killing boars and bears is worthless unless you need to get rid of them for safety reasons.
Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.
Being a nurse:
It's fun to entertain the future of the village whilst giving them tips on how to play/help
Recent favorite lives:
Favio Pheonix,Les Nana,Cloud Charles, Rosa Colo [fed my little bro] Lucas Dawn [husband of magnolia] Jasmine Yu,Chogiwa, Tae (Jazz meister)Gillian Yellow (adoptive husband),Jason Dua, Arya Stark, Sophie Cucci, Cerenity Ergo ,Owner of Boris The Goose,Being Maria's mom, Santa's helper.
Curmudgeon - no one ever appreciates the old man yelling that 'You're doing it wrong!' even when THEY'RE DOING IT WRONG!
Steam name: starkn1ght
The Berry Bush Song
The Compost Cycle
Probably the fetchboy and the delivery kids.
You might not feel productive just carrying stuff left and right, organising stuff and putting things where they belong and neatly distributing food and returning plates, but you're hella saving time and frustration to people who do the dirty work.
Even going out and retrieving clothes, plates and other such items is grand.
Last edited by Amon (2019-03-22 23:01:22)
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