a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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A horse can make a big difference to a town if a responsible player who cares about the village is using the horse cart. Here are some things you can do:
-gather iron
-gather milkweed
-gather more lassos, always make a back-up horse first in case you die that way the village still has one
-gather clay (under-rated, people ooh and ahh when you come back with iron, but clay is just as key)
-make baskets: leave town with a sharp stone in your pack and one pie as back up food. Try not to eat the pie at all, grab wild food as you go. Stop in a swamp make 4 baskets then gather resources. Now the village has more baskets!
-seal skins (find a biome lock spot for the horse)
-rabbits (only if you find a stash with tons of them, could tie up the horse for too long)
-baskets with one triangle stone in them from kids who tried to go into the wild and die
-raiding ruins
-lining up stones for future roads, if the flat rocks are all in a line it will be easy to build
-If you don't know how to right a cart, don't take it out.
-taking a horse without a home marker is basically greifing. You will get lost, the village has no horse now.
Any horse tips?
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
The problem with horses currently is that if you fill all of its four slots up, the items inside are locked in (unless you placed something decaying in there, stuff in baskets will decay as well [i learnt this the hard way with iron])
For now, only bring three items, to take them out you swap them with a trash/placeholder item.
I don’t talk in-game unless it’s dire.
You can remove any item from a horsecart by making sure to place your cursor over the "basket area" of the horse cart. You need to click directly on the items, rather than on the body of the horsecart. This is the current work-around to the horsecart glitch from the update last week.
It should work, even if the cart is full of baskets.
put stakes, stone, sharp stone and a pie in pack
put adze shovel in cart
get 2 straight branches, use stone on it, use adze, put stakes, hit with stone, dig with shovel, put up fence
now this is a very good method to connect points in city, i had towns where the berry farm was far from the pen and pen was far from oven
basically if you got a 7x7 pen you can put middle as a fence, then go and gather the meat and transfer to oven
i generally don't like sub-optimal work spaces, so i make my own, and using horse cart, i make fence near it
also if you got a lot of clay, firewood, a few rabbits, you can place a fence and it helps a lot in long run
now you only need an extra mallet to move the fence further
this was the point where i became much better player, seeing the whole village, connecting spots
making long term gathering better
with a horse you can run out get a bunch of branches, clay, etc.
even if you got 5 rabbits, it's worth a fence, imagine you just go out, put up 5 snares, get 5 rabbits and go home, easy.
so each hole one snare and each group one fence
lot of times just using cart for 4 items is faster than stacking into baskets
just dump items in cart and pack and run multiple times
the one thing not many people know, that horses are biome locked, so if you see a small biome surrounded with other colors, you can use it as a stop, the horse wont go out of biome if no other biome is straight more than 8? tiles from any starting point
not sure about it but they got more limit than sheep, can be 6 or 7 not sure
so having a tiny ice tile or something, can hold the horse in
one life we had a horse but we couldn't find the city, and we didn't really cared, we made new town, told mom to keep horse in the ice, we had like 20 tiles of ice biome near home. we sarted from scratch, making tools, pen, so fences werent an option. i managed to gather a lot of iron, make mines and pen in one single life and the horse never ran too far
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
Bang it.
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he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl
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