a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I'm bad about this, but from now on I'm ignoring such threads here. Rather see someone brag about doing something positive. And it's counter intuitive but any response is what a griefer wants. Which is why if one kills me I say nothing except perhaps a curse. Should do the same on this forum in the future. Respond to the posts from people doing something cool or fun instead.
Last edited by futurebird (2019-03-25 17:40:20)
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Yes please. People who only cause trouble dont deserve our attention negative or otherwise
Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.
Seriously, even an excessive braggart with no sense of humility comes as ten times better than a griefer who belongs in donkey town.
Last edited by Spoonwood (2019-03-25 17:49:55)
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
this is true, but sometimes its fun scolding griefers.
I don't know. I think that you are right that griefers who post about their acts are seeking attention, positive or negative. "Don't feed the trolls" is almost always good advice on the internet. But also think it is important to let people know when they are out of line - when their behavior is not acceptable or approved by the community.
It might seem pretty obvious that it is wrong to murder entire villages or kill other people for your own amusement. You wouldn't think that would be hard to understand. Yet people can be surprisingly good at justifying their own actions and fail to see what their behavior looks like from another person's perspective. Griefers rarely think of THEMSELVES as griefers. They might realize that some of their actions "look like griefing" ... but they always have a good reason for doing terrible things to the village, so it's not really griefing, right?
I doubt that telling a griefer that they are acting inappropriately will have much effect, in most cases. But there is always the hope that they might be misguided instead of purely malicious. If no one says anything against their actions, they will have no reason to self-reflect and no reason to change their ways. Worse yet, it encourages people to assume that griefing is acceptable gameplay in OHOL. I don't want this game to become as toxic as some multiplayer survival games. The community spirit and spontaneous cooperation between players within a village is one of the things that I most prize about this game. Griefing is an unfortunate side effect of human nature. It will always be a part of the game, but it shouldn't be tolerated. It needs to be actively discouraged so that the better side of OHOL remains strong and vibrant.
How about whenever a griefer brags...we post here! Thier topic will die, and we can all bathe in the salt! But - don't mention thier name, mention the family killed. That way they get even less attention
Recent favorite lives:
Favio Pheonix,Les Nana,Cloud Charles, Rosa Colo [fed my little bro] Lucas Dawn [husband of magnolia] Jasmine Yu,Chogiwa, Tae (Jazz meister)Gillian Yellow (adoptive husband),Jason Dua, Arya Stark, Sophie Cucci, Cerenity Ergo ,Owner of Boris The Goose,Being Maria's mom, Santa's helper.
How about whenever a griefer brags...we post here! Thier topic will die, and we can all bathe in the salt! But - don't mention thier name, mention the family killed. That way they get even less attention
the thing is, is that we need to know their names so that we know who we're talking about. so that we can condemn their acts and specify whom we're raving on about, yeah it's giving them attention that they're so desperate for. but we need to know their names so that we can purge them, and scold them for their actions directly. i apologize for my repetitive blob of text.
There is no purging though. And they do want the scolding. Im guilty of giving into it but knowing the name actually doesnt help. Likely, by the time you see the name in this thread its too late to curse and you should only curse when you have seen the situation with your own eyes, since anyone could just try to send people to donkey town as grief too. Lets not say their names.
How about whenever a griefer brags...we post here! Thier topic will die, and we can all bathe in the salt! But - don't mention thier name, mention the family killed. That way they get even less attention
That's a great idea Walrus. We'll just resurrect this post, to emphasize to them exactly how totally basic and common bragging griefers are. The community has dealt with bragging griefers before and we will again.
I do read the posts - and suggest others do too. It's good to know what the "other side" is up to.
And FYI, the Choi family recovered super fast. I was born as a girl in the family less than an hour after poor cousin Arlo passed. By then there were nearly double digits of both women and girls again. I felt zero guilt taking off for a pioneer run.
--Blue Diamond
I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.
My recommendation is that we use this thread to talk about cool lives we have lived and villages we have been in WITHOUT any griefers involved.
They want the attention, so don't make it about them. Make it about the people who really matter - that cool mom who taught you how to hunt turkeys ... or that old man who was making a huge road north that you decided to help extend until you were too old and had to pass the duty on to another young boy ... or your older sister who kept you alive when your mother died to a wolf attack while you were still too small to hold a gooseberry.
I'm the old man who taught you how to fight with a knife and then drafted you to plunder a village. Valuable lessons.
What is an ominous blade blank?
It's that blade blank next to the file and short staff you see in a naked toddler's basket.
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