a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Biggest I've Done
Lost a rubber tire cart in the wilds because "I''ll just go straight north, no need for a home-marker."
Biggest I've seen
3rd gen camp we just got sheep and needed a shovel badly because soil was a problem. My son says "I can smith" well, so can I but I'm not the fastest. We have just 4 iron, hard won from a long walk by me on foot. I get at making some stew and clothing for the baby boom we have been hit with. I'm frantic for a bit and stop by the forge to see about the shovel. My son is standing there with a bunch of newcomen engine parts. He used all the iron-- forgot you have to make steel. He say "WTF is this??"
I almost just stood there and starved!
Somehow we survived, though. And the same son saved me from yellow fever so. LOL I could not be that mad.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Worst one ive seen: Put the key for the box in the box, then closed the box
Last edited by Guppy (2019-03-24 21:22:29)
Back when I used to lag really bad, I was trying to clear out the sheep pen. Was trying to stab the last shorn sheep but I hit a lag spike and the mouflon walked right into the tile I was bouncing on with the knife. Someone walked up to the pen right after and was like “WTF???” I just ran off and killed myself afterwards because I was so ashamed of myself lol
Worst I saw was recently. I was shot with a bow and tried explaining how to heal an arrow wound but the lady who was trying to help ended up stabbing me and made me die faster lol
I usually play as Eve Storm. If you’re named Phoenix, Bear, Winter, or Summer, it’s probably me
well this is regarding to a bug
but we tried to open 2 chests so we made sign
guy had ? key
so obviously didn't open chest
but then i got back next life there and made new key and lock
well there was 4 more signs and a few chests locked in process cause we cant open any and cant open same thing with same key we locked
also the life when i tried extend pen but died before finishing it so probably i just let the sheep out
well this might have happened multiple times
like a few days ago i tried to move the cow so i pushed up the cow pen, put some soil, removed parts of old pen, attached to building
made 2 diagonal adobe pillars, but sheep kept moving in so i couldn't finish in time
i don't think they knew whats the plan and i died before, i would have needed to move a few more adobe and plant some bushes , basically my normal cow pen just using the same wall as the building, so 3 pillars, 5 bushes
most screwed up thing is what i seen, idiots cursing me and letting the real griefers roam around
i got sent to donkey town lately when a chick spent 20 min begging for packs, knife
she was holding a knife "asking" people to give a pack so when she got one i took it
then she wanted to "talk it out"
makes me uneasy to have some idiot with a knife in pack standign near me and she was boring
so i stab her
she was healed and i cursed her thinking she will die
somehow her idiot mother saved her and i got cursed for it multiple times
Oblong was there and seen it, even fed me but family relations are more important than truth, right?
i guess tiny whiny rooms at the wrong time are something that make me every time yell. this "oh well, this fuck up this town center as well" feeling never gets old
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
biggest ive done: didnt stab people, I was way too chill and peaceful back when I was a noob. basically every screw up ive done is not stabbing someone before they destroyed the civ.
one time i yoinked a car and got it lost 2 km away from a bell town, but it was about a month ago...
and I remember killing someone for making too much bread too. but it was funny, even after my mom stabbed me.
biggest ive seen: everytime someone flies off with a plane without kerosine packed in... it makes me die inside a little
I sign my ingame notes as Gio or Truz.
big baby: https://i.imgur.com/ZoLRpb3.png
most kids: https://i.imgur.com/3Vmffb4.png
People misdirecting and wasting curse points.
For instance, John II was the actual killer but people cursed John.
I got away with alot because of that.
Last edited by Bob 101 (2019-03-25 01:37:21)
oh boy
1. once i wanted to hand down a knife to a guy
he came along, i put the knife down, & no i didn't kill him with the knife, he grabbed it, put it into his backpack
only to starve to death a second later
since then i always make sure the other player is well nourished
2. clicked with a shovel to get to the sheep pen made out of tower bases - sheep started to pour out
alternative of the same
was with a bowl of water near a sheep pen made out of oven bases ... you can guess the rest
since those happened i became extremely cautious near the provisory sheep pens
3. few days ago
was running with a pickaxe in town searching for a cart
didn't notice to have clicked an ancient wall - result - corner of wall in rubble, pickaxe broken
4. made once a key instead of a knife
since then i forged way more than before, learned alot about forging since that mishap
5. yeah, killed a mouflon once too
it wandered into the knife meant for the shorn sheep
but the other guy was chill with it, he did manage even to catch another mouflon afterwards
- - -
1.) Was building a stone wall sheep pen because the camp was bordering a huge badlands with tons and tons of rocks, so figured would make something prettier than adobe base or bell tower base. Screwed up once and had to pick one piece because I was talking to someone while doing it. Figured one pick down for the pen isn't too bad. My helper saw I brokethe pick and felt bad so he went and made a new one. When he came back with the new one to show me, he accidently clicked the wall. We both just stopped for a sec, both typed ... Was fricken hilarious.
2.) Added a cow pen onto an existing sheep pen that had a cow loose in it. Totally forgot you can rope a newborn domestic cow, so we waited there waiting for the cow to enter the pen to trap it. When we finally achieved the goal, i went to do something else for a second. When I came back my helper was asking someone to help remove a berry bush. Before I could stop him he removed the bush holding the cow inside it. When the cow wandered into the open area and he realized what he had done, he said he couldn't live with the shame and ran into the desert. As sad as was that so much of that life was invalidated by an accident, it was funny to have someone share that and simply just roll the dice and try again.
looks like OHOL has in store lessons in shame
never thought about that from that perspective, interesting ...
Trying to put a bow down next to my son, and he moves, so I end up killing him. Tried to get him to the medic in time, but we were too slow.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
Worst one ive seen: Put the key for the box in the box, then closed the box
Ayyy I was gonna say that as my fuckup, so you must have been my witness.
I've gotten a bit smarter now.
Worse I ever saw: One woman asking another to stab her, a few minutes later 6 people were killed in the resulting blame game.
Last edited by BerrypickerAF (2019-03-25 16:59:19)
Getting lost is the biggest mistake i make. Go out for iron find a whole cart full never make it home
murdering griefers leads to big mistakes being made as well there was a young girl wasting all the villages berrys and pies by force feeding everyone constantly i was just a baby watching it happen and my mom was asking her to stop. She said ok many times and by the time i grew hair my mom stabbed her and was quickly shot with a bow. The griefer was healed and my mother (a capable sheep tender) was dead. I went on to keep sheep in her place and the griefer learned to use a bow and murdered a few before i died.
Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.
Well if you die with a cart of iron, some one may find it some day and have a great bonanza moment... so there is that. I found such a cart in my last game.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Meant well and tried to teach the town how to heal after a griefer came...sounds ok right? So somene stabned another, but instead of staying still the victem ran away to ask for help. Due to lack of orginization 5 townspeople died...from medicine
Recent favorite lives:
Favio Pheonix,Les Nana,Cloud Charles, Rosa Colo [fed my little bro] Lucas Dawn [husband of magnolia] Jasmine Yu,Chogiwa, Tae (Jazz meister)Gillian Yellow (adoptive husband),Jason Dua, Arya Stark, Sophie Cucci, Cerenity Ergo ,Owner of Boris The Goose,Being Maria's mom, Santa's helper.
Guppy wrote:Worst one ive seen: Put the key for the box in the box, then closed the box
Ayyy I was gonna say that as my fuckup, so you must have been my witness.
I've gotten a bit smarter now.Worse I ever saw: One woman asking another to stab her, a few minutes later 6 people were killed in the resulting blame game.
Did you get stabbed for it? If you did, It really was me witnessing it
Worst I've seen: Hard to think of the worst. I've seen so many... Two lives ago I watched a guy build an oven like 3 steps away from the forge, said "food" as a reason why, then starved. I suicided about 5 minutes later when I realized that eve camp was in a horrible spot, and I was male regardless.
Worst I've done: Well, a life ago I was born to a certain Eve Winter, who found an abandoned town. I spotted a seal skin coat and went to lead her towards it [I was about 2]. Instead of following and putting it on, she yelled at me for jumping, ignored my attempts to talk to her, and let me starve.
I guess I learned my lesson! Don't try to show your mothers things as a baby. Because being the esteemed players they are, they'll scream at you for jumping and let you starve Should've just waited til hands and taken it for myself.
Last edited by Jk Howling (2019-03-27 02:36:16)
-Has ascended to better games-